Historia Belica: Armas Romanas

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Historia Belica: Armas Romanas

Mensaje por Carabido » Jue 14 Abr, 2005 23:19

Este documental lo baje de Spanishare hace bastante tiempo y creo que aqui no esta.
Es del Canal Historia y esta presentado por un calvo llamado Peter Woodward (es un poco alucinado), me parece muy interesante y rapido, ya que solo dura 21 minutos, en ellos se explica de una forma muy didactica, las armas y las tecnicas de combate de los romanos. Dando una vision bastante clara de porque su "superioridad" y lo poco reales que son los peplums :lol: .
Si el link esta repetido, pido disculpas y se borra.
ed2k linkDocumental - Historia Belica - Armas Romanas.mpg ed2k link stats

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Mensaje por dooddle » Jue 14 Abr, 2005 23:33

moooooola :plas: :mrgreen:


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Algo guanchinflei
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Mensaje por Perlujum » Jue 14 Abr, 2005 23:46

Me apunto, que estoy jugando al Rome y me están sacudiendo los galos.
Muchas gracias, Carabido.

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Ubicación: Desde su trono de Hattusas

Mensaje por hattusil » Jue 14 Abr, 2005 23:49

Otra pa´l saco. Gracias. A ver que tal está.

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Registrado: Sab 19 Abr, 2003 02:00

Mensaje por reijaumei » Vie 15 Abr, 2005 22:01

¿ A alguien le suena este documental ?
Hace tiempo que lo ví y tiene toda la pinta de formar parte de una serie.
Además, son pocos minutos.
Posiblemente sean varios programas de armamento y tácticas : armas romanas, íberas, normandas, egipcias, etc. Con armas de asedio, catapultas y todo eso.
Lo malo, es que no sé el nombre (ni siquiera si existe un programa así pero estaría bien... :P ).

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Registrado: Mié 15 Sep, 2004 02:00

Mensaje por infierno » Sab 16 Abr, 2005 00:02

la serie del canal de historia se llama


solo esta por la mula ese capitulo k yo sepa, y no, no trata solo de esa epoca, va desde la prehistoria a la guerra de cazas modernos, pasando por piratas, por la guerra grecorromana, el coliseo, la epoca de los sables y los duelos por el honor de la francia de 17 y 18, la guerra de trincheras y como dije la guerra en aviones de combate AL MENOS, puede ser k me perdiera algun capitulo mas

weno, si alguien supiera si hay mas capitulos circulando.... se agradeceria

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Algo guanchinflei
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Mensaje por Perlujum » Sab 16 Abr, 2005 00:25

infierno escribió:la serie del canal de historia se llama


solo esta por la mula ese capitulo k yo sepa, y no, no trata solo de esa epoca, va desde la prehistoria a la guerra de...
Aquí un servidor está muy interesado en ese armas prehistóricas. Una vez lo ofreció un compañero aquí en divxclasico pero tuvo problemas y no lo pudo compartir. Si alguien lo compartiera sería lo que se denomina técnicamente un puntazo para mi :)


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Ubicación: Desde su trono de Hattusas

Mensaje por hattusil » Sab 16 Abr, 2005 13:32

Si te interesa Perjulum, te puedo pasar la dirección de una web (el lunes o el martes, que en casa no tengo el material), donde hablan básicamente del propulsor y del arco. Miraré también algo de bibliografía que creo que también tengo.
De todas formas, hace un par de semanas hicimos lanzamiento con propulsores por Zaragoza con los estudiantes de la Facultad (y pocos comerían si tuvieran que cazar con esos su comida). Ya te lo comentaré, pues.

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Algo guanchinflei
Mensajes: 1611
Registrado: Jue 11 Mar, 2004 01:00
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Mensaje por Perlujum » Sab 16 Abr, 2005 17:50

hattusil escribió:Si te interesa Perjulum, te puedo pasar la dirección de una web (el lunes o el martes, que en casa no tengo el material), donde hablan básicamente del propulsor y del arco. Miraré también algo de bibliografía que creo que también tengo.
De todas formas, hace un par de semanas hicimos lanzamiento con propulsores por Zaragoza con los estudiantes de la Facultad (y pocos comerían si tuvieran que cazar con esos su comida). Ya te lo comentaré, pues.
Pues te lo agradezco. El interés lo tenía puesto precisamente en los propulsores y, además, en la honda y cualquier información al respecto sería interesante para mi.
He probado con la honda pero no con los propulsores. Seguro que es igual de difícil o más :D

