Mary Pickford [01/05/2010] (Actriz)

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Mary Pickford [01/05/2010] (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 21:52

La mujer que hizo Hollywood
A Tuppence.
El cine es una caja de resonancia, me dice mi hermano. Hay quien llega a la arquitectura, a la ópera, a la fotografía, por el cine. A veces, es una persona la que te lleva a otra.

Cuando estaba haciendo la filmografía de Griffith, me topé muchas veces con varios nombres. De mujer. Lilian y Dorothy Gish, Mae Marsh, Carol Dempster, Mary Pickford. En la búsqueda de imágenes, siempre aparecían muchas más de ella. Una cara dulce, unos rizos perfectos y una mirada demasiado inteligente, demasiado resuelta. Primero me la encontraba como actriz. Luego como guionista. Y fue lo que me atrajo más.

Eso fue hace mucho tiempo. Luego la vi actuando: yo siempre llego a destiempo a todas partes. Vi su forma de moverse, su cara expresiva, su dulzura y su temperamento. Y, cuando volví a actualizar la filmografía de Griffith, a rehacerla entera, me di cuenta de la cantidad de trabajo que había hecho por encargo: Miike, Suzuki… y de las pocas que había hecho porque a mí me apetecieran. Así que quise retomar a Pickford. Porque recordé el momento en que me preguntaba quién era esta mujer, cómo consiguió lo que consiguió, y me pregunté qué trabas encontró, quizá por su aspecto, porque era la novia de América y la niñita dulce que luego crecía y que quería controlar parte del proceso de producción de sus películas, siendo mujer, y escribiendo e implicándose.
Ahora sé que nació en Ontario, la tierra de los mil lagos que yo pisé el pasado verano en una inmejorable compañía. En Toronto, Canadá, la de la calle Yonge interminable, la del Kensington Market que surgió cuando la inmigración se hizo más potente, la de un Queen’s Quay donde se detienen el tiempo y los barcos. Nació en Toronto, el 8 de abril de 1892, y murió en Santa Mónica, Estados Unidos, el 29 de mayo de 1979, casi tres años después de que yo naciera. También supe que sus padres le pusieron Gladys, de nombre. Gladys Louise Smith, hija de Charlotte y John Charles Smith, un alcohólico que abandonó este mundo cuando la futura Mary Pickford contaba con seis años de edad. Su madre trabajaba y fue una compañera de trabajo la que le aconsejó introducir a sus hijos (Gladys Louise, Lottie y Jack: ella era la mayor) en el mundo del teatro. Su madre no sabía. Dudaba sobre el carácter moral de las genes de teatro. Pero la pobreza manda, así que en cuestión de semanas, los tres niños, y su madre, se involucraron en una producción del Princess Theater, a solo unas manzanas de su piso de Toronto. Les pagaron ocho dólares a la semana. En los programas de mano se decía: “Baby Gladys es una maravilla”. Y lo fue. Durante nueve años apareció encima de las tablas. E hizo giras por el nordeste de los Estados Unidos. Cuando aún era una niña se decía de ella que era trabajadora y amable, voluntariosa, brillante… y ambiciosa.

Quizá fuera la ambición la que le hizo largarse a Nueva York para hablar con David Belasco, uno de los más famosos productores de América. Él la bautizó de nuevo, con el apellido de soltera de su madre: Mary Pickford. En el verano de 1907 la telegrafió: "Gladys Smith, ahora Mary Pickford, contratada por David Belasco, debe figurar en Broadway este otoño”.

Actuó en una obra de Belasco: “The Warrens of Virginia”, antes de descubrir el cine. A las películas se las llamaba “flickers”, en aquella época. Un solo carrete, de ocho a doce minutos de duración. Nada más. El guión (que llamaban “scenario”), era a menudo una simple idea en la mente de alguien. Las escenas se improvisaban con un diálogo mínimo que, por supuesto, la audiencia nunca escuchaba. Los intertítulos, suficientes para explicar lo que no se podía revelar por la mímica, se escribían cuando la película ya estaba editada. Se proyectaban en los Nickleodeon (BUSCAR ESTO: Teatros con nickleodeon o qué?), cinco o seis películas de golpe, a cambio de una moneda: de un nickle. Era un divertimento rudimentario, pero en 1909, este medio estaba cambiando a pasos agigantados. Algunos directores, sobre todo un señor que se llamaba David Wark Griffith, estaban adaptando clásicos de la literatura a estos doce minutos de duración. En su primer año como director, Griffith produjo The Taming of the Shrew: La fierecilla domada, de William Shakespeare. Y en abril de 1909, Mary Pickford se detuvo frente a la puerta de una casa de piedra rojiza en Brooklyn, la sede de la American Biograph Company, para pedir trabajo.
David Wark Griffith
Griffith le organizó una prueba inmediata. Él mismo le puso el maquillaje y le dio un pequeño papel en una escena de una película que se rodó esa misma tarde. La invitó a cenar, ella se negó y le preguntó: “¿Vendrás mañana? Nuestra paga es de cinco dólares al día”.

Ahí comenzó todo. O siguió. Quizá era lo natural. Pasar del teatro al cine. Querer trabajar en lo que le gustaba con la gente que estaba despuntando en aquellos momentos. ¿Fue necesidad o es que ella sabía que Griffith iba a ser Griffith?

Antes de que finalizara el año, Mary Pickford había trabajado en 42 películas. También sus hermanos menores. Tuvo todos los papeles importantes, pero no la fama. Los actores de la Biograph no aparecían en las películas: no salían sus nombres. Griffith era la estrella. Un año después, Pickford comenzó a escribir para él. 25 dólares por pieza. Trabajaron juntos durante un año y medio.

Y Mary Pickford se enamoró. Se enamoró de Owen Moore, otro actor de la Biograph. Se casaron en secreto en enero de 1911: ella tenía 18 años; él, 23. La madre de la actriz se enteró meses más tarde. Cuando había aparecido ya en unos 80 cortos del a Biograph, Pickford dejó la empresa y se fue a otra: a la Carl Laemmle’s IMP. Carl Laemmle había contratado antes a otra actriz de Griffith, a Florence Lawrencef y publicitó su nombre hasta el paroxismo. A Pickford le ofreció lo mismo: más dinero y reconocimiento. Hizo 35 películas, rompió su contrato y acabó otra vez a las puertas de Griffith. Él aceptó que ella ya no iba a ser más una actriz anónima.
Owen Moore y Mary Pickford en The Lonely Villa
Y se convirtió en el perfecto primer amor de todos los hombres de América. En diciembre de 1912, David Belasco le ofreció volver al teatro, con A Good Little Devil, en el papel de una niña ciega. Ella aceptó, con la condición de que le subieran el sueldo. Otro hombre exitoso, Adolph Zukor, le ofreció hacer una película con el elenco de la obra de teatro. Un largometraje, un proyecto con clase dirigido por el ya famoso Edwin S. Porter. Durante los siguientes cuatro años, hasta 1916, Mary Pickford trabajó 21 veces con Zukor. Y Zukor pasó a formar parte de la Paramount Pictures. En aquellos entonces, una familia estadounidense ingresaba menos de 2.000 dólares al año. Mary Pickford ganaba 150.000.

Se había convertido en un fenómeno. No sería el último. Por aquellos entonces, Charles Chaplin ya despuntaba. Eso sí: con 24 años era la mujer más famosa de América… y del mundo. El cine norteamericano se había convertido en un negocio internacional. Se cambiaron los teatros donde se proyectaban las películas por salas de cine con mil o dos mil asientos. Exportar películas resultaba muy fácil: sólo había que cambiar el idioma de una docena de rótulos. Los distribuidores crearon packs de películas: “¿Quiere la nueva película de Mary Pickford? Lo sentimos: sus películas no están disponibles individualmente: debe comprar toda la producción de la Paramount de marzo” (o de cualquier otro mes). Se le escribían poemas: “Little Mary” no era sólo una actriz: era un modelo, porque pocas veces hizo películas en las que encarnara a alguien de una clase superior: era la niña pobre que podía casarse con un rico pero que no renunciaba a sus raíces. Y la gente la quería.

