Humberto Mauro [05/04/2007] (Director)

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Humberto Mauro [05/04/2007] (Director)

Mensaje por Jacob » Jue 05 Abr, 2007 11:39

Pelis y tal

Valadião, o Cratera - Na primavera da vida - Tesouro Perdido - Braza Dormida - Sangue mineiro
Lábios Sem beijos - A Voz do Carnaval - Ganga Bruta - Favela Dos Meus Amores - Cidade-Mulher
O Descubrimento do Brasil - Argila - Canto da Saudade - Engenhos E Usinas - A Velha a Fiar

La bandera te trae al índice. The flag brings you back here.

Valadião, o CrateraValadião, o Cratera1925
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: José Augusto Monteiro Barbosa, Bastos Estephânio, Eva Nil
Color: Black and White. - 5 min
Sound Mix: Silent

Imagen Protofilm.

Na primavera da vidaNa primavera da vida1926
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Otávio Alves, José Augusto Monteiro Barbosa, César Ceribelli, Pascoal Ciodaro, Pedro Fantol, Rosendo Franco, Lola Lys, Bruno Mauro, Humberto Mauro, Nita Ney, Eva Nil, João Pacheco, Júlio Ruffo, Alberto Sereno, Máximo Serrano, Francisco Silva, Ivo Soares, Luís Soroa, Antônio Valente, Alvaro Werneck, Stephanio Georges Youness
Color: Black and White. - ... min
Silent (hostias, así se llama el grupo de unos colegas...)

Imagen En la Francia ocupada durante la Guerra franco-prusiana, una chica comparte un viaje en un coche de caballos con personas de clase superior que la tratan con menosprecio. Pero cuando un oficial prusiano requisa el carruaje, desaparecen las clases y cada uno ha de manifestarse como es realmente.
Errr... bueno... no sé si esto venía aquí...

Tesouro PerdidoTesouro Perdido1927
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Lola Lys, Humberto Mauro, Bruno Mauro, Alzir Arruda, Pascoal Ciodaro, Máximo Serrano, Antonio de Almeida, Ben Nil, Pedro Fantol, João Pacheco
Color: Black and White. - bla min
Sound Mix: Silent

Imagen - Imagen - Imagen Brothers Bráulio and Pedro, after the death of their father, are raised by friend Hilário, the father of Susana. When Bráulio reaches adultood, Hilário goves him the fragment of a treasure map. This fragment is sought-after by a bandit and a false doctor.

With a cast that included Mauro’s wife billed as Lola Lys in her only screen appearance, Thesouro Perdido revealed the remarkable cinematic skills of the self-taught filmmaker. Inspired by American productions, the film is a melodramatic adventure story involving bandits in search of a treasure map. The scenes in which they kidnap the heroine and are confronted by the hero in a struggle to the death in a burning cabin as the hero’s brother and friend ride to the rescue on horseback demonstrate Mauro’s successful assimilation of his American contemporaries’ technique in creating heart-pounding excitement. The film, however, lacks the erotic lyricism that would become a marked feature of Mauro’s vision. At the same time, Mauro’s flair for staging dramatic scenes against a natural background foreshadows his subsequent films.
ed2k linkTesouro.perdido.(Humberto.Mauro.1927).DVDrip.Port.Inter.avi ed2k link stats

Brasa DormidaBrasa Dormida1928
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Nita Ney, Luís Soroa, Máximo Serrano, Pedro Fantol, Rosendo Franco, Cortes Real, Pascoal Ciodaro, José Venâncio de Godoy, Barros Farias, Haroldo Mauro, Lelita Rosa
Color: Black and White. - 120 min
Sound Mix: Silent

Imagen - Imagen - Imagen Después de gastar todos sus recursos en Rio de Janeiro, Luiz deja los estudios y es empleado como gerente en una fábrica del interior donde se enamora de la hija del patrón, Anita. Obsesionado, el ex-gerente envía cartas anónimas contándole el amor de Luiz al dueño de la fábrica, éste contrariado aleja a su hija del negocio. Con añoranza de su enamorada, Luiz se va a buscarla. Para vengarse, el ex-gerente hace explotar una bomba en la fábrica, provocando una lucha a muerte con Luiz.