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Registrado: Mié 15 Sep, 2004 02:00

Mensaje por infierno » Sab 16 Abr, 2005 23:45

el capitulo pasa muy rapido por los propulsores , explica k son y tiran 10 palos contra un oso de peluche fin del tema

la serie mola aunk acaba pronto a ver si alguien mas sabe si sta para bajar o algo :cry:

yo he probao la honda: imprecisa aunk llega lejos con fuerza, el propulsor un pokillo es bastante dificil de controlar, el arco tiene k ser de calidad alta para k chute no vale un palo dobalo y una cuerda, al final me kedo con el garrote con una punta en lo alto :twisted: !!!!!

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Mensaje por MR211 » Dom 17 Abr, 2005 00:48

Bueno, otro mas que se apunta a descargar este documental.
A ver si hay suerte y aparecen mas capitulos de la serie.

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Mensaje por StuG_III » Dom 17 Abr, 2005 06:18

MMMM....interesante. Kiero mas :lol:
Aunque intentar explicar las tacticas romanas en 20 minutos (cn la triple acex tendriamos pa 3 horas) lo veo un poco forzado...de todas maneras..bajando!
"Esto es lo que debimos haber hecho en Vietnam" (Ronald Reagan tras asistir al estreno de Rambo: First Blood)

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Ubicación: Desde su trono de Hattusas

Mensaje por hattusil » Dom 17 Abr, 2005 12:38

y, además, en la honda
El uso de la honda resulta más problemático en la prehistoria (perdón por desvirtuar otra vez), pero a veces se han encontrado bolas poliédricas en el Achelense que se plantea que pudiera tener ese uso. En cuanto al propulsor, lo dicho a ver si el lunes o el martes te puedo pasar algo.. La dificultad, pues supongo que como todo, cuestión de práctica.

Nos vemos.

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Registrado: Lun 16 Jun, 2003 02:00

Mensaje por Flanagan » Lun 18 Abr, 2005 13:11

hattusil escribió:Si te interesa Perjulum, te puedo pasar la dirección de una web (el lunes o el martes, que en casa no tengo el material), donde hablan básicamente del propulsor y del arco. Miraré también algo de bibliografía que creo que también tengo.
De todas formas, hace un par de semanas hicimos lanzamiento con propulsores por Zaragoza con los estudiantes de la Facultad (y pocos comerían si tuvieran que cazar con esos su comida). Ya te lo comentaré, pues.
Yo también soy de Zaragoza. ¿Por curiosidad en que facultad estudias? ¿Y donde hicisteis las pruebas, en el campus?

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Ubicación: Desde su trono de Hattusas

Mensaje por hattusil » Lun 18 Abr, 2005 20:21

Estoy en Filosofía y Letras (donde hay otro de nosotros.... y cerca uno más....). Las pruebas son prácticas de una asignatura de historia, Prehistoria de la Península Ibérica. Y satisfaciendo tu curiosidad el grupo de la mañana las hizo detrás del SAD y las de la tarde en el frontón que hay al lado del Santa Isabel.

Nos vemos.

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Mensaje por lilo » Lun 18 Abr, 2005 20:56

...otro que se apunta

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Mensaje por 23 » Lun 18 Abr, 2005 22:19

Genial, Carabido.
Gracias :wink:
Pinchado en pausa.

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Ubicación: Desde su trono de Hattusas

Mensaje por hattusil » Mar 19 Abr, 2005 13:04

Bueno, pues lo siento por seguir desvirtuando el hilo, pero soy hombre de palabra...
En la pg.

tiene algo de información sobre el arco y los propulsores. Incluso te explican como puedes hacerlos. Por supuesto aparece algo sobre su historia.

Tb en la revista PALÉO Nº 4, Dezembre 1992, hay un artículo:
Rozoy, J. "Le propulseur et l´arc. Chez les chaseurs préhistoriques. Techniques et démographies comparées".

Como ves todo está en francés.

Espero que te sirva. Nos vemos.

