Ciencia Ficción USA años 50 [17/09/2019]

Este foro recoge las filmografías que los usuarios han recopilado como excelentes guías de consulta.
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Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción USA años 50 [17/09/2019]

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 15:22

Filmografía completa de la Ciencia Ficción
Estadounidense de los años 50 (1950-1959)

Esta filmografía fue iniciada por superlopez
Actualizada y completada el 11/01/2011 por Jacob
Jacob escribió:He completado la filmografía añadiendo fichas para todos los films de ciencia ficción producidos en Estados Unidos (USA) en los años 50 (del 50 al 59). He utilizado para ello el listado que proporciona IMDb. De este listado excluí una o dos películas que eran coproducciones (he dejado alguna otra). Y he añadido también uno o dos films que no aparecen en ese listado (por considerarlos terror u horror en vez de ci-fi), pero que se pueden considerar sin problemas de ciencia ficción. Si os acordáis de alguno más dadme un toque.

Ojo, en esta filmo sólo entran los films producidos en USA, y del año 50 al 59. Por favor, tenedlo en cuenta.
Mensaje original de superlopez:

Esta es una recopilación de las películas mas significativas de ciencia ficción
americana de los años 50. Las peliculas estan ordenadas por año de estreno
y no pretende ser exhaustiva. A ver si poco a poco y con la ayuda de todos vamos
recopilando elinks de estas peliculas "de marcianos" y "de monstruos"
de toda la vida. Si echais de menos algún título, lo posteais y lo incorporo de
inmediato a la lista. Todos los datos los he tomado del numero 14/15 de la revista
Nosferatu que publicó un monográfico dedicado a este subgénero CIENCIA FICCION
U.S.A. AÑOS 50. Que las disfruteis. (Enlaces actualizados al 23/8/2003)

[Editado el 23/8/2003 por superlopez]
Última edición por Jacob el Mar 13 Ago, 2013 12:40, editado 9 veces en total.

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 15:22

Destination Moon

Con destino a la Luna

Director: Irving Pichel
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 92'
Guión: Alford Van Ronkel, Robert A. Heinlein, James O'Hanlon (Novela: Robert A. Heinlein)
Fotografía: Lionel Lindon (B&W)
Música: Leith Stevens
John Archer
Warner Anderson
Tom Powers
Dick Wesson
Erin O'Brien-Moore

El empresario Archer, el general retirado Powers y el investigador aeroespacial Anderson colaboran en la puesta en órbita de un cohete propulsado con energía atómica. Construyen la nave espacial "Luna" en una base secreta del desierto de Mojave, pero agentes de una potencia extranjera intentan sabotearles. Cuando ven peligrar la misión, deciden adelantarse a sus enemigos y despegar con destino a la Luna...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkCon Destino A La Luna (Destination Moon. Irving Pichel (1950)) (DvDRip XviD DUAL).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Rocketship X-M

Cohete K-1

Director: Kurt Neumann
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 77'
Guión: Orville H. Hampton, Kurt Neumann, Dalton Trumbo
Fotografía: Karl Struss (B&N)
Música: Ferde Grofé Sr.
Lloyd Bridges
Osa Massen
John Emery
Noah Beery Jr.
Hugh O'Brian
Morris Ankrum
Patrick Aherne
Sherry Moreland
John Dutra

El Cohete K-1 despega en su primera misión a la Luna, llevando a bordo al Dr. Karl Eckstrom, a la bella matemática Lisa Van Horn, al coronel Floyd Graham, al navegador Harry Chamberlin y al ingeniero de vuelo Bill Corrigan. Durante el vuelo una lluvia de meteoritos los desvía de su trayectoria y la tripulación pierde el conocimiento. Al despertar se encuentran vagando por el espacio sin saber cuánto tiempo han estado inconscientes. Su nave, en lugar de dirigirse hacia la Luna, se está aproximando a Marte...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Rocketship X-M (1950).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Prehistoric Women

The Virgin Goddess

Director: Gregg C. Tallas
País: USA
Duración: 74'
Guión: Sam X. Abarbanel (original screenplay), Gregg C. Tallas (original screenplay)
Laurette Luez, Allan Nixon, Joan Shawlee, Judy Landon, Mara Lynn, Jo-Carroll Dennison, Kerry Vaughn, Tony Devlin, James Summers, Dennis Dengate, Jeanne Sorel, Johann Petursson, John Frederick, Janet Scott, David Vaile

"Savage! Primitive! Deadly!"
Tigri (Laurette Luez, working her way up to Bomba and Bowery Boys films) and her stone-age girl friends hate all men...

Well the opening is filmed in darkness, but a little fiddling with the brightness and contrast fixed that problem.This is a simple movie, with narrative. Not much on plausibility I think those men WANTED to be caught!And the panther scene and the giant vs the tiger scenes are funny. But the first Tiger scene is actually well done considering the rest of the film. Not much to study, and after 53 years other serious (Well as far as serious can go and get wide release and not be thought immoral) films of modern make are far better. It is hard to have non-amazons over-power athletes.But all in all a good Liberal arts film.

Web-dl 720p VOSI (calidad regular):
ed2k linkPrehistoric Women (1950) 720p Amazon WEB-DL DD+ 2.0 x264-TrollHD.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkPrehistoric women (Gregg C. Tallas, 1950).avi ed2k link stats

The Invisible Monster

The Invisible Monster

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 167'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (written by)
Richard Webb, Aline Towne, Lane Bradford, Stanley Price, John Crawford, George Meeker, Keith Richards, Dale Van Sickel, Tom Steele, Marshall Reed, Forrest Burns, Eddie Parker, Frank O'Connor, Charles Regan, Charles Sullivan

"SUSPENSE CHARGED SERIAL THRILLS!...As The Monster Ruler Wreaks His Mad Vengeance Upon All Who Dare To Defy Him! (original poster)"

Evil villain plots to take over the world using an army of invisible soldiers.

Atom Man vs. Superman

Atom Man vs. Superman

Director: Spencer Gordon Bennet
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 252'
Guión: George H. Plympton, Joseph F. Poland, Arthur Hoerl, Lewis Clay, Royal K. Cole (Personajes: Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster)
Fotografía: Ira H. Morgan
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikoff
Kirk Alyn
Noel Neill
Tommy Bond
Carol Forman
George Meeker
Jack Ingram
Pierre Watkin
Terry Frost
Charles King
Charles Quigley
Herbert Rawlinson

Superman se deberá enfrentar a Lex Luthor, quien usa un aparato de teletransportación, y se esconde bajo el pseudónimo de Hombre Atómico (Atom Man) para realizar sus crímenes. Serial de 15 episodios.

DVDRip VO (15 capítulos - Completo):
ed2k linkAtom Man Vs Superman (1950) Xvid - Theatrical Serial - All 15 Chapters (DDR).emulecollection ed2k link stats

Flying Disc Man from Mars

Flying Disc Man from Mars

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 167'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (written by)
Walter Reed, Lois Collier, Gregory Gaye, James Craven, Harry Lauter, Richard Irving, Sandy Sanders, Michael Carr, Dale Van Sickel, Tom Steele, George Sherwood, Jimmy O'Gatty, John De Simone, Lester Dorr, Dick Cogan


A single-handed hero sets himself against Martians trying to assume control of Earth.

1080p VO tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkFlying.Disc.Man.from.Mars.1950.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats

The Flying Saucer

El disco volador

Director: Mikel Conrad
País: USA
Duración: 69'
Guión: Mikel Conrad (screenplay), Mikel Conrad (story), (more)
Mikel Conrad, Pat Garrison, Hantz von Teuffen, Earle Lyon, Lester Sharpe, Russell Hicks, Frank Darien, Denver Pyle, Roy Engel, Garry Owen, Virginia Hewitt, George Baxter, Philip Morris, Robert Boon

"Have we visitors from outer space?"

Both the CIA and KGB investigate UFOs in Alaska: friend or foe?

ed2k linkThe Flying Saucer (1950) DVDRip VO.avi ed2k link stats

Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man

Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man

Director: Charles Lamont
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 82'
Guión: John Grant, Robert Lees, Frederic I. Rinaldo (Historia: H.G. Wells)
Fotografía: George Robinson (B&W)
Bud Abbott
Lou Costello
Nancy Guild
Arthur Franz
Adele Jergens
Sheldon Leonard
William Frawley
Gavin Muir

Abbott y Costello son dos detectives que reciben en su despacho a su primer cliente: un boxeador llamado Tommy Nelson acusado injustamente de haber matado a su mánager; un crimen que Tommy dice no haber cometido. Acompañado de los dos detectives, el púgil visita a un doctor, que le inyecta el suero de la invisibilidad, para que así pueda demostrar su inocencia...

ed2k linkAbbott And Costello - 1951 - Meet The Invisible Man.avi ed2k link stats

Lost Continent

El Continente Perdido

Director: Sam Newfield
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 83'
Guión: Carroll Young, Richard H. Landau, Orville H. Hampton
Fotografía: Jack Greenhalgh (B&W)
Música: Paul Dunlap
Cesar Romero
Hillary Brooke
Chick Chandler
John Hoyt
Sid Melton
Whit Bissell
Hugh Beaumont
Murray Alper

Un grupo de científicos formado por el Profesor Rostov, el Doctor Philips y el Doctor Briggs, están realizando pruebas con uno de sus valiosos cohetes sobre Nueva Guinea. El cohete desaparece durante las pruebas y el gobierno recluta a un piloto de excepción, el Mayor Nolan, para que lleve una expedición de rescate a recuperarlo. Al volar sobre una isla selvática de la zona, una onda radioactiva inutiliza los controles del avión haciendo que se estrelle en lo más profundo de la selva. Allí descubrirán algo que podría cambiar el futuro de nuestro mundo...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkLost.Continent.1951.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k ed2k link stats
ed2k linkThe.Lost.Continent.1951.DVD-Rip.V.O.spanish.sub.rar ed2k link stats

Lost Planet Airmen

Lost Planet Airmen

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 65'
Guión: Royal K. Cole (writer), William Lively (writer), (more)
Tristram Coffin, Mae Clarke, Don Haggerty, House Peters Jr., James Craven, I. Stanford Jolley, Ted Adams, Stanley Price, Dale Van Sickel, Marshall Bradford, Douglas Evans, Tom Steele, David Sharpe, Arvon Dale

Young member of scientific group uses new rocket-powered flying suit to thwart shadowy saboteur known only as "Dr. Vulcan".



Director: Arch Oboler
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 93'
Guión: Arch Oboler (Poema: James Weldon Johnson)
Fotografía: Sid Lubow, Louis Clyde Stoumen (B&W)
Música: Henry Russell
William Phipps
James Anderson
Susan Douglas Rubes
Earl Lee
Charles Lampkin

El mundo queda destruido por una hecatombe nuclear. Sólo cinco personas sobreviven: una mujer embarazada, un neo-nazi, un afro-americano, un anciano y un derrotista que ve en esta catástrofe una oportunidad para empezar de nuevo...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkFive (Cinco) (1951).mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkFive.1951.Arch Oboler.avi ed2k link stats
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Subs en español - English subs (sin comprobar)

When Worlds Collide

Cuando los mundos chocan

Director: Rudolph Maté
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 83'
Guión: Sydney Boehm
Fotografía: John F. Seitz
Música: Leith Stevens
Richard Derr
Barbara Rush
Peter Hanson
Larry Keating
John Hoyt
Judith Ames

El planeta Tierra está amenazado por una estrella gigante, cuyo inminente choque supondrá el final del mundo. El Gobierno rehúsa escuchar a los científicos, pero un grupo de industriales privados financia la construcción de una nave espacial que transportará una cantidad limitada de gente a otro planeta, para comenzar allí una nueva civilización. Según se aproxima el fin, luchan contra el tiempo y contra el pánico de aquellos que se quedarán en la Tierra...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkWhen.Worlds.Collide.1951.1080p.WEBRip.DD2.0.x264-FGT.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkWhen.Worlds.Collide.1951.DVDRip.x264.AC3.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkCuando los mundos chocan (Maté, 1951) karma7-divxclasico DVDrip DUAL.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkCuando los mundos chocan.rar ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Man from Planet X

El ser del Planeta X

Director: Edgar G. Ulmer
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 71'
Guión: Aubrey Wisberg, Jack Pollexfen
Fotografía: John L. Russell (B&W)
Música: Charles Koff
Robert Clarke
Margaret Field
Raymond Bond
William Schallert
Roy Engel
David Ormont
Gilbert Fallman
Tom Daly

Un misterioso alienígena procedente del Planeta X se encuentra con un científico que estaba realizando un estudio del comportamiento de dicho astro. Las diferencias entre ambos incrementan la mutua curiosidad.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe man from planet X (1951).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkThe man from planet X (SPA).mp3 ed2k link stats (audio español)
Subs en español
ed2k linkThe man from planet X (1951) ed2k link stats

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

Superman and the Mole-Men

Superman and the Mole-Men

Director: Lee Sholem
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 58'
Guión: Richard Fielding (aka Robert Maxwell)
Fotografía: Clark Ramsey (B&W)
Música: Darrell Calker, Walter Greene
George Reeves
Jeff Corey
Phyllis Coates
Walter Reed
J. Farrell MacDonald
Stanley Andrews
Ray Walker
Hal K. Dawson
Phil Warren
Frank Reicher
Beverly Washburn

Clark Kent y Lois Lane llegan a un pequeño pueblo donde está ubicado el pozo petrolífero más profundo del mundo, para efectuar un artículo periodístico acerca del mismo, pero lo encuentran cerrado: misteriosos percances han obligado a ello. La muerte de un vigilante desvela que desde las profundidades de la Tierra surgen unos extraños seres, una civilización ignota a mitad de camino entro los humanos y los topos.

ed2k linkSuperman Y Los Mole-Men (Lee Sholem, 1951) VOSE Por Quimerico.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkThe Adventures Of Superman - George Reeves - (Theater Release) - Superman And The Mole Men (1951 B&W) lingua inglese.mpg ed2k link stats

Unknown World

Unknown World

Director: Terry O. Morse
País: USA
Duración: 74'
Guión: Millard Kaufman (original screenplay)
Bruce Kellogg, Otto Waldis, Jim Bannon, Tom Handley, Dick Cogan, George Baxter, Marilyn Nash, Victor Kilian, Harold Miller

"Drilling into the forbidding depths of the earth!"
Scientists use a gigantic drilling machine for an expedition to the center of the earth.

A group of scientists drive an enclosed vehicle into an extinct volcano and then bore more than a thousand miles into the earth. They're searching for underground sanctuaries in case the surface of the earth becomes uninhabitable due to nuclear warfare. This is one of those low-budget, black-and-white films from the 50's that you want to laugh at it, and while it does have its share of bad dialog and cheesy special effects, there's an earnest, committed quality here which eventually overcomes most of the obvious faults. Viewers looking for cheap thrills will be disappointed.

Hilo en DXC
Ripeos en VE (Versión doblada al Español):
ed2k linkMundo desconocido (Unknown World).1951.DVDRip.esp.XP.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkUnknown.World.(Mundo.Desconocido.1951).Divx.5.1.1.spanish.Vhs-Rip.por.Forfil.avi ed2k link stats

VHSRip VO (mala imagen):
ed2k linkUnknown World (1951) VO.avi ed2k link stats

The Thing from Another World

El enigma de otro mundo

Director: Christian Nyby
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 87'
Guión: Charles Lederer (Historia: John W. Campbell)
Fotografía: Russell Harlan (B&W)
Música: Dimitri Tiomkin
Kenneth Tobey
Margaret Sheridan
Robert Cornthwaite
Douglas Spencer
Dewey Martin
James Arness

Un visitante hostil de otro planeta es detectado por una estación de radar situada en el ártico. Película de culto dentro del género, todo un clásico con excelentes interpretaciones y un insoportable suspense. Famosa cinta de ciencia-ficción en la que el productor Howard Hawks planificó y supervisó todo el rodaje. En 1982 John Carpenter dirigió un conocido remake, titulado "La cosa".

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p Dual SE:
ed2k linkThe.Thing.from.Another.World.1951.BDRip.1080p.Dual.SE.BDrip.1080p.x264-ACC.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkDas.Ding.aus.einer.anderen.Welt.-.The.Thing.From.Another.World.(1951).DVDrip.XVID.Dual.German-English.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Flight to Mars

Vuelo a Marte

Director: Lesley Selander
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 72'
Guión: Arthur Strawn
Fotografía: Harry Neumann
Música: Marlin Skiles
Marguerite Chapman
Cameron Mitchell
Arthur Franz
Virginia Huston
John Litel
Morris Ankrum
Richard Gaines
Lucille Barkley
Robert Barrat

Una nave espacial aterriza en Marte y los astronautas deben luchar contra los marcianos que quieren tomar el vehículo para atacar la Tierra.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkFlight to Mars (1951).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Mysterious Island

La isla misteriosa

Director: Spencer Gordon Bennet
País: USA
Duración: 252'
Guión: Lewis Clay (screenplay), Royal K. Cole (screenplay) , (more)
Richard Crane, Marshall Reed, Karen Randle, Ralph Hodges, Gene Roth, Hugh Prosser, Leonard Penn, Terry Frost, Rusty Wescoatt, Bernie Hamilton, William Fawcett, George Robotham, Stanley Blystone, Roy Butler, Frank Ellis

"OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD SERIAL THRILLS...As Mercury Space Ships Zoom Into This World!"

Union prisoners use a balloon to escape a Southern prison camp near the end of the Civil War and end up marooned on a mysterious volcanic island with very unusual inhabitants.

The Whip Hand

The Whip Hand

Director: William Cameron Menzies
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 82'
Guión: Frank L. Moss, George Bricker
Fotografía: Nicholas Musuraca
Música: Paul Sawtell
Carla Balenda
Elliott Reid
Edgar Barrier
Raymond Burr
Otto Waldis
Michael Steele
Lurene Tuttle

En plena Guerra Fría, unos terroristas comunistas se han infiltrado en los Estados Unidos. Se han instalado en un pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra y desde allí intentan un ataque bacteriológico para apoderarse del país.

ed2k linkThe whip hand (William Cameron Menzies, 1951).avi ed2k link stats
Subs español:
ed2k linkThe whip hand (William Cameron Menzies, 1951) ed2k link stats

Captain Video, Master of the Stratosphere

Captain Video

Director: Spencer Gordon Bennet, Wallace Grissell
País: USA
Duración: 287'
Guión: Royal K. Cole (screenplay), Sherman L. Lowe (screenplay), (more)
Judd Holdren, Larry Stewart, George Eldredge, Gene Roth, Don C. Harvey, William Fawcett, Jack Ingram, I. Stanford Jolley, Skelton Knaggs, Jimmy Stark, Rusty Wescoatt, Zon Murray, William Bailey, Roy Butler, Tristram Coffin

"The hottest hero of all, in the greatest of all serials!"
Space hero Captain Video battles the evil Vultura on the planet Atoma.

I've yet to see a really great Columbia serial, they all seem to go on too long, and this didn't break the mould. It took me a long time to track down a copy (thank God for video) and it was black & white, missing the Cinecolor tinted sequences, but beggars can't be choosers. Planet Atoma looks dusty, and is ruled by despot Vultura, everyone is dressed in costumes left over from a "Buck Rogers" serial and he wants to rule the universe, starting with Earth! Captain Video and a young man who every one calls "Ranger" take him on. Between them they have a Gadget for every emergency and some left over, and space flight is as easy as catching the local bus.....but It's fun. By the way in all of the 15 episodes there's not one girl.

Two Lost Worlds

Two Lost Worlds

Director: Norman Dawn
País: USA
Duración: 61'
Guión: Boris Petroff (story), Tom Hubbard (adaptation), (more)
James Arness, Kasey Rogers, Bill Kennedy, Gloria Petroff, Pierre Watkin, Tom Hubbard, Jane Harlan, Tom Monroe, Michael Rye, Fred Kohler Jr., Tim Graham, Richard Bartell, Robert Carson, Joey Ray, Charlene Hawks

"Maddened prehistoric monsters wage warfare to the death!"
When the American clipper ship "The Queen" is attacked by pirates off the Hebrides in 1830, Mate Kirk...

This movie is available on video, and I recommend buying it. A problem with the bad movie genre (subgenre? metagenre?) is that it is dominated by science fiction and horror. Well, this movie has elements of both, but it is mainly an adventure film gone horribly wrong. So, it is often overlooked as a source of unintentional laughs. Here's 10 good reasons to see it:1. Look at the tattoos in the opening and closing title sequence.2. Is it a historical drama? A pirate adventure? A monster movie? Who knows?3. Bad narration -- lots of it! Could be missing pieces of soundtrack.4. James Aurness (sic) -- He was more expressive as the carrot in "The Thing"5. Bill Kennedy -- the grouchy costar was later a popular TV movie host in the Detroit area -- a special Michigan connection6. Fight montage sequence -- there must be stuff from 10 movies in here!7. You know, you can MOVE that camera! But this cinematographer obviously wasn't aware -- he just turned the camera on, and people walked in and out of the shot. Guess he was in the can a lot.8. The monsters fight each other, but pose no threat to the humans. They should get guest star billing!9. If you can tell the two lead women apart, you're doing better than me.10. Last but not least -- the finale features the world's most powerful handheld telescope as a side-splitting topper.I've said enough -- and last but not least -- it's SHORT! The best quality a bad movie can have. This one's a winner, folks.

ed2k linkTwo Lost Worlds 1951 VO.avi ed2k link stats

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Ultimátum a la Tierra

Director: Robert Wise
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 89'
Guión: Edmund H. North (Historia: Harry Bates)
Fotografía: Leo Tover (B&W)
Música: Bernard Herrmann
Michael Rennie
Patricia Neal
Hugh Marlowe
Sam Jaffe
Billy Gray
Frances Bavier
Lock Martin

Una nave extraterrestre llega a la tierra con la misión de entregar a los hombres un importante mensaje. El mundo entero queda conmocionado el día en que, sin previo aviso, un platillo aterriza en Washington y de él sale Klaatu, un alienígena de aspecto humano acompañado de Gort, un amenazante robot. Klaatu hace una petición a todos los gobernantes del mundo, pero es rechazada. Así las cosas, Klaatu decide observar cómo viven los humanos y, para ello, se hospeda en la casa de una mujer (Patricia Neal), madre de un chico, con el que Klaatu entabla amistad.

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p Dual SE:
ed2k linkThe.Day.the.Earth.Stood.Still.1951.BDRip.x264.1080p.AAC.Dual.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkUltimátum a la Tierra (Robert Wise, 1951)( HDRip Dual.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkUltimátum a la Tierra (Robert Wise, 1951)( HDRip Dual.españ ed2k link stats
ed2k linkUltimátum a la Tierra (Robert Wise, 1951)( HDRip ed2k link stats

Jungle Manhunt

Jungle Manhunt

Director: Lew Landers
País: USA
Duración: 66'
Guión: Samuel Newman (screenplay), Samuel Newman (story)
Johnny Weissmuller, Bob Waterfield, Sheila Ryan, Rick Vallin, Lyle Talbot, Tamba, Rusty Wescoatt, Billy Wilkerson

"SAFARI INTO SAVAGERY! (original ad - all caps)"
Football player Bob Miller, played by an actual football player, is lost in the jungle. Who else to find him but Jungle Jim.

I had long been curious about the "Jungle Jim" movie series after reading about it in the Leonard Maltin movie guide. So when Turner Classic Movies scheduled three of the movies one afternoon, I decided to give them a look.After watching them, I can understand why there's been little effort to resurrect this series into the minds of modern moviegoers. To be sure, there are some unintentionally hilarious things about this series. There is the frequent use of stock footage, which may not have been obvious to '50s viewers, but is very obvious today. Much of the outdoor footage is obviously not shot in the wilds of Africa, but on the desert landscape of California. Jungle Jim, on the flimsiest of excuses, goes swimming at least once in every movie, and the underwater footage is obviously filmed through the glass window of a tank. I saw the same stone staircase in *all* of the Jungle Jim movies I watched.While there are some laughs to be found in these movies, there are also some unlaughable parts. Weissmuller was starting to show his age, sometimes looking significantly older than the age he actually was. And there's the treatment of natives in the movie. Despite the fact that the movies take place in Africa, the natives are played by Caucasians! (Though considering their simple-minded nature and willing to be bossed by Jungle Jim, people of African descent might actually be thankful.) As for THIS particular Jungle Jim adventure, like the others I watched, I found it to be (overall) somewhat dull and talky, though the use of stock footage from ONE MILLION B.C. and a shark/octopus fight (in a river in Africa?????) did provide some needed laughs. But at the end, I felt like I hadn't seen anything new. As I said in my summary line at the beginning of this review, if you've seen one JUNGLE JIM movie...

Fury of the Congo

Jim de la Selva y la furia del Congo

Director: William Berke
País: USA
Duración: 69'
Guión: Carroll Young (original screenplay), Alex Raymond (character creator)
Johnny Weissmuller, Sherry Moreland, William Henry, Lyle Talbot, Joel Friedkin, George Eldredge, Rusty Wescoatt, Paul Marion, John Hart, Pierce Lyden, James Seay, Blanca Vischer

Jungle Jim must protect rare pony-like animals whose glands produce a powerful narcotic. On the way, he fights a giant spider.