Zukor la observaba en el set. La veía hablar con el guionista, mirar mientras el cámara grababa, planear una escena con el director, controlar su vestuario, dar consejos a los otros actores. Parecía que había absorbido todas las partes de la producción de una película. Hacia mediados de 1916, Mary Pickford firmó un contrato que la convertía en socia de la compañía. Pero ella buscaba más. Y encontró a Frances Marion.
Mary Pickford con Frances Marion

Frances Marion había escrito los scenarios de The Poor Little Rich Girl y Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, en 1917. Escribiría 17 películas para Pickford. Se convirtieron en muy amigas. Y en The Poor Little Rich Girl, Pickford, que tenía 24 años, debía aparentar que tenía 12. Se utilizaron actores adultos, pero se usó un truco de perspectiva para hacer que ella pareciera más bajita. Fue todo un éxito. Usaron el truco en más películas: la ilusión se perfeccionó tanto que Mary Pickford parecía la niña eterna. Luego trabajó con Marshall “Mickey” Neilan, que había dirigido a su hermano Jack en dos películas.
Mary Pickford y Douglas Fairbanks
Su vida privada era un desastre, de todos modos. Su matrimonio con Owen Moore no funcionaba. En ninguna de sus entrevistas se mencionó que estaba casada. La mayoría de su público no tenía ni idea de que Mary Pickford era también la mujer de Owen Moore. Pero ella se enamoró. La señora Moore, católica, se había enamorado de otro hombre casado, Douglas Fairbanks. Se divorciaron de sus parejas, pero la prensa la crucificó. El mejor amigo de Fairbanks era Charles Chaplin.

En enero de 1919, Pickford propuso crear una organización: una empresa que, además de hacer películas, las distribuyera. Se llamó United Artists. Tuvieron éxito. Un año después, Douglas y Mary se casaron: su matrimonio duró quince años, pero sólo los primeros ocho serían realmente felices.
Fairbanks, Griffith, Pickford y Chaplin: los fundadores de la United Artists
La manera de hacer películas estaba cambiando. Las producciones se hacían más grandes y más caras. Llegó un momento en que sólo hacían una película por año: después de Little Lord Fauntleroy, basada también en otro clásico literario: El pequeño lord. Mary hizo del niño y de su madre. No era la primera vez que hacía papeles dobles en pantalla. Fue uno de sus mayores éxitos. Y tenía una frase que era una premonición: “Cedric, no puedo soportar que crezcas”.

Vinieron muchas películas. Y ella le dio a Ernest Lubistch la oportunidad de dirigir su primer film en América: Rosita. Hizo papeles de adulta sólo para descubrir que al público le gustaba más de niña. Por eso grabó Little Annie Rooney en 1925. Dos años después, fundó, con otros profesionales del cine, la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas. Más tarde, ese mismo año, grabó su última película muda, My Best Girl.

Mientras tanto, Douglas Fairbanks, casi siempre de buen humor, tenía depresiones. Y Mary cayó, como el resto de los miembros de su familia, en el alcohol. En 1928, murió su madre. Tres meses más tarde, entró en la peluquería para cortarse sus rizos. Ninguna película protagonizada por ella se estrenó ese año: era la primera vez que eso ocurría.
Un año más tarde, a principios de 1929, grabó su primera película hablada: Coquette. El relato de la caída de una rica familia: una caída llena de celos, esnobismo, sexo y muerte. El Código Hays fue implacable con esta película: la censuraron por todas partes, pero le dieron el Oscar. Era la primera vez que se le daba el Oscar a una actriz por una película sonora.
En 1929, otra película suya, The Taming of the Shrew (La Fierecilla Domada) estaría entre las diez mejores del año, de todas las que elegía The New York Times. Fue la última vez que Pickford y Fairbanks aparecieron como protagonistas de un film (que, además, fue un film que ellos dos coprodujeron). Su última película fue Secrets, con Leslie Howard, un relato fascinante. Hay quien dice que es el relato del final de su relación con Fairbanks: el personaje de Pickford era el de una mujer que le perdona a su marido un sinfín de infidelidades. Pero Mary y Doug se habían separado para siempre.

Mary Pickford, la eterna niña, tenía 41 años cuando dejó de actuar. Era rica y famosa, propietaria de uno de los estudios de cine más importantes del mundo. Y estaba sola. Su matrimonio no funcionaba. Su madre había muerto. Su hermano menor, Jack, había muerto. Su hermana iba a morir de un ataque al corazón en 1936. No fue el final de su carrera, no hacer películas, porque permaneció activa en United Artists, y produjo muchas películas: escribió su autobiografía, también: la llamó Sol y sombra.

El 24 de junio de 1937, se casó con un actor doce años menor que ella: Charles “Buddy” Rogers. Adoptaron dos niños, Ronald y Roxanne. Billy Wilder intentó que volviera a actuar, en Sunset Boulevard, pero ella no quiso.
Sin embargo, el legado de Mary Pickford se ha conservado mucho mejor que el de otros artistas del cine mudo. Ella adquirió los derechos de autor de casi todas sus películas a raíz de la fundación de la United Artists. Así que comenzó a donarlas a la Biblioteca del Congreso y, después, a la George Eastman House de Rochester, en Nueva York. Muchas de sus pertenencias se donaron después de su muerte a la Biblioteca Margaret Herrick de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas. En 1956, vendió sus acciones de la United Artists. Ya sólo pertenecían a ella y a Charles Chaplin. Ese mismo año, por sugerencia de su abogado, nacería la Fundación Mary Pickford. Luego se dedicó a la caridad.

Pero seguían recordándola. En París, en 1965, la Filmoteca de Francia planeó una retrospectiva, con más de 50 de sus películas. Pickford viajó a París. Pero después, se encerró: pasaba días en su dormitorio. Tenía mala salud y bebía demasiado: ya le había ocurrido a otros miembros de su familia. En su mundo tenían cabida muy pocas personas: entre ellas, el hijo de Douglas Fairbanks, Douglas Fairbanks Jr, que la consideraba como una madre. Pero también Lilian Gish, Frances Marion y Colleen Moore. En 1976, la Academia le da otro Oscar, honorífico. No acudió a la ceremonia: grabó su intervención. Murió en 1979. Tenía 87 años.
Ya sé más sobre su vida: gran parte de esta biografía está sacada de la página web de su Fundación. Sin embargo, cuando te cuentan la vida de alguien, siempre hay elementos que se obvian. Su legado lo conocemos, su papel en la industria lo conocemos: la manera en que exigía contratos o que su nombre apareciera en los títulos de crédito; las organizaciones que fundó… Pero siempre me asombra descubrir cuánta gente grande ha muerto sola, alcohólica, infeliz y derrotada. Cuántos se han encerrado los últimos años de su vida. Cuántos han querido que se apagaran los focos de una vez. Qué aspectos ya no vamos a saber más nunca.
(El título de la filmografía es de Eileen Whitfield)
Última edición por Sarmale el Vie 30 Abr, 2010 21:59, editado 1 vez en total.

