Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971) HD 720p VOSE

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Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971) HD 720p VOSE

Mensaje por V » Lun 24 Sep, 2012 21:31

Copio tal cual el mensaje de initiant en Cine-Clásico:

Punishment Park (1971) 720p BluRay x264 deu-eng streams+spa-por-eng subs

Punishment Park
AÑO 1971


Punishment Park
AÑO 1971
DURACIÓN 88 min.
PAÍS Estados Unidos
DIRECTOR Peter Watkins
GUIÓN Peter Watkins
MÚSICA Paul Motian
FOTOGRAFÍA Joan Churchill, Peter Smokler
REPARTO Patrick Boland, Kent Foreman, Carmen Argenziano, Luke Johnson, Katherine Quittner, Scott Turner, Stan Armsted, Mary Ellen Kleinhall, Mark Keats, Gladys Golden, Sanford Golden, George Gregory
PRODUCTORA Chartwell / Francoise
GÉNERO Drama. Thriller | Falso documental. Política
SINOPSIS: 1970. Se intensifica la Guerra de Vietnam. Hay masivas protestas públicas en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. El presidente Nixon declara un estado de emergencia nacional y las autoridades federales tienen potestad para detener a personas que supongan un riesgo para la seguridad interna... Un grupo de disidentes izquierdistas (manifestantes contra la guerra, activistas del Black Power, una cantante folk...) declaran ante un Tribunal integrado por militares y civiles, que les ofrece esta opción: largas estancias en prisión o pasar 72 horas en “Punishment Park “, en el desierto del sur de California, donde tendrán que realizar un trayecto de 53 millas a pie en tres días con una pequeña ración de agua y alimentos, seguidos por tropas de la Guardia Nacional autorizadas a disparar en caso de incidentes.

Comentario: Punishment Park se inspira en la “McCarran Internal Security Act” de 1950, que autoriza al Presidente de Estados Unidos a suspender el sistema judicial tradicional en una situación de emergencia nacional y crear tribunales especiales para juzgar a las personas que supongan “un riesgo para la seguridad interna” e internarlas en campos de concentración.
[quote]En 1971 filmó Punishment Park, un tremendo documental en el que se plantea la posibilidad de si entrara en vigor la Ley McCarran de 1950, en la que el presidente de los EEUU tiene el derecho de declarar el estado de urgencia sin la aprobación del Congreso, con el consecuente derecho de detener a cualquier individuo que se considere sospechoso de complot contra la seguridad interna del estado. Todos los detenidos serían interrogados por un tribunal, sin tener la opción de libertad bajo fianza, con la única posibilidad de elegir entre ser encarcelados o pasar unos días en Punishment Park, un desierto en California del Sur.
En la película, los que deciden trasladarse a Punishment Park, disponen de tres días y dos noches para alcanzar una bandera de los EEUU que se encuentra a unos 85 kilómetros de donde están. En ese lugar, deberán esperar hasta las diez de la noche del tercer día para ser liberados (si no han sido capturados con anterioridad). Para motivarles, ya que la temperatura a la que van a someterse podría llegar a los 45 grados durante el día, se les comunica que a mitad de camino encontrarán agua potable. Sin embargo, parte de la horrible condena conlleva a que pasadas las dos horas desde el inicio del recorrido, la policía comenzará a perseguirles, no permitiéndoles escapar de los límites del camino planeado (aunque con la prohibición de golpearles e impedirles a que lleguen a su destino), complicándose la situación debido a unas circunstancias que producirán un aumento del odio entre ambos bandos. Además, durante el tiempo que tienen que esperar los policías para ir tras ellos, el sheriff les enseña diferentes armas que pueden utilizar para disparar si es necesario, algo que hace aumentar las sospechas de que algo no muy bueno puede deparar a los que corren en el Punishment Park.
Con esta interesante premisa y con la guerra de Vietnam de transfondo, Peter Watkins usa el recurso de la voz en off y divide el documental en tres secuencias paralelas: el grupo que corre por Punishment Park, los policías que los persiguen y otro grupo que es interrogado por un tribunal de urgencia. Este último grupo de jóvenes pacifistas es acusado también por complot contra la seguridad del estado. En él se encuentran un periodista de radio y activista político, un cofundador del Comité contra la guerra y la represión, una cantante y compositora y unos cuantos objetores de conciencia. Todos ellos defienden su causa y no paran de meterse con el sistema y de hablar de la injusticia de las guerras. Y como hizo con sus anteriores trabajos, Watkins utiliza las cámaras de televisión para filmar los sucesos, consiguiendo de esta manera una mayor verosimilitud, con una tensión casi palpable en el cargado ambiente debido a gritos e insultos entre los acusados y los miembros del tribunal.
Watkins utiliza también muy bien las severas imágenes del desierto, en las que se siente verdaderamente el calor agotador que deben pasar los acusados, anunciando el narrador a cada rato la temperatura a la que se encuentran. Pero lo que se le puede achacar a este documental es que se hace un poco largo, dando la sensación de que las imágenes de los que huyen por el desierto se repiten demasiado, no creyéndote tampoco que vayan respondiendo a todas las preguntas que les hacen los periodistas durante el recorrido. Y el final, aunque contundente y en parte acertado, se alarga también un tanto. Aún así, Watkins consigue aportar su granito de arena, criticando a la policía, al gobierno y a todo su sistema, provocando opiniones diversas al respecto.
"Punishment Park es un más que interesante falso documental que logra sorprender por la autenticidad de sus imágenes y por descubrir una historia que, si se hiciera realidad, pondría los pelos de punta a cualquiera" .[/quote]
"Do you like your job of slaughtering young people?"
Spoiler: mostrar
Punishment Park was the fifth film from British director Peter Watkins. Watkins had had earlier success with Culloden (1964) for the BBC, where he took the novel approach of shooting a recreation of the famous 18th Century battle in a documentary-like style, and The War Game (1965), which depicted a fictional outbreak of nuclear war in England in a similar style. Indeed, Peter Watkins is the father of the mockumentary – several decades before the term was coined. These films gained Watkins a considerable reputation, particularly after the BBC refused to screen The War Game for whom it has originally been commissioned. Following this, Peter Watkins went onto make a trilogy of highly political films all using science-fictional devices with Privilege (1967) set in a near-future England where the government manipulate the popularity of a rock singer; The Peace Game/The Gladiators (1969) set in a future where instead of conducting war governments settle their differences by pitting soldiers against one another in an arena; and Punishment Park. Subsequent to these, Watkins abandoned genre material and moved to Sweden and later France, which he found a more welcoming home after the negative reception his films had had in England. Based there, he made the likes of Edvard Munch (1974), Evening Land (1977), The Journey (1987), The Freethinker (1994) and La Commune (2000).