I obtained a copy of Fury of the Congo from the same source as the Bomba movies I have.In this one, Jungle Jim, a native woman and another man who is pretending to be their friend and is actually a hunter go and track down a group of hunters who have kidnapped all the native men. These hunters are after a rare breed of horse, the Okongo and want the native men to help them to kill the Okongoes as they are a source of a kind of drug. During the expedition, Jim and his companions face several dangers including dust storms and, best of all, a giant desert spider. The hunters are captured at the end, some of them killed and the native men are reunited with their wives. The Okongoes are safe and well too.As always, Johnny Wiessmuller plays Jungle Jim and the rest of the cast includes Lyle Talbot and William Henry.Fury of the Kongo is worth a look at if you get the chance. Quite hard to get hold of.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.

Monkey Business

Me siento rejuvenecer

Director: Howard Hawks
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 97'
Guión: Ben Hecht, Charles Lederer, I.A.L. Diamond
Fotografía: Milton Krasner (B&W)
Música: Leigh Harline
Cary Grant
Ginger Rogers
Charles Coburn
Marilyn Monroe
Hugh Marlowe
Henri Letondal
Robert Cornthwaite
Larry Keating
Douglas Spencer
Esther Dale
George Winslow

Un brillante químico -Cary Grant- inventa una fórmula para conseguir una bebida que impide envejecer, pero algo más de lo que se proponía cuando un chimpancé lo vierte en el depósito de agua potable. Los resultados son divertidísimos para el químico, que se convierte en un adolescente, su mujer -Ginger Rogers-, que comienza a tener un comportamiento infantil, y su "sexy" secretaria -Marilyn Monroe-.

Hilo en DXC
HD 720p Dual SE:
ed2k link1952-Monkey.Business.WEBRip.720p.AAC(DMMD).mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkMe siento rejuvenecer.(DvdRip-Dual).(Xvid-Mp3).(proteinicos).by.merxe.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkMe siento rejuvenecer.(DvdRip-Dual).(Xvid-Mp3).(subs.completos Es-En).(proteinicos).by.merxe.rar ed2k link stats

Zombies of the Stratosphere

Zombies of the Stratosphere

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 167'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (written by)
Judd Holdren, Aline Towne, Wilson Wood, Lane Bradford, Stanley Waxman, John Crawford, Craig Kelly, Ray Boyle, Leonard Nimoy, Tom Steele, Dale Van Sickel, Roy Engel, Jack Harden, Paul Stader, Gayle Kellogg

"Invasion From A Mystery Planet!"

The invaders come to Earth to create an H-bomb to blast Earth out of orbit so that Mars can take its place.

ed2k linkZombies of the Stratosphere COLORIZED Xvid MP3 Complete 12 parts.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkZombies.of.the.Stratosphere.(1952).FS.VHSRip.X264.AAC.(sharethefiles).mkv ed2k link stats

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

Red Planet Mars

Marte, el planeta rojo

Director: Harry Horner
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 87'
Guión: Anthony Veiller (Obra: John L. Balderston & John Hoare)
Fotografía: Joseph F. Biroc (B&W)
Música: Mahlon Merrick
Peter Graves
Andrea King
Herbert Berghof
Walter Sande
Marvin Miller
Willis Bouchey
Morris Ankrum
Orley Lindgren
Bayard Veiller

Una pareja de científicos americanos Chris y Linda Cronyn consiguen establecer contacto con Marte gracias a una válvula de hidrógeno inventada por Franz Calder, un científico nazi que trabaja para los rusos. Los primeros mensajes revelan un universo utópico. Sin embargo, al hacerse públicos, provocan una caos económico en todo el mundo occidental...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkRed planet Mars (1952).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Invasion USA

Invasion USA

Director: Alfred E. Green
País: USA
Duración: 73'
Guión: Robert Smith (story), Franz Schulz (story) , (more)
Gerald Mohr, Peggie Castle, Dan O'Herlihy, Robert Bice, Tom Kennedy, Wade Crosby, Erik Blythe, Phyllis Coates, Aram Katcher, Knox Manning, Edward G. Robinson Jr., Noel Neill, Clarence A. Shoop, Jack Carr, John Crawford

"It will scare the pants off you!"

A group of people at a bar witness the unfolding events of a Soviet invasion of the USA.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkInvasion.USA.1952.BOblivion.DVDRIP.XVID-CG.avi ed2k link stats

Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla

The Boys from Brooklyn

Director: William Beaudine
País: USA
Duración: 74'
Guión: Tim Ryan (writer), Leo 'Ukie' Sherin (additional dialogue) , (more)
Bela Lugosi, Duke Mitchell, Sammy Petrillo, Charlita, Muriel Landers, Al Kikume, Mickey Simpson, Milton Newberger, Martin Garralaga, Steve Calvert, Ray Corrigan, Billy Wilkerson

"A horror film that will stiffen you with laughter!"

Two goofy entertainers meet a mad scientist on a jungle island.

ed2k linkBela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla.avi ed2k link stats

Radar Men from the Moon

Guerra entre planetas

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 167'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (written by)
George Wallace, Aline Towne, Roy Barcroft, William Bakewell, Clayton Moore, Peter Brocco, Robert R. Stephenson, Don Walters, Tom Steele, Dale Van Sickel, Wilson Wood, Noel Cravat, Baynes Barron, Paul McGuire, Ted Thorpe


Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkRadar Men from the Moon (1952).emulecollection ed2k link stats

Captive Women

1000 Years from Now

Director: Stuart Gilmore
País: USA
Duración: 64'
Guión: Jack Pollexfen (writer), Aubrey Wisberg (writer)
Robert Clarke, Margaret Field, Gloria Saunders, Ron Randell, Stuart Randall, Paula Dorety, Robert Bice, Chili Williams, William Schallert, Eric Colmar, Douglas Evans, Marshall Bradford

In a post-apocalyptic New York City, three tribes of mutants (the Norms, the Mutates and the Upriver people) battle each other to survive.

Untamed Women

El valle de los dinosauros

Director: W. Merle Connell
País: USA
Duración: 70'
Guión: George Wallace Sayre (screenplay)
Mikel Conrad, Doris Merrick, Richard Monahan, Mark Lowell, Morgan Jones, Midge Ware, Judy Brubaker, Carol Brewster, Autumn Russell, Lyle Talbot, Montgomery Pittman, Miriam Kaylor

"They Feared No Monster - Yet Fell Before the Touch of Man!"
During World War II, an American bomber pilot is rescued after drifting at sea aboard a raft. After being administered truth serum...

This movie's a variation on the "men-are-stranded-with-lost-civilization-of-sex-starved-women" theme. A WWII bomber is forced down in the ocean, and after paddling their raft for a few days, the surviving men come ashore on the usual uncharted island, which is ruled by a race of women descended from the Druids (!).That's only the beginning of the fun, as the women are constantly pestered by "The Hairy Men", who are a bunch of actors dressed in animal skins and covered by fake hair. A few of the usual shots of lizards from "One Million Years B.C." are thrown in, there are battles with the "Hairy Men", and a volcanic eruption climax predictably ends the movie. The whole implausible story is told by Conrad in flashback to serious doctor Lyle Talbot and a nurse, who find the whole story a bit wild until "evidence" of its veracity is uncovered in the final shot.This movie is entertaining due to its bizarre plot, laughable dialogue, and plentiful action sequences. There's nothing quite like it, to be sure, so watch with an open mind.P.S.: Nomination for the movie's best line: "Ed, stand guard. Shoot anything with hair on it that moves!"

ed2k linkUntamed women (W. Merle Connell, 1952).avi ed2k link stats

Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land

Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land

Director: Lew Landers
País: USA
Duración: 65'
Guión: Samuel Newman (written by), (more)
Johnny Weissmuller, Angela Greene, Jean Willes, Lester Matthews, William Tannen, George Eldredge, Frederic Berest, Tamba, Clem Erickson, William Fawcett, John Hart, Frank Jaquet, Irmgard Helen H. Raschke

"JUNGLE WINDS WHISPERED, "BEWARE"! (original ad - all caps)"
Jungle Jim is forced to lead anthropologist Dr. Edwards into a land inhabited by giant people.

I know there are a lot of negative comments on IMDb regarding the series of Jungle Jim movies starring Johnny Weissmuller in the early 1950's. Yes, they were low budget films, and Johnny couldn't act his way out of a paper bag if his life depended on it. Nonetheless, I find these films fun, as long as you check your mind at the door while watching them.This entry in the series has Jungle Jim (Weissmuller) helping a pretty female anthropologist, Dr. Linda Roberts, (portrayed by actress Angela Greene) find the land of the Giants, a strange group of people who snarl like lions and look like werewolves on growth hormones. Of course we have to have the requisite bad guy, who is played by Lester Matthews, a corrupt commissioner who is stealing ivory from tusks of elephants.I love these movies because of the outrageous acts of daring do we are supposed to Jungle Jim wrestle underwater with a 2,000 pound hippo! See Jim go one on one with a black panther, rolling on the ground with it attacking him and emerge without a scratch, his khakis as clean and starchily pressed as if he just got them from the cleaners. It's hilarious, and all in good, clean fun.If you watch these movies knowing they are not to be believed, but just enjoyed, then you'll have a good time.

The Maze

The Maze

Director: William Cameron Menzies
País: USA
Duración: 80'
Guión: Daniel B. Ullman (written for the screen by), Maurice Sandoz (novel)
Richard Carlson, Veronica Hurst, Katherine Emery, Michael Pate, John Dodsworth, Hillary Brooke, Stanley Fraser, Lilian Bond, Owen McGiveney, Robin Hughes, Jack Chefe, Clyde Cook, Bess Flowers, Kenner G. Kemp, Harold Miller

"PLEASE do not reveal the amazing climax to your friends!"
A Scotsman abruptly breaks off his engagement to pretty Kitty and moves to his uncle's castle in the Scottish highlands...

I recently saw this film at a 3-D film festival in Hollywood. It was in polarized 3-D (Gray glasses not red & blue) It was so much fun to watch this film with an audience, the print was excellent and the 3-D perfect. The performances were over the top and that added to the fun, the surprise ending (that we aren't supposed to share with fellow movie go'ers, at least according to the movie trailer and poster) had people howling with laughter. By today's standards this is probably more comedy than horror but with the added dimension of 3-D (complete with cobwebs and bats coming out of the screen) this film was an entertaining romp into 50's horror.

HD 1080p VO:
ed2k linkThe.Maze.1953.1080p.BluRay.x264-SADPANDA.mkv ed2k link stats
Subs en español:
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It Came from Outer Space

Vinieron del Espacio

Director: Jack Arnold
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 81'
Guión: Harry Essex (Historia: Ray Bradbury)
Fotografía: Clifford Stine (B&W)
Música: Irving Gertz & Henry Mancini
Richard Carlson
Barbara Rush
Charles Drake
Joe Sawyer
Russell Johnson
Kathleen Hughes

Un astrónomo aficionado, John Putnam, y su prometida Eilen Fields contemplan las estrellas en el desierto cuando una nave espacial atraviesa el cielo y choca contra el suelo. Justo antes de que un corrimiento de tierras entierre la nave, una misteriosa criatura emerge y desaparece en la oscuridad. Por supuesto, cuando Putnam cuenta la historia al sheriff, nadie le cree, pero pronto empiezan a suceder cosas extrañas...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkIt.Came.from.Outer.Space.1953.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.mkv ed2k link stats
Subs Español y Francés:
ed2k linkIt.Came.from.Outer.Space.1953.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.sub ed2k link stats
ed2k linkIt.Came.from.Outer.Space.1953.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.idx ed2k link stats

ed2k linkIt Came from Outer Space.(Llegó del Espacio Exterior-Jack Arnold.1953).DVDRip English.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkAudio Esp. It Came From Outer Space (sincr. por Spade).mp3 ed2k link stats
ed2k linkIt Came from Outer Space.(Llegó del Espacio Exterior-Jack Arnold.1953).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkIt.Came.From.Outer.Space.(Vinieron.Del.Espacio.Exterior).1953.HQTV.720p.x264.AC3.(FrOnkY).mkv ed2k link stats

The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms

El monstruo de los tiempos remotos

Director: Eugène Lourié
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 80'
Guión: Fred Freiberger, Eugène Lourié, Lou Morheim, Robert Smith (Historia: Ray Bradbury)
Fotografía: John L. Russell (B&N)
Música: David Buttolph
Paul Hubschmid, Paula Raymond, Cecil Kellaway, Kenneth Tobey, Donald Woods, Lee Van Cleef, Steve Brodie, Ross Elliott, Jack Pennick

Tras un experimento nuclear, un deshielo provoca la vuelta a la vida de un dinosaurio, que sembrará el pánico entre la población.

Hilo en DXC
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Robot Monster

Robot Monster

Director: Phil Tucker
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 66'
Guión: Wyott Ordung
Fotografía: Jack Greenhalgh (B&W)
Música: Elmer Bernstein
George Nader
Claudia Barrett
Selena Royle
John Mylong
Gregory Moffett
Pamela Paulson
George Barrows

El siniestro Ro-Man XJ2 ha sido enviado a la Tierra para erradicar cualquier rastro de vida. Pero ocho personas han conseguido sobrevivir a su rayo mortífero gracias al suero desarrollado por un científico. Este último y su pequeña familia pretenden resistir al invasor, que empieza, a su pesar, a sentir algo extraño por la bella Alice.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkRobot-Monster.(Phil Tucker.1953).DVDRip English.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkRobot-Monster.(Phil Tucker.1953).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

English subs (sin comprobar)

Invaders From Mars

Invasores de Marte

Director: William Cameron Menzies
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 78'
Guión: Richard Blake
Fotografía: John F. Seitz
Música: Raoul Kraushaar
Helena Carter
Arthur Franz
Jimmy Hunt
Leif Erickson
Hillary Brooke
Morris Ankrum
Max Wagner
Bill Phipps
Milburn Stone
Janine Perreau

Desde la ventana de su habitación, el pequeño Jimmy divisa un platillo volante que aterriza cerca de su casa. Debido al extraño comportamiento que a partir de ese momento experimentan las personas que le rodean, acude en la ayuda de la doctora Pat Blake y su amigo el astrónomo doctor Kelston, llegando a la conclusión de que todo forma parte de un plan de invasión desde el planeta Marte.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkInvaders From Mars (1953).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkInvaders From Mars (1953) - Audio en Español (DivXClasico - Ci-Cl).mp3 ed2k link stats
Subs en español

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Abbott and Costello Go to Mars

Abbott y Costello van a Marte

Director: Charles Lamont
País: USA
Duración: 77'
Guión: D.D. Beauchamp (story), Howard Christie (story), (more)
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Mari Blanchard, Robert Paige, Horace McMahon, Martha Hyer, Jack Kruschen, Joe Kirk, Jean Willes, Anita Ekberg, James Flavin, Jackie Loughery, Ruth Hampton, Valerie Jackson, Renate Hoy

Lester and Orville accidentally launch a rocket which is supposed to fly to Mars. Instead it goes to New Orleans for Mardi Gras...

"Go to Mars" has been unfairly maligned as Abbott and Costello's worst film. A careful comparison to "Mexican Hayride" or "Dance With Me, Henry" would certainly prove this point. While it doesn't rate in their Top 10, "Go to Mars" has many funny and wonderful moments.Among the great gags: Costello asking Abbott for a nickel to go through the Lincoln Tunnel; The Statue of Liberty ducking out of the way of the rocket. Costello's reactions to space flight are also funny.What drags the film down for me in the rankings are the following two items. First, the "space map" the rocket scientist uses to point out Venus and Mars; How can he find the two small planets among numerous pictures of large galaxies? If the map were accurate, Venus and Mars would not be in the Solar System, they would be two stars between galaxies! If these nitwits were in charge of the space program we would have never gotten to the moon! Second, the last 20 or so minutes are rushed compared to the rest of the film. It seems that in no time at all, Costello has gone from a prisoner on Venus to king. And then, just as quickly, is dethroned. This portion of the film is over too quickly, especially considering the bevy of Venus beauties we get to see!Take a quick look: that's Harry Shearer of "The Simpsons" and "Spinal Tap" fame in an uncredited role as a boy at the orphanage early in the film. Not their best, but certainly not their worst. 6 out of 10.

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Abbott And Costello Go To Mars (1953).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkAbbott and Costello Go to Mars (Charles Lamont-Bud Abbott-Lou Costello-USA-1953).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkAbbott and Costello Go to Mars (1953).avi ed2k link stats

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Abbott y Costello contra el Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde

Director: Charles Lamont
País: USA
Duración: 76'
Guión: Howard Dimsdale (writer), Sid Fields (story), (more)
Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Boris Karloff, Craig Stevens, Helen Westcott, Reginald Denny, John Dierkes, Jimmy Aubrey, Wilson Benge, Marjorie Bennett, Judith Brian, Clyde Cook, Henry Corden, Harry Cording, John Daheim

"All New ! All Wild ! All Fun !"

Two bumbling American cops hunt for the mysterious Mr. Hyde in London, England

ed2k linkAbbott y Costello contra el Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde (Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) 1953 DVDRip VOSI.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkAbbott And Costello - 1953 - Meet Dr Jeckyl And Mr Hyde.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkAbbott & Costello Meet Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde (1953)-Vostfr.avi ed2k link stats

Cat-Women of the Moon

Las mujeres gato de la luna

Director: Arthur Hilton
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 64'
Guión: Roy Hamilton (Historia: Al Zimbalist, Jack Rabin)
Fotografía: William P. Whitley (B&W)
Música: Elmer Bernstein
Sonny Tufts
Victor Jory
Marie Windsor
William Phipps
Douglas Fowley
Carol Brewster
Susan Morrow
Suzanne Alexander
Bette Arlen
Roxann Delman

Una expedición espacial al mando del Comandante Laird Grainger, aterriza sobre la cara oculta de la Luna. La navegante Helen Salinger guía la expedición hacia una cueva en la que descubren un mundo habitado por mujeres gato que han eliminado a los hombres de su especie. Las mujeres gato revelan que atrajeron a Helen telepáticamente hacia ellas. Planean robar la nave para regresar a la Tierra y liberar a las mujeres terrícolas del poder masculino. Para ello, deben seducir a los hombres para que estos les enseñen a pilotar la nave.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkCat-Women of the Moon (1953) - vose.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkCat-Women of the Moon.(Arthur Hilton.1953).DVDRip English.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkCat-Women of the Moon.(Arthur Hilton.1953).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Donovan's Brain

El cerebro de Donovan

Director: Felix E. Feist
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 83'
Guión: Felix E. Feist, Hugh Brooke (Novel: Curt Siodmak)
Fotografía: Joseph F. Biroc (B&W)
Música: Eddie Dunstedter
Lew Ayres
Gene Evans
Nancy Davis
Steve Brodie
Tom Powers
Lisa Howard
James Anderson
Victor Sutherland
Michael Colgan
Peter Adams
Harlan Warde
Shimen Ruskin

Un millonario muere en un accidente de aviación cerca de la casa del profesor Patrick Cory, un científico que realiza experimentos sobre el cerebro. Cory decide extraer el cerebro del cadáver y mantenerlo vivo de manera artificial. Sin embargo, el cerebro se va adueñando progresivamente de la voluntad del científico cuando intenta comunicarse con él telepáticamente.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkDonovan's Brain (El cerebro de Donovan_1953) BDRip 720p VO (Subs Spa) by Dardo.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkDonovan's Brain.(El Cerebro de Donovan-Felix Feist Jr.-1953).DVDRip English.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkDonovan's Brain.(El Cerebro de Donovan-Felix Feist Jr.-1953).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Phantom from Space

El fantasma del espacio

Director: W. Lee Wilder
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 73'
Guión: William Raynor, Myles Wilder
Fotografía: William H. Clothier (B&W)
Música: William Lava
Ted Cooper
Tom Daly
Steve Acton
Burt Wenland
Lela Nelson
Harry Landers
Bert Arnold
Sandy Sanders
Harry Strang
Jim Bannon
Jack Daly
Michael Mark
Rudolph Anders

Un objeto volador no identificado proveniente de Alaska ha caído en el valle de San Fernando. A su paso causa interferencias en las ondas de radio y televisión. Un equipo de investigadores descubre que un extraterrestre asesino está aterrorizando la zona. Para escapar de sus perseguidores, se ha quitado el traje espacial y se ha vuelto invisible.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Phantom From Space.avi ed2k link stats ... lColorized
ed2k linkPhantom from Space (1953) DVDRip VOSE (V.Coloreada).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkPhantom from Space (1953) colorized -Españ ed2k link stats
ed2k linkPhantom from Space (1953) colorized ed2k link stats

Mesa of Lost Women

El ataque de las mujeres araña

Director: Ron Ormond, Herbert Tevos
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 70'
Guión: Herbert Tevos
Fotografía: Karl Struss, Gilbert Warrenton (B&W)
Música: Hoyt Curtin
Jackie Coogan
Allan Nixon
Richard Travis
Lyle Talbot
Paula Hill
Robert Knapp
Tandra Quinn
Chris-Pin Martin
Harmon Stevens
Nico Lek
Kelly Drake
John Martin
George Barrows
Candy Collins
Dolores Fuller
Dean Riesner

Un científico loco llamado Arana crea arañas gigantes y enanos en su laboratorio de Zarpa Mesa en Mexico. Quiere crear una nueva raza superior de supermujeres, inyectando veneno de araña en sus órganos genitales.

ed2k linkMesa of lost women 1953-vose-.avi ed2k link stats

Project Moon Base

Project Moon Base

Director: Richard Talmadge
País: USA
Duración: 63'
Guión: Robert A. Heinlein (screenplay), Jack Seaman (screenplay)
Donna Martell, Hayden Rorke, Ross Ford, Larry Johns, Herb Jacobs, Barbara Morrison, Ernestine Barrier, James Craven, John Hedloe, Peter Adams, Robert Karnes, John Straub, Charles Keane, John Tomecko, Robert Paltz

"Thrills Come Rocketing to the Screen as Science Smashes a New Frontier!"

In the not-too-distant future of 1970, the United States is considering building bases on the Moon,...

ed2k linkProject Moonbase (Donna Martell, Hayden Rorke) b&w (DVDrip) 1953.avi ed2k link stats

The Magnetic Monster

El monstruo magnético

Director: Curt Siodmak, Herbert L. Strock
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 76'
Guión: Curt Siodmak, Ivan Tors
Fotografía: Charles Van Enger
Música: Blaine Sanford
Richard Carlson
King Donovan
Jean Byron
Harry Ellerbe
Leo Britt
Leonard Mudie

Narra la historia de un sabio que crea, a partir de un experimento fallido, un isótopo radioactivo que comienza a magnetizar todo lo que le circunda, creciendo de tamaño, emitiendo energía y absorbiendo hidrógeno. Un pequeño planeta que implosiona cada once horas para ver aumentada su masa.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe.Magnetic.Monster.1953.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
Subs español:
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ed2k linkClassic.Sci-Fi.-.Magnetic.Monster,.The.(1953).(Drforbin.Rip).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkEl Monstruo Magnético (The magnetic monster) (Curt Siodmak, 1953).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k link[DIVX - ITA) Il Mostro Magnetico (1953) (TVrip).avi ed2k link stats

The War of the Worlds

La guerra de los mundos

Director: Byron Haskin
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 85'
Guión: Barré Lyndon (Novela: H.G. Wells)
Fotografía: George Barnes
Música: Leith Stevens
Gene Barry
Ann Robinson
Les Tremayne
Henry Brandon
Robert Cornthwaite
Jack Kruschen

Cerca de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos cae algo que, a primera vista, parece ser un meteorito. Los vecinos acuden al lugar del acontecimiento y descubren que un extraño objeto de que emerge una especie de ojo que empieza a disparar un rayo mortal. Es una nave marciana que, junto con otras muchas, ha llegado a la Tierra para conquistarla. La invasión está teniendo lugar simultáneamente en todo el planeta y ni siquiera la bomba atómica podría detenerla. La humanidad esta perdida.

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080 VOSI:
ed2k linkThe.War.of.The.Worlds.1953.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD2.0.H.264-SiGMA.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLa guerra de los mundos (1953)-karma7-DXC-DVDRip dual.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

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Subs en español - English subs

Planet Outlaws

Planet Outlaws

País: USA
Duración: 71'
Guión: Norman S. Hall (writer) (archive footage), Helen Leighton (narrative), (more)
Buster Crabbe, Constance Moore, Jackie Moran, Jack Mulhall, Anthony Warde, Philip Ahn, C. Montague Shaw, Guy Usher, William Gould, Henry Brandon, Roy Barcroft, Al Bridge, Cyril Delevanti, Kenne Duncan, Karl Hackett

"ATOMIC WAR comes from outer space!"

An American soldier suspended in time wakes up to find himself in the futuristic world of the year 2500.

VHSRip VO Subs Francés incrustados:
ed2k linkplanet outlaws (destination saturne)-buck rogers (1939-1953)-vostfr.avi ed2k link stats

The Neanderthal Man

El hombre de Neandertal

Director: Ewald André Dupont
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 78'
Guión: Aubrey Wisberg, Jack Pollexfen
Fotografía: Stanley Cortez (B&W)
Música: Albert Glasser
Robert Shayne
Joyce Terry
Richard Crane
Doris Merrick
Beverly Garland
Robert Long
Tandra Quinn
Lee Morgan
Eric Colmar
Dick Rich
Robert Easton

Un científico efectúa pruebas en una cabaña de la montaña, transformando a un gato en un dientes de sable, y a su criada en una prehomínida. Finalmente, lo probará sobre sí mismo, deviniendo en un hombre de Neanderthal que vagará por los bosques.

ed2k linkThe Neanderthal Man (1953) BDRip 1080p VOSE.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe.Neanderthal.Man.(1953).DVDRip.XviD.avi ed2k link stats

Subs en español (sin comprobar sincro)

The Twonky

The Twonky

Director: Arch Oboler
País: USA
Duración: 84'
Guión: Henry Kuttner (story), C.L. Moore (story) , (more)
Hans Conried, Janet Warren, William H. Lynn, Edwin Max, Gloria Blondell, Evelyn Beresford, Norman Field, Alice Backes, Trilby Conried, Joe Hawthorne, Al Jarvis, Bob Jellison, Lenore Kingston, Connie Marshall, Gayle Pace

"Out of Your Own Tomorrow... Out of Time and Space a Fearsome Power!"
Tweedy college professor discovers his new TV set is animate, apparently possessed by something from the future, and militantly intent on regulating his daily life.

