God's Country (Louis Malle, 1986) DVDRip VOSE

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God's Country (Louis Malle, 1986) DVDRip VOSE

Mensaje por Persona » Sab 13 May, 2006 17:37

Pues os dejo este documental sobre los Estados Unidos en la época Reagan filmado por el gran Louis Malle. Espero que os guste.
Director: Louis Malle
Producer: Vincent Malle
Photography: Louis Malle
Editor: James Bruce
Sound: Jean-Claude Laurex

The residents of
Glencoe, Minnesota
(population 5000)

Reviews and notes
A truly lovely little film from the sadly underrated Malle. As ever, in this documentary about the inhabitants of the small farming town of Glencoe, Minnesota, the director reveals an extraordinary compassion for his subjects, inevitably viewed as well-meaning, dignified, but flawed. The gently comic tone of the beginning - happy, united farmers mowing the lawns, cow inseminators enjoying their literally shitty work, farmboys driving enormous tractors - gradually deepens to a darker hue as the legacies of Vietnam and Reagan are examined, and the tightly knit community is shown as a breeding ground of ignorance (blacks are absent, gays invisible).

Then for the final twenty minutes, Malle shows us Glencoe six years on: dreams severely damaged, prosperity threatened and newly-weds become prematurely middle-aged. Malle never mocks, merely understands; and though an extremely personal document of one European's love-hate for middle America, the film is of interest and relevance to us all.
- Geoff Andrew, Time Out, 19 November 1986

GOD'S COUNTRY provides an insight into the lives of the residents of Glencoe, Minnesota, located about sixty miles west of Minneapolis. Glencoe is a small farming community of 5,000 people, 80% of them German. Director Louis Malle spent two weeks in 1979 interviewing and filming the Glencoe residents, and last summer returned to follow up on their lives. With a cinéma verité style, the people talk about themselves, their lives and concerns.

"I was curious about looking into a part of this country I didn't know anything about," Malle said. "I had the idea of settling down in a farm town to make friends with the people and share their lives. I filmed them at work and talked to them about everything: politics, religion, love. I found the people were very sophisticated, very aware of the world, basically conservative, but smart and much better informed than I expected to find."

His goal in making the film, he said, was to give "a view of people you don't see all the time in films, ordinary and normal people and how they live." Why Glencoe, located in what the people there call 'God's Country'? It was an accident. "We were just driving around Minnesota and arrived in Glencoe on a Sunday. It was during the town Festival and everybody was out on Main Street. There was a polka band, everyone was drinking beer, the mayor was working one of the booths, and everyone was having a good time."

After the initial period of filming Malle kept in touch with Glencoe through letters, Christmas cards and telephone calls, but didn't have a chance for a return visit until last year. He found that things had changed considerably. "What has happened to the farmers there is on the grim side," he said. "The farm crisis has hit them pretty hard and several of them are in serious financial trouble. It is quite sad, quite moving."
- Kalamazoo Gazette, 27 November 1985.

Ficha en imdb


--- Información del archivo ---

Tamaño en bytes: 892 MB (or 913,544 KB or 935,469,056 bytes) (+/- 1/5 DVD)

--- Información del contenedor ---
Base Type: AVI(.AVI)
Subtype: OpenDML (AVI v2.0),
Interleave: 40
Preload : 504

--- Información del video ---

Video Codec Type: XVID
Duration: 01:25:23
Frame Count: 128067
Frame Width: 592
Frame Height: 432
Frame Aspect Ratio : 1.370 (37:27)
Video Bitrate (kbps): 1372
Qf: 0.215
QPel : No

--- Información del Audio ---

Audio Codec : 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Bitrate: 93
Audio Bitrate Type: VBR
Audio Channel Count: 1

Imagen Imagen Imagen

:arrow: Elink de la película: ed2k linkGod%C2%B4s_country.VO(Louis.Malle.1986)_by.Persona%5Bdxc%5D.avi ed2k link stats

:arrow: Elink subpack: ed2k linkGod%C2%B4s_country.(Louis.Malle.1986).subpack-spa_by.Persona%5Bdxc%5D.rar ed2k link stats

:arrow: Elink subtítulos en srt: ed2k linkGod%C2%B4s_country.VO(Louis.Malle.1986)_by.Persona%5Bdxc%5D.Spanish.subs.rar ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en descarga directa

Un saludo!
Última edición por Persona el Dom 04 Jun, 2006 14:37, editado 1 vez en total.
“Qué mala suerte, si esto le puede pasar a cualquiera”.

Alfonso XIII a Douglas Fairbanks sobre el caso Arbuckle-Rappese.

