Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster, Hal Roach; 1929) DVDRip Dual

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Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster, Hal Roach; 1929) DVDRip Dual

Mensaje por marlowe62 » Dom 12 Dic, 2010 11:35


Unaccustomed as We Are
(Hogar dulce hogar)
(Usa, 1929) [B/N, 18 m. versión muda / 21 m. versión sonora)

Ficha técnica.
Dirección: Lewis R. Foster, Hal Roach.
Argumento: Leo McCarey.
Guión: H.M. Walker.
Fotografía: John MacBurnie, Len Powers, Jack Roach, George Stevens.
Producción: Hal Roach.
Productora: Hal Roach Studios.
Reparto: Stan Laurel (Stanley), Oliver Hardy (Oliver), Edgar Kennedy (Officer Kennedy), Mae Busch (Mrs. Hardy), Thelma Todd (Mrs. Kennedy).

Sinopsis / Comentario: Oliver"sorprende" a su esposa trayendo a cenar a su camarada Stan. Mrs Hardy, tras abroncarles, se marcha de casa. Es su vecina Mrs Kennedy la que se ofrece para ayudarles, pero la situación se complica, con un embarazoso malentendido con Mrs Hardy y Mr Kennedy, un policia celoso.
Hay dos versiones: una sonora, la original y otra muda con intertitulos. Es el primer sonoro de Los Chicos. Presenta dos gags en los que el sonido es fundamental y que se hicieron clásicos: en el primero en el que el oficial Kennedy se lleva su merecido de su esposa y se escuchen golpes, estruendo y gritos; y el segundo cuando Stan se tropieza en la escalera y se oye el sonido de como cae por toda la escalera. Es la primera vez que se oye la frase: "¿Por qué no haces algo para ayudarme?" (Why don'tyou do something to help me). Otra escena en la que interviene el sonoro es cuando Mrs Hardy está abroncando a su marido y éste paracalmar los animos pone un disco, pero la discusión sigue...al ritmo de la música. (drbruster, en DXC)
Oliver invites his friend Stanley over for a nice home-cooked meal, but Mrs. Hardy wants nothing to do with it and walks out. Mrs. Kennedy, Oliver's beautiful neighbor from across the hall, volunteers to help out, but the boys' bumbling soon has her dress on fire. Her husband, a policeman, investigates the ruckus just as Oliver gets the now partially-unclad Mrs. Kennedy hidden in a trunk. Kennedy's boasting of how he handles his own womanizing backfires when his wife pops out of the trunk and blackens his eye. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hardy has returned and wonders what all the noise is coming from next door IMDb).

Although the title of Laurel and Hardy's very first sound film is a joke on the phrase, "Unaccustomed as we are to public speaking," it already shows a firm grasp of the comic potential for sound. The boys, and the writers and directors of their films, realized that more than dialogue was necessary for a successful two-reeler. Techniques such as off-stage sound effects add richly to the visual and verbal humor of this and subsequent Laurel and Hardy films. This one starts off with Ollie bringing Stan home for dinner. Mrs. Hardy (Mae Busch) is fed up cooking for her husband's friends so she goes home to mother. With Ollie working on dinner and Stan helping, it is no surprise that the stove explodes. A neighbor, Mrs. Kennedy (Thelma Todd) comes in and tries to help; instead her dress catches fire. Wrapped only in a sheet, she begins to make her way home, but her policeman husband (Edgar Kennedy) arrives just then. Afraid of his reaction, Mrs. Kennedy hides in Ollie's trunk instead. Now the boys have to hide the contents of the trunk from both Mrs. Hardy (who has returned) and Mr. Kennedy, who has come by because of all the commotion that is going on. Eventually Mr. Kennedy finds out that there is a woman in the trunk (but not that it's his wife), and he offers to take the trunk to his place. While doing this, he sagely lectures them on being discreet -- like he is. This inflames the hidden but all-hearing Mrs. Kennedy, and she wreaks havoc on her husband once Stan and Ollie are gone. The bruised and battered Mr. Kennedy comes back to Ollie's and beats him up in the hallway. Then, once he's done with Ollie, he calls for Stan. But before he can lay the first blow, Mrs. Kennedy knocks him out with a vase. Stan, unscathed, goes back to Ollie's, picks up his hat and leaves. Ollie stares in disbelief at the unconscious Kennedy and Stan trips and tumbles down the stairs (Janiss Garza, All Movie Guide)

Versión muda ?Rip VO+SE 175 Mb.
Publicada por drbruster en la Filmografía de Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy
ed2k linkLaurel&Hardy-Unaccustomed As We Are.(1929).muda.avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en castellano:
ed2k linkLaurel&Hardy-subtitulos cortos sonoros.rar ed2k link stats

Subtítulos (descarga directa): castellano.

Datos técnicos:

Código: Seleccionar todo

175 Mb. / Codec: XviD / Kbps: 1280 / Frame: 512x384 / Time: 18'12''

Versión sonora ?Rip VO 243 Mb.
Publicada por drbruster en la Filmografía de Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy
ed2k linkLaurel & Hardy-Unaccustomed As We Are.(1929).sonora.avi ed2k link stats

Datos técnicos:

Código: Seleccionar todo

243 Mb / Codec: XviD / Kbps: 1559 / Frame: 512x384 / Time: 20'45''

Versión sonora DVDRip Dual 233 Mb.
Ripeo de pacosa, publicado por Marc27 en Filibusteros.
ed2k linkStan Laurel y Oliver Hardy (El Gordo y el Flaco)-Hogar dulce hogar (1929)-Unaccustomed As We Are (dvd rip xvid mp3)(español-english) by pacosa.avi ed2k link stats

Datos técnicos:

Código: Seleccionar todo

Tamaño....: 233 MB (or 238,622 KB or 244,348,928 bytes)
------------------ Video ------------------
Codec.....: XviD
Duración..: 00:20:01 (30,030 fr)
Resolución: 640x480 (1.33:1) [=4:3]
Bitrate...: 1406 kb/s
Qf........: 0.183 bits/pixel
FPS.......: 25.000
------------------ Audio ------------------
Codec.....: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Bitrate...: 103 kb/s (51/ch, stereo) VBR LAME3.98r - Español
Bitrate...: 104 kb/s (52/ch, stereo) VBR LAME3.98r - Inglés
FS........: 48000 Hz 

PD. La publico en el foro de Cine Silente al existir una versión muda, pero si alguien quiere moverla o trocearla... :mrgreen:

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Re: Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster, Hal Roach; 1929) DVDRip Dual

Mensaje por Umbriel » Lun 13 Dic, 2010 09:50


Muchisimas gracias marlowe62.

Mensajes: 271
Registrado: Dom 03 Oct, 2004 02:00

Re: Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster, Hal Roach; 1929) DVDRip Dual

Mensaje por kabuki » Lun 13 Dic, 2010 15:16

Muchísimas gracias,Marlowe.
Me encantan este tipo de sorpresas.

Mensajes: 7
Registrado: Mié 15 Dic, 2010 10:36

Re: Unaccustomed As We Are (Lewis R. Foster, Hal Roach; 1929) DVDRip Dual

Mensaje por filmoteca » Mié 15 Dic, 2010 10:38

muchas gracias