The Twonky is stranger than strange. A comedy-science fiction movie written by novelist Henry Kuttner and directed by one-time radio tyro Arch Oboler, it features Hans Conried as a college professor whose life is turned upside down by a television set that has developed a personality of its own, and seems determined to take over Conried's as well. Part of the fun is watching the star grapple (this may not be quite the right word) with his material in what may well be his only starring film role. I loved Hans Conried when I was growing up. He was a one of a kind performer who never got really well cast in movies or on television, though he had a successful stage and radio career. Conried was at once child-like and supercilious, and he had a vaguely European demeanor and sensibility, though he was in fact American-born. There was a refined, aristocratic quality to him, and he had impeccable timing. He was hammy and ironic at the same time, and he had a way of letting you knew that he knew that you got it. As an actor he was like a cross between Vincent Price and Joseph Schildkraut. Style was everything with him. What the hell he was doing in this bizarre-sub B movie is anyone's guess. He is well-cast in this film, but the movie is like a Saturday Night Live send-up of Ed Wood. As such it is enjoyable. Seldom has so much talent screwed up so regally as in The Twonky. I'm surprised it's not a cult classic.

ed2k linkThe twonky (Arch Oboler, 1953).avi ed2k link stats

Killer Ape

Killer Ape

Director: Spencer Gordon Bennet
País: USA
Duración: 68'
Guión: Carroll Young (story), Arthur Hoerl (screenplay)
Johnny Weissmuller, Carol Thurston, Max Palmer, Burt Wenland, Nestor Paiva, Paul Marion, Eddie Foster, Rory Mallinson, Ray Corrigan, Nick Stuart, Tamba, Michael Fox, Pedro Regas, Harry Wilson

Nasty white hunters are testing out their germ warfare weapons using wild animals in Africa ... until they run into Jungle Jim.

Jungle Jim does battle with an evil band of scientists who are capturing wild animals for use in testing a mind control drug. Meanwhile the evil scientists have trespassed into the valley of "The Killer Ape"; a half man, half ape monster that kills all those that enters his domain.As far as these Jungle Jim movies go, this one is one of my favorites. It's probably the most watchable of all the films in this mostly dreary series. Max Palmer as the strange prehistoric apeman helps enliven this film.

Sin fuentes completas:
ed2k linkKiller Ape (1953).avi ed2k link stats

Port Sinister

Port Sinister

Director: Harold Daniels
País: USA
Duración: 65'
Guión: Aubrey Wisberg (written by), Jack Pollexfen (written by)
James Warren, Lynne Roberts, Paul Cavanagh, William Schallert, House Peters Jr., Marjorie Stapp, Helen Winston, Eric Colmar, Norman Budd, Anne Kimbell, Robert Bice, Merritt Stone, Ken Terrell, Charles Victor, Edward Hearn

"Adventure on the High Seas...As a Sunken City Rises From Its Watery Grave (original poster)"
A 17th-century Caribbean port rumored to have frequented by pirates rises from the ocean floor, where...

Port Sinister is a nice little b-movie. It's nothing spectacular, but its entertaining.To me, it has the feel of a movie serial (in fact, there are a few actors in it from the old chapterplays). The story is relatively preposterous even for fifties science fiction: The legendary pirate town of Port Royal is scheduled to rise again from the sea and a scientific expedition to study it is hijacked by a band of criminals who hope to get all the hidden loot of the Governor's mansion.The only "name" you'll probably recognize in the cast is William Schallert (The Patty Duke Show, The Man From Planet X) who is cast as one of the double-crossing bad guys.There are some interesting special effects though. The sets are rather involved for a low-budget movie, with a lot of elevation and nooks and crannies for the heroes and baddies to get around. The crab monster that attacks some of the characters is actually one of the better crustacean monsters I've seen, with the only drawback being some stilted puppetry.I mainly wanted to watch this film because I collect fifties science fiction films. I wasn't expecting anything tremendously brilliant, but was pleasantly surprised at the relative cohesiveness and compactness of this little story.

Sin fuentes completas:
ed2k linkpuerto siniestro 1953 port sinister ingles.avi ed2k link stats

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

The Lost Planet

The Lost Planet

Director: Spencer Gordon Bennet
País: USA
Duración: '
Guión: George H. Plympton (story), Arthur Hoerl (story)
Judd Holdren, Vivian Mason, Michael Fox, Forrest Taylor, Gene Roth, Ted Thorpe, Karl 'Killer' Davis, Jack George, Frederic Berest, John L. Cason, Lee Roberts, Nick Stuart, Leonard Penn, Joseph Mell, Pierre Watkin


Two newspaper reporters battle a plot by the evil Dr. Grood to conquer the world.

Creature from the Black Lagoon

La mujer y el monstruo

Director: Jack Arnold
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: Harry Essex & Arthur A. Ross
Fotografía: William Snyder (B&W)
Música: Joseph Gershenson
Richard Carlson
Julia Adams
Richard Denning
Antonio Moreno
Whit Bissell
Nestor Paiva
Ricou Browning

La típica historia de terror de serie B -una expedición científica de exploración en el amazonas que se encuentran con un ser monstruoso- le sirve a Jack Arnold, gracias a su acertada atomósfera y ambientación, para conseguir un clásico del género.

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkCreature.From.The.Black.Lagoon.1954.1080p.BluRay.x264-HD4U.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkCreature.From.The.Black.Lagoon.(1954).FS.DVDRip.DivX5.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkaudio.español.sincronizado.Creature.From.The.Black.Lagoon.(La.Mujer.Y.El.Monstruo).1954.(by.elquetuquieras).mp3 ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Killers from Space

Asesinos del espacio

Director: W. Lee Wilder
País: USA
Duración: 71'
Guión: William Raynor (screenplay), Myles Wilder (story)
Peter Graves, James Seay, Steve Pendleton, Frank Gerstle, John Frederick, Barbara Bestar, Shepard Menken, Jack Daly, Ron Gans, Ben Welden, Burt Wenland, Lester Dorr, Robert Roark, Ruth Bennett, Mark Scott

"Earth attacked!"

A scientist monitoring atomic tests, killed in a plane crash, is revived by aliens so he can spy on the tests and help them conquer the world.

ed2k linkKillers from space (W. Lee Wilder, 1954).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k link[XviD-ITA).Guerra.tra.i.Pianeti. (Killers from space) (Wilder,.1954).DVDRip.Ax.avi ed2k link stats


Gog, el monstruo de cinco manos

Director: Herbert L. Strock
País: USA
Duración: 85'
Guión: Tom Taggart (screenplay), Richard G. Taylor (additional dialogue), (more)
Richard Egan, Constance Dowling, Herbert Marshall, John Wengraf, Philip Van Zandt, Valerie Vernon, Stephen Roberts, Byron Kane, David Alpert, Michael Fox, William Schallert, Marian Richman, Jean Dean, Tom Daly, Alex Jackson

"MECHANICAL FRANKENSTEIN (original print ad - all caps)"
A security agent investigates sabotage and murder at a secret underground laboratory, home of two experimental robots.

... and there are unforgettable images which have stayed with me, especially the horrific scene as Dr. Hubertus (Michael Fox, perfectly cast) finds himself trapped within the test chamber with the slowly oscillating window wiper, and the growing panic that follows with the grim realization that his screams for help cannot be heard. And then that stare through the glass as his spectacles ice over ...Look for "Gog". There have to be copies out there somewhere.

DVDRip Audio Alemán:
ed2k linkGog.-.Space.Station.USA.1954.dvb-rip.xvid.ger.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkGog (Herbert L. Strock, 1954).avi ed2k link stats

The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters

The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters

Director: Edward Bernds
País: USA
Duración: 65'
Guión: Edward Bernds (writer), Elwood Ullman (writer)
Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bernard Gorcey, Lloyd Corrigan, Ellen Corby, John Dehner, Laura Mason, Paul Wexler, David Gorcey, Benny Bartlett, Norman Bishop, Paul Bryar, Steve Calvert, Jack Diamond, Pat Flaherty

"It's Monsterrific!"
Slip, Sach and the rest of the Bowery Boys enter a haunted house, where they engage in slapstick with a gorilla, a robot and a vampire.

In order to appreciate the slapstick comedy of the Bowery Boys, one must first be able to wholeheartedly laugh at the Three Stooges. Many of the comedy team films of the 40s and 50s centered around the same theme - haunted house, mad scientist, gorilla, brain transplant, etc. This one is like the rest. The most hilarious part of this film is how the Chief (Leo Gorcey) manages to mangle the English language, many times stumping Dr. Gravesend into trying to figure out what he's actually saying. Unlike The Three Stooges, the Bowery Boys are not really physical comedians. Huntz Hall's facial expressions are really not as funny as Curly's, Larry's or Moe's. Leo Gorcey tries to play it for laughs as best as he can by being bug-eyed, but it just doesn't come off. Perhaps his age was showing by this time and he just couldn't quite cut it anymore like in his earlier films. Still, the premise of the film is familiar, there are some good laughs from the entire cast, and it is worth a look, even if just for nostalgia's sake. Although I think the group's earlier films were much funnier, this is about the best one out of the series that were made in the 50s. Worth a peek.

The Atomic Kid

The Atomic Kid

Director: Leslie H. Martinson
País: USA
Duración: 86'
Guión: Blake Edwards (story), Benedict Freedman (writer), (more)
Mickey Rooney, Robert Strauss, Elaine Devry, Bill Goodwin, Whit Bissell, Joey Forman, Peter Leeds, Hal March, Fay Roope, Stanley Adams, Robert Emmett Keane, Peter Brocco, Charles J. Conrad, Paul Dubov, Sig Frohlich

A uranium prospector is eating a peanut butter sandwich in the desert where atom bomb tests are being done...

ed2k linkThe Atomic Kid (1954) Leslie H Martinson.avi ed2k link stats

Target Earth

Los invasores de otros mundos

Director: Sherman A. Rose
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 75'
Guión: James H. Nicholson, Wyott Ordung, William Raynor (Historia: Paul W. Fairman)
Fotografía: Guy Roe (B&W)
Música: Paul Dunlap
Richard Denning
Kathleen Crowley
Virginia Grey
Richard Reeves
Robert Roark

Cuatro desconocidos parecen ser los únicos supervivientes de un holocausto provocado por un ejército de robots procedentes de Venus. Pero los cuatro conseguirán contactar con un equipo secreto de científicos y militares que han capturado a un invasor. Tras la investigación, descubren la debilidad de los asesinos: las ondas sónicas. Esta revelación provocará que los humanos decidan contraatacar para salvar el planeta...

Hilo en DXC
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20000 Leagues Under the Sea

20.000 leguas de viaje submarino

Director: Richard Fleischer
País: USA
Duración: 127'
Guión: Earl Felton (screenplay), (more)
Kirk Douglas, James Mason, Paul Lukas, Peter Lorre, Robert J. Wilke, Ted de Corsia, Carleton Young, J.M. Kerrigan, Percy Helton, Ted Cooper, John Daheim, Jack Gargan, Harper Goff, Fred Graham, Harry Harvey

"Walt Disney's Mighty, Magnificent, Memorable 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!"

A ship sent to investigate a wave of mysterious sinkings encounters the advanced submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by Captain Nemo.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k link20,000.Leagues.Under.the.Sea.1954.BDRip.x264.1080p.AC3.Dual.mkv ed2k link stats


La humanidad en peligro

Director: Gordon Douglas
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 94'
Guión: Ted Sherdeman
Fotografía: Sid Hickox (B&W)
Música: Bronislau Kaper
James Whitmore
Edmund Gwenn
Joan Weldon
James Arness
Onslow Stevens
Chris Drake
Leonard Nimoy
Dub Taylor
Fess Parker

El ejército americano realiza unas pruebas atómicas en un desierto del suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Como resultado de las radiaciones, las hormigas sufren una mutación que las hace crecer hasta alcanzar gigantescas dimensiones. Mientras el gobierno niega la existencia de la amenaza, los insectos mutantes se dirigen hacia las ciudades más cercanas. Un grupo de científicos y militares intentará impedir el desastre.

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSE+I+Fr+Jp:
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Subs en español

ed2k linkLa humanidad en peligro (Dvdrip-Xvid Dual Esp-Eng).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Tobor the Great

Tobor el grande

Director: Lee Sholem
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 77'
Guión: Carl Dudley, Philip MacDonald
Fotografía: John L. Russell (B&W)
Música: Howard Jackson
Charles Drake
Karin Booth
Billy Chapin
Taylor Holmes
Steven Geray
Henry Kulky
Franz Roehn
Hal Baylor
Lew Smith
Alan Reynolds
Lyle Talbot

El doctor Harrison, un científico que trabaja para la agencia espacial del gobierno de los EEUU en el desarrollo de cohetes espaciales, colabora con el profesor Nordstrom en la creación de un robot destinado a reemplazar a los astronautas humanos. El androide Tobor además de desarrollar sentimientos humanos hacia el nieto del profesor, parece ser la solución al problema. Pero los soviéticos verán en el robot un gran potencial bélico.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkTOBOR, The Great.(Lee Sholen.1954).DVDRip English.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkTOBOR, The Great.(Lee Sholen.1954).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkTOBOR and the Atomic Submarine.(Here Comes TOBOR.TV).DVDRip English.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkTOBOR and the Atomic Submarine.(Here Comes TOBOR.TV).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Riders to the Stars

Cohete conquistador

Director: Richard Carlson, (more)
País: USA
Duración: 81'
Guión: Curt Siodmak (writer), Ivan Tors (story)
William Lundigan, Herbert Marshall, Richard Carlson, Martha Hyer, Dawn Addams, Robert Karnes, Lawrence Dobkin, George Eldredge, Dan Riss, Michael Fox, King Donovan, Kem Dibbs, James Best, Jack George, John Hedloe

"SEE! the breathtaking sight of earth as seen from outer space!"
In an attempt to discover the composition of meteors, three astronauts are sent out into space in three specially designed rockets...

As a long time classic sci fi fanatic, I must admit I'd never even heard of this film before. This comes as no surprise as it seems to have had essentially no significant release to VHS or DVD yet. For the fan of classic black and white '50s sci fi, this is essential viewing. Though the model effects are primitive and the "science" is rather dubious, the cast is first rate. Reasonably effective use of stock footage of U.S. military V-2 rocket tests helps overcome some of the budgetary limitations.

ed2k linkRiders to the Stars (1954).avi ed2k link stats

Monster from the Ocean Floor

It Stalked the Ocean Floor

Director: Wyott Ordung
País: USA
Duración: 64'
Guión: Bill Danch (writer)
Anne Kimbell, Stuart Wade, Dick Pinner, Wyott Ordung, Inez Palange, Jonathan Haze, David Garcia, Roger Corman

"Up from the forbidden depths comes a Tidal Wave Of Terror!"
Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to tell the authorities...

On the surface, this film appears to be just another entry into the 50's cinema monster mill. But when we dive deeper we find some subtle and entertaining differences. The heroine is remarkably modern. She is brave, independent, determined, and completely oblivious to what the rather effete male characters think of her. The film is actually developed around her persona, and her dogged determination to seek the monster lurking below. The underwater scenes are beautiful examples of early open water cinematography in the lush, cool Pacific Ocean. The submarine is great. I really wanted one when I was a kid and first saw this film. The spunky actress seems to have done her own diving too. The scene in which she tries to fend off the shark is exciting. If you forget the rather weakly done monster, its minimal time on screen, and instead, focus on the enchanting heroine and her quest, this is not a bad film at all. I certainly find it entertaining. I have it on DVD and watch if often.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkMonster.from.the.Ocean.Floor.(1954).FS.DVDRip.DivX5.avi ed2k link stats

The Rocket Man

Fuera del planeta

Director: Oscar Rudolph
País: USA
Duración: 79'
Guión: Lenny Bruce (writer), George W. George (story), (more)
Charles Coburn, Spring Byington, Anne Francis, John Agar, George Winslow, Stanley Clements, Emory Parnell, June Clayworth, Don Haggerty, Beverly Garland, Paul Brinegar, Richard H. Cutting, Jack Daly, Byron Foulger, Harry Harvey

"Out-of-this-world laughter and down-to-earth charm when the face from space turns out to be...the kid next door!"

Wacky complications ensue when a little boy comes into possession of a ray gun that compels anyone caught in its beam to tell the truth...

Video con imagen horrible:
ed2k link1954 Rocket man, The (regia Oscar Rudolph) (INGLESE) {A} -.avi ed2k link stats

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

Stranger from Venus

El Venusiano

Director: Burt Balaban
País: UK, USA
Duración: 75'
Guión: Hans Jacoby (screenplay), Desmond Leslie (story)
Patricia Neal, Helmut Dantine, Derek Bond, Cyril Luckham, Willoughby Gray, Marigold Russell, Arthur Young, Kenneth Edwards, David Garth, Stanley Van Beers, Nigel Green, Graham Stuart, John Le Mesurier

Stranger from Venus (1954) * (out of 4) An incredibly bad rip off of The Day the Earth Stood Still, this one here also starring Patricia Neal. An alien lands in a small British town where he tries to warn people and show them his healing powers. This British film isn't ashamed in how much it rips from the Robert Wise classic as we get scenes, which appear the same and even some of the dialogue is the same. Even stranger is that the producer's of this got Neal to pretty much play the same part. It's a real shame that they didn't try to do more with the story because it's just too dry to be entertaining. The Wise film had a number of rips but this one here doesn't have the camp value as something like John Carradine's The Cosmic Man. The performances are all rather bland and that includes Neal who must have known this film wasn't offering much.

ed2k linkStranger from Venus 1954 Burt Balaban SF USA.mkv ed2k link stats

Silver Needle in the Sky

Silver Needle in the Sky

Director: Hollingsworth Morse
País: USA
Duración: '
Guión: Fritz Blocki (writer)
Richard Crane, Sally Mansfield, Maurice Cass, Rudolph Anders, Scotty Beckett, Rand Brooks, Harry Lauter, Dayton Lummis, Robert Lyden, Charles Meredith, Patsy Parsons, Mickey Simpson

A compilation of episodes from the 1954 TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger," edited together and released as a feature.

Conquest of Space

La conquista del espacio

Director: Byron Haskin
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 81'
Guión: Philip Yordan, Barré Lyndon, George Worthing Yates, James O'Hanlon (Libro: Chesley Bonestell, Willy Ley, Wernher von Braun)
Fotografía: Lionel Lindon
Música: Van Cleave
Walter Brooke
Eric Fleming
Mickey Shaughnessy
Phil Foster
William Redfield
William Hopper
Benson Fong
Ross Martin
Vito Scotti
John Dennis
Michael Fox

En la estación espacial conocida como la Rueda, un grupo de hombres se prepara para realizar una expedición a la Luna. Pero el ambiente está cargado de tensiones debido a la presión de la misión. Llegan nuevas órdenes de la Tierra, que cambian el objetivo del viaje al planeta Marte. La tripulación de la Rueda aborda una nave y se lanzan a explorar el planeta rojo, pero el general Merritt comienza a tener delirios de corte religioso, considerando que la misión es una abominación que viola los límites impuestos por Dios a los hombres.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkConquest.Of.Space.1955.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats

DVDRip VOSE subs incrustados:
ed2k linkLa Conquista Del Espacio-(Conquest of space) George Pal eng sub esp.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkConquest of Space (Byron Haskin, 1955) DVDRip.avi ed2k link stats
English subs (sin comprobar)

It Came from Beneath the Sea

Surgió del fondo del mar

Director: Robert Gordon
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: Hal Smith, George Worthing Yates (Historia: George Worthing Yates)
Fotografía: Henry Freulich (B&W)
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikoff
Kenneth Tobey
Faith Domergue
Donald Curtis
Ian Keith
Dean Maddox Jr.
Chuck Griffiths
Harry Lauter
Richard W. Peterson

Un pulpo gigante, de más de 100 metros de longitud, surge de las profundidades de la fosa de Mindanao y ataca pesqueros y navíos militares, dirigiéndose hacia San Francisco para sembrar el pánico y la destrucción...

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkIt.Came.From.Beneath.The.Sea.1955.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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ed2k linkIt.Came.From.Beneath.The.Sea.Color.BRRip.Eng-Esp.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Revenge of the Creature

El regreso del monstruo

Director: Jack Arnold
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 82'
Guión: Martin Berkeley
Fotografía: Charles S. Welbourne (B&W)
Música: Herman Stein
John Agar
Lori Nelson
John Bromfield
Nestor Paiva
Grandon Rhodes
Dave Willock
Robert B. Williams
Charles R. Cane
Loretta Agar
Ricou Browning
Ben Chapman
Diana DeLaire
Clint Eastwood
Brett Halsey

Secuela de "La mujer y el monstruo" (The Creature from the Black Lagoon, 1954), también rodada en 3-D.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkRevenge.of.the.Creature.1955.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
Subs inglés:
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Subs en inglés
Subs en español

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ed2k linkRevenge.of.the.Creature.1955.3D.Anaglyph.FS.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-CG.( ed2k link stats



Director: Jack Arnold
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 80'
Guión: Martin Berkeley, Robert M. Fresco (Historia: Jack Arnold, Robert M. Fresco)
Fotografía: George Robinson (B&W)
Música: Henry Mancini, Herman Stein
John Agar
Mara Corday
Leo G. Carroll
Nestor Paiva
Ross Elliott
Edwin Rand
Raymond Bailey
Hank Patterson
Bert Holland
Steve Darrell
Clint Eastwood

Un científico es acusado del crimen de otros dos compañeros. Pronto descubren que la responsable de las terribles muertes es una tarántula gigante. Muertes posteriores hacen que el doctor Hastings ponga todo su empeño en acabar con la vida del venenoso animal, que es el resultado de un desgraciado experimento científico para intentar acelerar el crecimiento en los animales, y que amenaza con sembrar el pánico en esa zona desértica de Arizona...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkTarantula.1955.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkTarantula.1955.DVDRip.XviD-iMMORTALs.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkTarantula (J. Arnold, 1955) - Audio en Español (DivXClasico - CiCl).mp3 ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

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This Island Earth

Regreso a la Tierra

Director: Joseph M. Newman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 87'
Guión: Franklin Coen, Edward G. O'Callaghan
Fotografía: Clifford Stine
Música: Henry Mancini, Hans J. Salter, Herman Stein
Jeff Morrow
Faith Domergue
Rex Reason
Lance Fuller
Russell Johnson
Douglas Spencer
Robert Nichols
Karl Ludwig Lindt

El Dr. Meachan (Rex Reason) y otros científicos son reclamados por los habitantes del planeta Metaluna para ayudarles a encontrar Uranium, un mineral necesario para la supervivencia de su planeta. Pero los doctores descubren que el propósito de los extraterrestres no es otro que invadir la Tierra. Sólo Exeter (Jeff Morrow), uno de los científicos de Metaluna, parece estar en contra de la invasión. Los científicos se disponen a destruir el laboratorio e intentar huir del planeta.