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Mensaje por bluegardenia » Sab 13 May, 2006 19:13

Gracias, ya está en descarga :plas: :plas:
Cuadruplico y voy a por más

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Mensaje por moz34 » Sab 13 May, 2006 20:35

Muchas gracias, Persona. :wink:

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Mensaje por jeff_costello » Dom 14 May, 2006 01:25

pinchada, muchas gracias por el curro

un saludo

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Mensaje por SUBLIMOTRUST » Dom 14 May, 2006 06:53

Otro por aqui que pincha persona...a ver como es este retrato.

Mi última aventura musical :music: : https://thebackwards.bandcamp.com/

Mi proyecto personal :music: : https://electricsparkle.bandcamp.com/

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Mensaje por pickpocket » Dom 14 May, 2006 16:26

Por el momento en pausa. Gracias por el curro :D

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Mensaje por marlowe62 » Dom 14 May, 2006 18:43


Muchas gracias, Persona. Un saludo.

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Mensaje por Bruckheimer » Lun 15 May, 2006 16:25

Pinchada queda,muchas gracias Persona,grande entre los grandes.Un saludo.

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Mensaje por guantemano » Lun 15 May, 2006 16:51

Joyita, en descarga sin pausa ni leches.

Muchas gracias :plas:
Non domandarci la formula che mondi possa aprirti,
sì qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo.
Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti,
ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo

Eugenio Montale

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Mensaje por Morrissey21 » Lun 15 May, 2006 17:03


Gracias, Persona.

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Mensaje por ciruja » Lun 15 May, 2006 18:20

Compartiendo. Ha bajado cual rayo.
Muchas gracias Persona :wink:

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Mensaje por bluegardenia » Lun 15 May, 2006 18:24

ciruja escribió:Ha bajado cual rayo.
:yes: 26 fuentes.

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Mensaje por Persona » Mar 16 May, 2006 22:44

Después de intentar entrar en extratitles y en subdivx... con éxito nulo, os dejo de momento el elink a los subtítulos en srt (subtítulos amorfos donde los haya, he tardado.... la vida).

Subtítulos en srt: ed2k linkGod%C2%B4s_country.VO(Louis.Malle.1986)_by.Persona%5Bdxc%5D.Spanish.subs.rar ed2k link stats
“Qué mala suerte, si esto le puede pasar a cualquiera”.

Alfonso XIII a Douglas Fairbanks sobre el caso Arbuckle-Rappese.

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Registrado: Jue 09 Sep, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Navegando en mi limonero

Mensaje por Bruckheimer » Mar 16 May, 2006 23:13

Gracias Persona,te dejo un informe:
Feedback from Bruckheimer[DXC] on [MorphXT v8.2]
File name: God´s_country.VO(Louis.Malle.1986)_by.Persona[dxc].avi
File type: Video
Size: 892.133 MB
Downloaded: 263.946 MB
Transferred: 75.683 MB (88.745 MB)
Requested: 57 (88)
Accepted Requests: 19 (23)
Total sources: 23
Available sources : 20
No Need Part sources: 1
Complete sources: 11 (10)

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Mensaje por Wagnerian » Mié 17 May, 2006 18:22

Gracias, persona, a ver que se contó Malle...
'...y esas piernas color París.'

Amapolodromo 10x15
Música De Fondo

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Registrado: Jue 09 Sep, 2004 02:00
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Mensaje por Bruckheimer » Dom 21 May, 2006 13:11

Completa y compartiendo.Te dejo un informe Per:
Feedback from Bruckheimer[DXC] on [MorphXT v8.2]
File name: God´s_country.VO(Louis.Malle.1986)_by.Persona[dxc].avi
File type: Video
Size: 892.133 MB
Downloaded: Completo
Transferred: 792.677 MB (805.739 MB)
Requested: 360 (391)
Accepted Requests: 174 (178)
Complete sources: 17 (2)

Muchas gracias,un abrazo Man.

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Registrado: Sab 27 Mar, 2004 01:00

Mensaje por Ondewor » Jue 25 May, 2006 12:43

Me lo apunto...

Ay, Ronald... Q tiempos aquellos...

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Mensaje por bluegardenia » Sab 03 Jun, 2006 21:54

Cuadruplico y voy a por más

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Mensaje por Arremula » Sab 03 Jun, 2006 22:05

Pincho, luego existo.

Gracias mil, persona.

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Mensaje por Persona » Dom 04 Jun, 2006 14:39

Pues añadido todo ya. Gracias Bluegardenia: ya había desistido con los subs en descarga directa...

Un saludo!
“Qué mala suerte, si esto le puede pasar a cualquiera”.

Alfonso XIII a Douglas Fairbanks sobre el caso Arbuckle-Rappese.