BUCKTV ha sido cerrada

Webs, Foros, Blogs relacionados con el cine y sin relacionar. Proveedores de acceso a Internet, etc.
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Registrado: Vie 12 Mar, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: Limbo

BUCKTV ha sido cerrada

Mensaje por ultraraf » Mar 04 May, 2004 21:53

LA estupenda Bucktv.net y su fabulosa base de datos de elinks a muchisimas series de television, cerro el 24 de abril siguiendo la suerte de Sharereactor. Oremos a los ciberdioses porque no nos toque...

Descanse en paz.. :cry: :cry:

abajo el articulo entero de Slyck.com


April 22, 2004
Thomas Mennecke

BuckTV.net was quickly becoming a prominent player in the eDonkey2000 world. With its wide assortment of links to popular TV shows, many found this site to be a valuable resource since the fall of ShareReactor.

However, as with many things in the P2P world, BuckTV's future has been cast into significant doubt. BuckTV's web host received a DMCA violation notice regarding the questionable content of the site. Although BuckTV did not serve actual TV shows, the site did provide hash links to material on the eDonkey2000 network.

The following statement appeared on BuckTV regarding the issue:

"Well our host received the dreaded letter, so for the meantime we have removed all shows. we are looking into getting a server in a different country. We have made a back up of the database, so shows should be added again within a few days or whenever we find a hosting solution"
Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his ass to talk? His whole abdomen would move up and down you dig farting out the words. It was unlike anything I had ever heard.