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
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ed2k linkThis Island Earth (1955) (Dvd).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkAudio sincronizado Retorno a la Tierra (1955).mp3 ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkThis Island Earth.DVDRip.Dual.Eng-Esp.avi ed2k link stats

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Bride of the Monster

La novia del monstruo

Director: Ed Wood (AKA Edward D. Wood Jr.)
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 68'
Guión: Ed Wood (AKA Edward D. Wood Jr.), Alex Gordon
Fotografía: Ted Allan, William C. Thompson (B&W)
Música: Frank Worth
Bela Lugosi
Tor Johnson
Tony McCoy
Loretta King
Harvey B. Dunn
George Becwar
Paul Marco
Don Nagel
Bud Osborne
John Warren
Ann Wilner
Dolores Fuller
William 'Billy' Benedict
Ben Frommer

Un científico realiza experimentos con humanos con la intención de crear un superhombre, pero una periodista se interpondrá...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkBride of the Monster.(Ed Wood.1955).DVDRip XviD.( ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Bride Of The Monster (1955 - Ed Wood).avi ed2k link stats

Day the World Ended

El día del fin del mundo

Director: Roger Corman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: Lou Rusoff
Fotografía: Jockey Arthur Feindel (B&W)
Música: Ronald Stein
Richard Denning
Lori Nelson
Adele Jergens
Mike Connors
Paul Birch
Raymond Hatton
Paul Dubov

Las peores pesadillas se hacen realidad para un grupo de siete personas, que han sobrevivido a un holocausto nuclear. Desde un refugio en la montaña notan cómo las plantas y animales comienzan a mutar por las radiaciones. En el grupo hay un geólogo, un gángster y un científico. Su supervivencia está en juego, y ellos deben salir victoriosos frente a grandes mutantes caníbales...

ed2k linkDay.The.World.Ended.1956.DVDrip.Xvid.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkEl.Dia.del Fin.del.Mundo_DVD+SAT(Magregors)( ed2k link stats

The Beast with a Million Eyes

La bestia de un millón de ojos

Director: David Kramarsky, Lou Place, Roger Corman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 75'
Guión: Tom Filer
Fotografía: Everett Baker, Floyd Crosby (B&N)
Paul Birch
Dona Cole
Leonard Tarver
Lorna Thayer
Chester Conklin
Dick Sargent
Bruce Whitmore

Una nave extraterrestre se estrella en mitad del desierto. El alienígena que viaja en ella, sale ileso del accidente y se dirige a la población más cercana. Una vez allí se apodera de la mente de sus habitantes, siendo capaz de ver a través de sus ojos.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkLa.Bestia.De.Un.Millón.De.Ojos.(1956)..{SATRip-VOSE-XviD}..(AeroLito.@).avi ed2k link stats

The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues

El fantasma de las 10.000 leguas

Director: Dan Milner
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 80'
Guión: Lou Rusoff (Historia: Dorys Lukather)
Fotografía: Brydon Baker (B&N)
Música: Ronald Stein
Kent Taylor
Michael Whalen
Helene Stanton
Cathy Downs
Rodney Bell
Vivi Janiss
Rodney Bell
Pierce Lyden
Michael Garth

Un extraño “fantasma” submarino ha estado causando algunas muertes. La investigación muestra que el sospechoso es un oceanógrafo que ha estado investigando el lugar. Todo indica que el fondo marino ha sufrido algún tipo de mutación y ha creado una criatura asesina.

ed2k linkPhantom_from_10000_Leagues.avi ed2k link stats (sin comprobar)
ed2k linkthe phantom from 10,000 ed2k link stats (subs en francés)

King Dinosaur

King Dinosaur: El planeta infernal

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 63'
Guión: Bert I. Gordon, Al Zimbalist, Tom Gries
Fotografía: Gordon Avil (B&N)
Música: Louis Palange
William Bryant
Wanda Curtis
Douglas Henderson
Patti Gallagher
Marvin Miller

Unos movimientos intergalácticos de otro sistema llegan a la emisora de recepción de la tierra. Cuatro científicos son enviados para investigar dichos movimientos, pero llegan a un lugar donde se encuentran a una iguana gigante que resulta ser un Tyrannosaurus Rex…

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkKing Dinosaur (1955) V.O. by ignus42.avi ed2k link stats

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

Creature with the Atom Brain

Cadáveres atómicos

Director: Edward L. Cahn
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 69'
Guión: Curt Siodmak
Fotografía: Fred Jackman Jr.
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikoff
Richard Denning
Angela Stevens
S. John Launer
Michael Granger
Gregory Gaye
Tristram Coffin
Harry Lauter
Larry J. Blake
Charles Evans
Pierre Watkin
Lane Chandler
Karl Davis
Nelson Leigh

Un gángster financia a un científico para crear cadáveres revividos con fuerza sobrehumana, que el primero utiliza con fines de venganza. La policía está desconcertada, puesto que las pruebas químicas apuntan a la naturaleza irreal de los crímenes.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkCreature with the Atom Brain.(Edward L. Cahn.1955).DVDRip.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkCreature with the Atom Brain.(Edward L. Cahn.1955).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Panther Girl of the Kongo

The Claw Monsters

Director: Franklin Adreon
País: USA
Duración: 167'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (written by)
Phyllis Coates, Myron Healey, Arthur Space, John Daheim, Holly Bane, Morris Buchanan, Roy Glenn, Archie Savage, Ramsay Hill, Naaman Brown, Dan Ferniel, James Logan, Steve Calvert, Don Carlos, DeForest Covan

"MAN-MADE MONSTERS TERRIFY THE JUNGLE as a mad scientist prepares to unleash a new fury on the world! (original poster)"
Jean Evans of an international wildlife foundation has made herself at home in Africa as the elephant-riding...

I remember this serial from the Saturday double features at our neighborhood theatre. This was one of my favorites since it featured a woman (gorgeous Class-A actress Phyllis Coates)who could kick butt pre-Tomb Raider. I don't mean with fancy weapons and stuff - I mean who could handle a high-powered rifle, wrestle and knock out a a man twice her size, and even square-off face-to-face with a lion, armed with only a knife and a lion's headdress.(!) For its time it was pretty good. My kids got a kick out of the storyline - giant crawdads invading Africa! The Panther Girl (who is actually dressed in a leopard suit) must get to the bottom of this and stop it (with the help of Class-Z ham Myron Healey). If you're up for something corny but fun in its own way, then get this serial. Oh, for a laugh or two, check out the scene when the natives are gathered and are about to set safari after seeing the giant crawdads in action and getting the stew scared out of them. One of the actors is off-cue and is staring at someone on the crew and laughing, then gets back into character after the scene has started with everyone else looking scared, but you have to look quickly. It's worth a look - even the kids might get a laugh or two. Nothing offensive whatsoever.

The Noble Experiment

The Noble Experiment

Director: Tom Graeff
País: USA
Duración: '
Guión: Tom Graeff (written by)
Tom Graeff, Phyllis Yarwood

An amateur biochemist, successful with a chemical 'get-along pill' for his mother-in-law, pours a barrel full of the concoction into the city water supply.

Carolina Cannonball

Carolina Cannonball

Director: Charles Lamont
País: USA
Duración: 73'
Guión: Frank Gill Jr. (story), Barry Shipman (writer)
Judy Canova, Andy Clyde, Ross Elliott, Sig Ruman, Leon Askin, Jack Kruschen, Frank Wilcox, Emil Sitka

Judy and her grandpa run a trolley between a train depot and a ghost town in Nevada, near the California border...

World Without End

Mundo sin fin

Director: Edward Bernds
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: '
Guión: Edward Bernds
Hugh Marlowe
Nancy Gates
Nelson Leigh
Rod Taylor
Shawn Smith
Lisa Montell

Cuatro astronautas regresan de la primera misión a Marte tripulada por humanos y entran accidentalmente en un túnel del tiempo que los lleva a la Tierra del siglo XXVI. Nuestros héroes tienen que lidiar allí con cavernícolas mutantes, arañas gigantes, bellezas en minifalda y vejestorios tocados con casquetes brillantes a la vez que intentan salvar a la humanidad de un mundo sin fin...

1080p VOSI pequeñajo:
ed2k linkWorld.Without.End.1956.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.idx ed2k link stats
ed2k linkWorld.Without.End.1956.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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ed2k linkWorld.Without.End.1956.Edward.Bernds.avi ed2k link stats
Subtítulos en español - Subtítulos en inglés

Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

Director: Ishirô Honda, Terry O. Morse
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: Ishirô Honda, Takeo Murata, Al C. Ward
Fotografía: Masao Tamai (B&W)
Música: Akira Ifukube
Raymond Burr
Takashi Shimura
Akira Takarada
Momoko Kôchi
Akihiko Hirata

Unas pruebas nucleares en el mar resucitan a un antíguo monstruo de tiempos remotos. El monstruo, gigantesco y aparentemente indestructible, se dirige hacia la costa de Japón para sembrar el caos.

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
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ed2k linkGodzilla.King.of.the.Monsters.1956.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-C00LdUdE.avi ed2k link stats

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers

La Tierra contra los platillos volantes

Director: Fred F. Sears
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 83'
Guión: Bernard Gordon, George Worthing Yates, Curt Siodmak (Libro: Donald E. Keyhoe)
Fotografía: Fred Jackman Jr.
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikoff
Hugh Marlowe
Joan Taylor
Donald Curtis
Morris Ankrum
Thomas Brown Henry

El Dr. Russell Marvin dirige la operación Skyhook, que consiste en enviar cohetes a la atmósfera superior para probar futuros vuelos espaciales. Sin embargo, misteriosamente todos ellos desaparecen...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkEarth.Vs.The.Flying.Saucers.1956.1080p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkEarth vs the Flying Saucers (La Tierra contra los Platillos Volantes) (1956) DVDRip Dual English AC3-Spanish (divxclasico).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkSubtitulos La Tierra contra los Platillos Volantes - Earth vs the Flying Saucers DVDRip dual.rar ed2k link stats
Subs Español - Subs Inglés

Forbidden Planet

El planeta prohibido

Director: Fred M. Wilcox
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 98'
Guión: Cyril Hume (Historia: Irving Block & Allen Adler)
Fotografía: George J. Folsey
Música: Bebe Barron, Louis Barron
Walter Pidgeon
Anne Francis
Leslie Nielsen
Warren Stevens

Inspirada en "La tempestad", de William Shakespeare. Una misión de astronautas llegan a un planeta gobernado por un expatriado.

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkforbidden.planet.1956.1080p.bluray.x264-fidelio.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkPlaneta Prohibido (Forbidden Planet, Fred M. Wilcox, 1956) Dual SE-I ed2k link stats

The Mole People

Bajo el signo de Ishtar

Director: Virgil W. Vogel
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 77'
Guión: László Görög
Fotografía: Ellis W. Carter (B&N)
Música: Heinz Roemheld, Hans J. Salter, Herman Stein
John Agar
Cynthia Patrick
Hugh Beaumont
Alan Napier
Nestor Paiva
Phil Chambers
Rodd Redwing

En unas ruinas sumerias, unos arqueólogos caen por una hendidura causada por un terremoto y se encuentran atrapados en un mundo subterráneo habitado por una raza albina y unos topos humanoides a los que utilizan como esclavos. Al principio, los albinos creen que los intrusos son dioses, pero cuando su líder Elinu sospecha que no son lo que parecen, deciden que deben ser ejecutados...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkVirgil.W..Vogel.The.Mole.People.1956.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

Indestructible Man

El hombre indestructible

Director: Jack Pollexfen
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 70'
Guión: Vy Russell, Sue Dwiggins
Fotografía: John L. Russell (B&N)
Música: Albert Glasser
Lon Chaney Jr.
Max Showalter
Marian Carr
Ross Elliott
Stuart Randall
Ken Terrell
Marjorie Stapp
Robert Shayne

Un peligroso convicto es condenado a la silla eléctrica. Pero su organismo no colapsa con los 300.000 voltios que recibe sino que, merced a un experimento científico para lograr una cura contra el cáncer, resucita e inicia una venganza contra los gangsters que le llevaron a esa situación.

Hilo en DXC
DVDRip Dual:
ed2k linkIndestructible man - dual esp ing - Cutrefilms 067.avi ed2k link stats

It Conquered the World

Conquistaron el mundo

Director: Roger Corman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 71'
Guión: Lou Rusoff, Charles B. Griffith
Fotografía: Frederick E. West
Música: Ronald Stein
Peter Graves
Beverly Garland
Lee Van Cleef
Sally Fraser
Russ Bender
Jonathan Haze
Dick Miller
Taggart Casey
Paul Harbor
Karen Kadler
David McMahon
Charles B. Griffith

Los profesores Nelson y Anderson, intentan tomar contacto con seres de otros mundos mediante ondas espaciales. Sin embargo, éste último actúa por su cuenta y consigue traer a una extraña criatura a la Tierra. El monstruo tiene un enorme poder mental y consigue controlar al científico lo mismo que a todos los habitantes del lugar. Tras provocar el caos, Anderson se da cuenta de lo que ha hecho y sólo le queda la opción de enfrentarse a la criatura, aun a costa de su propia vida.

Hilo en DXC
TVRip Dual:
ed2k linkIt Conquered The World Dual Eng-Esp.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkIt.conquered.the.World.(1956) ed2k link stats

The Black Sleep

Dr. Cadman's Secret

Director: Reginald Le Borg
País: USA
Duración: 82'
Guión: Gerald Drayson Adams (story), John C. Higgins (screenplay)
Basil Rathbone, Akim Tamiroff, Lon Chaney Jr., John Carradine, Bela Lugosi, Herbert Rudley, Patricia Blair, Phyllis Stanley, Tor Johnson, Sally Yarnell, George Sawaya, Claire Carleton, Louanna Gardner, Peter Gordon, Clive Morgan

"Out of the evil brain of a twisted scientist comes a fantastic robot army - crushing all barriers...feeding on beauty - lusting to claw the world apart!"
Sir Joel Cadman, a mad scientist, kidnaps his victims and cuts open their brains in an effort to discover a means to cure his wife's brain tumor.

I first saw "The Black Sleep" 48 years ago and was most impressed by the overall atmosphere and genuinely creepy nature of many of the scenes.Upon more recent viewings and further reflection, I must say that this film still fascinates me. I am hard-pressed to recall another Basil Rathbone performance (other than his work as Sherlock Holmes) to equal this one. Sure, he chews the scenery unashamedly, but that is a big part of what makes this movie fun. Add in the first rate supporting cast of Lon Chaney, Jr., Akim Tamiroff, Bela Lugosi, and especially John Carradine and you have a veritable "Who's Who" of horror and film noir icons of the period. One must not forget the contributions of Tor Johnson and the lesser known actors filling out the cast. The best scare occurs when we first meet Lon Chaney as "Mungo". The imaginative "point-of-view" camera work, focusing on Chaney's hands is very original and creative - especially for a low-budget production such as this one. My favorite scene, though, occurs quite late in the movie when the surgical "recoverees", led by the always riveting (although over-the-top) John Carradine, make their escape.Sadly Bela Lugosi's character is mute and we are thus deprived of the exquisite pleasure of hearing his unique voice and diction. His character induces sympathy - even pity, rather than horror. In my opinion, this represents his best work from the declining days of his career. I must also single out Akim Tamiroff for the unctuous humor he provides as Rathbone's procurer of surgical subjects.I give high marks for creative use of obviously cheap sets and evocative camera work. This is a movie which should not be missed by serious fans of films of the 50's. This is an excellent reminder of how they used to make effective horror films without soaking the screen with blood.10 points out of 10.

ed2k linkThe black sleep (Reginald le Borg, 1956).avi ed2k link stats

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

The Creature Walks Among Us

El monstruo vengador

Director: John Sherwood
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 78'
Guión: Arthur A. Ross
Fotografía: Maury Gertsman (B&W)
Música: Irving Gertz, Henry Mancini, Heinz Roemheld
Jeff Morrow
Rex Reason
Leigh Snowden
Gregg Palmer
Maurice Manson
James Rawley
David McMahon
Paul Fierro
Lillian Molieri
Larry Hudson
Frank Chase

El Monstruo de la Laguna es sometido a algunos tratamientos de cirugía que intentan darle un aspecto humano y un gusto por el oxígeno que en sus húmedos días del Amazonas no poseía.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k link1956 The.Creature.Walks.Among.Us.(J.Sherwood).DVDRip.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkCreature walks among us (J. Sherwood,1956) DVDRip VOSEz.rar ed2k link stats
Subs sin comprobar

ed2k linkThe.Creature.Walks.Among.Us.(1956).LC.DVDRip.XviD-MDCTeam.avi ed2k link stats

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos

Director: Don Siegel
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 80'
Guión: Daniel Mainwaring (Relatos: Jack Fenney)
Fotografía: Ellsworth J. Fredericks (B&W)
Música: Carmen Dragon
Kevin McCarthy
Dana Wynter
Larry Gates
Carolyn Jones
King Donovan
Virginia Christine
Tom Fadden
Guy Way
Sam Peckinpah

En una pequeña ciudad de California, cosas extrañas empiezan a suceder cuando algunas personas empiezan a comportarse de modo inusualmente extraño, como si realmente no fueran las personas que dicen ser...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VO:
ed2k linkInvasion.of.the.Body.Snatchers.1956.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.mkv ed2k link stats
Subs english

ed2k linkInvasion.of.the.Body.Snatchers.(1956).DVDRip.XviD.AC3.( ed2k link stats
English Subs - Subs en Castellano
ed2k linkAudio sincronizado La invasion de los ladrones de cuerpos (1956) by Noelia.wav ed2k link stats

The Werewolf

The Werewolf

Director: Fred F. Sears
País: USA
Duración: 79'
Guión: James B. Gordon (story), Robert E. Kent (writer)
Steven Ritch, Don Megowan, Joyce Holden, Eleanore Tanin, Kim Charney, Harry Lauter, Larry J. Blake, Ken Christy, James Gavin, S. John Launer, George Lynn, George Cisar, Marjorie Stapp, Fred F. Sears, Jean Charney

"You see it happen!"
Two scientists come across an auto accident, and find an unconscious man in the wreck. They take him...

I saw this one as a teenager in the late 60's on our local Friday late night "Chiller Theatre" and it scared me pretty good. It is also my favorite "Wolf Man Movie" for the many of the reasons stated here in these posts. The conceptual aspect of his affliction deals with science as opposed to the supernatural, which in my mind, gives the movie a more humane, not to mention realistic premise, making it unique to its predecessors. The atmosphere is great; the make-up is very convincing for it's time. Steven Ritch gives an excellent performance and I wouldn't be surprised if the emotional aspect of his performance may have had something to do with the real-life combat he saw during WW II. The entire starring and supporting cast; many of them veteran leading and character actors in their own right, do an excellent job and deliver very convincing performances. This is not the "Blair Witch Project," these folks really know their craft. This is not a great Hollywood movie; it is a very fine low budget film that delivers.I also was unable to find this movie anywhere commercially in any form and like many of the folks here, I taped my copy off of AMC (during the Halloween month of October). Just recently I dubbed my VHS copy to DVD. I agree that Columbia needs to release their catalog of Sci-Fi & Horror movies.This film shows that even in the direst circumstances, it is possible to bring out the best in ourselves and each other. I think that is what I like about this film the most; from the get- go that they knew it was probably impossible to save Dr. Marsh, but they each in their own way and collectively, tried regardless. It was a noble effort.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe.Werewolf.1956.DVDRip.XviD-BLooDWeiSeR.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkThe Werewolf.(Fred F. Sears.1956)Españ ed2k link stats
English subs

The Beast of Hollow Mountain

The Beast of Hollow Mountain

Director: Edward Nassour, Ismael Rodríguez
País: USA, Mexico
Duración: 81'
Guión: Robert Hill (screenplay), Jack DeWitt (additional dialogue), (more)
Guy Madison, Patricia Medina, Carlos Rivas, Mario Navarro, Pascual García Peña, Eduardo Noriega, Julio Villarreal, Lupe Carriles, Manuel Arvide, José Chávez, Roberto Contreras, Armando Gutiérrez, Margarito Luna, Jorge Treviño, Guillermo Hernández

"One Day After A Million Years It Came Out Of Hiding To... Kill! Kill! Kill!"
An American cowboy living in Mexico discovers his cattle is being eaten by a giant prehistoric dinosaur.

It is said that a mountain surrounded by a swamp is hollow and that a prehistoric monster from 'the dawn of time' comes out during times of drought to stalk the land.Alright, so the plot lacks any sense of reality (there would have to be a whole race of dinosaurs for them to survive until the present day). The special effects also leave something to be desired. But look over these faults and you'll find that this film is actually very enjoyable and entertaining. The dinosaur isn't revealed until the last twenty minutes, but when it shows its face there's non-stop action, and for once the dinosaur can move fast and so poses a genuine threat. The dinosaur itself is fairly well-animated and there is a wonderful 'golden age of monster movies' feel about the whole thing.

ed2k linkLa bestia de la montaña (Edward Nassour, 1956)DVDRip.VO.(LEYENDA).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español:
ed2k linkThe Beast of Hollow ed2k link stats

Man Beast

Man Beast

Director: Jerry Warren
País: USA
Duración: 67'
Guión: B. Arthur Cassidy (writer)
Rock Madison, Asa Maynor, George Skaff, Tom Maruzzi, Lloyd Nelson, George Wells Lewis, Jack Haffner, Wong Sing, Brianne Murphy

"Hair-raising excitement in the icy lair of man-like creatures roaming the roof of the world!"

Connie Hayward mounts an expedition into the Himalayan Mountains looking for her brother, who has not...

Jungle Hell

Jungle Boy

Director: Norman A. Cerf
País: USA
Duración: '
Guión: Norman A. Cerf (story)
Sabu, K.T. Stevens, David Bruce, George E. Stone, Naji, Robert Cabal, Serena Sande, Ted Stanhope, Jacqueline Lacey, Paul Dastagir

A tribe in the Indian jungle is threatened by flying saucers, mysterious rays and radioactive rocks.

Savage Fury

Savage Fury

País: USA
Duración: 70'
Guión: Basil Dickey (screenplay) (archive footage), Nate Gatzert (screenplay) (archive footage), (more)
Noah Beery Jr., Dorothy Short, Harry Woods, Bryant Washburn, Russ Powell, Fred MacKaye, John Davidson, William Desmond, Stanley Andrews, Dickie Jones, Viva Tattersall


Separately released feature version of the 1935 Serial, Call of the Savage.

The Monster That Challenged the World

The Monster That Challenged the World

Director: Arnold Laven
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 83'
Guión: Pat Fielder (Historia: David Duncan)
Fotografía: Lester White (B&W)
Música: Heinz Roemheld
Tim Holt
Audrey Dalton
Hans Conried
Harlan Warde
Max Showalter
Mimi Gibson
Gordon Jones
Marjorie Stapp

Un terremoto sub-oceánico libera un grupo de criaturas agusanadas que comienzan a migrar hacia las costas de California.

HD 1080p VO:
ed2k linkThe.Monster.That.Challenged.the.World.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-SADPANDA.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi- The monster that challenged the World (ENG 1957).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkThe monster that challenged the world. subtitulos en castellano. incrustados x Dr.Mafune.avi ed2k link stats

I Was a Teenage Werewolf

Yo fui un hombre lobo adolescente

Director: Gene Fowler Jr.
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 76'
Guión: Herman Cohen, Aben Kandel
Fotografía: Joseph LaShelle (B&W)
Música: Paul Dunlap
Michael Landon
Yvonne Fedderson
Whit Bissell
Tony Marshall
Dawn Richard
Barney Phillips
Ken Miller
Cynthia Chenault
Michael Rougas
Robert Griffin
Joseph Mell
Malcolm Atterbury
Eddie Marr
Vladimir Sokoloff
Louise Lewis

Un adolescente proyecta su rebeldía por medio de la violencia, peleándose de continuo con sus compañeros de instituto. Un científico, intentando curar su rebeldía, lo hipnotizará para extraer la parte violenta, salvaje, que subyace en su interior...

ed2k linkI Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957).avi ed2k link stats

Attack of the Crab Monsters

El ataque de los cangrejos gigantes

Director: Roger Corman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 62'
Guión: Charle B. Griffith
Fotografía: Floyd Crosby (B&W)
Música: Ronald Stein
Richard Garlan
Pamela Duncan
Russell Johnson
Leslie Bradley
Mel Welles

Un grupo de rescate es enviado a una isla del Pacífico, para buscar en ella a un grupo de científicos que ha desaparecido allí poco antes, y que estudiaban las consecuencias de las pruebas atómicas que se realizaban en la zona. Cuando los miembros del grupo llegan, no encuentran a los científicos, pero descubren que la isla se está hundiendo y que está habitada por unos enormes cangrejos, que debido a las radiaciones han crecido sobremanera, y asimilan la inteligencia de los humanos que se les acerquen.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkEl.Ataque.De.Los.Cangrejos.Gigantes.(V.O.S.E.)(punkandroll)( ed2k link stats

ed2k linkAttack Of The Crab Monsters (1957).mpg ed2k link stats (VO)



Director: Kurt Neumann
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 76'
Guión: Lawrence L. Goldman (Historia: Irving Block)
Fotografía: Karl Struss (B&W)
Música: Paul Sawtell, Bert Shefter
Jeff Morrow
Barbara Lawrence
John Emery
George O'Hanlon
Morris Ankrum
Kenneth Alton

En una carretera solitaria del desierto californiano, un conductor es poseído por una extraña entidad extraterrestre. De repente el hombre tiene un objetivo: el observatorio gubernamental Labcentral y su director, el Dr. Eliot. Mientras tanto, una enorme masa cúbica venida del espacio ha emergido del océano y se dirige hacia las ciudades, absorbiendo todas las fuentes de energía que encuentra a su paso. ¿Una invasión alienígena está en marcha? La cuenta atrás ha comenzado. Kronos de Kurt Neumann (Cohete K-1, La mosca) es, y no sólo por su título, una película mitológica, por condensar todos los elementos temáticos y simbólicos de la ciencia ficción de los años 50 (invasión extraterrestre, robot y tecnología avanzada, destrucción cataclísmica, posesión y usurpación de identidad); y por reunir a los “dioses antiguos” del género (Irving Block y Jack Rabin en los efectos especiales; Karl Struss en la fotografía; Paul Sawtell y Bert Shefter en la música, etc.), aquellos que darían a luz a los Zeus de la ciencia ficción moderna, los James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas y otros parangones del éxito. -información de la distribuidora-

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkKronos (1957).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Giant Claw

La Garra Gigante

Director: Fred F. Sears
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 75'
Guión: Paul Gangelin, Samuel Newman
Fotografía: Benjamin H. Kline (B&W)
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikof
Jeff Morrow
Mara Corday
Morris Ankrum
Louis Merrill
Edgar Barrier
Robert Shayne
Frank Griffin
Clark Howat
Morgan Jones

Mitch MacAfee es un miembro del equipo técnico que está probando un nuevo dispositivo de radar para el ejército. En pleno test, mientras vuela un jet logra distinguir un enorme OVNI que pasa a enorme velocidad varias veces alrededor de su avión. Se emite la alerta y numerosos escuadrones salen a interceptar el objeto sin éxito. Los militares creen que ha sido una falsa alarma de Mitch, pero comienzan a llegar numerosos reportes de aviones desaparecidos alrededor de la zona. Mientras los militares investigan, Mitch y la hermosa matemática Sally Caldwell regresan a la ciudad en un avión del ejército, pero son atacados por el OVNI y se estrellan. Rescatados por un lugareño, el mismo les habla de "La Cacanya", un ser alado mitológico que está surcando los cielos de la zona. Cuando Mitch y Sally regresan por fin a la ciudad, se enteran de más reportes de aviones desaparecidos, y el ejército ha logrado fotografiar al objeto. Se trata de una enorme ave alienígena, aparentemente indestructible, que está atacando a la región con un rumbo definido. Y de acuerdo a la trayectoria, no faltará mucho para que el ave llegue a la poblada ciudad de Nueva York.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkthe giant claw(Dvdrip)(Vose)(dxc)(rovin).avi ed2k link stats

English Subs

ed2k linkThe.Giant.Claw.Il.Mostro.Dei.Cieli.1957_Mp3.iTA.ENG_DVDRiP_XViD-CiNETRONiC.avi ed2k link stats

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

The Deadly Mantis

El monstruo alado

Director: Nathan Juran
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: William Alland, Martin Berkeley
Fotografía: Ellis W. Carter (B&W)
Música: Irving Gertz, William Lava
Craig Stevens
William Hopper
Alix Talton
Donald Randolph
Pat Conway
Florenz Ames
Paul Smith
Phil Harvey
Floyd Simmons
Paul Campbell
Helen Jay

Una erupción volcánica en el hemisferio Sur provoca una reacción en el Polo Norte cuya consecuencia es que un gigantesco iceberg queda libre en la superficie y al descongelarse, liberará a un ser que había atrapado desde tiempos prehistóricos, una mantis religiosa gigante. El insecto comienza sembrando el caos por donde pasa, volando hacia el sur (Canadá y EE.UU.) aniquilando todo lo que se cruza en su camino, ante el desconcierto del ejército y científicos, hasta que al fin dan con el origen de todo. Ahora la misión será destruirla.