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Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 21:56

Little Nell's Tobacco (Little Nell's Tobacco) || White Roses (White Roses) || A Child's Stratagem (A Child's Stratagem) || A Plain Song (A Plain Song) || The Song of the Wildwood Flute (The Song of the Wildwood Flute) || Sunshine Sue (Sunshine Sue) || Simple Charity (Simple Charity) || Waiter No. 5 (Waiter No. 5) || A Lucky Toothache (A Lucky Toothache) || The Masher (The Masher) || That Chink at Golden Gulch (That Chink at Golden Gulch) || A Gold Necklace (A Gold Necklace) || The Iconoclast (The Iconoclast) || Examination Day at School (Examination Day at School) || A Summer Tragedy (A Summer Tragedy) || Little Angels of Luck (Little Angels of Luck) || Muggsy Becomes a Hero (Muggsy Becomes a Hero) || Wilful Peggy (Wilful Peggy) || The Sorrows of the Unfaithful (The Sorrows of the Unfaithful) || When We Were in Our Teens (When We Were in Our Teens) || The Usurer (The Usurer) || An Arcadian Maid (An Arcadian Maid) || The Call to Arms (The Call to Arms) || Serious Sixteen (Serious Sixteen) || A Flash of Light (A Flash of Light) || What the Daisy Said (What the Daisy Said) || Muggsy's First Sweetheart (Muggsy's First Sweetheart) || A Child's Impulse (A Child's Impulse) || May and December (May and December) || Never Again (Never Again) || The Face at the Window (The Face at the Window) || A Victim of Jealousy (A Victim of Jealousy) || In the Season of Buds (In the Season of Buds) || Ramona (Ramona) || An Affair of Hearts (An Affair of Hearts) || Love Among the Roses (Love Among the Roses) || The Unchanging Sea (The Unchanging Sea) || The Kid (The Kid) || A Romance of the Western Hills (A Romance of the Western Hills) || A Rich Revenge (A Rich Revenge) || As It Is in Life (As It Is in Life) || The Two Brothers (The Two Brothers) || His Last Dollar (His Last Dollar) || The Smoker (The Smoker) || The Twisted Trail (The Twisted Trail) || The Thread of Destiny (The Thread of Destiny) || The Newlyweds (The Newlyweds) || The Englishman and the Girl (The Englishman and the Girl) || The Woman from Mellon's (The Woman from Mellon's) || The Call (The Call) || All on Account of the Milk (All on Account of the Milk)
The Caddy's Dream (The Caddy's Dream) || The Portrait (The Portrait) || Little Red Riding Hood (Caperucita Roja - Little Red Riding Hood) || Love Heeds Not Showers (Love Heeds Not Showers) || The Courting of Mary (The Courting of Mary) || From the Bottom of the Sea (From the Bottom of the Sea) || His Dress Shirt (His Dress Shirt) || The Better Way ("Going Straight" - USA (reissue title)"Mary's Convert" - USA (reissue title)) || The Sentinel Asleep (The Sentinel Asleep) || 'Tween Two Loves ("The Stronger Love" - USA (reissue title)) || By the House That Jack Built (By the House That Jack Built) || The Toss of a Coin (The Toss of a Coin) || The Call of the Song (The Call of the Song) || The Skating Bug (The Skating Bug) || At a Quarter of Two ("A Quarter After Two" - USA (alternative title)"At a Quarter to Two" - USA (alternative title)"Mr. Burglar, M.D." - USA (reissue title)) || A Gasoline Engagement (A Gasoline Engagement) || For the Queen's Honor (For the Queen's Honor) || In the Sultan's Garden ("The Sultan's Garden" - USA (reissue title)) || Behind the Stockade (Behind the Stockade) || Back to the Soil (Back to the Soil) || The Lighthouse Keeper (The Lighthouse Keeper) || The Master and the Man (The Master and the Man) || For Her Brother's Sake (For Her Brother's Sake) || The Fair Dentist ("Mary's Patients" - USA (reissue title)) || The Temptress (The Temptress) || Second Sight (Second Sight) || As a Boy Dreams (As a Boy Dreams) || The Stampede (The Stampede) || Sweet Memories ("Sweetheart Days" - USA (reissue title)) || In Old Madrid ("In Sunny Spain" - USA (reissue title)) || The Fisher-Maid ("The Fishermaid" - USA (alternative title)) || Conscience (Conscience) || The Message in the Bottle (The Message in the Bottle) || A Decree of Destiny (A Decree of Destiny) || A Manly Man ("His Gratitude" - USA (reissue title)) || Artful Kate (Artful Kate) || Pictureland (Pictureland) || The Convert (The Convert) || Her Darkest Hour (Her Darkest Hour) || The Mirror (The Mirror) || When the Cat's Away (When the Cat's Away) || At the Duke's Command (At the Duke's Command) || Three Sisters (Three Sisters) || Maid or Man (Maid or Man) || The Dream (The Dream) || Their First Misunderstanding (Their First Misunderstanding) || The Italian Barber (The Italian Barber) || When a Man Loves (When a Man Loves) || A Dog's Tale (A Dog's Tale) || How Mary Fixed It (How Mary Fixed It) || Science (Science) || The Daddy's Dream (The Daddy's Dream)
The New York Hat (The New York Hat) || The Informer (The Informer) || My Baby (My Baby) || The One She Loved (The One She Loved) || A Feud in the Kentucky Hills (A Feud in the Kentucky Hills) || So Near, Yet So Far (So Near, Yet So Far) || Friends (Friends) || A Pueblo Legend (A Pueblo Legend) || A Pueblo Romance (A Pueblo Romance) || With the Enemy's Help (With the Enemy's Help) || The Inner Circle (The Inner Circle) || A Child's Remorse (A Child's Remorse) || The Narrow Road (The Narrow Road) || An Indian Summer (An Indian Summer) || The School Teacher and the Waif (The School Teacher and the Waif) || Lena and the Geese (Lena and the Geese) || Home Folks (Home Folks) || A Beast at Bay (A Beast at Bay) || A Lodging for the Night (A Lodging for the Night) || The Old Actor (The Old Actor) || Won by a Fish (Won by a Fish) || Just Like a Woman (Just Like a Woman) || The Female of the Species (The Female of the Species) || Fate's Interception (Fate's Interception) || Iola's Promise (Iola's Promise) || A Timely Repentance (A Timely Repentance) || A Siren of Impulse (A Siren of Impulse) || The Mender of Nets (The Mender of Nets) || Honor Thy Father (Honor Thy Father) || Grannie (Grannie)
Última edición por Sarmale el Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:43, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 21:58

[/size]Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove
Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove
Año 1934
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Short, Music
Duración 20 minutos
Guión Don Blanding (poem)
Música Mono (RCA Victor High Fidelity Sound System)
Fotografía 1.37 : 1
Leo Carrillo, Ted Fio Rito, The Debutantes, Eduardo Durant, Eduardo Durant's Rhumba Band, Fanchon and Marco Girls, El Brendel, Mary Brian, Cornelia 'Connie' Brown, Johnny Mack Brown, Candy Candido, Gary Cooper, Richard Cromwell, Bing Crosby, DeGage
Hollywood's famous Cocoanut Grove nightclub stages a Star Night-only musical revue in which many Hollywood actors attend. Staged is the operative word. Entertainers include Ted Fio Roit and his orchestra, Eduardo Durant's Tango Band, and the Fancho & Marco Sunkist Beauties. Leo Carrillo acted as the Master of Ceremonies, and introduces a galaxy of stars from their tables. Those higher on the 1935 pecking order, Mary Pickford, Jack Oakie, Arline Judge, Bing Crosby and Gary Cooper, come to the microphone and do a bit...mostly chit-chatting bits.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
Año 1933
Director Frank Borzage
País USA
Género Western
Duración 90 minutos
Guión Rudolph Besier (play), May Edginton (play)
Música Mono
Fotografía 1.37 : 1
Mary Pickford, Leslie Howard, C. Aubrey Smith, Blanche Friderici, Doris Lloyd, Herbert Evans, Ned Sparks, Allan Sears, Mona Maris, Huntley Gordon, Ethel Clayton, Bessie Barriscale, Florence Lawrence
Es un "auto-remake" de una pelicula silente, con el mismo titulo, de 1924. Posee todas las características del cine de Borzage y refleja la complicada vida de pareja con sus continuos y variados obstáculos a superar (desde la enfermedad hasta los problemas de convivencia, tan comunes éstos en su obra), beneficiadas aún más tales meditaciones al reflejar el filme el paso del tiempo en sus protagonistas (toda una vida) y la diferente forma que tienen ambos (las personas en general aunque sean de clase media) de afrontar dichos contratiempos. Una destacable obra de un director que poseía cómo pocos la habilidad de emocionar al espectador, lograr lírica desde la cotidianeidad. Fue la ultima pelicula como actriz de Mary Pickford.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico

ed2k linkSecrets (Frank Borzage, 1933) DVDRip VO ed2k link stats

Audio español sincronizado en descarga directa

ed2k linkAudio español sincronizado eMule ed2k link stats

Hilo en Cine-Clásico, Hilo en DxC e Hilo en NoireStyle

ed2k linkSecrets (Frank Borzage, 1933) VHSRip VE ed2k link stats
Año 1931
Director Sam Taylor
País USA
Género Musical
Duración 87 minutos
Guión David Belasco (play), Sam Taylor (writer)
Música Mono
Fotografía 1.20 : 1
Mary Pickford, Reginald Denny, Joseph Cawthorn, Margaret Livingston, Phil Tead, Fred Walton, Edwin Maxwell
Kiki (Mary Pickford) is a hapless French chorus girl who has just been fired from her job. She doesn't accept it and goes to see producer Victor Randall (Reginald Denny). He, however, is really busy and is annoyed by her presence. To get her out of his office, he promises her job back. Before she leaves, she drops her purse and clippings of Victor shaped in hearts fall out. It becomes clear Kiki is secretly in love with him.

