
Webs, Foros, Blogs relacionados con el cine y sin relacionar. Proveedores de acceso a Internet, etc.
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Registrado: Jue 04 Mar, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: tied to this table right here

Mensaje por Takeshi_Shimura » Mar 08 Ago, 2006 19:27

Se debería cambiar el título del hilo, ya que esa URL ya no es válida, ¿no?

Por cierto, qué coñazo de registro, ya podían avisar antes del límite de caracteres, que me he pasado más tiempo editando lo que escribí que escribiéndolo :roll: en fin, que sea lo que dios quiera.

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Registrado: Jue 01 Jul, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Where no one has gone before!

Mensaje por Jacob » Mié 21 Feb, 2007 15:20

pickpocket escribió:A mi me pasó igual, y me importa un rabano, francamente.
Pobrico. :mrgreen:

Han publicado un KaraGarga Manifesto, muy bonito y tal. Aunque imagino que aquí no interesará mucho, así que no lo pego.

Bueno, sí, pero en spoiler.
Spoiler: mostrar
The KaraGarga Manifesto

KaraGarga strives to be more than just a regular BitTorrent tracker for movies.
We are an exclusive private filesharing community focused on creating a comprehensive library of Arthouse, Cult, Classic, Experimental and rare movies from all over the world.

Here is how we aim to achieve that goal:

* Do not allow Hollywood/Bollywood mainstream.

From its inception, KaraGarga was designed as a source for non-mainstream and off-beat movies. We try to distance ourselves from the pervasive and easily available Hollywood (and Bollywood) mainstream and show people that a huge and exciting world of cinema exists beyond that. Therefore we do not allow any mainstream movies on the tracker.

The definition of "mainstream" is very elusive and almost impossible to state precisely. It is within the discretion of the tracker moderators to decide on each specific case. As a general rule, we limit our definition of mainstream to Hollywood and Bollywood movies made after the 70s. Classic Hollywood movies are allowed and welcome - even though some of them may enjoy mainstream popularity, we have high respect for their artistic quality and importance in cinema history. We draw the line with the advent of the big-buget Hollywood blockbuster (with movies like Jaws and Star Wars) which brought on a rapid deterioration in the quality of movies. Modern independent productions are allowed and we might make special exceptions for new Hollywood movies from special directors. Also allowed are most "mainstream" movies from other countries - what might be a common mainstream movie in Hungaria might be totally unknown elsewhere. For further information, see this collective forum thread for the discussion of the "mainstreamness" of specific movies.

We are well aware that the enforcement of this rule makes a subjective judgment on the artistic quality of a movie that some people are bound to disagree with. However, this rule is the very foundation which has made KaraGarga such a distinguished source for high-class world cinema.

* Build a library by never deleting movie torrents and making reseeds as easy as possible.

We want the KaraGarga tracker ideally to be like a library, so that anytime you wish to see a particular movie you can just look it up and download it. Unfortunately one of the big disadvantages of the BitTorrent p2p system is that most torrent swarms die off relatively quickly, mostly because people do not have any incentive to keep torrents seeded.

Other trackers would just delete those dead torrents. We on the other hand have set out to change that. In general, we do not delete any movie torrents and we do not consider old torrents to be "dead". They are just unseeded at the moment. If a torrent has been unseeded for two days with no activity, a big red button on the top of the torrent details page allows you to request a reseed for the torrent. All reseed requests are recorded on this page while the tracker homepage lists all reseed requests that you can personally help out with (i.e. torrents which you have downloaded). If you reseed a torrent for which a reseed has been requested you are automatically awarded a ratio bonus (details here). In addition, keeping any torrent seeded in your BT client gives you an extra seeding bonus once someone starts downloading it.

The combination of reseed requests and the various bonuses have created an extremely effective mechanism that allows even long-dead torrents to be resurrected swiftly. You can put in a reseed request and usually find the torrent seeded the next day. This is aided by KaraGarga being a private tracker - users have to maintain a ratio and thus have a strong incentive to keep torrents seeded and help out with reseeds in order to collect ratio bonuses. Also, all users who have downloaded a particular torrent ("snatchers") are recorded, allowing the reseed request system to identify who can help out reseed which torrent. Even if your reseed request goes unanswered for a while, the friendly and helpful culture at KaraGarga allows you to just send a message to some of the recent snatchers of a torrent and get it reseeded that way as well.