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Deadly.Mantis.1957.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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ed2k linkEl monstruo alado 1957 The deadly mantis Nathan Juran DVDRIP VOSE.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe deadly mantis (1957 El monstruo alado VO).avi ed2k link stats
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English Subs - Subs en Español

The Incredible Petrified World

El mundo increíble

Director: Jerry Warren
País: USA
Duración: 70'
Guión: John W. Steiner (writer)
John Carradine, Robert Clarke, Phyllis Coates, Allen Windsor, Sheila Noonan, George Skaff, Maurice Bernard, Joe Maierhouser, Lloyd Nelson, Harry Raven, Milt Collion, Robert Carroll, Lowell Hopkins, Jack Haffner, Jerry Warren

"See women trapped in fantastic caverns at the center of Earth!"

Four adventurers descend to the depths of the ocean when the cable on their underwater diving bell snaps...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - The Incredible Petrified World (1957).avi ed2k link stats (VHSRip dual inglés-francés)

20 Million Miles to Earth

20 Million Miles to Earth

Director: Nathan Juran
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 82'
Guión: Christopher Knopf, Robert Creighton Williams (Historia: Charlotte Knight)
Fotografía: Irving Lippman, Carlo Ventimiglia (B&W)
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikoff
William Hopper
Joan Taylor
Thomas Browne Henry
Frank Puglia
Bart Bradley
Jan Arvan
George Khoury
Don Orlando
John Zaremba
Tito Vuolo

Un cohete espacial del ejército norteamericano, que regresa de una exploración a Venus, se estrella en el mar delante de la costa siciliana. El coronel Calder no es el único superviviente, y de los restos del cohete se recupera un recipiente que guarda una masa gelatinosa. Al abrirlo la masa se convierte en un monstruo que dobla su tamaño cada vez que se hace de noche...

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k link20.Million.Miles.To.Earth.1957.ORiGiNAL.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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Subs en Español

The Incredible Shrinking Man

El increíble hombre menguante

Director: Jack Arnold
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 81'
Guión: Richard Matheson
Fotografía: Ellis W. Carter (B&W)
Música: Joseph Gershenson
Grant Williams
Randy Stuart
April Kent
Paul Langton
Raymond Bailey
William Schallert
Billy Curtis

Scott Carey (Grant Williams) se encuentra con una misteriosa niebla radioactiva cuando navega con su mujer en el barco de un amigo. Sin conocer lo perjudicial que será para él, Scott empieza a notar extraños cambios en su cuerpo. Su altura, peso y hasta sus órganos empiezan a disminuir hasta quedarse en dos meros centímetros. De pronto, una situación de su vida cotidiana amenazará con una intensidad letal: su gato juguetón se convertirá en un demonio para él, y la araña en su peor enemigo. Carey aprenderá que su supervivencia en el nuevo mundo reducido dependerá de él y de su ingenio...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
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ed2k linkEl increíble hombre menguante (Jack Arnold,1957) DVDRip Dual.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

The Monolith Monsters

Monstruos de piedra

Director: John Sherwood
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 77'
Guión: Jack Arnold, Robert M. Fresco, Norman Jolley
Fotografía: Ellis W. Carter (B&W)
Lola Albright
Grant Williams
Les Tremayne
Trevor Bardette
Phil Harvey
William Flaherty
Harry Jackson
Richard H. Cutting

Un gigantesco meteorito cae cerca de la pequeña población de San Angelo. Un geólogo encuentra un fragmento y se lo lleva para analizarlo; poco después, el hombre aparece petrificado y el laboratorio lleno de rocas. Un colega suyo investigará el secreto que hay detrás de las piedras que llegaron de allende el espacio...

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Monolith.Monsters.1957.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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DVDRip VOSE subs incrustados:
ed2k linkthe monolith monsters sub spanish1957.avi ed2k link stats

Invasion of the Saucer-Men

La invasión de los hombres del espacio

Director: Edward L. Cahn
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 69'
Guión: Robert J. Gurney Jr., Al Martin (Historia: Paul W. Fairman)
Fotografía: Frederick E. West
Música: Ronald Stein
Steven Terrell
Gloria Castillo
Frank Gorshin
Raymond Hatton
Lyn Osborn
Russ Bender
Kelly Thordsen

Un buscafortunas que viaja en su coche vislumbra el aterrizaje de un platillo volante. Poco después, una pareja de adolescentes atropella por error a un extraterrestre...

Hilo en DXC
TVRip Español:
ed2k linkInvasion.of.the.Saucer.Men.(1957) ed2k link stats

ed2k linkInvasion.of.the.Saucer.Men.(1957.-.English).avi ed2k link stats

Beginning of the End

Beginning of the End

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: USA
Duración: 76'
Guión: Fred Freiberger (writer), Lester Gorn (writer)
Peter Graves, Peggie Castle, Morris Ankrum, Than Wyenn, Thomas Browne Henry, Richard Benedict, James Seay, John Close, Don C. Harvey, Larry J. Blake, Eilene Janssen, Hylton Socher, Frank Wilcox, Douglas Evans, Paul Grant

"Filmed in New Horrorscope!"
Audrey Ames, an enterprising journalist, tries to get the scoop on giant grasshoppers accidentally created at the Illinois State experimental farm...

Beginning of the End was one of the scariest movies I ever saw. I saw it at the age of nine at our local first-time A-flick theater, the State. When it ran at the second-run B-flick theater, the Rialto, I dragged my little brother Jeff to see it. He watched it from between the seats. We used to sit up and watch Shock Theater and we knew scary when we saw it.What a lot of people miss today, is that the popular science magazines at the time "Beginning..." came out were full of speculation about using radiation to enhance crops and livestock, just like the experiments in Peter Grave's agricultural station in the movie. I also remember that Bert Gordon's earlier movie, King Dinosaur, came out after a close approach to earth by an asteroid was in the news. These movies were ripped fresh from the headlines.Yes, the low budget values are low. There's the ponderous pseudoWagnerian Albert Glasser music Da-DUM-da-da-da-DA-DUM motif for reporter-driving-down-road, cop-driving-down-road, reporter-stopping-at-road-block, etc. We see the mountains of Illinois that look suspiciously like southern California (at least they did not use Bronson Canyon in this one (they didn't did they?).)Yes, they do use the same stock footage three times for rear projection behind characters "driving" down the road, but, hey, they DO tint the stock footage for the nighttime driving scene.But the woman reporter, Peggy Castle, is not only a good looker, but a strong woman who is treated as a equal by most of the men, who show her respect. She is a tough cookie like Beverly Garland in It Conquered the World. Not a typical 1950s bimbo or weak sister. I always thought Peggy Castle's character taught Peter Grave's character how to be a man.And when Morris Ankrum is in uniform, you know however dicey the situation, right and good will triumph in the end. Even in the Beginning of the End.This movie does have a message: if you park on a lonely road and engage in illicit teenage necking, you will be eaten by giant mutant grasshoppers.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Beginning Of The End (1957).avi ed2k link stats

Not of This Earth

Emisario de otro mundo

Director: Roger Corman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 67'
Guión: Mark Hanna, Charles B. Griffith
Fotografía: John J. Mescall
Música: Ronald Stein
Paul Birch
Beverly Garland
Morgan Jones
William Roerick
Jonathan Haze
Dick Miller
Anna Lee Carroll
Pat Flynn
Barbara Bohrer
Roy Engel
Tamar Cooper

Un extraterrestre llega a nuestro planeta acuciado por la crisis de su propio planeta, y necesita sangre de los terrícolas para sobrevivir. El alienígena mantiene sus ojos protegidos por lentes negros, que se quita para asesinar a sus eventuales víctimas. Una enfermera le proporciona frecuentes transfusiones, pero al final resulta que la Tierra no es una lugar apacible para los peligrosos habitantes del espacio.

DVDRip Dual Inglés-Italiano:
ed2k linkNot.of.This.Earth.-.Il.Vampiro.del.Pianeta.Rosso.(R.Corman.1957) ed2k link stats

The Brain From Planet Arous

El Cerebro del Planeta Arous

Director: Nathan Juran
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 72'
Guión: Ray Buffum
Fotografía: Jacques R. Marquette (B&W)
Música: Walter Greene
John Agar
Joyce Meadows
Robert Fuller
Thomas Browne Henry
Ken Terrell
Henry Travis
E. Leslie Thomas
Tim Graham
Bill Giorgio

Un científico es poseído por Gor, un cerebro alienígena (con ojos y que vapulea gente y vuela gracias a unos alambres de acero que usted no debería divisar, pero que puede llegar a hacerlo en ciertas escenas). Gor intenta dominar el planeta Tierra, entre otros propósitos muchos más descabellados. En tanto, George, el perro de Sally, la bonita novia del protagonista, es poseído por Fol, otro cerebro extraterrestre que viene persiguiendo al cerebro malo.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe Brain from Planet Arous.(Nathan Hertz.1957).DVDRip.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Invisible Boy

El chico invisible

Director: Herman Hoffman
País: USA
Duración: 90'
Guión: Cyril Hume (screenplay), Edmund Cooper (story)
Richard Eyer, Philip Abbott, Diane Brewster, Harold J. Stone, Robert H. Harris, Dennis McCarthy, Alexander Lockwood, John O'Malley, Robby the Robot, Rayford Barnes, Gage Clarke, Helen Kleeb, Alfred Linder, Marvin Miller, Michael Miller

"The science-monster who would destroy the world!"
A ten-year-old boy and Robby the Robot team up to prevent a Super Computer from controlling the Earth from a satellite.

Such a strange film. One that doesn't really know which gimmick to run with: the super computer, the borrowed and infamous Robby the robot, invisibility, or space travel. It's a schizophrenic jumble of the time's sci-fi staples, with absurdly weak links. Still, I can't say it was ever dull. One thing that struck me about this picture, was the dry humor involving the Scientist father. He reacts almost casually to his son's sudden intelligence boost and invisibility. It comes off like a satire of the Cleaver-type family, and was a welcome surprise.Give this one a chance if you catch it on Turner Classic Movies one night. But I wouldn't recommend seeking it out for purchase.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe.Invisible.Boy.(Xvid-ac3)(Eng)(Blowmyeyes).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkThe.Invisible.Boy.(Xvid-ac3)(Eng)(Blowmyeyes).VOBSUBS.rar ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Amazing Colossal Man

El asombroso hombre creciente

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 80'
Guión: Mark Hanna, Bert I. Gordon, George Worthing Yates
Fotografía: Joseph F. Biroc (B&W)
Música: Albert Glasser
Glenn Langan
Cathy Downs
William Hudson
Larry Thor
James Seay
Frank Jenks

Un coronel del ejército queda atrapado en una prueba nuclear. Pero esto no sólo no lo lleva a la muerte sino que provoca una horrible mutación que le proporciona un tamaño descomunal. El crecimiento también trae desequilibrios mentales que lo llevan a atacar Las Vegas.

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - The amazing colossal man (1957).avi ed2k link stats

The Black Scorpion

The Black Scorpion

Director: Edward Ludwig
País: USA
Duración: 88'
Guión: David Duncan (screenplay), Robert Blees (screenplay) , (more)
Richard Denning, Mara Corday, Carlos Rivas, Mario Navarro, Carlos Múzquiz, Pascual García Peña, Fanny Schiller, Pedro Galván, Arturo Martínez, Bob Johnson

Volcanic activity frees giant scorpions from the earth who wreak havoc in the rural countryside and eventually threaten Mexico City.

Black Scorpion, is another semi classic, 50s giant monster movie. It should have been called the scorpions that ate Mexico. If you enjoy other movies from the 50s that feature giant insects or other huge monsters wreaking havoc on mankind, you will also like Black Scorpion. You do have to keep in mind that this was made in 1957. Don't be looking for the thrills you can get from the special effects in today's horror movies. The movie has to be viewed within the context of the time it was released. For it's time, the special effects were great. This was truly a scary movie for it's time and continues to be exciting today. I found this to be a very entertaining movie and recommend it to anyone who enjoys the giant monsters of the 50s and early 60s. Enjoy.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe.Black.Scorpion.(1957).FS.DVDRip.DivX5.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

From Hell It Came

From Hell It Came

Director: Dan Milner
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 73'
Guión: Richard Bernstein, Jack Milner (Historia: Richard Bernstein)
Fotografía: Brydon Baker (B&W)
Música: Darrell Calker
Tod Andrews
Tina Carver
Linda Watkins
John McNamara
Gregg Palmer
Robert Swan
Baynes Barron

Un árbol monstruoso, el Tabonga, crece de la tumba del hijo del jefe de los nativos locales, que fuera asesinado luego de una irrisoria conspiración. Un grupo de científicos norteamericanos instalados en la misma isla estudian la repercusión de la radiación (luego de las pruebas atómicas en el Pacífico), tratan de investigar el fenómeno, y no se les ocurre mejor idea que podar el vegetal y llevárselo para estudiar en el laboratorio. Ahí una chica (Tina Carver) aplica un potente suero que ha venido probando con éxito en monitos, con la intención de revivir al árbol. Como resultado, este extraño monstruo cobra vida y escapa para vengarse de quienes mataron al príncipe nativo.

VOSE subs incrustados (parece más VHSRip que otra cosa):
ed2k linkJXX From Hell It Came 1957 Dvdrip Vose Spanish.avi ed2k link stats
Subtítulos sin comprobar:
Subs en español - English subs

The Land Unknown

The Land Unknown

Director: Virgil W. Vogel
País: USA
Duración: 78'
Guión: Charles Palmer (story), William N. Robson (adaptation), (more)
Jock Mahoney, Shirley Patterson, William Reynolds, Henry Brandon, Douglas Kennedy, Phil Harvey, Ralph Brooks, Kenner G. Kemp, Bing Russell, Bert Stevens

"DEEP IN THE ANTARCTIC WILDERNESS! (original print ad - all caps)"
Three men and a woman crash-land in a deep crater in Antarctica, where they find a prehistoric world.

This rip-roaring sci-fi adventure scores high marks in several categories. The story concerns four people whose helicopter lands in an unknown prehistoric valley, a freak temperate zone located thousands of feet below sea level in the Antarctic, kept warm by volcanically-heated water and a permanent cloud layer that traps the warm air. The special effects are by Universal's FX wizard Clifford Stine, and even though the dinosaurs are not animated, they aren't badly done. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a man in a suit, the flippered dinosaur is fairly convincing puppet, and the rest are enlarged lizards. All the dinosaurs are skillfully integrated with live action shots.Stine loaded the film with wonderful scenes of the fog-shrouded prehistoric landscape, using marvelous matt shots and impressive sets, creating a Skull Island atmosphere. In some ways, this is the perfect 1950's sci-fi film, because it proudly presents a wealth of facts about the Antarctic before it begins its fanciful story.The music by Joseph Gershenson is extremely effective. Director Virgil Vogel ("The Mole People") keeps the action moving right along. Hero Jock Mahoney (who later played Tarzan) is a stalwart hero, and Shawn Smith (the stern lady astronaut in "It! The Terror from Beyond Space" and the luscious babe in a mini-skirt in "World Without End") makes a gorgeous heroine. Henry Brandon does a commendable job as a half-crazed survivor from a previous expedition -- and I read somewhere that he was actually a member of the 1947 Bird Expedition to the North Pole. Don't remember where I read it, so I might be misinformed.

Hilo en DXC
1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Land.Unknown.1957.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats

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English subs - Subs en castellano

The 27th Day

El Día 27

Director: William Asher
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 75'
Guión: John Mantley, Robert M. Fresco
Fotografía: Henry Freulich (B&W)
Música: Mischa Bakaleinikoff
Gene Barry
Valerie French
George Voskovec
Arnold Moss
Stefan Schnabel
Ralph Clanton
Friedrich von Ledebur
Paul Birch
Azemat Janti

Tres hombres y dos mujeres de distintos orígenes son llevados a un platillo volante donde un extraterrestre les explica que su pueblo vive en un planeta moribundo y necesita a la Tierra. Sin embargo, su código ético no les permite conquistarla. ¿La solución? Que sean los propios humanos quienes aceleren su propia destrucción. Para ello les da a cada uno tres cápsulas capaces de destruir la vida humana en un radio de 2.500 kilómetros. Los cinco elegidos disponen de 27 días para utilizarlas...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe 27th Day.(William Asher.1957).DVDRip.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Cyclops

Los cíclopes

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: USA
Duración: 66'
Guión: Bert I. Gordon (written by)
James Craig, Gloria Talbott, Lon Chaney Jr., Tom Drake, Duncan 'Dean' Parkin, Vicente Padula, Marlene Kloss, Manuel López

"50 FT. HIGH MAN-THING in a land of NATURE GONE MAD! (original ad - mostly caps)"

An expedition to Mexico finds and does battle with a mutated 25-foot man with one big eye.

1080p tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Cyclops.1957.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
Subs inglés:
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ed2k linkThe Cyclops (1957) DVDRip x.264 AC3 Wolfman.mkv ed2k link stats

The Unearthly

Nido de monstruos

Director: Boris Petroff
País: USA
Duración: 73'
Guión: Jane Mann (original story), John D.F. Black (screenplay) , (more)
John Carradine, Myron Healey, Allison Hayes, Marilyn Buferd, Arthur Batanides, Sally Todd, Tor Johnson, Roy Gordon, Guy Prescott, Raymond Guta, Harry Fleer, Gloria Petroff, Paul McWilliams, Karl Johnson

"An army of mutants on a mission from hell!"
Mad doctor uses patients at his isolated psychiatric institute as subjects in his attempts to create longevity by surgically installing an artificial gland in their skulls, with disastrous results.

Acceptable scare-fare here, with two of the B movie greats, Carridine and Healy, and the prince of the C,D,E,and F movies, Tor Johnson. Not as campy as an Arch Hall Jr. or Dennis Ray Steckler effort-the production values are too good-but still some good giggles at trite dialogue and silly plot.

ed2k linkThe.Unearthly.(1957).DVDRip.XviD-UM3P.avi ed2k link stats

She Devil

La diabla

Director: Kurt Neumann
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 77'
Guión: Kurt Neumann, Carroll Young (Historia: Stanley G. Weinbaum)
Fotografía: Karl Struss (B&N)
Música: Paul Sawtell, Bert Shefter
Mari Blanchard
Albert Dekker
John Archer
Paul Cavanagh
Jack Kelly
George Baxter
Fay Baker
George Baxter
Helen Jay

Basándose en la teoría de que la recuperación de una enfermedad es simplemente una cuestión de adaptación, el Dr. Scott crea un suero milagroso. Lo prueba en Kyra Zelas, una paciente moribunda. Los resultados superan todas las expectativas, la joven se cura. Pero a su salida del hospital empieza a cometer actos criminales...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkShe Devil.(Kurt Neumann.1957).DVDRip.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Vampire

Mark of the Vampire

Director: Paul Landres
País: USA
Duración: 75'
Guión: Pat Fielder (screenplay), Pat Fielder (story)
John Beal, Coleen Gray, Kenneth Tobey, Lydia Reed, Dabbs Greer, Herb Vigran, Paul Brinegar, Ann Staunton, James Griffith, Budd Buster, Arthur Gardner, Raymond Greenleaf, Hallene Hill, Mauritz Hugo, Louise Lewis

"It Feeds on the Blood of Beautiful Women!"
A small town doctor mistakenly ingests an experimental drug made from the blood of vampire bats which transforms the kindly medic into a bloodthirsty monster.

Dr. Paul Beecher, a respected small-town physician and all-around nice guy, ingests some mysterious pills given to him by his annoying daughter. It seems the li'l brat has foolishly mistaken them for his migraine medication! After Beecher develops a chemical dependency for the drug, he slowly realizes that he was responsible for a series of bizarre murders committed while he was under the influence of these pills. Apparently, these harmless-looking tablets have the power to make their user mutate into a hairy, bloodthirsty vampire at nightfall, leaving him with no recollection of what he has done after the effects have worn off. How could these pills be so powerful? Easy! Because they contain a chemical extracted from a vampire bat!!This fun, fast-paced horror flick was made in that classic monster-movie style that we have all come to love, yet at the same time it has some very unique and clever twists. The vampire, who is played excellently by John Beal, really looks nothing like you'd expect. Rather than having the bloodsucker portrayed as the standard well-dressed, intelligent, and graceful DRACULA lookalike, THE VAMPIRE depicts him as a hairy, ugly, clumsy beast who ambles aimlessly after his targets. In my opinion, the interpretation of a vampire as being angry, primitive, and relentlessly brutal is much more frightening than the notion of a slick, attractive, intellectual vamp.The characters in this film are eccentric, likeable, and very well-acted; and the special effects, although simple and outdated, are surprisingly effective. Despite the fact that THE VAMPIRE's story may contain a few glaring inconsistencies, it still succeeds as a suspenseful yet down-to-earth creature feature.

1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k link.mp4|1260511846|62FDB449BB947D303D669C5229B3D5E8|h=XDCS7QEE6SKFXQM6SREO6DOAAMV4ZQXS|/]The.Vampire.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.LT].mp4 ed2k link stats
ed2k|87747|4A7A805749033EDE83FA156AD20A107C|h=5W2Z4K4JCWEMDTOVDHZLI47GSWQBXLHV|/]The.Vampire.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.LT] ed2k link stats
ed2k|94313|0F5C5405754653CB8317667FE26C96C6|h=FAIPJYOCTU7RLWRNGW6QGCHUVQMA2FEL|/]The.Vampire.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.LT] ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe Vampire (1957).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Man Without a Body

The Man Without a Body

Director: Charles Saunders, W. Lee Wilder
País: UK, USA
Duración: 80'
Guión: William Grote (writer)
Robert Hutton, George Coulouris, Julia Arnall, Nadja Regin, Sheldon Lawrence, Peter Copley, Michael Golden, Norman Shelley, Stanley Van Beers, Tony Quinn, Maurice Kaufmann, William Sherwood, Edwin Ellis, Donald Marley, Frank Forsyth

"a diabolical dream come true! Who is his Next Victim?"

A wealthy business man discovers he has a brain tumor and seeks medical help. The business man finds...

The Astounding She-Monster

Invasora de Júpiter

Director: Ronald V. Ashcroft
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 62'
Guión: Ronald V. Ashcroft, Frank Hall
Fotografía: William C. Thompson (B&N)
Robert Clarke
Kenne Duncan
Marilyn Harvey
Jeanne Tatum
Shirley Kilpatrick
Ewing Miles Brown

Una cápsula espacial aterriza en un bosque del gran norte americano. A bordo viaja una extraterrestre. Un consejo cósmico, inquieto por el hecho de que nuestro planeta pueda poner en peligro el equilibrio universal, la ha enviado a la Tierra. ¿Con qué fin? Eso tendrán que descubrir una banda de malhechores y sus rehenes, un geólogo y una joven de la alta sociedad.

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - The Astounding She-Monster (1957) Ronald Ashcroft.mpg ed2k link stats

I Was a Teenage Frankenstein

I Was a Teenage Frankenstein

Director: Herbert L. Strock
País: USA
Duración: 74'
Guión: Herman Cohen (writer), Aben Kandel (writer)
Whit Bissell, Phyllis Coates, Robert Burton, Gary Conway, George Lynn, John Cliff, Marshall Bradford, Claudia Bryar, Angela Blake, Russ Whiteman, Charles Seel, Paul Keast, Gretchen Thomas, Patrick Miller, Joy Stoner

"Body of a boy! Mind of a monster! Soul of an unearthly thing!"

Professor Frankenstein, a university lecturer with an alligator pit under his house, steals body parts...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkI was a teenage Frankenstein (Herbert L. Strock, 1957).avi ed2k link stats
VHSRip en español:
ed2k linkYo fui un Frankenstein Adolescente (1957) Versión en Castellano.avi ed2k link stats

Voodoo Woman

Voodoo Woman

Director: Edward L. Cahn
País: USA
Duración: 75'
Guión: Russ Bender (writer), V.I. Voss (writer)
Marla English, Tom Conway, Mike Connors, Lance Fuller, Mary Ellen Kay, Paul Dubov, Martin Wilkins, Norman Willis, Otis Greene, Emmett Smith, Paul Blaisdell, Giselle D'Arc, Jean Davis

"A woman by day... a monster by night!"
Deep in the jungles a mad scientist is using the natives' voodoo for his experiments to create an indestructible being to serve his will...

