Coup pour coup (Marin Karmitz, 1972) DVDRip VOSI

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Coup pour coup (Marin Karmitz, 1972) DVDRip VOSI

Mensaje por kimkiduk » Dom 28 Sep, 2008 19:04

Ripeo de eeeeee en karagarga

Coup pour coup
Blow for blow
Golpe por Golpe

Dirección: Marin Karmitz
Guión: Marin Karmitz
Reparto: Anne-Marie Bacquié, Simone Aubin, Aisha Ben Falla, Danielle Chinsky, Laure Dupuy, Eva Damien, Jacqueline Auzellaud

Sinopsis: Un grupo de obreras planean la ocupación de una fábrica como reivindicación de su dignidad y de sus derechos, mientras todo a su alrededor parece volvérseles en contra. Una huelga y lucha tratada desde un punto de vista feminista, y siempre haciendo uso del humor. Última película de Karmitz, antes de dedicarse exclusivamente a la producción (Productor de Kiarostami, Gus van Sandt, Hong Sang-soo, Lucian Pintilie, entre otros...)

A movie about a strike that is not just dramatic, but funny, poignant, and feminist. If you liked Matewan, Harlan Couty, U.S.A, or Bread and Roses, you will enjoy this movie.

The film has a fair balance of talk and action, between the local and universal. It portrays the strikers as intelligent actors in the process of planning and carrying out their plant occupation. When the women on strike leave their domestic obligations to their husbands, there is a lively exchange about this role-flip, years before stay-at-home husbands became a hot topic. The strikers' treatment of the factory director is riotously funny.

Karmitz also conveys a wonderful sense of the times, in France not long after the May 1968 events. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has grown weary of bug-eating reality shows and computer-enhanced shoot-em-up action heroes. If you like watching ordinary people doing extraordinary things, check out this movie.

Código: Seleccionar todo

--- File Information ---                                                
File Name:                                      Coup pour coup (Marin Karmitz, 1972).avi             
File Size (in bytes):                           730,445,824             
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Duration (hh:mm:ss):                            1:25:47        
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--- Audio Information ---                                               
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Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo):      2   
ed2k linkCoup pour coup (Marin Karmitz, 1972).avi ed2k link stats
ed2k linkCoup pour coup (Marin Karmitz, 1972) ed2k link stats
English subtitles

Mensajes: 607
Registrado: Sab 10 Jun, 2006 22:12

Re: Coup pour coup (Marin Karmitz, 1972) DVDRip VOSI

Mensaje por pochutla » Lun 29 Sep, 2008 12:57

Pinchada. Muchas gracias kimkiduk