In order to make reseeds even more powerful, KaraGarga has implemented a unique feature called torrent bumping. If one user reseeds a torrent for another user, usually noone else will notice. The resulting exchange then resembles traditional ineffective one-on-one filesharing. Therefore, if a torrent which has been unseeded for a long time is reseeded, we "bump" it to the top of the torrent list (MoM torrents or torrents with reseed-requests are bumped if they had been unseeded for over 30 days; if there was no reseed request the bump time is 90 days). All users will see the bumped torrent appear on the top of the browse page as if it were newly uploaded. To distinguish it from new torrents, it is marked [BUMPED]. That way the reseeding of a torrent will be noticed by many more users and create a larger swarm.

* Provide extensive information on each movie torrent.

Since every new movie torrent enters the KaraGarga library and will remain there for a long time, we would like each one to have as detailed a description as possible. Thus we make it mandatory for each torrent to include complete rip specifications of the movie file (allowing users to judge if that file will be playable on their playback device) and at least three screenshots directly from the file (allowing users to judge the quality of the encoding). There is a guide on providing rip specs here and a guide on providing screenshots here. We also strongly encourage users to include plot descriptions, review(s), a movie poster and additional outside links which offer more information for each upload.

* Emphasize rip quality and completeness of extra material.

At KaraGarga we strive for all movie torrents to be encoded in the best quality possible (usually a 2cd XviD encode) while allowing for the highest level of playback compatibility (i.e. incompatible formats like x264 or mkv are discouraged). While we do not allow any duplicate uploads of the same movie, we will allow a low-quality 1cd rip to be replaced by a higher-quality 2cd rip. Torrents with a full DVD-R of a movie are allowed to exist alongside an XviD/DivX encode since they both service users with different needs.

Other criteria that make for a higher-quality torrent and a welcome replacement include: If the torrent is sourced from a higher-quality source than the existing one (e.g. a DVD with better picture quality than the other DVD release), if it is in the correct aspect ratio (e.g. a widescreen version to replace a cropped fullscreen one), if it offers removable subtitles instead of hardcoded ones, if it offers the original audio track instead of a dubbed one or if it includes additional extras like an audio commentary, a making-of etc.

If you have a rip that fulfills one or several of the criteria above and want to replace an existing torrent, simply message one of the tracker moderators.

In order to prevent generally poor quality uploads, if a movie is available on DVD, rips from a lower-quality source (e.g. from a VHS) are not allowed. We also do not allow any rips of a new movie until a DVD is actually commercially available in stores since most of those rips come from poor quality sources (anything from CAMs recorded off the screen in a movie theatre to poor quality R5 DVDs thrown onto the market prematurely which is where many pre-retail scene DVDrips come from).

* Promote broadening cinematic knowledge through Master Of The Month (MoM) program and movie collections.

KaraGarga offers you many opportunities to extend your horizons and learn more about the cinema of other countries and cultures. One of it is the Master Of The Month (MoM) program. Each month, a specific topic (e.g. a director, an actor, a country, a theme) is chosen as a MoM for both movies and for music. Torrent uploads fitting that MoM are encouraged during that month and participation in any MoM torrent gives you a ratio bonus (details here). You can take a look at the present and past MoMs on this page. For past MoMs we have managed to establish very comprehensive collections of torrents on that topic in just a month. MoM topics are generally chosen by the KaraGarga staff but suggestions for future MoMs are always welcome and can be posted in the MoM forums. Keep in mind that MoMs are made to focus on often neglected and underappreciated areas of cinema rather than well-known ones.

Another way to expand your knowledge is through the KaraGarga Collections forum. A collection is a full list of all the movies belonging to a specific director, film movement or other theme. It contains detailed information on the subject and links to torrents. We have collections on many major directors like Godard, Wilder, Lang, Renoir and Herzog. We have collections on topics ranging from Film Noir to the Czech New Wave and German Expressionism. And then there are the really curious off-beat collections like "films about food" or "Kafka on film". Contributing a collection on your own and thus sharing your knowledge and insight with the KaraGarga community is also rewarded with a generous ratio bonus.