This 1950's howler is so bad it's unintentionally funny. Tom Conway portrays Dr. Gerard, a scientist who is turning natives into a monster using voodoo. His poor wife, played by Mary Ellen Kay, is being held captive by her wacko hubby who has no time for her but threatens to kill her if she leaves him. Along comes Marla English as a greedy murderess who has already killed a man to find treasure in the jungle. Her idiot boyfriend, portrayed by Lance Fuller, is along on the safari. They hire "Touch" Connors, (later renamed Mike Connors, of Mannix fame) as a guide. English is a terrible actress, but hey, no one else in the cast were turning in academy award winning performances either. "Touch" (I'm sorry, I can't even type the name without cracking up, I mean, what the...) gave the only half way decent performance of the bunch and that's saying a lot. The monster is only seen briefly, and the ending is predictable to say the least. I would say this movie falls into the "it's so bad, it's almost good" category of movies. It's good on a rainy night when nothing else is on the tube.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkWoodoo Woman-k7-DXC-DVDRip-dual.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkWoodoo Woman-k7-DXC-DVDRip-dual.rar ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Man Who Turned to Stone

The Man Who Turned to Stone

Director: László Kardos
País: USA
Duración: 71'
Guión: Bernard Gordon (written by) (originally as Raymond T. Marcus)
Victor Jory, William Hudson, Charlotte Austin, Jean Willes, Ann Doran, Paul Cavanagh, George Lynn, Victor Varconi, Friedrich von Ledebur, Tina Carver, Barbara Wilson, Don C. Harvey, Jean Harvey

"Human or inhuman? No woman is safe...!"
Jory and his followers stay immortal by siphoning off the life forces of others. If they don't get renewed, they petrify.

I purchased a Goodtimes Video of this film in 1989 for $8.99. The jacket promo includes a statement claiming, "Weird scientists murder young girls to prolong life." Ah well, it turns out the jacket is far more exciting than the film. Young inmates of a women's minimum security prison continue to die of "heart failure." This becomes a little too obvious and the handsome young corrections psychiatrist, William Hudson as Dr. Rogers, is called in to investigate. The good doctor finds out that Dr. Murdock (Victory Jory) and the rest of the prison staff are all over 200 years old and must renew themselves from time to time with new life energy. It has been determined that young females are the best sources of this new energy, thus Murdock and his confederates have placed themselves in charge of a women's prison. All ends happily, however, after Dr. Rogers saves his lady love, the kind-hearted social worker Carol, played by Charlotte Austin, from Murdock's murderous clutches. Films such as this must be judged in context to it's genre, the time that it was filmed in (1957), and budget, which in this case it is obvious the budget was very modest. The sets are mediocre, the film is somewhat grainy and production values iffy at best and that is being kind. In short, this is another 1950's era horror / sci-fi B-film which could have been done much better in a different time and with greater financing. Not even the presence of that fine character actor Victor Jory, (a fine player for many years who never received the acclaim he deserved), could lift this one very high, but even with its limitations it is enjoyable to fans of this type of film. Today, the setting and story plot would tempt a director to include nudity and perhaps soft core porno scenes, which would change the tone of the story dramatically and this would be a shame, because the story itself is pretty good. Of course, I am prejudiced. Anything that has to do with time travel interests me greatly and immortality is, to me, a form of time travel. This one is of interest to fans of this type of film only, but don't let that stop you from catching it on late night TV if you can. If nothing else, it is an excellent example of the lesser B films of the era, an era far more interesting to serious students of film than most of the general public today realizes.

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

The Unknown Terror

The Unknown Terror

Director: Charles Marquis Warren
País: USA
Duración: 76'
Guión: Kenneth Higgins (writer)
John Howard, Mala Powers, Paul Richards, May Wynn, Gerald Milton, Duane Grey, Richard Gilden, Martin Garralaga, Patrick O'Moore, William Hamel, Charles H. Gray, Charles Postal, Sir Lancelot

"They dared enter the Cave of Death to explore the secrets of hell!"
A woman leads an expedition into a remote jungle to find her long-lost brother, but instead finds a mad scientist who has created a fungus monster that feeds on the local inhabitants.

Only recently have movie makers started to make movies like this again. This movie was one of the hidden gems of science fiction. The plot was basic, with interesting characters, and an exciting story line. One outstanding feature was that the hero was actually disabled. Try getting a script like that past producers in the 70's through the 90's! And he was very likable, dignified character. A team, your basic hero, the girl, and the preppy glory seeking antagonist, search for the girl's brother in a remote cave, and find a few surprises. The monster fungus is scary by any day's standards, due to proper directing techniques. The film works. And it leaves you with a sense of excitement and enjoyment. It is a truly fun movie.

The Night the World Exploded

The Night the World Exploded

Director: Fred F. Sears
País: USA
Duración: 64'
Guión: Jack Natteford (writer), Luci Ward (writer)
Kathryn Grant, William Leslie, Tristram Coffin, Raymond Greenleaf, Charles Evans, Frank J. Scannell, Marshall Reed, Fred Coby, Paul Savage, Terry Frost, John Close, Sam Harris, Robert Kino, Pierce Lyden, Dennis Moore

"Super-quake tilts the earth!"
Dr. Conway has perfected a machine which he believes will predict earthquakes, and has determined that one will strike California within 24 hours...

Well, I like this movie, and I don't care what the critics say. It's a low-budget "Monolith Monsters" in reverse, sort of. Unlike the Monoliths that grow explosively when wet, the rocks in NTWE explode when dry.Yes, the props and sets are cheesy sometimes (the "Pressure Photometer" could use a few squirts of oil), but it's an interesting concept that makes an attempt to offer halfway logical scientific reasons for its premise, unlike the pure nonsense of more contemporary movies like "Independence Day", in which any appearance of logical reasoning is thrown out the window.Unfortunately, there appears to have never been a studio release of this movie, either on VHS or DVD. Currently, one can find both formats on ebay, but they all seem to be copies of the same TV broadcast.

Night of the Blood Beast

Night of the Blood Beast

Director: Bernard L. Kowalski
País: USA
Duración: 62'
Guión: Gene Corman (story), Martin Varno (writer)
John Baer, Angela Greene, Ed Nelson, Georgianna Carter, Michael Emmet, Tyler McVey, Ross Sturlin

"No girl was safe as long as this head-hunting thing roamed the land!"
An astronaut returns from space dead. The base that recovered him is then cut off from the outside world by an alien...

An entertaining piece of low budget schlock. Despite the cheesy production values, it's quite well done. A zombified, hairy chested scientist, denied the opportunity to wear a shirt after his pseudodemise, is impregnated with alien sea monkeys, clearly an homage to the ads inside comic books of the era. Why is it that, when Roger Corman is involved, there's a always a shirtless, hairy chested scientist, e.g. Giant Leeches, Crab Monsters? I don't get it, but thanks a million, Roger. The plot and characters are no worse than in any other sci-fi from the fifties and all the actors are veterans of genre TV and movies. The lighting is sometimes good, the score is theremin heavy with an occasional moment of Felliniesque jauntiness. The monster is post-nuclear Sesame Street, but after all the money spent on the sea monkey x-ray scene, you can't have everything. If you pay attention to the opening title sequence, you'll note that the rocket ship separates from its booster rocket and looks amazingly like the space shuttle. Sometimes they get it right.

It! The Terror from Beyond Space

El terror del más allá

Director: Edward L. Cahn
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 69'
Guión: Jerome Bixby
Fotografía: Kenneth Peach (B&N)
Música: Paul Sawtell, Bert Shefter
Marshall Thompson
Shirley Patterson
Kim Spalding
Ann Doran
Dabbs Greer
Paul Langton
Robert Bice
Richard Benedict
Richard Hervey
Thom Carney
Ray Corrigan

Una expedición anterior: sólo hallan al capitán, y el resto de la dotación ha desaparecido. Acusado de matar a sus compañeros, el hombre es apresado y conducido de regreso a la Tierra. Pero antes de despegar de Marte, una criatura se cuela en el interior de la nave y, a lo largo del viaje, comienza a diezmar a la tripulación…

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VO:
ed2k linkIt.the.Terror.from.Beyond.Space.1958.1080p.BluRay.x264-SADPANDA.mkv ed2k link stats
Subs español:
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Subs inglés:
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ed2k linkIt!.The.Terror.from.Beyond.Space.1958.DVDRip.DivX.Eng.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman

El ataque de la mujer de 50 pies

Director: Nathan Juran
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 66'
Guión: Mark Hanna
Fotografía: Jacques R. Marquette (B&W)
Música: Ronald Stein
Allison Hayes
William Hudson
Yvette Vickers
Roy Gordon
George Douglas
Ken Terrell

Una sufrida ama de casa (Allison Hayes) se cruza en el camino de unos extraterrestres del espacio exterior... que la hacen crecer y crecer hasta los 50 pies de altura. Un film de culto de serie B, delirante, pre-feminista y con el encanto de los clásicos de ciencia-ficción de los años cincuenta.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkAttack.of.the.50.Ft.Woman.1958.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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Subs en español sin comprobar:
ed2k linkEl ataque de la mujer de 50 pies (Attack of the 50 Foot Woman 1958) (VOE).srt ed2k link stats

The Blob

La masa devoradora

Director: Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 86'
Guión: Theodore Simonson, Kay Linaker (Historia: Irving H. Millgate)
Fotografía: Thomas E. Spalding
Música: Ralph Carmichael
Steve McQueen
Aneta Corsaut
Earl Rowe
Steven Chase
John Benson
George Karas
Lee Paton
Elbert Smith

Una masa amorfa llegada del espacio que consume a todos los que cruzan en su camino. Cada vez que se alimenta aumenta de tamaño de forma espectacular, poniendo en peligro a un pequeño pueblo. A pesar de las burlas de la policía, Steve Andrews (Steve McQueen), su novia y sus compañeros intentarán alertar a todo el mundo de la amenaza que supone "la masa devoradora."

Hilo en DXC
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Subs en español - English subs

1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Blob.1958.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats

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The Fly

La mosca

Director: Kurt Neumann
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 94'
Guión: James Clavell
Fotografía: Karl Struss
Música: Paul Sawtell
Al Hedison
Patricia Owens
Vincent Price
Herbert Marshall

Un científico, después de probar una transferencia de materia con él mismo, observa cómo su cabeza y un brazo empiezan a cambiar...

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
ed2k linkThe.Fly.1958.1080p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.mkv ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLa.Mosca.(1958).XviD+MP3.Dual.DivXClasico.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

ed2k linkThe Fly - La.mosca.(1958).(DVDRip-Spanish.English).(Xvid-MP3.AC3).by.SDGInn.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkLa.mosca.(The.Fly.1958)..(Subtitulos.Español.Ingles).by.SDGInn.rar ed2k link stats

I Married a Monster from Outer Space

Me casé con un monstruo del espacio exterior

Director: Gene Fowler Jr.
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 78'
Guión: Louis Vittes
Fotografía: Haskell B. Boggs (B&W)
Tom Tryon
Gloria Talbott
Peter Baldwin
Robert Ivers
Chuck Wassil
Ty Hardin
Ken Lynch
John Eldredge
Alan Dexter
James Anderson
Jean Carson
Jack Orrison

Una nación extraterrestre invade el mundo comenzando por un pueblito pequeño en los Estados Unidos. Pero en vez de una conquista bélica, ellos se mimetizan como un gran número de hombres del pueblo, la mayoría de los cuales está próximo al matrimonio. El objetivo: procrear nuevos seres que puedan prolongar la zozobrante (a causa de la extinción de sus mujeres) raza alienígena.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkMe casé con un monstruo del espacio exterior_Sat-Rip VOSE_Divx 5.2_por KKQLOPIS( ed2k link stats

ed2k linkI.Married.A.Monster.From.Outer.Space.(1958).DVDRip.XviD.avi ed2k link stats

Missile to the Moon

Invasion de la luna

Director: Richard E. Cunha
País: USA
Duración: 78'
Guión: H.E. Barrie (screenplay), Vincent Fotre (screenplay)
Richard Travis, Cathy Downs, K.T. Stevens, Tommy Cook, Nina Bara, Gary Clarke, Michael Whalen, Laurie Mitchell, Leslie Parrish, Henry Hunter, Lee Roberts, Sandra Wirth, Pat Mowry, Tania Velia, Sanita Pelkey

"A Giant Fiendish Creature!"
Escaped convicts Gary and Lon are caught hiding in a rocket by scientist Dirk Green, who forces them to pilot the ship to the moon...

Richard Cunha did not direct many movies but the few he did give us are fantastic. You know right away you are in an alternate universe when you watch this one. Hero Richard Travis pulls back a curtain to give us a look at what is supposed to be a giant rocket way out in the background; but you can tell immediately that it is a wooden model just a few inches away! Oh it just gets better from there! Scientist Michael Whalen blasts off for the Moon with a makeshift crew of 2 escaped JD's (Gary Clarke of HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER fame and Tommy Cook of no particular fame at all). Mr. Travis and girlfriend Cathy Downs (former fiancée of THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN) go aboard just before blastoff and are unable to get off in time . . . does that mean they were shanghaied? Amazingly the extra weight does not affect fuel or oxygen consumption and apart from the obligatory meteor shower they reach the Moon with no problem. Remember to keep repeating "It's only a movie, only a movie, only a movie . . ."This is not the Moon of DESTINATION MOON, oh no! This Moon is inhabited by walking rocks that look like Gumby on steroids, a giant spider that looks like a puppet (well okay it IS a puppet but it's a darn mean looking puppet!) and a civilisation of beautiful women. They have a distinct problem though, they are running out of oxygen and must take off for another planet soon or else! They want the Earth people to show them how to build a rocket to carry them to safety. Meanwhile moon girl Alpha (Nina Bara) takes one look at Travis and decides she must have him for a mate and her unrequited love is more important than the survival of her own race. Talk about self absorbed!Is it art? No. Is it fun? You bet! The puppet spider had already been seen in the 3-D film CAT WOMEN OF THE MOON but Mr. Cunha's film is much more fun. The rock men are surprisingly good and the Moon girls are fabulous. Look closely for Leslie Parrish (Daisy Mae of L'IL ABNER fame) and Lisa Simone who would go on to meet THE GIANT GILA MONSTER among the lunar beauties.Amazing some TV prints cut the scenes of the spider claiming a victim and the climactic shot that shows why you should not go out in the sun while visiting the moon. Some DVD prints of this now Public Domain title offer the film uncut. Notice I said some, not all!

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Missile To The Moon (1958).avi ed2k link stats
Subtítulos en castellano gracias a javu61

ed2k linkMissile.To.The.Moon.(Richard.E.Cunha.1958).DVDRip.English.Subs.Spanish.By.WaldoLydecker.mkv ed2k link stats

The Space Children

Hijos del espacio

Director: Jack Arnold
País: USA
Duración: 69'
Guión: Tom Filer (novel), Bernard C. Schoenfeld (screenplay)
Michel Ray, Adam Williams, Peggy Webber, Johnny Washbrook, Jackie Coogan, Richard Shannon, Raymond Bailey, Sandy Descher, Larry Pennell, Peter Baldwin, Ty Hardin, Russell Johnson, David Bair, Johnny Crawford, Eilene Janssen

"Slowly...and with horror the parents realized THEIR CHILDREN WERE THE SLAVES OF 'THE THING' FROM OUTER SPACE!"
An alien intelligence aborts the launching of a rocket with the help of a bunch of children.

The children of some US rocket scientists come under the spell of a strange alien being that seems to want them to sabotage the nations defense!Another B thriller from director Jack Arnold (who directed the classic Creature from the Black Lagoon in 1954), this one is a bit more intelligent than the average drive-in sci-fi fodder. The Space Children is actually an anti-war film kind of in the tradition of The Twilight Zone, the story does indeed resemble a story that one would see on the classic TV series. Arnold lends some steady direction, creating an occasionally eerie atmosphere (who could ever forget that spooky final image of an ill-fated Russell Johnson?) and a decent alien creation. Kudos go to a chilling music score.The cast isn't half bad, the youths of the film being especially good.A worth-wild watch for those who like the films of this era.** 1/2 out of ****

ed2k linkThe Space Children - I Figlillo Spazio (J Arnold 1958) Dvdmux By Rabo959.avi ed2k link stats

Queen of Outer Space

La Rebelión De Los Planetas

Director: Edward Bernds
País: USA
Duración: 80'
Guión: Charles Beaumont (screenplay), Ben Hecht (story)
Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eric Fleming, Dave Willock, Laurie Mitchell, Lisa Davis, Paul Birch, Patrick Waltz, Barbara Darrow, Marilyn Buferd, Mary Ford, Marya Stevens, Laura Mason, Lynn Cartwright, Kathy Marlowe, Coleen Drake

"Mankind's first fantastic flight to Venus - the female planet!"
American astronauts are drawn by a mysterious force to the planet Venus, which they find to be inhabited only by beautiful women and their despotic queen.

I saw this film on late night TV as a youth and thought it was the coolest movie I had ever seen. Of course at that time, the coolest movie I'd ever seen was usually the most recent one. But there was something eerie and scary and exciting and fun about QOOS...... the hideous queen with her mask, the statuesque women of Venus, the death ray, the giant spider-beasts..and Zsa Zsa. Of course, now I see the film for the campy delight it is and was intended. It's so-bad-it's-good and I own a copy of it and watch it when I need a laugh. The lines from the wolfish astronaut is so brutally oafish that I can't believe it was delivered with a straight face.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkQueen of Outer Space.1958.DVDRip.avi ed2k link stats
English subs

DVDRip VOSE subs incrustados:
ed2k linkLa reina del espacio exterior (V.O.S.) (DVDRip)(salvatraca)(terrorfantastico).avi ed2k link stats

Earth vs. The Spider

La araña

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 73'
Guión: László Görög, George Worthing Yates
Fotografía: Jack A. Marta (B&W)
Música: Albert Glasser
Ed Kemmer
June Kenney
Eugene Persson
Gene Roth
Hal Torey
June Jocelyn
Mickey Finn
Sally Fraser
Troy Patterson
Skip Young
Howard Wright

Una araña gigante es hallada dentro de una cueva. A pesar de estar muerta y empacada para su estudio en una universidad, revive a los compases del rock´n´roll, para iniciar la consabida destrucción.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkEarth vs the Spider k7-DXC-DVDRip dual.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

Attack of the Puppet People

Ataque diabólico

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: Bert I. Gordon, George Worthing Yates
Fotografía: Ernest Laszlo (B&W)
Música: Albert Glasser
John Agar
John Hoyt
June Kenney
Susan Gordon
Michael Mark
Jack Kosslyn
Marlene Willis
Ken Miller
Laurie Mitchell
Scott Peters
June Jocelyn
Jean Moorhead

La joven Sally responde un aviso clasificado en el que piden secretaria para la empresa Dolls Inc., cuyo director y único miembro es el Sr. Frank le ruega que acepte el trabajo propuesto. Semanas más tarde llega desde St. Louis el viajante Bob Westley que se percata del nerviosismo de Sally ante su jefe, que está demasiado compenetrado con sus muñecos. ¿Tendrá algo que ver con esta situación las misteriosas desapariciones de la antigua secretaria de Franz y un cartero del vecindario?

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkAttack_of_the_puppet_people_1958_Divx5.1_Mp3_128_PECKATSWE.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkAttack of the Puppet People (1958).VHSRip.VOSE.avi ed2k link stats

From the Earth to the Moon

De la Tierra a la Luna

Director: Byron Haskin
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 101'
Guión: Robert Blees (Novela: Julio Verne)
Fotografía: Edwin B. Dupar
Música: Louis Forbes
Joseph Cotten
George Sanders
Debra Paget
Don Dubbins
Patric Knowles
Carl Esmond
Henry Daniell
Melville Cooper
Ludwig Stössel

Adaptación de la novela de Julio Verne acerca del lanzamiento de un cohete tripulado a la Luna. Un inventor ha descubierto una nueva fuente de poder, el Poder X, que planea utilizar para potenciar un cohete con destino a la Luna. El científico lidera la expedición, junto con un asistente, su archienemigo y la hija de este.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkFrom.The.Earth.To.The.Moon.(De.La.Tierra.A.La.Luna).1958.(SATRip.XviD).(dual.spanish.english).(by.elquetuquieras).avi ed2k link stats

The Brain Eaters

Las sanguijuelas humanas

Director: Bruno VeSota
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 60'
Guión: Gordon Urquhart
Fotografía: Lawrence Raimond (B&W)
Música: Tom Jonson
Alan Frost
Robert Ball
David Hughes
Greigh Phillips
Leonard Nimoy
Ed Nelson
Jody Fair
Joanna Lee
Cornelius Keefe

Suceden cosas extrañas en Riverdale, Illinois. Se ha encontrado, semienterrada, una estructura enorme que parecería ser de origen alienígena. El senador Walter Powers (Jack Hill) y el Dr. Paul Kettering (Edwin Nelson), encargados de investigar el origen de ese objeto misterioso, descubren que los parásitos provenientes del centro de la tierra, que se aferran al cuello de sus víctimas para controlar sus cerebros, se han infiltrado en la ciudad y ahora controlan a las autoridades y a los trabajadores e impiden la comunicación con el exterior. Powers, Kettering y un grupo de personas libres deberán frenar la invasión.

Hilo en DXC
DVDRip Dual:
ed2k linkThe Brain Eaters. Las Sanguijuelas Humanas. 1958 (Dvdrip Dual Eng-Esp)(Cifirip)(roy).avi ed2k link stats

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Monster on the Campus

Monstruo en la noche

Director: Jack Arnold
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 77'
Guión: David Duncan
Fotografía: Russell Metty (B&W)
Arthur Franz
Troy Donahue
Judson Pratt
Joanna Moore
Helen Westcott
Troy Donahue
Phil Harvey
Ross Elliott

En la universidad de Dunsfield, el profesor Donald Blake recibe de Madagascar un espécimen de celacanto, un pez que se creía extinguido desde hacía más de 50 millones de años. Poco después, el terror se apodera del campus. Un perro dócil parece rabioso, aparece una libélula gigante y tiene lugar un crimen salvaje...

DVDRip VOSE subs incrustados:
ed2k linkMonster On The Campus (VOSE-Jack Arnold-1958)(Alianza Nostromo-Terrorfantastico).avi ed2k link stats

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1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkMonster.on.the.Campus.1958.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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Frankenstein's Daughter

Frankenstein's Daughter

Director: Richard E. Cunha
País: USA
Duración: 85'
Guión: H.E. Barrie (screenplay)
John Ashley, Sandra Knight, Donald Murphy, Sally Todd, Harold Lloyd Jr., Felix Locher, Wolfe Barzell, John Zaremba, Robert Dix, Harry Wilson, Voltaire Perkins, Charlotte Portney, Bill Coontz, George Barrows, Page Cavanaugh

"It reaches from the grave to re-live the horror, the terror! More destructive! More terrifying!"
Dr. Frankenstein's insane grandson attempts to create horrible monsters in modern day L.A.

This is the movie that almost killed me. Watching it many years ago, at NYC's Thalia Theatre, as part of an amazing double feature with "The Monster From Green Hell," I laughed so uproariously that I really thought I was going to rupture my spleen. It has been my favorite "bad movie" ever since, and I love it to this day, for many reasons. First of all, we have to wait a mere 20 seconds or so before we see one of the film's two impressive monsters. That first one is Trudy, who, when we first see her, is an ugly, bucktoothed, bushy-browed horror in a nightgown. Come morning, Trudy is as pretty as can be, but retains memories of the previous night. Could all this have something to do with the presence of her uncle's research assistant, Otto Frank (nee Frankenstein), in the house? What would you think? As it turns out, ol' Otto, the grandson of the original good Dr., is using Uncle Carter's lab for some projects of his own. The creature he ultimately creates looks like a wrinkled mass of toadstools, while the monster's female brain "is conditioned to a man's world; therefore takes orders where [19th century ones] didn't." (This line always brings the house down in theatres!) Fifties stalwart John Ashley provides his usual sturdy support to the befuddled Trudy, director Richard Cunha remarkably brings in his fourth awesome film of 1958 ("She Demons," "Giant From the Unknown" and "Missile to the Moon" being the others), and the Page Cavanaugh Trio performs two swinging rock 'n' roll numbers. Indeed, the song with the refrain "Shaba-labba-lop, bobba-lobba lobba-lop" (which I now know to be called "Daddy-Bird") was the one that almost killed me back at the Thalia. This really might be the most entertaining teen/horror/rock 'n' roll movie ever made, nicely presented on this crisp-looking Image DVD.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkFrankenstein's Daughter.(Richard Cunha.1958).DVDRip.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Terror from the Year 5000

El terror del año 5000

Director: Robert J. Gurney Jr.
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 66'
Guión: Robert J. Gurney Jr. (Historia: Henry Slesar)
Fotografía: Arthur Florman
Música: Richard DuPage
Ward Costello
Joyce Holden
Frederic Downs
John Stratton
Salome Jens
Fred Herrick
Beatrice Furdeaux
Jack Diamond
Fred Taylor
Bill Downs
William Cost

Un científico construye un artefacto con el poder de traer al presente objetos desde el pasado. En una de las pruebas aparece una estatua que segun los científicos es del futuro, concretamente del año 5200. La estatua lleva dentro un ser vivo, una mujer. Esta tiene un mensaje para la humanidad; en el futuro, una radiación ha matado a los hombres y solo quedan mujeres. Ella tiene intención de llevar hombres del presente hasta el futuro para repoblar el mundo. Pero hay algo que no ha desvelado, algo monstruoso que oculta y que puede poner en peligro el futuro del ser humano.