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Algo guanchinflei
Mensajes: 1611
Registrado: Jue 11 Mar, 2004 01:00
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Mensaje por Perlujum » Mar 19 Abr, 2005 15:10

hattusil escribió:Bueno, pues lo siento por seguir desvirtuando el hilo, pero soy hombre de palabra...
En la pg. http://paleosite.free.fr/index.htm
Ya lo veo que eres hombre de palabra. Te lo agradezco mucho. A los demás que perdonen la desvirtualización del hilo pero, quién sabe, quizá tenga interés para alguien más aparte de mi, que todo es culturilla :D
Saludos y gracias, nuevamente.

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Serie CONQUEST de Peter Woodward

Mensaje por tocamalapicha » Mié 20 Abr, 2005 16:01


Acabo de ver el documental "Armas Romanas" y pese a ser breve (21 minutos) puedo deciros que me ha parecido muy, muy bueno.
:plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas:

Pertenece a una serie llamada CONQUEST presentada por un tal Peter Woodward. Los capitulos que componen la serie son:

Weapons of the Bible

From the simple but deadly slingshot to the shock and awe of the war chariot, the Conquest Team learns how to fight with biblical weapons from the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages. Host Peter Woodward demonstrates the Bible's most impressive stories of warriors and their fighting tactics. Then, our team must apply this knowledge in a battle using spears, arrows, slingshots, and chariots. Find out who is victorious as they wield weapons of the Bible. TV PG
American Soldiers in WWII

Called "The Greatest Generation", host Peter Woodward and the Conquest Team examine the weapons and tactics of U.S. soldiers in WWII. Peter and the team learn about and fire a remarkable range of historical weapons--from the dependable Thompson submachine gun to a variety of mortars and grenades. After an intense session of field training, the team takes on a final high-ammo challenge. Will a tank be enough to help them triumph against a German squad? TV PG
How to Win in Las Vegas

Host Peter Woodward and the Conquest Team take on one-armed bandits and popular casino games as they learn to win in Las Vegas! The 1989 World Champion of Poker, Phil Hellmuth, instructs them in the finer points of craps, blackjack, roulette, and other casino favorites. They learn which bets to absolutely avoid, which games offer the best odds to the amateur, and how to avoid being played for a sucker before they face a high-stakes final challenge where more than just their pride is on the line. TV PG
The Crossbow

Meet the challenges of extreme competition and find out if you are as tough as you think! Host Peter Woodward, an actor and fight master, and his team of combatants take on different challenges each episode with one goal in mind--to win! Peter focuses on the technology behind the equipment being profiled and demonstrates its practical use and the tactics needed to win. Shot on location around the world, he reveals the skills needed throughout history to emerge victorious! TV PG
Weapons of the Ninja

Meet the challenges of extreme competition and find out if you are as tough as you think! Host Peter Woodward, an actor and fight master, and his team of combatants take on different challenges each episode with one goal in mind--to win! Peter focuses on the technology behind the equipment being profiled and demonstrates its practical use and the tactics needed to win. Shot on location around the world, he reveals the skills needed throughout history to emerge victorious! TV PG
Weapons of the American Indians

Peter Woodward and the Conquest Team examine the weapons and warfare of the North American Plains Indians--a savage story of defiance and revenge in which proud, fearless warriors waged bloodthirsty battles against other Indian tribes and the white man. Though nomadic, with no concept of land ownership, the Plains Indians defended themselves with both indigenous and borrowed weaponry. Learn how to win...as Native Americans, focusing primarily on the weapons of the Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho. TV PG
Weapons of the Barbarians

Barbarians came from many lands and used many weapons to fight a common enemy. Their nemesis: the Roman Empire. Now, Peter Woodward and the Conquest Team examine the tactics and tools used by barbarians in their neverending battles against the forces of Rome. TV PG
Trench Warfare

Trench warfare was a hellish nightmare that claimed millions of lives during World War I. But some people did survive the trenches. Host Peter Woodward leads the Conquest Team into the filth and horror of trench warfare, teaching them the skills they need to come out alive! TV PG
Roman Weapons

Peter Woodward raises a Roman legion and trains them on the weapons that won an empire. To prepare for battle, soldiers march for hours, drill with heavy wooden swords, learn to use a dagger (pugio), throw a javelin (pilum) with pinpoint accuracy, and are introduced to the Gladius Hispaniensis--the short sword that shaped the ancient world. Woodward reveals how the Romans used superior training and weaponry to become the greatest ancient military force and model for every professional army since. TV PG
Weapons of the Civil War

