Death Mills (Billy Wilder, 1945) DVDRip VO

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Death Mills (Billy Wilder, 1945) DVDRip VO

Mensaje por marlowe62 » Sab 03 Abr, 2010 19:57


Death Mills

(Die Todesmühlen / Todesmuehlen)
(Usa, 1945) [B/N, 22 m.].
Género: Documental, Cortometraje, Holocausto.
Lenguaje: inglés.

Ficha técnica:
Dirección: Billy Wilder (versión en inglés).
Dirección y Guión: Hans Burger (versión alemana).
Montaje: Billy Wilder.
Productora: U.S. Army Signal Corps.
Intervienen: militares norteamericanos, guardias y prisioneros del campo, civiles alemanes de las localidades próximas.

Comentario: Documental rodado tras la liberación del campo de concentración de Bergen-Belsen (Lüneburg. Baja Sajonia, Alemania) por el ejército norteamericano. Como otras producciones similares, estaba destinado a ser exhibido sólo (y de forma obligatoria) en los cines de la Alemania ocupada.
The Death Mills, or Die Todesmühlen, is a 1945 American propaganda documentary film directed by Billy Wilder and produced by the United States Department of War. It was intended for German audiences to educate them about the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime. For the German version, Die Todesmühlen, Hans Burger is credited as the writer and director, while Wilder supervised the editing. Wilder is credited with the English-language version.

Synopsis: The film opens with a note that the following is "a reminder that behind the curtain of Nazi pageants and parades was millions of men, women and children who were tortured to death - the greatest mass murder in human history," then fades into German civilians at Gardelegen carrying crosses to the local concentration camp.
Most of the film is simply footage of the newly liberated camps over a score of stark classical music. The narrator notes that people of all nationalities were found in the camps, including people of all religious or political creeds. There is no mention of the particular fate of Jewish people. The film states that 20 million people were killed and describes many of the familiar aspects of the Holocaust, including the medical experiments and the gas chambers.
- Death Mills (1945), Wikipedia.
Originally made with a German soundtrack for screening in occupied Germany and Austria, this film was the first documentary to show what the Allies found when they liberated the Nazi extermination camps: the survivors, the conditions, and the evidence of mass murder. The film includes accounts of the economic aspects of the camps' operation, the interrogation of captured camp personnel, and the enforced visits of the inhabitants of neighboring towns, who, along with the rest of their compatriots, are blamed for complicity in the Nazi crimes - one of the few such condemnations in the Allied war records (IMDb).

Versión en ingles, de dominio público.
Alojada en Internet Archive.
Descarga directa (Internet Archive):
Archivos: DeathMills.avi (XvD)/ DeathMills_512kb.mp4 (mpg4) / DeathMills.ogv (ogg).
Pincha "Abrir enlace en ventana nueva" para reproducir / "Guardar como" para descargar.

Enlace (avi):
ed2k link[Doc) Death Mills (Billy Wilder, 1945) XviD (Internet Archive).avi ed2k link stats
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Datos técnicos (avi):

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--- File Information ---                                                        
File Name:                                      [Doc] DeathMills (Billy Wilder, 1945) [Internet Archive].avi                 
File Size (in bytes):                           382,679,552                     
--- Container Information ---                                                   
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Interleave (in ms):                             40          
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Audio alignment("split across interleaves"):    Split         
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Number of Audio Streams:                        1       
--- Video Information ---                                                       
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3"):                  XVID              
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion"):    XviD 1.1.2 Final                  
Duration (hh:mm:ss):                            21:29.680                
Frame Count:                                    32242             
Frame Width (pixels):                           720                  
Frame Height (pixels):                          576                  
Storage Aspect Ratio("SAR")"                    1.250                     
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("PAR"):                     1.000                     
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR"):                   1.250                     
Frames Per Second:                              25.000          
Pics Per Second:                                25.000            
Video Bitrate (kbps):                           2043                 
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H264 ("H264" or ""):	                                            
Quality Factor (bits/pixel)/frame:              0.197"                     
--- Audio Information ---                                                       
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3"):                       0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3                   
Audio Sample Rate (Hz):                         44100             
Audio Bitrate(kbps):                            320                 
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR"):            CBR            
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo):      2           

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