When the next show becomes a disaster because of Kiki, she is again fired. She goes complaining at Victor Randall's office for the second time. He is now charmed by her and invites Kiki to his apartment. There, she notices a photo of his ex-wife Paulette Vaile (Margaret Livingston). He kisses her, but she is insulted and slaps him. She hides in another room and makes clear she feels used and thinks Victor is still not over Paulette.

She eventually falls asleep in the room and finds a letter from Paulette the next morning. Although it's for Victor, she reads it. It says she is sorry about last night and wants to make up with Victor. Kiki becomes jealous and ruins the letter. Meanwhile, the servants are irritated by Kiki and try to get her out of Victor's apartment. Victor confronts her when the servants inform him Kiki has stolen a few of Paulette's letters. He eventtually finds the letters and reads them.

Victor and Kiki have a conversation and flirt for the first time. Kiki becomes angry when Victor receives a phone call from Paulette and answers it. Paulette later visits Victor's apartment. Kiki is outraged and tells Paulette she is in love with Victor and intends to marry him. Victor catches Kiki intimidating and scaring Paulette and orders her to get out.

Victor and Paulette fall in love with each other again, but they find out Kiki hasn't left the apartment. Kiki pretends to be unconscious. Victor puts her in bed to rest and Kiki kisses him. He tells Paulette he can't leave Kiki alone. Paulette feels betrayed and leaves him. Victor and Kiki finally fall in love and kiss.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]Forever Yours
Forever Yours
Año 1930
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Género Western
Duración minutos
Guión Frances Marion (writer)
Música Mono
Fotografía 1.20 : 1
Mary Pickford, Kenneth MacKenna, Don Alvarado
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Taming of the Shrew
La fierecilla domada
Año 1929
Director Sam Taylor
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance
Duración 63 minutos
Guión William Shakespeare (play), Sam Taylor (adaptation)
Música Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Fotografía 1.20 : 1
Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Edwin Maxwell, Joseph Cawthorn, Clyde Cook, Geoffrey Wardwell, Dorothy Jordan
Adaptation of the Shakespeare play about a cad who, looking for a rich wife, winds up with the most ill-tempered woman in town.
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Año 1929
Director Sam Taylor
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 76 minutos
Guión George Abbott (play), Ann Preston Bridgers (play)
Música Mono (MovieTone)
Fotografía 1.20 : 1
Mary Pickford, Johnny Mack Brown, Matt Moore, John St. Polis, William Janney, Henry Kolker, George Irving, Louise Beavers
Norma Besant, daughter of a Southern doctor, is an incorrigible flirt and has many suitors. Her father Dr. Besant (John St. Polis) favors Stanley (Matt Moore), who is taken with Norma. However Norma has met a simple man named Michael Jeffrey (Johnny Mack Brown) who she has fallen madly in love with. Dr. Besant disapproves of Michael and orders Norma to never see him again. Norma gives him their word, then promptly plans to marry Michael in 6 months, when he's made 'good in the hills' so he can buy her a home in the valley.

A few months pass and Michael sneaks down from the hills to see Norma at a Country Club dance. Wanting more time alone they sneak off to Michael's mothers cabin. According to Norma they made coffee and talked all night about the future. She returns home the next day at 4am. However someone has spotted the couple and began to spread rumors around town destroying Norma's reputation. Michael is furious and vows he will ask her father for her hand in marriage immediately.

Dr. Besant is furious and a heated verbal exchange takes place with Michael leaving, vowing to runaway with Norma as soon as possible. Dr. Besant orders Norma to her room and leaves, pistol in hand. As Norma's brother tries to distract her Stanley arrives, telling Norma that Michael was fatally wounded by her father.

Norma runs to Michael's cabin where he dies in her arms. Dr. Besant's lawyer friend arrives begging Norma to lie on to the police to save her father's life. Norma refuses, but later as the trial wears on she changes her mind. She takes the stand and lies about Michael, trying to save her father. Norma breaks down under cross examination and her father comes to comfort her on the witness stand. As he tells her she doesn't have to lie anymore he spots the gun on the evidence table.

After comforting Norma, Dr. Besant approaches the bench and confesses his guilt, saying he has done wrong and is willing to pay the price. He then takes the gun and kills himself in front of the court. Later we see Stanley waiting for Norma, who has been in the judge's chambers. He offers to walk her home, but Norma refuses saying she'd like to walk home alone.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en NoireStyle:

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[/size]The Gaucho
El gaucho - "Douglas Fairbanks as The Gaucho" - USA (copyright title)
Año 1927
Director F. Richard Jones
País USA
Género Adventure, Romance
Duración 115 minutos
Guión Douglas Fairbanks (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Douglas Fairbanks, Lupe Velez, Joan Barclay, Eve Southern, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Michael Vavitch, Charles Stevens, Nigel De Brulier, Albert MacQuarrie
"A glorious tale of gay adventure and romantic daring on the wild plains of South America!"

A girl is saved by a miracle after she falls from a cliff in the Argentine Andes, and is blessed with healing powers. A shrine is built on the site, and a whole city grows around it, rich with gold from the grateful worshipers. Ruiz, an evil and sadistic general, captures the city, confiscates the gold, and closes the shrine. But the Gaucho, the charismatic leader of a band of outlaws, comes to the rescue.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico

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Subtítulos en español en Titles
[/size]My Best Girl
My Best Girl
Año 1927
Director Sam Taylor
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance
Duración 80 minutos
Guión Kathleen Norris (story), Hope Loring (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles 'Buddy' Rogers, Sunshine Hart, Lucien Littlefield, Carmelita Geraghty, Hobart Bosworth, Evelyn Hall, Avonne Taylor, Mack Swain, John Junior
The film starts out at The Merril Department store where a very exhausted stock girl named Maggie Johnson (Mary Pickford) is given a moment to attend to the sales counter. There she encounters a charming handsome man. He pretends to be interested in purchasing some children's toys but after many humorous demonstrations by Maggie the manager comes over and gives the man his time card. The man is said to be Joe Grant (Buddy Rogers) though in reality he is the son of the owner; making him Joseph Merril. To prove to his father he is ready for his engagement he has taken the job of stockboy under an assumed name.

Annoyed Maggie takes Joe back to the stockroom and tells him to get to work. He is so inept she calls him, 'The Dumbest Stockboy in the World' though she promises to take him under her wing; much to his amusement.

A few days later, after her shift, Maggie is outside waiting for Joe. She appears to have a crush on him. Some of her fellow coworkers tease her but eventually warn her that Joe is coming, causing Maggie to hop on her ride home from work: the back of an open truck. Joe is swarmed with salesgirls who try for his attention causing him to not focus on Maggie. Determined Maggie throws her bag on the ground as the vehicle pulls away. Joe picks it up and chases the truck down to give it to her. After 3 more times of this he finally grows weary and jumps in the truck to join Maggie who feigns innocence.

The two flirt and Maggie shows him pictures of her off kilter family. Once they reach her home she invites him in for supper only to find her family is causing a commotion. Her father (Lucien Littlefield) is an elderly postal worker who is meek and easily subdued. Her mother (Sunshine Hart) is an overweight dramatic woman who enjoys going to random funerals and smelling salts. Her sister Liz (Carmelita Geraghty) is a flapper who has a boyfriend who gets her into trouble. Maggie does her best to hide the goings on but eventually caves and sends Joe on his way hoping to have dinner another day.