"Braza Dormida" ["Smouldering Embers"] is arguably Humberto Mauro's most famous work aside from "Ganga Bruta". In 1928, after the publical and critical acclaim of his last movie, "Thesouro Perdido", Humberto Mauro was already considered the best brazilian director in activity. This success allowed him to invest in his production company, Phebo, and reach out for a new level of filmmaking. "Braza Dormida" was very expensive for its time and place, and it shows in the movie: Mauro finally masters the cinematic language here, he uses interesting metaphors (like in the biblical/fallic scene of the snake) and is able to mix romance, adventure and even a little eroticism to portray his pessimist/bucolical point of view with perfection.
ed2k linkBraza.dormida.(Humberto.Mauro.1928).DVDrip.Port.Inter.avi ed2k link stats

Sangue mineiroSangue mineiro1930
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Maury Bueno, Ernani de Paula, Pedro Fantol, Rosendo Franco, Adhemar Gonzaga, Luiz Guimarães, Augusta Leal, Humberto Mauro, Nita Ney, Carmen Santos, Máximo Serrano, Elie Sone, Luís Soroa
Color: Black and White. - 82 min
Sound Mix: Silent

Imagen - Imagen - Imagen Tras la muerte de su padre, la joven Carmen vivía bajo la protección de su tutor, el capitalista Juliano Sampaio, dueño de un hotel en Belo Horizonte. Ambos vivían felices en su mansión. Jualiano tenía una hija, Neuza, que estudiaba en un colegio de la capital. En una noche de San Juán, Carmen, enamorada de Roberto, amigo de la familia, vio como su amado le daba los mismos cariños a Neuza que a ella. Desesperada, Carmen corre por el campo, con la única voluntad de matarse.

In Sangue Mineiro (Blood from Minas), Mauro once again explores the tension between traditional countryside values and modernization, this time clearly stated in the choice between the Acaba Mundo farm and the city of Belo Horizonte. BTW, one of the cool things to see in this movie is the city where i live in when it was still a young town... and portrayed with wonderful skill by Mauro, the first shot, with the camera panning over the mountains until it finds BH encrusted on the valley is one of the greatest openning scenes of brazilian cinema.
This movie is a typical 1920s melodrama, with suicide attempts, a vamp-like leading lady (the portuguese/brazilian star Carmen Santos, local sex-symbol of her time) and a lot of over-the-edge facial expressions.
ed2k linkSangue mineiro (Humberto Mauro - 1929) FC.avi ed2k link stats

Lábios Sem beijosLábios Sem beijos1930
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Lelita Rosa, Paulo Morano, Didi Viana, Gina Cavalieri, Augusta Guimarães, Alfredo Rosário, Tamar Moema, Décio Murilo, Máximo Serrano, Carlos Eugênio, Antonio Paes Gonçalves, Adhemar Gonzaga, Martins Kito, Leda Léa, Fernando Lima, Luiz Gonzaga Martins, Humberto Mauro, Celso Montenegro, Renato Oliveira, Godolfredo Queiroz, Marisa Torá, Ivan Villar, Carmem Violeta
Color: Black and White. - 53 min
Sound Mix: Silent

Imagen Como su propio nombre indica, el film trata sobre... no, sobre eso no, guarro.

A Voz do CarnavalA Voz do Carnaval1933
Dirección: Adhemar Gonzaga, Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Pablo Palitos, Paulo de Oliveira Gonçalves, Elsa Moreno, Jararaca, Eduardo Arouca, Lamartine Babo, Moraes Cardoso, Castelar, Gina Cavalieri, Henrique Chaves, Apolo Correia, Aracy Cortes, Jaime Costa, Mario Cunha, Belmira de Almeida, Naná Figueiredo, Fritz, Alice Garcia, Lilian Paes Leme, Margot Louro, Armando Louzada, Paulo Magalhães, Pascoal Carlos Magno, Edmundo Maia, Lu Marival, Paulo Marra, Regina Maura, Haroldo Mauro, Carmen Miranda, Paulina Mobarak, Carvalho Netto, Sara Nobre, Oscarito, Ratinho, Jaime Redondo, Mário Toledo Filho, P. Valença, Sonia Veiga
Color: Black and White. - min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen AutoBiografía no autorizada de Ronaldo Nazario da Lima.

