Algunos cortos de Keneth Anger

Sección dedicada al cine experimental. Largometrajes, cortos, series y material raro, prácticamente desconocido o de interés muy minoritario.
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Stetson dissolutus
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Registrado: Mar 06 Jul, 2004 02:00

Re: Algunos cortos de Keneth Anger

Mensaje por marlowe62 » Vie 14 Nov, 2008 17:43

Un proyecto inacabado del que aún no hay rastro:

- L’Histoire d’O. Kenneth Anger (Francia, 1959-61) [B/N, 20 m. 16 mm. Muda].
Before leaving France, Anger completed 20 minutes of "Histoire d'O/The Story of O" (1958-61), footage he has claimed is still locked in the Cinematheque Francaise because the character "O" was played by the 20-year-old daughter of the then-Minister of Finance.
Histoire d' O was filmed in 1954 and completed 1961, and this movie of Pauline Réage's bestselling tale of sadomasochism starred the daughter of DeGaulle's Minister of Finance. The boyfriend of the actress provided money to finance the film, but it was traced to the ransom paid for the kidnapped automobile manufacturing heir Eric Peugeot. Only 20 minutes of the planned 90 minute film was shot before the scandal stopped the production.
Gracias, Wagnerian.