Time passes and Joe's mother is planning his engagement announcement party. However she has not mentioned it to him hoping to make it a surprise. Joe has reached a promotion now being Maggie's boss. However he still eats lunch with her every day in the stocking room. During one such lunch, after receiving the note to join his parents for dinner (for the surprise party), Maggie gives him a watch for his birthday. He is touched and puts it on. Shortly after this he accidentally catches his sleeve on a nail. Trying to pull himself free he accidentally puts his arm around Maggie, and after the mutual surprise the two kiss.

Enamored with each other they head out on the town to walk in the rain. Joe begins to spend money and she tells him he'll end up in the poorhouse. Joe offers to buy her dinner at a nice restaurant but embarrassed of her shoddy work clothes Maggie declines. Joe gets the idea to tell her they should follow the store's company motto, "We're all a family" and that if they were family they could eat at the Merril Mansion. Maggie thinking he is joking agrees. Meanwhile her sister is arrested because of her association with her boyfriend, and is taken to night court. Her family frets at not being able to find Maggie who they believe needs to help Liz out of the mess. Maggie had tried to call them; but after a few rings (while her father made his way to the phone) she hung up.

Arriving at the Merril Mansion Maggie is amazed that it is the real deal. Joe is amused with her reluctance but eventually gets her into the mansion; much to the butler's amusement. Maggie is extremely reluctant until Joe convinces the butler to say 'a Merril employee eats here every night!' Maggie relaxes and tells Joe they should pretend to be Mr. and Mrs. Merril. Joe is extremely amused by this, especially at her lack of formal dinner habits.

At the surprise engagement party Joe's family sits concerned. They return home to find Joe, and Maggie who has hidden under the table. Joe admits he is 'Joseph Merril' but before he can explain further his fiancee (Avonne Taylor) arrives and kisses him in front of Maggie. Maggie, heartbroken leaves. Joe upset tells his fiancee he had broken Maggie's heart and must go after her.

Maggie walks and walks until she returns to where Joe and her shared a moment which happens to be by the night court. She sees her family arrive and after they chaste her they enter the court to try and save Liz from prison. Meanwhile Joe arrives at the same spot only to be helped by a bum who had watched the whole goings on. He enters the court to hear Maggie's passionate plea for her sister; whom the judge eventually lets go.

While Maggie fetches water for her 'on the verge of fainting' mother Joe walks over to her and apologizes, saying he did not love his fiancee and would not marry her. He then proposes to Maggie which causes (for a change) her sister to faint. While everyone tries to revive Liz, Liz's boyfriend makes a remark to her father about Maggie 'taking up with the Merril boy' implying that it was only for sex. Joe offended punches him and begins to fight right in court.

The next day Maggie is back home, reading the paper which has headlines about their romance. Joe's father (Hobart Bosworth) arrives at the home. He tells Maggie he wanted to send his son to Hawaii until the scandal blew over, which Joe agreed to. However Joe apparently made plans to bring Maggie as well and marry on the boat. Mr. Merril not happy with this tries to buy Maggie off with a check for $10,000; just as Joe arrives unaware his father is there.

He tells Maggie his plans which upset her. Angry, she begins a whole tirade against him trying to find out if he really loved her or not. She begins to claim she is just a jazz girl and knew who he was all along. That she was a golddigger and just after his money and thanks to his father she now had what she wanted. She even plays a jazz record and puts on lipstick to further prove her point.

Joe begins to cry, and Maggie touched breaks down and admits that none of it is true and the real reason she cant go away with him is because of her family (who had been listening in the living room the whole time) who needs her more than he does. Her father becomes livid and declares it was time 'he became the father of the family' and takes charge of his wife and daughters. In a comediac scene he commands everyone (including both Merrils) to pack Maggie's things; for the ship which leaves in 10 minutes.

After an extreme car ride the couple barely make it. Once boarded the father realizes he never gave Maggie her suitcase; which he tries to throw but ends up in the ocean. The couple waves goodbye and eventually get crowded back from view. When the crowd leaves the audience sees them kissing.
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Subtítulos Español OpenSubtitles

Subtítulos Español Subdivx
Año 1926
Director William Beaudine
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 84 minutos
Guión Winifred Dunn (story), George Marion Jr. (titles)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Roy Stewart, Mary Louise Miller, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Charlotte Mineau, Spec O'Donnell, Lloyd Whitlock, Billy Butts, Monty O'Grady, Jack Lavine, Billy 'Red' Jones, Muriel McCormac, Florence Rogan, Mary McLain, Sylvia Bernard
The evil Mr. Grimes and his wife operate a dismal baby farm in an alligator infested swamp. Molly, an adolescent inmate of the farm, attempts to provide the tattered, starving kids on the place with the loving maternal care they need. Conspirators bring a kidnapped baby to the farm for concealment. Molly steals away with the infant and leads all the raggle-taggle youngsters to safety. The police arrest the kidnappers. The baby is reunited with her wealthy father who gratefully offers Molly and her charges a comfortable home.
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ed2k link[ed2k=ed2k://|file|Sparrows (William Beaudine,1926) VO.avi|1477677056|E14C912E906E600F4A064D5836889CF6|h=OFJIK6OLKUL74UPRMKBQAHHECFMAFSK3|/]Sparrows (William Beaudine,1926) VO.avi ed2k link stats[/ed2k]

[/size]The Black Pirate
The Black Pirate
Año 1926
Director Albert Parker
País USA
Género Adventure, Action
Duración 88 minutos
Guión Douglas Fairbanks (story), Jack Cunningham (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Douglas Fairbanks, Billie Dove, Anders Randolf, Donald Crisp, Tempe Pigott, Sam De Grasse, Charles Stevens, Charles Belcher, E.J. Ratcliffe
The film begins by showing the looting of a ship already captured by the pirates after a substantial engagement. After making off with all possible valuables, the last pirate aboard fires a powder trail and dives overboard. Several minutes later, the ship is destroyed..

While the pirates make merry with their spoil, the two sole survivors wash up on an island, an old man and his son. Before dying, he gives his signet ring to his son. His son then carries him inland and buries him. Meanwhile, the captain and some of his closer lieutenants have been making toward the same island with "the richest part of the treasure". While they occupy themselves with taking the treasure to a well used cavern beneath a pond, the survivor carves out a declaration on a piece of driftwood: "MY FATHER I SOLEMNLY VOW TO BRING THY MURDERERS TO JUSTICE".

During the burial of the treasure, the captain suggestively counts off the other members of the party to his lieutenant and lays out 5 pistols — one per man. As the two of them prepare to fire on the remainder of the unsuspecting men, their attention is arrested by the appearance of the nameless adventurer (Douglas Fairbanks) from over a ridge. They quickly prepare to meet him as he draws nearer. As one menacingly approaches him with a dirk, he calls a halt, stating his intent to join their Company of pirates.

At this one of the pirates, MacTavish, approaches him and asks him of his "qualeefeecations". He responds by asking who their best fighter is, a distinction all defer to the captain. He walks determinedly to him and in response to a contemptuous appraisal, slaps him. At this insult, the captain draws a dirk and cutlass, our adventurer snatches a cutlass from the ground and a swipes a dirk from another pirate, and they go at each other. A battle ensues, and eventually our hero kills the captain. He then says to the crew "Your captain, your mighty captain who you adorned as your leader, has been struck down with something as simple as a cutlass, for he is only a man like you and I, nothing more and nothing less." He exits.

Meanwhile, the son of the murdered father, is wandering aimlessly upon the barren landscape of the island. He comes to an isthmus and begins to drink from a stream when the crack of a gun cock is heard. The pirates have surrounded him. He draws his pistol and shoots Mactavish in the stomach, then runs. In his despair, he comes across our hero, the nameless adventurer. The son asks for the adventurer's help is revenge on the Pirates. The adventurer refuses, when suddenly, the Pirates spring them. Our adventurer tosses the son a cutlass and the two battle the company of pirates. Mactavish shoots the son with his pistol, and the adventurer defeats the rest of the pirates, then kills Mactavish. He picks up the son's piece of dirk wood and smiles upon reading it, then walks away into the sunset as the film fades to black.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico

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Subtítulos en español en Titles
[/size]Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
"Ben-Hur" - USA (short title)
Año 1925
Director Fred Niblo
País USA
Género Adventure, Drama, Romance
Duración 143 minutos
Guión Lew Wallace (novel), June Mathis (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Ramon Novarro, Francis X. Bushman, May McAvoy, Betty Bronson, Claire McDowell, Kathleen Key, Carmel Myers, Nigel De Brulier, Mitchell Lewis, Leo White, Frank Currier, Charles Belcher, Dale Fuller, Winter Hall
Ben-Hur is a wealthy Jew and boyhood friend of the powerful Roman Tribune, Messala. When an accident leads to Ben-Hur's arrest, Messala, who has become corrupt and arrogant, makes sure Ben-Hur and his family are jailed and separated.