Ganga BrutaGanga Bruta1933
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Durval Bellini, Dea Selva, Lu Marival, Décio Murilo, Andréa Duarte, Alfredo Nunes, Ivan Villar, Carlos Eugênio, João Baldi, Sérgio Barreto Filho, Francisco Bevilácqua, Ayres Cardoso, João Cardoso, Edson Chagas, João Fernandes, Adhemar Gonzaga, Glória Marina, Paulo Marra, Humberto Mauro, Elsa Moreno, Mário Moreno, Renato Oliveira, Pery Ribas, Olga Silva
Color: Black and White. - 82 min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen - Imagen - Imagen Historia de un joven que, sabiéndose engañado por su novia en la noche de bodas, fuera de sí, la mata. Declarado inocente, se va para el interior, para una pequeña ciudad, contratado en la construcción. Allí encuentra a otra mujer, una hermosa rubia. Pero Sônia es novia de Décio.

A late but important addition to this little retrospective, Ganga Bruta is without a doubt Humberto Mauro's masterpiece, and many people (like Glauber Rocha and Georges Sadoul) have said this is the best brazilian movie ever made. Actually it is very likely that it was Rocha's love for this movie that turned Mauro in the legendary figure that he is, that gave him this status as a founding father of brazilian cinema. But i belive Rocha was not overrating: seeing Ganga Bruta today, more than 70 years after its release, we can still be in awe by the originality and beauty of Humberto Mauro's directing. Of course the plot is really naive by today's standarts, but the fact that this film is still very captivating - maybe even fascinating - even with a somewhat lame story just makes it more impressing. A must see.
ed2k linkGanga Bruta (Humberto Mauro - 1933) FC.avi ed2k link stats
Subs en español: ... a-bruta-es

Favela Dos Meus AmoresFavela Dos Meus Amores1935
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Sílvio Caldas, Jaime Costa, Belmira de Almeida, Russo de Pandeiro, Pedro Dias, Itala Ferreira, Norma Geraldy, Armando Louzada, Antonia Marzullo, Rodolfo Mayer, Leopoldo Prata, Carmen Santos, Oswaldo Teixeira, Eduardo Viana, Eros Volusia
Color: Black and White. - lo que haga falta min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen Drama nostálgico que retrata la dura infancia de Humberto jugando al fútbol en las playas de Copacabana, tomando caipirinha a escondidas de su madre y sus primeros escarceos amorosos con la chica de Ipanema.

Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: José Amaro, María Amaro, Zenaide Andrea, Margarida Bandeira, Aida Conceição, Jaime Costa, Joel de Almeida, Sílvia Drummond, Bandeira Duarte, Aida Izquierdo Ferreira, Bibi Ferreira, Alice Figueiredo, Carmem Figueiredo, Cyrano Heleno, Mary Kler, Hortência Lisboa, Ferreira Maia, Esmeralda Monteiro, Sara Nobre, Elvira Pagã, Rosina Pagã, Mara Costa Pereira, Aida Pongetti, Dalila Rossi, Mário Salaberry, Zilka Salaberry, Carmen Santos, Hortência Santos, Isaura Seramota, Lola Silva, Orlando Silva, Assis Valente, José A. Vieira
Color: Black and White. - min
Sound Mix: Portuguese


O Descobrimento do BrasilO Descobrimento do Brasil1937
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Alvaro Costa, Manoel Rocha, Alfredo Silva, De Los Rios, Armando Duval, Reginaldo Calmon, João de Deus, João Silva, Artur Castro, J. Silveira, Arthur Oliveira, Hélio Barroso, Costa Henrique, Humberto Mauro, João Mauro
Color: Black and White. - 83 min / Portugal:62 min (1997 restoration) (Se ve que al restaurarlo se pasaron con la tijera...)
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen Pseudo-documental que narra el desembarco de la prestigiosa marca Nike en las playas de Rio do Janeiro. Apariciones estelares de Roberto Carlos y Denilson.

Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Carmen Santos, Celso Guimarães, Lídia Mattos, Floriano Faissal, Saint Clair Lopes, Bandeira Duarte, Mauro de Oliveira, J. Silveira, Pérola Negra, Roberto Rocha, Anita Otero, Chaby Pinheiro, Geny França, Bandeira de Mello, Eduardo Viana
Color: Black and White. - 103 min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen In Rio de Janeiro, Gilberto (Celso Guimarães) is a talented artisan engaged of Marina (Lídia Mattos), working in a pottery factory. He is hired by the millionaire widow Luciana (Carmem Santos) to perform a restoration in her castle in Correas, a district of Petrópolis. He suffers an accident and Luciana lodges and treats him for a long period, and they fall in love for each other. The moral values of the Brazilian society of the 40's make this love impossible for them. "Argila" is a beautiful and sensitive romance. The direction of Humberto Mauro is excellent, but the story is very dated for the present days. It is very interesting to see the behavior of the society sixty-five years ago, and very worthwhile watching this very rare movie, which is difficult to be found in Brazil. My vote is seven.

Canto da SaudadeCanto da Saudade1952
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Reparto: Cláudia Montenegro, Mário Mascarenhas, Humberto Mauro, Alfredo Souto de Almeida, Zizinha Macedo, Alcir Damata, Bruno Mauro, Lourival Coutinho, Bandeira Duarte, Elizabeth Hodos, Ladislau Colaço, Nicete Bruno, Edith Bulhões, Flávio Cordeiro, Luiz Delfino, José de Almeida Mauro, Silveira Sampaio, Jaime Souza
Color: Black and White. - 100 min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen - - Imagen Coronel Januário's daughter, Maria Fausta, is having a secret affair with João Galdino. While her father is engaged in his political campaign for mayor of the city, the couple disappear. Galdino, an accordionist who is secretly in love with her, goes looking for them.

O Canto da Saudade, or "The Song of Yearning", Humberto Mauro's last feature-lenght film, is said to be a return to the director's 1920's work, meaning it is a bucolical, countryside oriented, lyrical picture. In this sense, we can say it is a properly-titled film, because it is a return not only to his cinematic roots, but also to his home town of Volta Grande, where the movie was made. On the other hand, this feature reveals the inffluence of Mauro's documentary work at INCE, right from the start, when he claims to feel the need to register Minas' countryside lifestyle in a picture. Also, lots of music, specially traditional music, something we can relate directly to his Brasilianas series.

Engenhos E UsinasEngenhos E Usinas1955
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Color: Black and White. - 7 min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen - - Imagen The decadence of old sugar-cane mills in Brazil, giving way to modern industrial technologies.
ed2k linkHumberto Mauro. Cortos(1945-1964).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkHumberto Mauro. Cortos(1945-1964).srt ed2k link stats

A Velha a Fiar y otros cortosA Velha a Fiar1964
Dirección: Humberto Mauro
Color: Black and White. - 6 min
Sound Mix: Portuguese

Imagen - Imagen The short illustrates a Brazilian folk song in which a being or entity is always predating another being, but is in its turn predated by some other animal, until the circle closes. It begins like this: an old woman is quietly weaving and a fly disturbs her; a spider eats the fly; a mouse eats the spider; a cat chases the mouse and so on...
Short Film Collection (colección corta de films). En Karagarga. Enlace arriba a la izquierda. No tan arriba. No tan a la izquierda. Ahí.
ed2k linkHumberto Mauro. Cortos(1945-1964).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkHumberto Mauro. Cortos(1945-1964).srt ed2k link stats

Cinemabrasil - Wikipedia - Gildasattic - cinehumbertomauro
Última edición por Jacob el Jue 05 Abr, 2007 11:42, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensaje por Jacob » Jue 05 Abr, 2007 11:42

Spoiler: mostrar
The greatest director of the early Brazilian cinema, Humberto Mauro was born on April 30, 1897, on a farm in Volta Grande in the state of Minas Gerais. His father was an Italian immigrant and his mother a native of Minas Gerais. In his early years, he had a particular interest in both music and mechanics, playing the violin and the mandolin and studying engineering at a school in the city of Belo Horizonte. He left the school after one year to join his family in the town of Cataguases where they now resided. With electricity then starting to spread into the Brazilian interior, a technological revolution that attracted the interest of the young Mauro, his first job was to install electricity in local farms. He also built the first apparatus for radio reception in Cataguases. In 1916, he went to Rio de Janeiro where he worked for a time as an electrician, returning to Cataguases in 1920. There he wed Dona Bebê (Maria Vilela de Almeida) to whom he would remain married for the rest of his life.