Host Peter Woodward leads a team of rookies in mastery of Civil War arsenal--namely, four key weapons that played major roles at the infamous Battle of Gettysburg. Woodward guides the green team through loading the rifled musket and facing the Union Iron Brigade; charging the enemy down Little Round Top, in the shoes of the 20th Maine, with fixed bayonets; learning if they have the target talent to become a Berdan Sharpshooter; and aiming and firing a 10-pound Parrot Cannon at a line of infantry. TV PG
Pirate Weapons

Peter Woodward sweeps over the sea in the guise of a 17th-century Caribbean pirate, teaching the Conquest Team the dos and don'ts of close-quarter pirate warfare. As the blaze of cannons announces the attack's start, the team uses terror as its primary weapon, the cutlass and pistol as its second and third. The team learns that in a fast-paced pirate battle in search of booty, bare feet and rags not only instill fear, but also allow for the quickest movement in the fierce storming of a merchant ship. TV PG
Early Firearms

You slam a lit match into a pan of gunpowder, six inches from your face, sending a lead ball with the diameter of a quarter hurtling toward your enemy--while he fires back at you! In the blaze of heat and blinding smoke, it's easy to see how early gun battles could easily turn disastrous. Peter Woodward teaches the Conquest Team the proper methods of loading and firing the Matchlock Rifle, the Flintlock Rifle, and the Kentucky Rifle. TV PG
Knives and Daggers

Among the most basic killing tools developed by man, knives and daggers were as essential to the Stone Age cave dweller as they are to a modern Special Forces commando. We examine their history and evolution and see how their use in combat has changed over the ages. Then, series host Peter Woodward leads the Conquest Team in an intense hand-to-hand knife battle. The team members fight each other using skills taught to them by a martial arts master--until there is only one man left standing! TV PG
The Medieval Broadsword

The medieval symbol of power, religion, and authority, the broadsword's final mould resulted from thousands of years of technological advances. Peter Woodward leads us through the weapon's history, noting various defiencies ancient warriors endured in battle, such as excessive weight and metal weakness. As man came closer to forging the perfect weapon, combat techniques and defensive armor evolved. Watch as the Conquest Team suits up as knights of old to test the might of the broadsword! TV PG
Urban Ops

Peter Woodward and his team learn what it takes to be in a police SWAT team at the Direct Action Resource Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. They're put through the paces by FBI instructors John Hickman and Tim Williams and drilled in using all the special weapons and tactics employed by America's best hostage rescuers. Peter's challenge--lead his team down a rope from a helicopter, maneuver into an enemy-held building, breach the doors, clear the rooms, subdue the bad guys, and rescue the hostage! TV PG
Stone Age Weapons

Actor and fight master Peter Woodward introduces us to Stone-Age weapons--flint or bone hand-axes, spears, bows, and slingshots--and shows us how to make them and how to fire-harden wooden spears. Paleontologists and ethnographers help us examine the weapons of primitive societies that have survived into our own time--assegais (slender hardwood spears), blowpipes, footbows, and boomerangs. TV PG
Unarmed Combat

Bodies fly through the air as our team follows wrestling techniques painted on the walls of Egyptian tombs, and looks at Greek wrestling, one of the very earliest and most important sports. We learn how the Greeks invented boxing, and how the Romans developed it for use in the arena. Next, we look at the medieval science of unarmed combat known as "gripping". Finally, we examine ancient Eastern methods that used the body as a deadly weapon. Hosted by actor and fight master Peter Woodward. TV PG
Swords of the Musketeers

The classic cut-and-thrust of the Hollywood movies had a basis in reality. The cup-hilt rapier, with its light and flexible blade, did not require a left-hand dagger for defense. This was the sword of the French Musketeers and of the Spanish Conquistadors--the most feared swordsmen in Europe. Our team shows how the art and sport of fencing began with this weapon, and compares the reality of the weapon with the myth of its use. Hosted by actor and fight master Peter Woodward. TV PG
Air Combat

Though the newest form of personal warfare is less than a century old, the basics of air combat have changed little since the first soldiers of the sky soared through the air in WWI. Actor and fight master Peter Woodward trains as a fighter pilot at the Air Combat USA School in Fullerton, California, using the latest flight simulator technology and aided by top military pilots. His challenge--prepare for a dogfight to be waged in a fighter plane over the Pacific Ocean against a deadly opponent. TV PG
Weapons of the Gladiators