Ben-Hur is sent to work in the galley of a Roman warship. Along the way he unknowingly encounters Christ, the carpenter's son who offers him water. Once aboard ship, his attitude of defiance and strength impresses a Roman admiral, Quintus Arrius, who allows him to remain unchained. This actually works in the Admiral's favor because when his ship is attacked and sunk by pirates, Ben-Hur saves him from drowning.

Arrius then treats Ben-Hur as a son and over the years, the young man grows strong and becomes a victorious chariot racer. This eventually leads to a climactic showdown with Messala in a chariot race, in which Ben-Hur is the victor.

Ben-Hur is eventually reunited with his mother and sister, who are suffering from leprosy but are miraculously cured by Christ.
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[/size]Little Annie Rooney
La pequeña Anita
Año 1925
Director William Beaudine
País USA
Género Drama, Comedy
Duración 95 minutos
Guión Katherine Hennessey (story), Louis D. Lighton (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, William Haines, Walter James, Gordon Griffith, Carlo Schipa, Spec O'Donnell, Hugh Fay, Vola Vale, Joe Butterworth, Oscar Rudolph, Eugene Jackson, Albert Schaefer
Annie es hija de un policía y vive en los barrios bajos con su padre y su hermano. Sus mejores amigos son una pandilla de chavales del barrio con los que juega y se pelea. Cuando su padre es asesinado y el muchacho del que está enamorada es acusado del hecho, sus amigos harán todo lo posible por ayudarla a encontrar al verdadero culpable.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico, Hilo en DxC e Hilo en NoireStyle

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[/size]Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
Año 1924
Director Marshall Neilan, Mary Pickford (sin acreditar)
País USA
Género Drama, History, Romance
Duración 135 minutos
Guión Charles Major (novel), Waldemar Young (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Anders Randolf, Marc McDermott, Carrie Daumery, Allan Forrest, Lottie Pickford, Wilfred Lucas, Clare Eames, Estelle Taylor, Courtenay Foote, Colin Kenny, Julie Bishop
In the month of May 1550 two great houses were to be united by the be betrothal of the son of Rutland and the heiress of Haddon Hall. Sir George Vernon (Anders Randolf) is forfeit to Rutland on his daughter's 18th birthday, for ten of his thirty manors lying adjacent to Rutland. His daughter Dorothy (Mary Pickford) and John Manners (Allan Forrest) are forced to marry each other on their 18th birthday, but they can't stand each other. John is in France with Mary Stuart (Estelle Taylor) and George intents to use this as a way for Dorothy to be able to marry her cousin Malcolm Vernon (Marc McDermott).

On her 18th birthday, Dorothy prepares to marry Malcolm. Malcolm comes over from Scotland for the wedding, while Dorothy has seconds thoughts about marrying someone she has never met. Meanwhile, George is demanded by the Rutland men to forfeit for Dorothy not marrying John. Dorothy is charmed when she meets Malcolm and makes sure to him she has no intention in marrying John. She doesn't know Malcolm really is John and when he reveals himself, she is shocked and insulted. She informs her father, while the real Malcolm shows up as well. Dorothy has to point out John, but fears John will be killed and points out Malcolm. John has the time to run away, while Malcolm is revealed to not be John.

Meanwhile, Mary Stuart is ordered to come to England immediately when her ring is found. John is the one who has to get her from Scotland, but is afraid Queen Elizabeth will find out. Dorothy has secretly fallen in love with John and meets him several times in the forest and at the castle in disguise. Dorothy tells him she wants for them to elope, but John convinces her to wait for the right time. When George catches Dorothy and John together, he is outraged. Malcolm comes in to kill John, but Dorothy stops him and John flees.

Dorothy keeps on seeing John, while her wedding to Malcolm keeps on getting closer. John has just taken Mary into his home for refuge. George has become very wealthy and even invites Queen Elizabeh (Clare Eames) for the wedding. Queen Elizabeth accepts, but orders everyone who assists Mary to be beheaded. Dorothy, meanwhile, feels she is a prisoner in her own home and writes John a letter about wanting to elope with him. George gets his hands on the letter and orders John to be hanged. She attempts to escape, but gets caught and imprisoned.

Dorothy agrees to marry Malcolm if John won't be hanged. She didn't know John was actually never captured and that George lied to trick her into marrying Malcolm. On her wedding day, Dorothy finds out her father lied to her about hanging John and seeks revenge. She orders her maid Jennie (Lottie Pickford) to pursue John to rescue Dorothy. When Jennie arrives at the Rutland Castle, she catches Mary in John's arms and hurries back to Haddon Hall to tell Dorothy the truth. Dorothy is outraged and informs Queen Elizabeth about Mary's whereabouts. Queen Elizabeth announces she will behead the earl of Rutland and John for treason and orders Malcolm and his troops to arrest him. Dorothy immediately feels sorry for John, but isn't able to stop the queen.

Dorothy rushed to the Rutland Castle, but isn't able to leave Haddon Hall as the gates are closed. Dorothy is able to escape over the walls and is the first one to arrive at Rutland Castle. She warns Mary and finds out John is on his way to Haddon Hall. Dorothy tries to save Mary by dressing up like her. The troops mistake Dorothy for Mary and take her to the queen. Here, Dorothy reveals herself. Queen Elizabeth feels betrayed and demands for Dorothy to be taken away to jail. John comes to rescue her, but Queen Elizabeth catches them. She decides to release Dorothy and send John away to Wales for one year.

When Dorothy is informed Malcolm and his troops intend to murder Queen Elizabeth, she and John try to save her. This results into Malcolm and John getting into a sword fight. John eventually kills Malcolm and is reunited with Dorothy.
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Rosita, la cantante callejera
Año 1923
Director Ernst Lubitsch
País USA
Género Romance, Comedy
Duración 90 minutos
Guión Philippe Dumanoir (play), Norbert Falk (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Holbrook Blinn, Irene Rich, George Walsh, Charles Belcher, Frank Leigh, Mathilde Comont, George Periolat, Bert Sprotte, Snitz Edwards, Madame De Bodamere, Philippe De Lacy, Donald McAlpin, Doreen Turner, Mario Carillo
El rey de España se enamora de Rosita, una cantante callejera que está enamorada de Don Diego, noble sin fortuna que la defiende cuando la detienen por cantar una canción en la que se hace mofa del rey. Rosita y Don Diego son enviados a prisión y él es condenado a muerte...

The film takes place in Seville, in a period where the city has sunk into the depths of depravity and sin. The king of Spain (Holbrook Blinn) is shocked to hear the habitants of Seville devote their lives to alcohol and living carefree. He decides to give the town a visit when a carnaval is organized. One of its habitants is Rosita (Mary Pickford), a beloved street singer praised by the townspeople for her entertainment.

Rosita is unhappy her home life is less beautiful. She is the only source of income to her poor family, who are always fighting each other. She is fed up with living in extreme poverty, while the king is living in wealth. After being forced to pay taxes, Rosita is enraged and comes up with a song in which she insults the king. Soon, the king is informed with the offensive ballad and visits her anonymously. Instead of being angry, he is charmed by the woman. However, the soldiers have come to arrest her for publicly insulting the king.

While being taken to prison, a courageous man named Don Diego (George Walsh) tries to defend her. Instead of convincing the soldiers to set her free, he is arrested as well. They fall in love at the police station, but she is unaware Diego is a powerful captain. By the king's request, Rosita is set free and escorted to his castle. Diego, however, is told he will be hung. When she meets him, Rosita doesn't believe he is the king. He tries to seduce her, but she isn't impressed until he offers her fashionable clothes. She doesn't want to have anything to do with him, but is pressured into giving in on his advances by her family, who see an opportunity on becoming wealthy.