Punishment Park is an extraordinary work. As you sit watching the opening scenes where the narrator is describing a fictional near-future scenario, what is being portrayed proves so alarmingly a prediction of how the future turned out that they could be describing America anytime in the 00s. The film talks about the prisoners being held and sentenced under the McCarran Act (an actual piece of US legislation, now repealed) that allows for the suspension of civil liberties, habeas corpus and Fifth Amendment rights; nowadays it is called the Patriot Act and the setting could just as easily be Guantanamo Bay instead of the middle of the Mojave Desert. In fact, there are frequent times you have to shake yourself and realise that the film was made in 1971, not the mid-00s, so much so has its vision of a police state invisibly crept into modern America. About the only difference is that the prisoners are Vietnam protestors rather than Islamic militants. And so far, the US government has yet to come up with a system whereby Guantanamo prisoners could earn their freedom by making a fifty mile run through the desert while being shot at by law enforcement officials – Abu Ghraib did come close to the general idea, although in the reality there the prison authorities did not even bother with the illusion of allowing prisoners to make a bid for their freedom.

It is amazing how much Punishment Park has had an influence on modern films. The basic scenario – of people being allowed to fight to the death for their freedom while usually watched by tv cameras – has been adopted by numerous other films since such as The Prize of Peril (1982), Turkey Shoot (1983), The Running Man (1987), Battle Royale (2000), Series 7: The Contenders (2001), The Condemned (2007), Death Race (2008), Gamer (2009) and The Hunger Games (2012). It may well be that Peter Watkins drew the basic premise from the classic The Most Dangerous Game (1932) about a man and woman stranded on a desert island where they are hunted by a bored Russian aristocrat who gives them the opportunity to win their lives by fleeing through the jungle and fighting with their bare hands. Some inspiration may also have been taken from the satirical Italian science-fiction film The Tenth Victim (1965) where contestants can win prizes by killing one another on camera.