* Allow users to request specific movies they have been looking for.

A requests section on the tracker allows members who have PowerUser status to request movies they are looking for and that are not on KaraGarga. The request costs 750mb of your ratio (in order to prevent people from posting too many requests). If a user fills a request by uploading the requested movie and then entering the torrent URL in the request details the user receives a very large ratio bonus. To give a request more weight, all users can vote on requests. The more votes a request has, the larger the bonus will be for the person filling the request. If you vote on a request, the request is bumped to the top of the request list and you are put on a list to be automatically notified once the request is filled.

* Encourage the custom creation and translation of subtitles for rare movies.

There are countless of rare foreign movies out there for which English subtitles do not exist. We have a small but dedicated community of people working on creating custom subtitles for movies. This usually involves translating or transcribing, creating subtitle timings etc. We have a forum on creating custom subtitles here. If you want to start a subtitling project on your own or feel you can help others with their projects please feel free to post in that forum. Since custom subtitle creation is an enormous amount of work we offer large ratio bonuses for completed subtitling projects.

All of these factors contribute to the unique KaraGarga experience and should give you a better insight into how our community functions. Thank you for reading.

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Mensajes: 3008
Registrado: Mié 08 Sep, 2004 02:00

Mensaje por mesmerism » Mié 21 Feb, 2007 15:38

Está bien el manifiesto. Yo nunca me he interesado por la página porque sólo uso el eMule, pero hay unas cuantas ideas ahí escritas que seguro que a algunos de por aquí nos gustaría ver implantadas en DXC. Por curiosidad, Jacob: ¿podrías poner algún ejemplo de películas modernas publicadas aquí que no se admitirían allí? ¿Y alguna que sí? ¿Qué criterios concretos utilizan para determinar lo que vale y lo que no?

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Mensajes: 2846
Registrado: Jue 04 Mar, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: tied to this table right here

Mensaje por Takeshi_Shimura » Mié 21 Feb, 2007 19:52

mesmerism escribió: ¿podrías poner algún ejemplo de películas modernas publicadas aquí que no se admitirían allí? ¿Y alguna que sí? ¿Qué criterios concretos utilizan para determinar lo que vale y lo que no?
pos lo típico: pelis de filmoteca, de cine de versión original, como los cines Renoir pero sin Torrente 3, o ya "experimental y rarito" y "pedante hardcore"

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Registrado: Vie 15 Jul, 2005 02:00
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por pepe0008 » Mar 27 Mar, 2007 00:41

Esto... ¿para iniciar el proceso de registro en este sitio, karagarga.net, dónde hay que pinchar? ¿O han cerrado el registro?


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Registrado: Sab 29 Ene, 2005 01:00
Ubicación: Microespasmos

Mensaje por SUBLIMOTRUST » Mar 27 Mar, 2007 01:10

No estaría de más saber como funciona el tema que comenta pepe.

Mi última aventura musical :music: : https://thebackwards.bandcamp.com/

Mi proyecto personal :music: : https://electricsparkle.bandcamp.com/

Mensajes: 769
Registrado: Mar 21 Dic, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: As de Espadas

Mensaje por Pajarico » Mar 27 Mar, 2007 21:48

Hace mucho que no me paso por ahí pero lo que recuerdo es que se cerró. Tengo cuatro invitaciones si las queréis.

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Mensajes: 300
Registrado: Vie 09 Jun, 2006 23:51
Ubicación: Innisfree

Mensaje por windowlicker » Sab 31 Mar, 2007 04:57

Pajarico escribió:Tengo cuatro invitaciones si las queréis.
¿Por qué no? Cuantas menos restricciones se encuentre uno mejor...

Saludos y gracias de antemano.

Mensajes: 769
Registrado: Mar 21 Dic, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: As de Espadas

Mensaje por Pajarico » Sab 31 Mar, 2007 10:14

Pues con la de windowlicker a espera de confirmación, me queda una.

PS: Ya veo que pepe y aguijon están bajando cosas raras :D

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Mensajes: 1357
Registrado: Vie 15 Jul, 2005 02:00
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por pepe0008 » Sab 31 Mar, 2007 20:10

Efectivamente, Pajarico, muchas gracias por tu invitación.