Living a luxurous live in the castle, the family still feels disrespected. Rosita's mother Mathilde Comont demands for her daughter to have a noble husband, and the king offers her to be married to Diego. Rosita's mother is pleased, not knowing he will be sentenced to death shortly after the wedding. Diego is manipulated into participating by the guards granting him to be shot like the respectable soldiers, instead of being hung. At the wedding, they are married with their eyes covered, thus not knowing who they will be married to. The king's plan fails when Rosita breaks the rules and looks at her future husband.

Rosita is shocked to learn her new husband is Diego, who is sent back to jail immediately. Rosita convinces the king to set Diego free. However, when she leaves, he fears Diego will catch her from him and orders the guards for him to be killed for the second time. Meanwhile, the queen (Irene Rich) has found out about his new fling and is furious.

While the execution of Diego takes place, Rosita is informed Diego has been killed anyways. Devastated, she attempts to kill the king until she and the king find out Diego is still alive. Rosita and Diego are reunited. The king leaves his castle confused and is confronted by his wife about his affair. She reveals she was responsible for the guards not killing Diego.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico

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[/size]Tess of the Storm Country
Tess en el país de las tempestades
Año 1922
Director John S. Robertson
País USA
Género Drama, Romance
Duración 118 minutos
Guión Grace Miller White (novel), Elmer Harris (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Lloyd Hughes, Gloria Hope, David Torrence, Forrest Robinson, Jean Hersholt, Danny Hoy, Robert Russell, Gus Saville, Madame De Bodamere
17-year-old Tess Skinner is the daughter of a squatter, and wealthy man Elias Graves, who owns the land, is trying to get rid of them and the other squatter families. Tess is just as determined to make sure they all stay. Elias, however, grows more stubborn with failure. His determination to disperse the squatters has become an obsession. He is determined to kick them out of his land, not caring they don't have another place to go to. Graves' son, Frederick, is on her side and doesn't think about squatters the way his father does. Frederick's sister Teola fears her father, who thinks obedience is more important than love. She has fallen in love with law student Dan Jordan, but he hasn't been able to impress Elias.

Dan tries to win over Teola's father's trust in him by suggesting he can throw the squatters off his land, because they are catching fish illegally. Frederick, meanwhile, is charmed by Tess and admits he could really fall for her is she would get cleaned up. When men come to the Skinner residence to find proof they're netting, Tess hides the evidence her father is a fisherman. Later, they become hungry and Tess' father decides to start fishing again. He is caught and when Dan Jordan is shot to death, Tess' dad is blamed for it and taken under arrest. Tess is crushed and takes it out on Elias when he announces he will do anything for her dad to pay the penalty. When the trial starts, Tess is crushed she isn't allowed to visit her father. The evil Ben Letts forces himself up to her as her future husband, despite the fact Tess is unwilling to marry him. She chases him away, but Ben vows vengeance.

Now that Tess is all alone, Frederick keeps her company and they fall in love. Elias finds out and tells Fred he doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Frederick announces he is planning on marrying Tess as soon as he finishes college. Meanwhile, Teola finds out she is pregnant and already started planning to marry Dan, but now that he's dead, the child will be born out of wedlock. She plans on killing herself, but doesn't have the nerve to. Tess protects her by claiming the child as her own. After the baby is born, Teola keeps on supporting her financially. One night, Teola isn't allowed to leave the house, so Tess breaks in to get milk for the baby. She is caught by Elias, who is outraged. Meanwhile, Fred has just returned from college. Ben's mate threatens him to tell the truth about Ben having killed Dan Jordan. Ben becomes mad and strangles him. He next hides the body.

Fred pays Tess a visit and finds his sister there as well. When he notices the baby, Tess tells him she found it. Fred doesn't believe her and thinks the baby is hers. He is shocked and ashamed and leaves immediately. Meanwhile, Ben fears of getting caught and plans on leaving town. He is determined to take Tess with him. He sneaks into her cottage and notices the baby. When Tess comes in, he forces her to marry him. She refuses to, but Fred comes in to rescue her. They together hit Ben unconscious, but Fred leaves bitterly as he is still shocked about Tess having a baby. Ben's strangled mate meanwhile survived and announces Ben Letts is responsible for the killing of Dan.

Tess is ostracized and the dying infant is refused baptism, so Tess sneaks into the church and does her own ritual. Teola and Elias are both in presence. Elias demands for her to be thrown out of church, but Teola becomes too emotional and admits the baby is hers. Elias is shocked but forgives her, but Teola soon dies. Fred realizes he has made an awful mistake, but Tess isn't able to forgive his horrible treatment towards her. She goes back home and reunites with her father, who has just been released from jail. Elias and Fred later stop by to apologize. Both Elias and Fred are forgiven and the film ends with Tess and Fred kissing.
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Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:47, editado 1 vez en total.

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Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:00

[/size]Little Lord Fauntleroy
El pequeño lord
Año 1921
Director Alfred E. Green, Jack Pickford
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 112 minutos
Guión Frances Hodgson Burnett (novel), Bernard McConville (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Claude Gillingwater, Joseph J. Dowling, James A. Marcus, Kate Price, Fred Malatesta, Rose Dione, Arthur Thalasso, Colin Kenny, Emmett King, Madame De Bodamere, Jackie Condon, Gordon Griffith, Francis Marion
An American boy turns out to be the long-lost heir of a British fortune. He is sent to live with the cold and unsentimental lord who oversees the trust.

Cedric Errol is a poor American boy who finds that he is the sole heir to a wealthy British earldom and thus becomes Lord Fauntleroy.
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[/size]Through the Back Door
Through the Back Door
Año 1921
Director Alfred E. Green, Jack Pickford
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama
Duración 89 minutos
Guión Gerald C. Duffy (writer), Marion Fairfax (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Gertrude Astor, Wilfred Lucas, Helen Raymond, C. Norman Hammond, Elinor Fair, Adolphe Menjou, Peaches Jackson, Doreen Turner, John Harron, George Dromgold, Jeanne Carpenter
The movie starts in Belgium in the early 1900s. Jeanne (Mary Pickford) is the 10-year-old daughter of Louise (Gertrude Astor). Troubles start when Louise remarries a selfish but rich man named Elton Reeves (Wilfred Lucas). He convinces her to move to America and leave Jeanne behind in Belgium to live with the maid Marie (Helen Raymond). At first Louise refuses to, but eventually gives in and leaves Jeanne in the care of Marie.

Five years pass and Jeanne and Marie bonded. Meanwhile, Louise hated living in America and feels guilty having left her kid behind. She returns to Belgium to reunite with Jeanne, but Marie doesn't want to give her up. When Louise finally arrives, Marie lies to her Jeanne drowned in a river nearby. Louise is devastated and collapses, before returning to America. This results in estranging from Elton.

World War I broke out. Marie fears for Jeanne's safety and brings her to America to live with her mother. After an emotional goodbye, Jeanne sets out for America to find her mother. Along the way she meets two orphan boys and decides to take care of them. When she finally arrives in America, she travels to Louise's big mansion.