It is interesting to compare Punishment Park to these modern equivalents. If it were made today, Punishment Park would almost certainly be pitched as an action film and the emphasis placed on the survival of the various prisoners in the desert with numerous scenes pumped up to show them having to fight for their lives against those hunting them. You one can argue that the action movie never existed as an entity back in 1971 and so Punishment Park did not have this to draw on. Certainly, Peter Watkins does not seem interested in traditional story arcs of heroism, struggle and triumph. A classical action film almost always follows a clearcut hero/heroine but here, for example, the characters only seem an aggregate group of talking heads, rarely individuals.

What Peter Watkins is interested in in Punishment Park however is the ideological conflict. As much time is given to the scenes where each of the principal accused are put on trial as the scenes with the prisoners fleeing through the desert. Peter Watkins is largely interested in the scenes where each prisoner gets to say their piece, angrily remonstrating against the system over everything from the Vietnam War and the draft, bourgeoisie values and racial disparities. The cast give extremely angry and convincing performances and each piece of declamation comes with remarkably incisive effect. Peter Watkins makes no pretence of offering an unbiased account, his point-of-view is with the protestors and their anger the entire way. The judging tribunal of establishment figures are all portrayed with such a contempt of counter-cultural values and lofty hypocrisy that they become despicably loathsome. If other films of the era like Woodstock (1970) and Zabriskie Point (1971) emotionally swept one up in the counter-culture values of the Love Generation, then Punishment Park can be considered the intellectual voice of the revolution. Indeed, Punishment Park could be a veritable manifesto for other revolutionary groups of the era such as Black Panthers, Weather Underground and the Symbionese Liberation Army. In subsequent films about the era made years later – see the likes of 1969 (1988) or Across the Universe (2007) – the revolutionary speech of the day has been watered down until it is little more than a cliche. However, Punishment Park comes from the day where such was fresh and full of anger and emotion that had not been watered down by being placed in historic quote marks.

Peter Watkins largely improvised the film with his cast. He apparently started out with a more structured screenplay but stripped this back and allowed the cast to improvise their own dialogue and speeches. In using a cinema verite style, this allows Watkins a far more ‘real’ look than the other more dramatically composed films of the era. The actors have a far greater naturalism and the camera seems merely to be observing what is going on rather than directing them to express for us. The only name among the cast that was ever heard from again (Watkins always prefers using non-professional actors) is Carmen Argenziano who has gone onto a lengthy career in film and television. Perhaps one of the most disturbing things about the film is the end voice-over claim that various of the actors in the film were subsequently convicted for the same sorts of crimes that there characters were – Stan Armstead was charged with attempting to plant a bomb, while one of the other actors was sentenced to jail for three years for assault.

All of this makes for an incredibly charged and angry film. Punishment Park comes with such a stark sense of revolutionary anger that it was pulled from distribution in England within only a week of its opening, was refused screening in the US where even today television channels will not screen the film by mutual agreement. To be still regarded as seditious after nearly forty years is an incredibly far-reaching power for a film to hold. And for what it says to still be as applicable today as it was back in the 1970s is even more of a testament. Copyright Richard Scheib 1999-2012

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Nombre completo                          :Punishment Park (1971) 720p BluRay x264 deu-eng+subs.mkv
Formato                                  : Matroska
Formato de la versión                    : Version 2
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Duración                                 : 1h 31min.
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ed2k linkPunishment Park (1971) 720p BluRay x264 deu-eng+subs.mkv ed2k link stats

I didn't find a Spanish stream :!:
THX @ripper
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Re: Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971) HD 720p VOSE

Mensaje por Dardo » Lun 24 Sep, 2012 23:04

Siempre miro con detenimiento todo lo que publicas ya que la ZXZ desde los comienzos me ha llamado mucho la atención y donde soy un mirón silencioso, y en este caso me ha llamado la atención el ver que era un 720p.

La temática y la historia me interesa asi que haré por bajarla en cuanto comparta unas cosillas y tal.

Gracias "V"

(Te veo en lo profundo...) :mrgreen:

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Re: Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971) HD 720p VOSE

Mensaje por oscarriutort » Mié 31 Oct, 2012 19:35

me apunto gracias
"Los videojuegos no afectan a los niños. Si fuera así y el comecocos nos hubiera afectado, ahora estaríamos deambulando por lugares oscuros, comiendo píldoras mágicas y escuchando ritmos electrónicos repetitivos"

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Re: Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971) HD 720p VOSE

Mensaje por Cirlot » Dom 08 Ene, 2017 21:34

¿Alguien que se bajara este ripio podría extraer los subtítulos en dialecto murciano, silbuplé?
Salud, comas, clowns y República