Estoy viendo el material disponible en Karagarga.net, y me siento como un niño frente al escaparate de una pastelería, para que os hagáis una idea...

Una cosa que he visto, y que no sabía antes, es que KG se divide en dos partes: el tracker para descargar con el bittorrent y el foro para interactuar con la comunidad. Son entidades separadas, con registros independientes. Así, mientras el registro en el tracker está cerrado y es únicamente por invitación, el registro en el foro de KG está abierto. Una vez registrado en el foro, los futuros aspirantes pueden ir al hilo apropiado, presentarse, y solicitar una invitación para el tracker. Todo en inglés, eso sí. El foro está en: forum.karagarga.net .


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Registrado: Lun 03 May, 2004 02:00

Mensaje por aguijon » Dom 01 Abr, 2007 13:16

Muchas gracias, Pajarico. La verdad que ha sido llegar y besar el santo. Me puse a buscar una peli de Zulawsky imposible de encontrar y allí estaba. La verdad es que el tracker es una maravilla, de planteamiento, técnicamente y de material disponible. El problema que le veo: el mantener ratio decente va a ser tarea titánica.

Mensajes: 769
Registrado: Mar 21 Dic, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: As de Espadas

Mensaje por Pajarico » Dom 01 Abr, 2007 13:28

windowlicker ya estás invitado. Me queda una sola invitación... 8)

Recordad que según lo que subáis os dan más invitaciones.

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Registrado: Vie 09 Jun, 2006 23:51
Ubicación: Innisfree

Mensaje por windowlicker » Dom 01 Abr, 2007 22:57

Muchas gracias Pajarico.

He empezado bajando Playtime de Tati (disponible por aquí) para probar qué tal va la cosa. Ahora mismo sólo una semilla y un cliente.

Coincido con aguijon en el tema de mantener el ratio. Es el mayor problema que le veo al bittorrent y por lo que siempre vuelvo a la mula (además de por no mantener más de un p2p abierto, mi equipo no da para mucho ya).


Mensajes: 769
Registrado: Mar 21 Dic, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: As de Espadas

Mensaje por Pajarico » Lun 02 Abr, 2007 01:37

Yo la unica forma que vi de mantener el ratio fue subiendo algo y dejandolo durante mucho tiempo (no consecutivo, tuve el emule entre medias). Las semillas suelen durar bastante y da para repartir.

Mensajes: 568
Registrado: Vie 19 Mar, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: A Coruña

Mensaje por Zitor » Jue 19 Jul, 2007 21:38

Si todavía te queda esa invitación, te la agradecería.


Mensajes: 102
Registrado: Mié 09 Jun, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Plaza O" Higging, Valparaíso.

Mensaje por ipomeo » Dom 22 Jul, 2007 02:19

es posible conseguir una invitacion?

Mensajes: 769
Registrado: Mar 21 Dic, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: As de Espadas

Mensaje por Pajarico » Dom 22 Jul, 2007 15:41

Zitor: ya te la he enviado.

ipomeo: de momento no tengo más. Cuando me den otra te lo diré.

Mensajes: 568
Registrado: Vie 19 Mar, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: A Coruña

Mensaje por Zitor » Mié 25 Jul, 2007 00:20

Hasta hoy que no me he vuelto a pasar por aquí desde que te envié el privado, muchas gracias pajarico.
De las primeras cosas que hice al entrar fue mirar si yo disponía de alguna invitación para ofrecerla, pero al menos por ahora no tengo ninguna, lo siento.


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Registrado: Vie 21 Nov, 2003 01:00
Ubicación: Far West

Mensaje por paizoco » Mié 25 Jul, 2007 02:27

Si aparecen invitaciones y alguien me puede pasar una se lo agradezco.

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Marxista, por Karl y Groucho
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Mensaje por Cirlot » Mié 25 Jul, 2007 03:26

paizoco escribió:Si aparecen invitaciones y alguien me puede pasar una se lo agradezco.
Yo tengo invitaciones (2 libres, más concretamente). Mándame un privado con tu e-mail (que no sea de hotmail, por favor) y me encargo.

Si alguien quiere la otra invitación, que me mande otro privado con su email.

Salud, comas y República.
Salud, comas, clowns y República