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TVRip Español:
ed2k linkTerror del Año 5000 (1958) (Xvid-Tvrip) by Ignus42.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Terror from the Year 5000 (Robert J. Gurney Jr.,1958)TVRip XviD.avi.avi ed2k link stats (sin comprobar)

The Lost Missile

The Lost Missile

Director: William Berke
País: USA
Duración: 70'
Guión: John McPartland (screenplay), Jerome Bixby (screenplay) , (more)
Robert Loggia, Ellen Parker, Phillip Pine, Larry Kerr, Marilee Earle, Fred Engelberg, Kitty Kelly, Selmer Jackson, Hari Rhodes, Shirley J. Shawn, J. Anthony Hughes, Robert Busch, John Holland, John McNamara, Mike Steele

"The Thing That Came from Outer Hell...To Burn the World Alive!"
A strange missile from outer space circles the Earth at low altitudes, destroying everything in its path.

Released (some would say "escaped") in 1958, "The Lost Missile" is, de- spite it's many flaws and shortcomings, a fairly interesting tale about a wild missile, apparently of extraterrestrial origin, loose in the Earth's atmosphere and frying everything underneath it with a million-degree exhaust. The biggest problem with this film really isn't the film's fault: it suffers from being rather too ambitious for its budget. While this is true of many fifties sci-fi films, this is not to say that there are other flaws which cannot be so easily dismissed' to wit: the acting. Robert Loggia plays Dr. David Loring, the tragic hero, and turns in a performance that is played with such lethargy and apparent disinterest that it makes you wonder if he was wondering "what was I thinking?" The rest of the cast play their parts like second- or even third-string summer stock. Oh, yeah: there's also the cliche'd frazzeled scientist ("My wife's having a baby, and I can't be with her!!"), lots and lots of stock Dept. of Defense shots of scrambling fighters, and some surprisingly good effects rendered by then-Masterof the Art Jack Glass. By far, the most hilarious performance is rendered by the Governor's aide. This guy looks like he just found out that his wife is cheating, his single daughter is pregnant, his son has the clap, he has prostate cancer, the car needs a new tranny, and the bank is foreclosing on his mortgage. . .all at the same time!!! Coming in a close second is the TV singer. This guy couldn't carry a tune in a semi! Seriously though, while "The Lost Missile" may not be a great film, it isn't quite a bad one, either. It's fast-paced and does hold your interest, which is more than I can say for "Phantom From Space". That one.. .OY!!

Hilo en DXC
ed2k link(1958 - William A. Berke) The lost missile.avi ed2k link stats

Teenage Cave Man

El adolescente de las cavernas

Director: Roger Corman
País: USA
Duración: 65'
Guión: R. Wright Campbell (screenplay)
Robert Vaughn, Darah Marshall, Leslie Bradley, Frank DeKova, Charles P. Thompson, June Jocelyn, Jonathan Haze, Beach Dickerson, Ed Nelson, Robert Shayne, Marshall Bradford, Joseph Hamilton, Barboura Morris

"The future of humanity is in his hands"

A young man defies tribal laws and searches for answers. The result of his quest yields knowledge of past generations.

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DVDRip Dual:
ed2k linkTeenage Caveman-k7-DXC-DVDRip-dual.avi ed2k link stats
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Plan 9 From Outer Space

Plan 9 del espacio exterior

Director: Ed Wood (AKA Edward D. Wood Jr.)
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 79'
Guión: Ed Wood (AKA Edward D. Wood Jr.)
Fotografía: William C. Thompson (B&W)
Música: Gordon Zahler
Bela Lugosi
Lyle Talbot
Gregory Walcott
Mona McKinnon
Maila Nurmi
Tom Keene
Tor Johnson
Johnny Duncan
Ed Wood (AKA Edward D. Wood Jr.)
Duke Moore
Carl Anthony
Paul Marco
Dudley Manlove
Joanna Lee
John Breckinridge
David De Mering

Una joven pareja instala su domicilio cerca del cementerio. Pronto comienzan a ocurrir extraños sucesos. El motivo es que una raza alienígena pretende invadir la tierra y, para ello, está resucitando a los muertos y usándolos como ejército. La policía investiga los crímenes realizados en la zona...

Hilo en DXC
1080p VO tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkPlan.9.From.Outer.Space.1959.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats

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ed2k linkPlan 9 From Outer Space.(Ed Woow.1956).DVDRip XviD.( ed2k link stats
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Frankenstein - 1970

Frankenstein - 1970

Director: Howard W. Koch
País: USA
Duración: 83'
Guión: Richard H. Landau (screenplay), Charles A. Moses (story), (more)
Fotografía: ¡
Música: ¡
Boris Karloff, Tom Duggan, Jana Lund, Don 'Red' Barry, Charlotte Austin, Irwin Berke, Rudolph Anders, Norbert Schiller, John Dennis, Mike Lane, Jack Kenny, Joe Ploski, Otto Reichow, Franz Roehn

"The One...The Only KING OF MONSTERS as the new demon of the atomic age!"
Needing money, the last of the Frankensteins leases his castle out to a film company as he tries to complete his ancestor's gruesome experiments at creating life.

Frankenstein 1970 (1958) ** (out of 4) Baron Frankenstein (Boris Karloff), disfigured after being tortured by Nazi's, is running out of money so he lets a TV station shoot a documentary inside his castle about the legendary monster. What the TV crew doesn't know is that the Baron has used the money off the project to bring back another monster. This film tries to be "hip" and "fun" but it's really neither and remains quite dull all the way to the end. Karloff manages to give a fun, if campy, performance, which is the only real reason to watch this. I managed to get my hands on an incredibly rare 2.35:1 print of this and I must say this has some of the laziest scope cinematography ever.

ed2k linkFrankenstein 1970 (1958) DVDRip XviD MP3.avi ed2k link stats
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War of the Colossal Beast

La guerra de la bestia gigante

Director: Bert I. Gordon
País: USA
Duración: 69'
Guión: Bert I. Gordon (story), George Worthing Yates (screenplay)
Sally Fraser, Roger Pace, Duncan 'Dean' Parkin, Russ Bender, Rico Alaniz, George Becwar, Robert Hernandez, Charles Stewart, June Jocelyn, John McNamara, Loretta Nicholson, Raymond Winston, Jack Kosslyn, George Navarro, Bob Garnet

"The towering terror from hell!"
Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colosasal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very hungry.

The sequel to The Amazing Colossal Man continues with the further adventures of the unfortunate Colonel Glen Manning now having lost an eye and most of the flesh around the right side of his jaw. He finds his way to Mexico after obviously surviving his plunge off Hoover Dam and raids trucks for food. It's along the same level as the original and even though it's cheesy it's still fun to watch.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkWar.Of.The.Colossal.Beast.1958.DVDrip.Xvid-Slayer.avi ed2k link stats

How to Make a Monster

La batalla de los monstruos

Director: Herbert L. Strock
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 73'
Guión: Herman Cohen, Aben Kandel
Fotografía: Maury Gertsman (B&W)
Música: Paul Dunlap
Robert H. Harris
Gary Conway
Paul Brinegar
Gary Clarke
Dennis Cross
Malcolm Atterbury
Morris Ankrum
Walter Reed

Peter Drummond ha sido el responsible de maquillaje y efectos especiales de películas de terror de un estudio de Hollywood durante 25 años. Cuando el estudio es vendido, se informa a Pete con brusquedad de que no van a necesitar más sus servicios ya que el estudio se va a centrar solamente en producciones musicales. Humillado, Pete decide vengarse de los responsables del estudio hipnotizando a dos actores para que crean que son auténticos monstruos, enseñándoles a asesinar y a infundir el terror.

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SATRip Dual:
ed2k linkHow to make a monster (1958).avi ed2k link stats

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Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

The Colossus of New York

El coloso de Nueva York

Director: Eugène Lourié
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 70'
Guión: Thelma Schnee (Historia: Willis Goldbeck)
Fotografía: (B&W)
John Baragrey
Mala Powers
Otto Kruger

Un renombrado científico fallece, y su hermano transplanta el cerebro del finado a un robot. Cierta malfunción hace que el anteriormente pacifista científico se convierte ahora en una criatura letal.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - The colossus of New York (1958).avi ed2k link stats

War of the Satellites

La guerra de los satélites

Director: Roger Corman
País: USA
Duración: 72'
Guión: Irving Block (story), Lawrence L. Goldman (writer), (more)
Richard Devon, Dick Miller, Susan Cabot, Michael Fox, Robert Shayne, Jered Barclay, Eric Sinclair, Bruno VeSota, Jay Sayer, Mitzi McCall, Roy Gordon, Roger Corman, John Brinkley, Beach Dickerson

An "unknown force" declares war against planet Earth when the United Nations disobeys warnings to cease and desist in its attempts at assembling the first satellite in the atmosphere.

In October, 1957, the Soviet Union surprised everyone with the first successful launch and orbit of a spacecraft, a satellite dubbed "Sputnik". That name and the term "satellite" was on front pages of every newspaper in America. "War of the Satellites" was produced by Roger Corman because he knew he could get a deal (funding) from his distributor by promising a film with the then hot buzz-word, "satellite", on the marquee. His plan worked and the film was rushed together. By then, Corman had a number of capable people he could count on to pull it off. Discount the war-surplus and junkyard props and and the hardly scientific premise and "War of the Satellites" turns out to be fun and a rather credible popcorn epic. It was released on a double bill and the title brought in the expected crowd.

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - War Of The Satellites (1958).avi ed2k link stats

She Demons

She Demons

Director: Richard E. Cunha
País: USA
Duración: 77'
Guión: Richard E. Cunha (story), H.E. Barrie (story) , (more)
Irish McCalla, Tod Griffin, Victor Sen Yung, Rudolph Anders, Gene Roth, Leni Tana, Charles Opunui, Whitey Hughes, Bill Coontz, Billy Dix, Larry Gelbman, Maureen Janzen, Grace Mathews, Michael Stoycoff, The Diane Nellis Dancers

"Horrific Nazi Experiments Gone Awry!"
Heroic, but dull, Fred Maklin and beautiful, but spoiled, Jerrie Turner wash up on an uncharted tropical island...

All right, it's cheese; add a little ham on white bread, and you got a sandwich with filling, if not much spice.Very loosely based on "The Island of Dr. Moreau," this silly '50s drive-in aimed horror movie moves too well to be as bad as critics say. Nothing here makes any sense, but it's really background for pop-corn (and for that old '50s drive-in mating behavior, 'necking'). Making the villains fugitives from Nazi Germany is definitely a plus, because it adds to the senselessness of the mad doctor's 'experiments.' The 'dance of the natives' is stupid but enjoyably choreographed, and the babes are hot for their day.Light-weight and generally inoffensive exploitation. Again, the pacing is the surprise - put your brain on hold and let it go through its B-movie paces, this won't bore you.

Curse of the Faceless Man

Curse of the Faceless Man

Director: Edward L. Cahn
País: USA
Duración: 67'
Guión: Jerome Bixby (writer)
Richard Anderson, Elaine Edwards, Adele Mara, Luis Van Rooten, Gar Moore, Felix Locher, Jan Arvan, Bob Bryant, Morris Ankrum

"Entombed for eons - turned to stone - seeking women, women, women!"

A stone-encrusted body is unearthed at Pompeii, and people left alone with it keep dying of crushed skulls...

ed2k linkCurse Of The Faceless Man.avi ed2k link stats
DVDRip Dual:
ed2k linkLa.maldicion.del.hombre.sin.cara.(English.Spanish) ed2k link stats

Giant from the Unknown

Giant from the Unknown

Director: Richard E. Cunha
País: USA
Duración: 77'
Guión: Ralph Brooke (writer), Frank Hart Taussig (writer)
Ed Kemmer, Sally Fraser, Bob Steele, Morris Ankrum, Buddy Baer, Oliver Blake, Jolene Brand, Billy Dix, Gary Crutcher, Ned Davenport, Ewing Miles Brown

"A Hideous Monster from Beyond the Grave!"
In the 16th century a small band of warriors from the Spanish Ptolemy Firello expedition in California mutinies...

Ah! The 1950's and science fiction films. This was the decade that brought us giant ants and other mutant insects, evil aliens coming to take over our bodies, good aliens out to save mankind from destroying itself, Godzilla and all his Japanese monster buddies destroying every inch of Japan, and the films of Richard Cunha, Missile to the Moon, She Demons, Frankenstein's Daughter, and Giant From the Unknown. Cunha has a certain directorial style, that for me, is the mixing of bad film-making with an almost uncanny way of making bad seem good...or at least interesting. Giant From the Unknown is indeed a bad film. It tells the story of a professor and his daughter driving through the southwest looking for the remains of a giant Spanish conquistador known for his cruelty. While driving they just happen to come to a town where Ed Kemmer(an affable leading man if nothing else)just happened to find a lizard alive in rock that was thousands of years old. Okay, I know you know where this is going. And it does go there. The giant is alive in century old rock and begins to eat his way through everyone's livestock and likes to kill for no apparent reason. Kemmer falls in love with the daughter Sally Fraser, whilst proud pops(the great Morris Ankrum)realizes his dream come true of finding evidence that this giant once lived. Well, the story is without a doubt ridiculous. But this is a fun film. Jack Pierce did the make-up for the giant conquistador. It is not real impressive, but Buddy Baer certainly is a giant of a screen presence. The acting in general is adequate, and the direction is entertaining. The film does have some fine scenes, particularly the ending in the snowy mountains and the dam. If you just want to be entertained in that magical 50's B picture way....take a look at Giant From the Unknown.

ed2k linkGiant from the Unknown (1958) Richard E. Cunha.avi ed2k link stats

Monster from Green Hell

Monster from Green Hell

Director: Kenneth G. Crane
País: USA
Duración: 71'
Guión: Endre Bohem (writer), Louis Vittes (writer)
Jim Davis, Robert Griffin, Joel Fluellen, Barbara Turner, Eduardo Ciannelli, Vladimir Sokoloff, Tim Huntley, LaVerne Jones, Frederic Potler

"Atomic mutations with an appetite for flesh!"
A scientific expedition in Africa investigates wasps that have been exposed to radiation and mutated into giant, killing monsters.

Before Jim Davis got his last and career part as Jock Ewing in Dallas, he had one tortured path to Hollywood success. He had a much publicized debut as Bette Davis's leading man in Winter Meeting which was one of her worst films. His portrayal of a war hero about to enter the priesthood met with a ton of critical guffaws. Still Davis persisted and took any kind of work. The Monster from Green Hell qualifies as any kind of work.A wasp is sent up in space to see the effects. Unfortunately on re-entry the space capsule crashes in the region of West Africa and the wasp has grown to the size of a Panzer tank. To top it all off the geniuses sending up the rocket sent up a pregnant queen so we've got all kinds of those Panzer wasps running around Africa.Jim Davis is sent to clean up the mess and runs into a medical missionary played by Vladimir Sokoloff. Albert Schweitzer was very much alive at the time and running his mission in West Africa. No one in 1958 mistook who Sokoloff was portraying. The wasps set up a colony in the shadow of a volcano. You can figure out the rest.This is typical Fifties science fiction when all kinds of radiation was the explanation for these creatures. In this case it was the radiation from cosmic rays, presumably from the newly discovered Van Allen belt around the earth. Tepid acting and chintzy special effects make The Monster from Green Hell great cult stuff. One thing though that is timely. An Arab character played by Eduardo Ciannelli joins forces with Davis and one of the natives Joel Fluellen to combat the danger the giant wasps present. Amazing how religious differences can suddenly melt away in time of crisis.

Dual Inglés-Italiano:
ed2k linkMonster.From.Green.Hell.Il.Pianeta.Dove.L'Inferno.E'.Verde.1958_Mp3.iTA.ENG_DVDRiP_XViD-CiNETRONiC.avi ed2k link stats

Space Master X-7

X-7: El rey del espacio

Director: Edward Bernds
País: USA
Duración: 71'
Guión: George Worthing Yates (original screenplay), Daniel Mainwaring (original screenplay)
Bill Williams, Lyn Thomas, Robert Ellis, Paul Frees, Rhoda Williams, Joan Barry, Carol Varga, Thomas Browne Henry, Thomas Wilde, Fred Sherman, Gregg Martell, Jess Kirkpatrick, Court Shepard, Moe Howard, Al Baffert

"Satellite Terror Strikes The Earth!"
A space probe returns to Earth covered with a strange fungus. The fungus is accidentally tinged with...

When I was kid, I used to sometimes see stills or brief mentions of this film in science fiction movie books or in the pages of "monster" magazines. But for some strange reason this film never turned up on TV, even though other science fiction offerings made by Fox from the same period often did. No one I knew had seen it except for older people who saw it when it was first released in 1958 to theaters. Having seen it recently on video, I can tell you that SPACE MASTER X 7 is no "lost" classic, but its a not bad low budget drive in feature with a slightly unusual menace and director Edward Byrnes deserves credit for trying hard to make a serious (sometimes he tries to hard) adult science fiction thriller. Done in a semi-documentary style, Byrnes sometimes slows down the films pace but overall its not a bad job.One area of interest to film buffs is the films casting. We have Paul ("man of a thousands voices") Frees in a surprisingly large on screen role as a "heel" scientist who accidently unleashes the "blood rust". Of course the person often mentioned in this film is Moe Howard of the Three Stooges, in a rare character part as a cab driver who helps the feds track down a woman who was exposed to the deadly alien fungus. This film was made when the stooges career was in limbo; between the time Columbia dropped the stooges because it was no longer interested in making shorts, and the time before they boys returned to the screen for feature films. Director Byrnes began his film career directing 3 Stooges shorts, and was good friends with the boys, so it was he who probably got Moe a part in the picture.

Teenage Monster

El monstruo adolescente

Director: Jacques R. Marquette
País: USA
Duración: 65'
Guión: Ray Buffum (writer)
Anne Gwynne, Stuart Wade, Gloria Castillo, Chuck Courtney, Gil Perkins, Norman Leavitt, Gabe Mooradian, Stephen Parker, Jim McCullough Sr., Frank Davis, Arthur Berkeley

"Wild! Wanton! Weird!"
In a little Western town, a boy is subjected to rays from a meteor. As a result, he grows into a teenaged...

Conflating the Western, horror and teenage movie genres as it does, "Teenage Monster" (1957) is a unique experience indeed. It also features the most frightening monster in a late 1800s Western setting since Mercedes McCambridge stalked through the plains of "Johnny Guitar" (1954). In this film, a meteor that looks like a July 4th sparkler crashes near the mine of the Cannon family, killing Paw and turning young Charles into a mutant of sorts. Seven years later, Charles is the eponymous teenage monster, killing cattle and the occasional passerby, while his Maw must hide him from the townsfolk and deal with her new blackmailing hussy of a housekeeper. Charles, as a teenager, looks like nothing more than a long-haired and long-bearded hippie with bad teeth (I've seen worse walking the streets of the East Village!), despite the makeup work by Jack "Frankenstein" Pierce. His garbled, whining attempts at speech are reminiscent of a constipated canine and are quite pathetic, but still had me cracking up somehow. Anne Gwynne, who was featured in any number of 1940s Universal horror films, is fine as Charles' sacrificing mother, and, actually, their relationship is kinda sweet. Still, the film, fun as it is, is patently ridiculous, and with a very rushed ending to boot. Even my revered "Psychotronic Encyclopedia" calls it "awful." My tastes must be getting more and more dubious, though, because I did have a good time with this unique little quickie.

ed2k linkTeenage Monster (1958).avi ed2k link stats

The Flame Barrier

It Fell from the Flame Barrier

Director: Paul Landres
País: USA
Duración: 70'
Guión: Pat Fielder (screenplay), George Worthing Yates (story)
Arthur Franz, Kathleen Crowley, Robert Brown, Vicente Padula, Rodd Redwing, Kaz Oran, Grace Mathews, Pilar Del Rey, Larry Duran, Bernie Gozier, Roberto Contreras, Dan Gachman

"The First Satellite That Returned To Earth...And The Hell It Brought With It"
Carol Dahlmann enlists the Hollister brothers to help locate her missing husband. The husband was tracking a fallen satellite through the jungle...

This film was first released in 1958 to fill the bottom half of a double bill with the much superior RETURN OF DRACULA. I have an original poster for this double bill hanging in my living room. I first saw this film as a kid on T.V. in the mid sixties. It was frequently shown on "Supernatural Theater." It was one of my favorites when I was a kid. However, viewing the film as an adult, without eyes dimmed by nostalgia, THE FLAME BARRIER is just what it is; a quickly made thriller to back up a much superior film to fill a "shock" double bill. On the plus side: I will admit the film does have a few good shocks. One character suddenly burns to death and turns into a skeleton (for reasons that that are never adequately explained) and the shot of the dead scientist body embedded in protoplasmic mass are pretty effective. The cast is good and the direction involving enough that you forget half the film consists of the cast cutting through brush. However, the script has the feel of having been written very quickly. The film wraps up leaving the viewer with more loose ends than an old dish rag. When the explorers find the satellite and protoplasmic mass, they also find the monkey that was sent up in satellite still alive. Why did the protoplasmic mass not devour it or destroy it with its radiation when the monkey was in the satellite with it? As the previous reviewer here pointed out, this blob stays in one place and much of the plot depends on this. Yet, before the cast even encounters the blob, they encounter charred skeletons, a blood soaked Indian village, and then there is the Indian guide who was never near the blob encased satellite, who suffers from radiation burns and then mysteriously burns up down to a skeleton. Perhaps the satellite brought something else back with it that the adventurers didn't encounter? Perhaps more likely this film was rushed into production before the writers had time for a re-write to tie up all the loose ends.

Missile Monsters

Diablos del espacio

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 75'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (writer)
Fotografía: Mono
Walter Reed, James Craven, Gregory Gaye, Lois Collier, Sandy Sanders, Harry Lauter, Richard Irving, Michael Carr, Lester Dorr, John De Simone, Dick Cogan, Barry Brooks, Dick Crockett, Sol Gorss, Paul Gustine

Satan's Satellites

Satan's Satellites

Director: Fred C. Brannon
País: USA
Duración: 70'
Guión: Ronald Davidson (writer)
Fotografía: Mono
Judd Holdren, Lane Bradford, Stanley Waxman, Wilson Wood, John Crawford, Ray Boyle, Aline Towne, Leonard Nimoy, Craig Kelly, Robert Garabedian, Gayle Kellogg, Dale Van Sickel, Tom Steele, Jack Shea, Frank Alten

Feature version of the 1952 serial "Zombies of the Stratosphere."

Return of the Fly

El regreso de la mosca

Director: Edward Bernds
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 80'
Guión: Edward Bernds (Historia corta: George Langelaan)
Fotografía: Brydon Baker (B&W)
Música: Paul Sawtell, Bert Shefter
Vincent Price
Brett Halsey
John Sutton
David Frankham
Dan Seymour

15 años después de los eventos de "La mosca", el hijo de Andre intentará realizar un experimento utilizando para ello su propio cuerpo.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkReturn of the fly (1959).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkReturn.of.the.Fly.1959.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock

The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock

Director: Sidney Miller
País: USA
Duración: 75'
Guión: Rowland Barber (screenplay), Arthur A. Ross (screenplay) , (more)
Lou Costello, Dorothy Provine, Gale Gordon, Jimmy Conlin, Charles Lane, Robert Burton, Will Wright, Lenny Kent, Ruth Perrott, Bobby Barber, Peter Conlin, Joey Faye, Joseph J. Greene, Peter Leeds, Robert Nichols

"Funniest Film In The History Of Roar-Fare!"
In one of his rare performances without Bud Abbott, Lou Costello plays a delivery boy who invents a...

Well I just happened across this movie on AMC tonight, and all I can say is it's too bad Lou Costello went from being the better half of a comic duo to this unfunny movie. This was released shortly after his death in 1959 and you could tell by his appearance here that he did not look well. Whoever produced this movie thought it would be a good idea to combine science fiction which was quite popular at this time with a comic overtone. Lou Costello plays a trash collector/inventor who must defend his 30 foot wife from the army. (No spoilers!) Ten years earlier he would have screamed "Aaabbotttt!!!" if he saw a giant woman. But those days were gone. The jokes in this movie might have been funny for their time, but I've seen the jokes here used countless times already in other films. In a scale of 1 to 10, all I can give it is a 5.

ed2k linkAbbott And Costello - 1959 - The 30 Ft Bride Of Candy Rock (Sci-Fi).avi ed2k link stats

Attack of the Giant Leeches

Attack of the Giant Leeches

Director: Bernard L. Kowalski
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 62'
Guión: Leo Gordon
Fotografía: John M. Nickolaus Jr. (B&W)
Música: Alexander Laszlo
Ken Clark
Yvette Vickers
Jan Shepard
Michael Emmet
Tyler McVey
Bruno VeSota
Gene Roth
Dan White
George Cisar

En un pueblecillo de una región pantanosa, un furtivo dispara contra una extraña criatura con ventosas, dándola por muerta, pero al poco es atacado y fallece con misteriosas marcas en su cuerpo. El sheriff local no se toma demasiado interés en el asunto, pero un representante de la ley forastero que está sirviendo en el lugar decide investigar.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkAttack of the Giant Leeches (Fa 1959) (eng).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

VHSRip en Francés:
ed2k linkL'attaque des sangsues geantes.Fr.(attack of the giant leeches)(corman 1959) Dvdrip Fr divx5.2 mp3 par Sorcière.avi ed2k link stats

The Killer Shrews

Musarañas asesinas

Director: Ray Kellogg
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 69'
Guión: Jay Simms
Fotografía: Wilfred M. Cline (B&N)
Música: Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin
Ingrid Goude
Ken Curtis
Baruch Lumet
James Best
Judge Henry Dupree
Baruch Lumet
Gordon McLendon
Alfredo DeSoto

A causa de un fuerte huracán un grupo de turistas quedará atrapado en una remota isla. En ella vive un científico que intenta acabar con la superpoblación de la Tierra, para ello ha creado una criatura gigante que se volverá contra él y contra todo ser vivo.