During his later years, Mauro was the major inspiration for a new generation of Brazilian filmmakers, including Glauber Rocha and Nelson Pereira dos Santos, who hailed him as the precursor of Cinema Novo. He worked closely with the new directors, acting in David Neves’s Memória de Helena (1969); writing the Tupi-Guarani dialogue for Nelson Pereira dos Santos’s Como Era Gostoso o Meu Francês (1971) and Paulo Cesar Saraceni’s Anchieto, José do Brasil (1978); and co-authoring the story and script of Alex Vivany’s A Noiva da Cidade (1979). Although lack of overseas distribution had limited Mauro’s international recognition during much of his lifetime, he received increasing attention in France where in the last year of his life he was honored by the Cannes Film Festival as one of the world’s most outstanding filmmakers. He died on November 5, 1983, at the age of 86 in Volta Grande, the town where he was born. Gildasattic
Última edición por Jacob el Dom 08 Abr, 2007 03:29, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensaje por bluegardenia » Jue 05 Abr, 2007 22:56

Qué cabrito. Venga, pon alguna foto del gran y verdadero Mauro, que Mr. Google tendrá reservas.
Gracias por la filmografía, a ver si aprenden los otros maleantes de La Coja Tonta.
Cuadruplico y voy a por más

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Mensaje por David_Holm » Jue 05 Abr, 2007 23:15

Ya puestos podías traducir los textos al portugués (o añadir un ripeo de la final del Mundial del 94). Según mis estimaciones tendría traducidas hace unas semanas las películas que posteé, pues bien, estimé mal :mrgreen: Tengo una traducida (y otra a medias), aunque aún tengo que sincronizar los subs, a ver si la termino mañana con una buena chuleta entre pecho y espalda.

Saúdos y gracias.

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Mensaje por m0ntaraz » Jue 05 Abr, 2007 23:28

Grande Mauro. Supongo que ésta es la filmografía con la que amenazabas hace unos días :juas:

Ahora en serio, ¿alguna recomendación?

Y llego al final de la filmografía, leo «Sports Illustrated» donde pone «short ilustrates» y pienso «Se le ha ido la olla» y me pongo a buscar el enlace al calendario de marras... xDDD
We're on a mission from God.

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Mensaje por Jacob » Jue 01 Abr, 2010 23:09

m0ntaraz escribió:Ahora en serio, ¿alguna recomendación?
Todavía ninguna. :mrgreen:

Actualizo con un enlace pa unos cortos. Hilo por Marcos en Cine Clásico.

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Registrado: Vie 18 May, 2007 17:32

Re: Humberto Mauro (Director)

Mensaje por jm1983 » Jue 01 Abr, 2010 23:32

De Mauro no conozco mucho. De hecho conozco una sola, Ganga Bruta que me pareció buena peli. Los cortometrajes parecen interesantes también. De O Descobrimento do Brasil estoy seguro que circula algo tanto en Clan-Sudamérica como en KG.

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Registrado: Vie 18 May, 2007 17:32

Re: Humberto Mauro (Director)

Mensaje por jm1983 » Mié 12 May, 2010 18:59

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Re: Humberto Mauro (Director)

Mensaje por Jacob » Vie 14 May, 2010 13:36

Gracias, jm, en un rato actualizo.

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Registrado: Vie 18 May, 2007 17:32

Re: Humberto Mauro (Director)

Mensaje por jm1983 » Vie 14 May, 2010 21:37

Si quieres continúo yo con las actualizaciones de esta filmo, seguramente seguirán apareciendo films :)