The ancient world boasted many special weapons, some of which became almost ritualized. Roman gladiators' weapons reflected gods, barbarians, and idealized warriors--of 16 different types! Our team works with tridents and nets, Thracian daggers and bucklers, heavy armor and short swords, no armor and long swords. Just like gladiators, they start with wooden weapons and progress to the real thing. But did the extraordinary styles and skills developed in the arena have any practical purpose? TV PG
The Duel

With actor and fight master Peter Woodward as guide, we see how the duel developed from trial by combat. The duel of honor was always the gentleman's recourse against slander and insult--in the 16th century, the duel had become epidemic, with half of Europe's nobility injured or killed! Our team investigates the intricate laws of dueling, and in an arranged duel, two team members face off with blunt weapons and eyeguards. We also look at some famous historical duels and the variety of weapons used. TV PG
Bull Riding

Can actor and fight master Peter Woodward tame the untamable? Find out when we send him to Gary Leffew's Bull Riding School to be trained by a world champion bull rider in the heart of California's cowboy country! Once outfitted in Wrangler jeans, checkered shirt, and cowboy hat, Peter practices on a padded barrel, learning how to balance and relax. After experts demonstrate how to stay on a bull for 10 seconds and make a safe dismount, it's Peter's turn to ride on a 1,500-pound bucking bull! TV PG
Knight in Armor

Actor and fight master Peter Woodward returns to the days of chivalry to find out why personal armor developed--from horn and linen to chain mail to full plate. We visit an armorer's workshop to see how it was made, and our expert team tries on various types, including the classic medieval plate armor, to assess their strengths and weaknesses, and tests fighting techniques with various knightly armor-piercing weapons. Then, we put the armored knight in his proper place--mounted on a charger! TV PG
The Axman Cometh

Actor and fight master Peter Woodward guides viewers back to a time when knowing how to swing an ax meant the difference in life and death. Our experts practice with the Viking single- and double-headed types and learn that in the right hands these difficult and exhausting weapons had no equal. We also examine the berserker, an ax-wielding Viking warrior who worked himself into a state of concentrated fury. Finally, we look at the double-headed Saxon ax that was nearly the size of a man. TV PG
Bow & Arrow

One of man's earliest effective hunting weapons, we learn why the bow and arrow became so dominant in history. Our combat team is sent to the woods to make their own as we study the craft of the bowyer and fletcher. We learn about Egyptian bows and try to fire accurately from an Egyptian chariot, and experiment with North American Indian bows--composite bows of horn and wood. And reenactors, using rubber-tipped arrows, recreate what it was actually like to be subjected to a "cloud of arrows". TV PG
Demolition Derby

Actor and fight master Peter Woodward trains for the Orange County Fair's Demolition Derby, where he contends with the craziest drivers in California, all competing to have the last car running--and to take home $2,000 in prize money! For over 50 years, county fairs all over the country have been entertaining spectators with these pulverizing pile-ups, and we'll discover what it takes to put on these junkyard wars. TV PG
Weird Weapons of the Middle Ages

Actor and fight master Peter Woodward searches museums and private collections for weird and unlikely weapons, then introduces them to our combat team to find out how they were used. We try out a Francisca, the throwing axe that gave the Franks their name; see how armored knights used a ball and chain; and learn the uses of the gruesome awl-pike, bizarre military fork, and the Guisarme, an extremely popular polearm. We also test strange axes like the Lochaber, Doloire, and Waggoner's Axe. TV PG

One of the quintessential images of medieval life, the tournament lasted well into Tudor times. Actor and fight master Peter Woodward investigates the purpose of these extraordinary and colorful events and how its many forms--the foot tourney, joust on horseback, the melee--developed from the ancient trial of combat. Our team experiments with weapons and armor designed for tournament, examines the rules of combat and the notion of chivalry, and joins a medieval tournament team for a joust on horseback! TV PG

Información sacada de:

http://www.historychannel.com/global/li ... pId=230459

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Bueno, la verdad es que la serie tiene una pinta ¡¡¡extraordinaria !!!!
:buscando: :buscando: :buscando: :buscando:
A ver si hay suerte y alguien la tiene en español.