Hilo en DXC
VOSE subs incrustados (Calidad VHSRip):
ed2k linkTHE KILLER SHREWS-1959-sub_esp_.avi ed2k link stats

Descarga directa de (dominio público):

The Wasp Woman

La mujer avispa

Director: Roger Corman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 73'
Guión: Leo Gordon (Historia: Kinta Zertuche)
Fotografía: Harry Neumann (B&W)
Música: Fred Katz
Susan Cabot
Anthony Eisley
Barboura Morris
William Roerick
Michael Mark
Frank Gerstle
Bruno VeSota
Roy Gordon
Lynn Cartwright

El Dr. Zinthrop, dice haber encontrado el secreto de la eterna juventud en un suero hecho con encimas de avispa. Janice decide probar el invento: su piel se torna tersa y lozana. Pero un accidente hará que el suero se agote y Janice sienta los efectos secundarios; por las noches, se transforma en un monstruo que mata para obtener la sangre de sus víctimas: la mujer avispa...

Hilo en DXC
DVDRip Dual:
ed2k linkThe wasp woman (1960).avi ed2k link stats

1080p VOSI tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Wasp.Woman.1959.THEATRICAL.CUT.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats
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The Angry Red Planet

La furia del planeta rojo

Director: Ib Melchior
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 83'
Guión: Sidney W. Pink, Ib Melchior
Fotografía: Stanley Cortez
Música: Paul Dunlap
Gerald Mohr
Naura Hayden
Les Tremayne
Jack Kruschen
Paul Hahn
J. Edward Mckinley
Tom Daly
Don Lamond
Edward Innes
Gordon Barnes
Jack Haddock
Brandy Bryan
Joan Fitzpatrick
Duke Norton
W.M. Remick

Después de desaparecer sin dejar rastro, una nave que había viajado a Marte con cuatro tripulantes regresa a la Tierra. A bordo sólo se encuentran dos hombres, uno de los cuales está en estado crítico y tiene una extraña sustancia verde en el brazo. Los científicos someten al otro a hipnosis y éste les revela que Marte está habitada por plantas devoradoras de hombres, por unos extraños monstruos y por un gigante con un sólo ojo.

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi The Angry Red Planet (1959).avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

DVDRip VOSE subs incrustados:
ed2k linkThe Angry Red Planet - subtitulos en español - vose.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe angry red planet (Ib Melchior, 1960) VHSrip Esp by Hammett.avi ed2k link stats

Dual Inglés-Alemán:
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The Tingler


Director: William Castle
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 82'
Guión: Robb White
Fotografía: Wilfred M. Cline
Música: Von Dexter
Vincent Price
Judith Evelyn
Darryl Hickman
Patricia Cutts
Pamela Lincoln
Philip Coolidge

Un médico descubre que el cuerpo humano, al padecer una fuerte impresión, es capaz de crear una criatura que se extiende a lo largo de su columna vertebral. Su peor ocurrencia será pretender extraerla de un cuerpo.

1080p VO tamaño pequeñajo:
ed2k linkThe.Tingler.1959.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe.Tingler.1959.DVDRip.XviD-NDRT.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

DVDRip Español:
ed2k linkEscalofrio.1959.(Vincent Price).William Castle.(Columbia.Spanish.BN).avi ed2k link stats

Teenagers from Outer Space

Teenagers from Outer Space

Director: Tom Graeff
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 86'
Guión: Tom Graeff
Fotografía: Tom Graeff (B&N)
David Love
Dawn Bender
Bryan Grant
Harvey B. Dunn
Tom Graeff
King Moody
Helen Sage
Frederick Welch
Carl Dickensen
Sonia Torgeson
Billy Bridges
James Conklin
Gene Sterling
Ralph Lowe
Bill DeLand
Ursula Hansen
Jim MacGeorge

Cinco extraterrestres vienen a la Tierra con el fin de conquistarla, haciendo uso de ella como granja donde pasten sus rebaños de Gargons. Pero uno de ellos no está dispuesto a seguir asolando planetas e intentará salvar a nuestra especie...

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkTeenagers From Outer Space.(Tom Graeff.1959).DVDRip VO.Nd2.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkTeenagers From Outer Space.(Tom Graeff.1959).Españ ed2k link stats
Subs en español

ed2k linkTeenagers From Outer Space(Tom Graeff.1959). FRENCH.DELAY 0ms.mp3 ed2k link stats
ed2k linkTeenagers From Outer Space.(Tom Graeff.1959) ed2k link stats

The World, the Flesh and the Devil

The World, the Flesh and the Devil

Director: Ranald MacDougall
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 95'
Guión: Ferdinand Reyher, Ranald MacDougall (Novela: M.P. Shiel)
Fotografía: Harold J. Marzorati (B&W)
Música: Miklós Rózsa
Harry Belafonte
Inger Stevens
Mel Ferrer

Un minero que se queda atrapado trabajando consigue salir cinco dias después. Pero para mayor horror descubre que se ha quedado solo en el mundo. Toda la población ha desaparecido,las calles están desiertas y no hay signos de violencia o destrucción. Días después irá encontrando otros dos supervivientes, y entre ellos surgirá una relación bastante extraña.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe.World.the.Flesh.and.the.Devil.1959.DVDRip.XviD.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe world, the flesh and the devil (Ranald MacDougall 1959) VHSrip VOSE.avi ed2k link stats

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Viaje al centro de la tierra

Director: Henry Levin
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 127'
Guión: Charles Brackett, Robert Gunter, Walter Reisch (Novela: Julio Verne)
Fotografía: Leo Tover
Música: Bernard Herrmann
Pat Boone
James Mason
Diane Baker
Arlene Dahl
Thayer David
Peter Ronson
Alan Napier

En una vieja librería, el profesor Lidenbrock descubre un extraño manuscrito de un científico llamado Arne Sakuusen, en el que describe un fantástico y maravilloso viaje al centro de la Tierra. El profesor Lidenbrock cuenta a su sobrino Glauben y su prometida Axel el descubrimiento del manuscrito, y los tres deciden emprender el viaje siguiendo las indicaciones de Sakuusen. Comienzan entonces la aventura internándose en un volcán inactivo por el que descienden hacia el centro de la Tierra. En el viaje tendrán que solventar algunos problemas y sus vidas correrán peligro al enfrentarse a terremotos y tormentas subterráneas.

Hilo en DXC
HD 1080p VOSI:
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Subs en español

DVDRip Español:
ed2k linkViaje.Al.Centro.De.La.Tierra.Spanish.XviD.MP3.DVDRip.By.FreAk.TEAm.avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkViaje.Al.Centro.De.La.Tierra.Audio.Ingles.MP3.By.FreAk.TEAm.mp3 ed2k link stats
ed2k linkViaje.Al.Centro.De.La.Tierra.Subs.Spanish.XviD.MP3.DVDRip.By.FreAk.TEAm.rar ed2k link stats

On the Beach

La hora final

Director: Stanley Kramer
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 134'
Guión: John Paxton & James Lee Barrett
Fotografía: Giuseppe Rotunno & Daniel L. Fapp (B&W)
Música: Ernest Gold
Gregory Peck
Ava Gardner
Fred Astaire
Anthony Perkins
John Meillon
Donna Anderson
John Tate
Lola Brooks

Un holocausto nuclear ha acabado con prácticamente todos los seres humanos, exceptuando un grupo de personas de Australia. Gregory Peck es el comandante de un submarino que trata de buscar supervivientes, mientras la nube radioactiva, que ya ha destruido el hemisferio norte, se acerca sobre el último enclave humano.

Hilo en DXC
DVDRips Duales:
ed2k linkLa hora final (Stanley Kramer,1959).DVDRip.XviD.AC3.(Spa-Eng).( ed2k link stats
Subs en español

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English subs

Behemoth the Sea Monster

The Giant Behemoth

Director: Eugène Lourié
País: UK, USA
Duración: 80'
Guión: Robert Abel (story), Alan J. Adler (story) , (more)
Gene Evans, André Morell, John Turner, Leigh Madison, Jack MacGowran, Maurice Kaufmann, Henri Vidon, Leonard Sachs, Neal Arden, Max Faulkner, Arthur Gomez, Neil Hallett, Patrick Jordan, Lloyd Lamble, Howard Lang

"The Biggest Thing Since Creation!"
Marine atomic tests cause changes in the ocean's ecosystem resulting in dangerous blobs of radiation and the resurrection of a dormant dinosaur which threatens London.

Let me quickly begin by putting to rest once and for all a terrible error that is popping up everywhere concerning this film: THE GIANT BEHEMOTH was not, repeat NOT, "co-directed" by Mr Douglas Hickox. He was not an "uncredited" contributor to the film. Period. End of discussion. It was solely directed from start to finish by Eugene Lourie, a director (and production designer) of taste and imagination. How this rumor about Mr Hickox ever got started is beyond me.If I accomplish nothing else but put this falsehood to rest I will be quite happy.Now, on to the film. I recommend it highly. It is well-written, well-acted, nicely photographed and edited, and well-scored by Edwin Astley. It is a good example of what can be done on an extremely low budget. The producers were merciless in their budget-cutting which was very hard on master animators Willis O'Brien and Pete Peterson but it is a testament to their skill and integrity that they managed as well as they did. Their animation of the giant creature is of a very high order and is, of course, vastly superior to the work of a second special effects crew which was brought in to do the ferry boat sequence. The less said about that work the better, though the scene played well due to the fine editing and music scoring.I greatly admire what was accomplished here by these talented people having almost no money to work with. That should be an inspiration to many an aspiring movie-maker.

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - The Giant Behemoth -AKA- Behemoth, the Sea Monster(1959)(audioENG).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLe Monstre Des Temps Perdus (Behemoth The Sea Monster Vostfr - 1953).avi ed2k link stats

The Manster

The Split

Director: George P. Breakston, Kenneth G. Crane
País: USA, Japan
Duración: 72'
Guión: George P. Breakston (story), William J. Sheldon (writer)
Peter Dyneley, Jane Hylton, Tetsu Nakamura, Terri Zimmern, Norman Van Hawley, Jerry Ito, Toyoko Takechi, Kenzo Kuroki, Alan Tarlton, Shinpei Takagi, George Wyman, Fujie Satsuki

"Half-Man, Half-Monster!"
An American reporter in Japan is sent to interview an eccentric Japanese scientist working on bizarre experiments in his mountain laboratory...

I saw this thing as a child, for chrissakes, and still vividly remember that darned eye! Since I didn't exactly knew what a movie was (I was a VERY SMALL little runt) and didn't understand a word of English, and though the movie was subtitled in Spanish I didn't yet know how to read, I was absolutely terrified! Were there really people around us who grew eyes on their shoulders, turn into really scary monkeys that split in half, and then each half tried to strangle each other? I don't understand. Is this for REAL!?It really took me a while to get over that one, I'll tell ya, until I saw The H-Man Monster and the whole stinking nightmare started over again.Is this for REAL!?

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 10217
Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26

4D Man

El hombre de la cuarta dimensión

Director: Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 85'
Guión: Jack H. Harris, Theodore Simonson, Cy Chermak
Fotografía: Theodore J. Pahle
Música: Ralph Carmichael
Robert Lansing
Lee Meriwether
James Congdon
Robert Strauss
Edgar Stehli
Patty Duke

Un científico está trabajando en un experimento especial que se sale fuera de control, de manera que él termina con la habilidad de atravesar los objetos sólidos. Desafortunadamente también posee el poder de matar con solo tocar a alguien.

ed2k link4D Man (1959).divx ed2k link stats
Subs en español

The Alligator People

El caimán humano

Director: Roy Del Ruth
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 74'
Guión: Orville H. Hampton, Charles O'Neal, Robert M. Fresco
Fotografía: Karl Struss (B&W)
Música: Irving Gertz
Beverly Garland
Bruce Bennett
Lon Chaney Jr.
George Macready
Frieda Inescort
Richard Crane
Douglas Kennedy

Una mujer realiza la búsqueda de su marido, al que ha perdido accidentalmente en una zona cercana a los pantanos del sur y lo halla en la mansión de la familia, pero habiéndose mutado parcialmente en un cocodrilo. Ahora ella deberá encontrar la manera de salvar a su marido del científico culpable de la metamorfosis y de un borracho cazador de cocodrilos.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkThe.Alligator.People.(1959).(ENG).(WeeZee).PROPER.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español
ed2k linkAlligator people - Dual esp. eng. - Cutrefilms 330.avi ed2k link stats

Caltiki - il mostro immortale

Caltiki, el monstruo inmortal

Director: Riccardo Freda, Mario Bava
País: Italia
Duración: 76'
Guión: Filippo Sanjust
Fotografía: Mario Bava (B&W)
Música: Roberto Nicolosi, Roman Vlad
John Merivale
Didi Perego
Gérard Herter
Daniela Rocca
Giacomo Rossi-Stuart
Daniele Vargas

Unos arqueólogos investigan unas ruinas mayas, pero deberán considerar su oficio frente al ataque de un monstruo viscoso.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkCaltiki el monstruo inmortal.1959.DVDRip dual esp-ita.nest7.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español

Invisible Invaders

Invasores invisibles

Director: Edward L. Cahn
País: USA
Duración: 67'
Guión: Samuel Newman (written by)
John Agar, Jean Byron, Philip Tonge, Robert Hutton, John Carradine, Hal Torey, Paul Langton, Eden Hartford, Don Kennedy, Chuck Niles

"A sci-fi shocker that'll keep you awake at night!"
Aliens, contacting scientist Adam Penner, inform him that they have been on the moon for twenty thousand years...

This is one of the dumbest movies ever made - but I still get a kick out of watching it over and over again. First - John Carradine is vaporized in an atomic lab explosion and yet an invisible invader (which somehow has to drag its feet in the sand as it walks) can still take over the body. Second - if someone got on the P.A. at a hockey game today and said the world is about the end, some of the guys in the cheap seats would go up there and beat him up instead of running away. Third - how many times can they use the same scene of the zombies stumbling down the hill outside the army bunker? This movie is so stupid, it's frightening, but for some reason I love it.

ed2k linkInvisible.Invaders.(1959).DVDRip.WMAv2.DivX5-V.O..avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkInvisible ed2k link stats

ed2k linkThe.Invisible.Invaders.mpg ed2k link stats
Subs en español - English subs

Teenage Zombies

Teenage Zombies

Director: Jerry Warren
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 73'
Guión: Jerry Warren
Fotografía: Allen Chandler (B&W)
Don Sullivan
Katherine Victor
Steve Conte
J.L.D. Morrison
Brianne Murphy
Paul Pepper
Mitzie Albertson
Jay Hawk
Mike Concannon

Una científica conduce extraños experimentos en una lejana isla, secuestrando a jovencitos e inyectándoles con una sustancia que los vuelve en zombies.

ed2k linkTeenage Zombies (1959)(V.O.Sub.Español)(Alimaña)(terrorfantástico).avi ed2k link stats

Rymdinvasion i Lappland

Invasion of the Animal People

Director: Virgil W. Vogel
País: USA, Sweden
Duración: 73'
Guión: Arthur C. Pierce (screenplay), Arthur C. Pierce (story), (more)
Barbara Wilson, Sten Gester, Robert Burton, Bengt Blomgren, Åke Grönberg, Gösta Prüzelius, John Carradine, Lars Åhrén, Brita Borg, Doreen Denning, Ittla Frodi, Fred Hoffman, Allan Johansson, George Mitchell, Gustaf Unger

"Monsters walk the earth in ravishing rampage of clawing fury!"
Aliens release a furry critter in the wilds of Lapland where it takes a woman captive and threatens a group of scientists.

One thing to know about this movie is that it was made in two different versions. One Swedish and one American. Most of the ones who have commented this film has obviously seen the American edition that was edited and added with extra scenes.From what I've read here and heard from others, the Swedish version is much better, still a really bad movie though, and it's a shame that only the American version has made it to the video market.From what I know the Swedish version only exists in one, maybe two, 35mm copies in Sweden and they are frozen for conservation.I've seen it a couple of times and I cant help laughing. We used to show it here in Kiruna every year at our film festival, Arctic Light Film Festival, but had to stop because it was to expensive to thaw the film.

ed2k linkRymdinvasion I Lappland (Aka Terror In The Midnight Sun) 1959 (English) Xvid -Embla.avi ed2k link stats

Have Rocket -- Will Travel

Have Rocket -- Will Travel

Director: David Lowell Rich
País: USA
Duración: 76'
Guión: Raphael Hayes (written by)
Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Joe DeRita, Jerome Cowan, Anna-Lisa, Robert Colbert, Don Lamond, Marjorie Bennett, Dal McKennon, Nadia Sanders, Robert Stevenson


Even non-Stooge fans will be mildly amused by this modest little sci-fi comedy -- which, along with the TV reruns of their feature shorts, resurrected the careers of the famous trio just when it seemed they would be put out to pasture. Big budget science fiction films were out of fashion by 1959, so Columbia Pictures didn't invest much in this one about three knuckleheads who accidentally rocket themselves to Venus.Abbott & Costello had already done it in 1953, even though the title of their film claims they go to Mars.The Stoogemania version of Venus may lack the gorgeous women which Abbott & Costello's trip gave us, but it does have a talking unicorn, a futuristic car, a giant fire-breathing tarantula, and three evil Venusian Stooge look-a-likes who follow the boys back to Earth. Comedy science fiction was an active sub-genre during the late 1950's/early 1960s. In addition to `Have Rocket, Will Travel', there was `The 30-Foot Bride of Candy Rock', `The Absent Minded Professor', `Visit to a Small Planet', `Son of Flubber', `Invasion of the Star Creatures', `The Three Stooges in Orbit', and several others.

The Hideous Sun Demon

Demonio del sol

Director: Robert Clarke, Tom Boutross (co-director)
País: USA
Duración: 74'
Guión: E.S. Seeley Jr. (screenplay), Doane R. Hoag (additional dialogue), (more)
Robert Clarke, Patricia Manning, Nan Peterson, Patrick Whyte, Fred La Porta, Peter Similuk, William White, Robert Garry, Donna King, Xandra Conkling, Del Courtney, Richard Cassarino, Helen Joseph, Darryl Westbrook, Bill Currie

"The Blaze Of The Sun Made Him A Monster!"
After exposure to radiation, an atomic research scientist finds himself changing into a murderous, lizard-like...

6 reasons why you should watch it?1. Robert Clarke's quasi convincing performance during the "why me? Why Me? WHY ME?" scene. Quasi. 2. The worst fake-piano playing (by Trudy-Nan Peterson) in the history of cinema. Mind you, you don't notice it the first time round. You're too busy looking at something else. 3. Watch the Sun Demon slaughter a dog. Definitely not politically correct. 4. Does the Sun Demon make love with Trudy on the beach? We'll never know. 5. The Sun Demon's car. It's brilliant. Too bad we don't know the make. 6. The Sun Demon didn't really run over the policeman. Or did He?I could go on but I don't want to spoil the movie.

ed2k linkThe hideous sun demon (1959) (DivX-Eng).mpg ed2k link stats

Terror Is a Man

La isla del terror

Director: Gerardo de Leon
País: Filipinas
Duración: 89'
Guión: Harry Paul Harber
Fotografía: Emmanuel I. Rojas (B&W)
Música: Ariston Avelino
Francis Lederer
Greta Thyssen
Oscar Keese Jr.
Richard Derr
Lilia Duran
Peyton Keesee
Flory Carlos

El superviviente de un naufragio, William Fitzgerald, es rescatado por el Doctor Girard, un excéntrico investigador que experimenta el modo de convertir mediante cirugía a una pantera en hombre. Girard es asistido en sus experimentos por Walter y por su esposa Frances, que acaba enamorándose de Fitzgerald.

Hilo en DXC
ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - La Isla Del Terror (Terror Is A Man, 1959) By Minyatur - Dvdrip Dual (Spanish-English).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkLa Isla del Terror (Terror is a Man, 1959) by Minyatur - Spanish & Portuguese Subs.rar ed2k link stats

The Monster of Piedras Blancas

El monstruo de Piedras Blancas

Director: Irvin Berwick
País: USA
Duración: 71'
Guión: H. Haile Chace (screenplay)
Les Tremayne, Forrest Lewis, John Harmon, Frank Arvidson, Jeanne Carmen, Don Sullivan, Pete Dunn, Joseph La Cava, Wayne Berwick, Jack Kevan

The monster, which looks like a nastier version of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon," invades a sleepy lighthouse town...

One of my favorite 50's monster movies! For some reason this priceless little gem is always overlooked in the lists of B-movie monster faves of the 1950s. You have one of the better amphibious creature costumes designed by Jack Kevan (No zipper!!), a great sea coast location, decapitations and gore, some very decent acting by A-list party girl and pin-up queen Jeanne Carmen, and last but not least, Les Tremayne - He is only in 85% of all classic B-horror/sci-fi films of the 1950s! What's a film without him?! All right guys, I know its formula, but this obscure little tale holds a special place in my heart since I was 9-years old! The film has drama, subtext, coastal atmosphere, sex, and about 5 or 6 headless corpses lying about! John Harmon as Sturges, the crusty lighthouse keeper who feeds the hungry cave-dwelling beast meat scraps from the local deli, does a credible job here as a man who has closed off all emotions to the world, including those of his fetching daughter Lucy (Carmen), in exchange for companionship with the hungry creature. Jeanne Carmen is a natural beauty equal to the Mara Cordays' and Allison Hayes' of her decade. Too bad the studios didn't use her a little more proficiently. Psuedo-teen heartthrob Don Sullivan is thrown in for some romantic interest and all that biology jazz and the musical score (which is never credited) is rich, layered and 'original.' So, sorry guys! The Monster of Piedras Blancas always wins with me!

English subs

The Cosmic Man

The Cosmic Man

Director: Herbert S. Greene
País: USA
Duración: 72'
Guión: Arthur C. Pierce (story)
John Carradine, Bruce Bennett, Angela Greene, Paul Langton, Scotty Morrow, Lyn Osborn, Walter Maslow, Herbert Lytton, Ken Clayton, Alan Wells, Harry Fleer, John Erman, Dwight Brooks, Hal Torey

"The Thing That Could Destroy the Earth!"
A spherical UFO proves to contain one alien visitor. How to deal with him? Investigators disagree...

Cosmic Man, The (1959) ** (out of 4) An alien (John Carradine) lands on Earth in what appears to be a large ping pong ball and tells us Americans how stupid we are and how the world will come to an end due to our dumbness. This is clearly a rip off of The Day the Earth Stood Still and it's poorly made but this leads to a few decent laughs. Carradine sleepwalks through his role, which isn't good considering this was a man who could make Billy the Kid vs. Dracula entertaining. The supporting cast are all rather bland and corny. This is far from a classic but it's enjoyable enough if you have 70-minutes to kill.

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ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - The Cosmic Man (1959).avi ed2k link stats

Beast from Haunted Cave

La bestia de la cueva maldita

Director: Monte Hellman
País: Estados Unidos
Duración: 75'
Guión: Charles B. Griffith
Fotografía: Andrew M. Costikyan (B&W)
Música: Alexander Laszlo
Michael Forest
Sheila Noonan
Frank Wolff
Richard Sinatra
Wally Campo
Linné Ahlstrand
Chris Robinson

Alexander y Gipsy Boulet, su chica, son los líderes de una banda de gágnsters que planea robar el oro del banco de Deadwood, Dakota del Sur. Como maniobra de distracción, hacen estallar una bomba en una mina cercana… ¡despertando en su letargo a una bestia infernal que se suponía legendaria!

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ed2k linkBeast from haunted cave (Monte Hellman, 1960) DVDrip Esp by Hammett.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkClassic Sci-Fi - Beast From Haunted Cave - 1959.avi ed2k link stats

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Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50

Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 16:26


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Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50 [Actualizada al 23/8/2003]

Mensaje por Pulp » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 17:08

Estupendo trabajo y mejor idea :D la de hacer esta filmo
Sobre La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos (1956) el elink de abandomoviez corresponde a
La invasión de los ultracuerpos (1978) de Philip Kaufman, protagonizada por Donald Sutherland, que no esta nada mal pero no es la original

Y The Blob (1958) es otro remake, corresponde a la peli de 1988 estrenada aqui como El terror no tiene forma de Chuck Russell.

[Editado el 18/11/2002 por Pulp]

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Registrado: Mar 30 Jul, 2002 02:00
Ubicación: Buscando villanos

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50 [Actualizada al 23/8/2003]

Mensaje por superlopez » Lun 18 Nov, 2002 17:54

Muchas gracias Pulp (vaya nick mas estupendo para un aficionado a la ci-fi), yo tenia mis dudas con estas dos películas. Lo voy a corregir.

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El retornado
Mensajes: 2970
Registrado: Mar 23 Jul, 2002 02:00
Ubicación: Haciendo el trenecito con Jacob y Dardo

Ciencia Ficción U.S.A. años 50 [Actualizada al 23/8/2003]

Mensaje por Huginn » Mar 19 Nov, 2002 15:20

Mi enhorabuena superlopez :P:P:P:P... has pensao en cambiar el prefijo de tu nick por "mega" .... ¡megalopez!, y aun asi se queda corto :D:D