Too afraid to tell her she is her daughter, Jeanne applies to serve as her maid. While pretending to be someone else, she gets to learn her mother. However, she has trouble keeping up the lie and wants nothing more but have a reconciliation. Waiting for the right time to tell the truth, Jeanne hopes everything will come to a right end. When guests of the mansion plot to fleece Elton, Jeanne is forced to reveal her true identity to save the day. A happy reunion follows.
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[/size]The Nut
The Nut
Año 1921
Director Theodore Reed
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance
Duración 74 minutos
Guión Kenneth Davenport (story), Douglas Fairbanks (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Douglas Fairbanks, Marguerite De La Motte, William Lowery, Gerald Pring, Morris Hughes, Barbara La Marr
Eccentric inventor Charlie Jackson tries to interest wealthy investors in his girlfriend's plan to help children from poor neighborhoods.
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[/size]The Love Light
The Love Light
Año 1921
Director Frances Marion
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 89 minutos
Guión Frances Marion (written by)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Evelyn Dumo, Raymond Bloomer, Fred Thomson, Albert Prisco, George Regas, Eddie Phillips, Jean De Briac
Angela maintains a coastal lighthouse in Italy, where she awaits the return of her brothers from the war...
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Año 1920
Director John Francis Dillon
País USA
Género Comedy
Duración 75 minutos
Guión Waldemar Young (scenario), Richard Bryce (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Albert Austin, Harold Goodwin, Rose Dione, Lavendor the Horse
A London laundry woman tries to rise above her station in order to capture the love of a wealthy young man and thus misses out on the truer love of one of her own class.
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Año 1920
Director Paul Powell
País USA
Género Family, Comedy, Drama
Duración 58 minutos
Guión Eleanor H. Porter (novel), Catherine Chisholm Cushing (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Wharton James, Katherine Griffith, Helen Jerome Eddy, George Berrell, Howard Ralston, William Courtleigh, Herbert Prior
The film opens in the Ozarks where a distraught Pollyanna (Mary Pickford) is comforting her father the Reverend John Whittier (Wharton James) as he dies. After his passing Pollyanna is sent to live on a New England Plantation with her Victorian Aunt Polly (Katherine Griffith).

Aunt Polly is cold and uncaring to Pollyanna: not picking her up at the station, giving her a sparse room in the attic, and scolding at her every chance she gets. As the days pass Pollyanna's antics amuse the servants; but not Aunt Polly.

One day while playing on the plantation Pollyanna gets in trouble with a slave woman and runs to hide in a haystack. There she meets Jimmy Bean (Howard Ralston), an orphan her age. Taking pity on him, Pollyanna is certain eventually Aunt Polly will let him live with them. So she hides him in the cellar. One day Aunt Polly insists in going in the cellar despite Pollyanna's pleas for fear Jimmy will be discovered. Jimmy is asleep and Pollyanna believes they're in the clear; until Jimmy starts shouting in his sleep, having a bad dream about turnips chasing and trying to eat him. Pollyanna is amused but Aunt Polly is not. After some pleading Aunt Polly relents and tells Pollyanna to bring some good quilts for Jimmy.

One day, as Jimmy and Pollyanna play with the other children, they decide to try and steal some apples from John Pendleton's (William Cortleigh) tree. John catches Pollyanna in the act but forgives her; realizing she is the exact image of her mother, a woman he once loved deeply, but who left him to marry the man who eventually became Pollyanna's father. He tells Pollyanna this as he shows her a painting of her mother. Meanwhile Jimmy fights his way in, fearing that Pollyanna is in danger. He tries to defend her but finds everything is normal.

As Pollyanna settles in she seems to bring optimisim to those she meets. She is insistent on playing a game her father taught her called 'The Glad Game', where one counts the things they are glad for. She visits an old shut-in who is supposedly grateful for nothing. Pollyanna brings along an old blind and deaf friend who plays the accordion. Upon discovering the women is blind and deaf, the shut-in proclaims her gratitude for still having her sight and hearing.

One day after a fight with Jimmy in which he 'wishes she would die', Pollyanna heads into town. She notices a little girl playing in the middle of the road, oblivious to a car coming. Pollyanna leaps in front of the car, throwing the girl to safety, but being hit herself. Jimmy and John both take her back to her Aunt's place. Aunt Polly becomes frantic and places her in her own lavish bedroom. Realizing the error of her ways, Aunt Polly declares how attached to Pollyanna she is; even giving her a kiss on the forehead, much to Pollyanna's delight.

Realizing they could have lost the little girl forever, many succumb to her wishes for them to be happy. John promises to adopt Jimmy the next day. Aunt Polly refuses to call Dr. Tom, (Herbert Prior), who broke her heart years before. Pollyanna pleads to send for him but she refuses, bringing in another doctor. After several days, they discover Pollyanna is paralyzed from the waist down. Pollyanna becomes distraught; however Jimmy comforts her, insisting she play the Glad Game.

Months pass and Pollyanna begins to use a wheelchair. One evening with Aunt Polly, she pleads one last time for her to send for Dr. Tom and Aunt Polly finally relents. With the help of Dr. Tom, Pollyanna is eventually able to walk again.

With the success of her walking comes the realiztion of her wishes. Aunt Polly reunites romantically with Dr. Tom; and Jimmy is happily living with John. One day she asks for Jimmy and he comes to wheel her around the garden. He gives Pollyanna a ring and promptly runs off out of fear, not realizing Pollyanna is able to walk. She is excited at the ring and happily runs after him.
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[/size]Heart o' the Hills
Heart o' the Hills
Año 1919
Director Joseph De Grasse, Sidney Franklin
País USA
Género Drama, Romance
Duración 87 minutos
Guión John Fox Jr. (novel), Bernard McConville (adaptation)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Harold Goodwin, Allan Sears, Fred Huntley, Claire McDowell, Sam De Grasse, W.H. Bainbridge, John Gilbert, Betty Bouton, Henry Hebert, Fred Warren
Jason Honeycutt (Harold Goodwin) is a young boy who lives with his stepfather chief Steve Honeycutt (Sam De Grasse) at the ancestral Honeycutt's home. One day the chief is looking for the 13-year-old mountain girl Mavis Hawn (Mary Pickford), who is shooting bullets in the woods. Mavis desires for revenge after a few gang members tornished her home and shot and killed her father. One of her only friends is geologist and school teacher John Burnham (Fred Warren). He suggests her to get an education instead of teaching herself to use a gun.

Chief Honeycutt visits Mavis' widowed mother Martha Hawn (Claire McDowell) and flirts with her. Meanwhile, Mavis is fishing at a pond near her home with Jason. He reveals his stepfather is manipulating Martha into granting him her land. When a group of planters and capitalisters come to the town with the intention to exploit mountain coal lands, Mavis scares them away with her gun. She and Jason later run into the rich aristocrat Gray Pendleton (John Gilbert) and his sweetheart Marjorie Lee (Betty Bouton), who are looking for the town.

Back at home, Mavis is disappointed Steve is still there. Later that night, Mavis visits a party and meets Gray for the second time. He flirts with her, which makes Jason jealous. Gray forces himself up to Mavis, which makes her upset and angry. She leaves the party and finds out her mother has left her to marry Steve. She decides to marry as well and proposes to Jason. However, they soon find out they are too young.

When word hits town a guy named Morton Sanders (Henry Hebert) is planning to take over the city, some of the habitants, including Mavis, threaten him to go away. Later that night, Morton is found dead and the police are looking after everyone who was involved. The police visits the Hawn house, but Mavis' grandfather (Fred Huntley) forces them to go away. While holding them under his gunshot, Mavis packs her stuff and goes hiding in the forest. The next day, John Burnham visits her and convinces her to go to trial to proof her innocence.

In court, the lawyer of the other party demands for her to be hanged. The town folks try to defend her by all admitting they have shot Morton. Mavis is discharged and finally decides to go to school. Mr. Burnham, Gray and Marjorie are all pleased with Mavis' decision. Jason however, becomes jealous again when she starts hanging out with Gray at school and leaves her.

Six years pass. Mavis has been adopted by the rich Colonel Pendleton (W.H. Bainbridge). One day she receives a letter from her mother, announcing she is getting old and will most-likely die soon. She decides to visit her mom and finds out Steve killed her father. He has become violent and takes it out on Martha. Mavis tries to help her and shoots Steve. Martha survives the incident and takes Mavis in to live with her. Mavis is reunited with a grown-up Jason and they marry.
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[/size]The Hoodlum
The Hoodlum
Año 1919
Director Sidney Franklin
País USA
Género Comedy
Duración 78 minutos
Guión Julie Mathilde Lippmann (novel)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Ralph Lewis, Kenneth Harlan, Melvin Messenger, T.D. Crittenden, Aggie Herring, Andrew Arbuckle, Max Davidson, Paul Mullen, Buddy Messinger
"Mary Pickford In her Second Picture from her own Studios"

A spoiled young rich girl is forced by misfortune to fight for survival in the slums and alleys, where...
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Papaíto Piernas Largas
Año 1919
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama
Duración 85 minutos
Guión Jean Webster (novel), Agnes Christine Johnston (adaptation), See more »
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Milla Davenport, Percy Haswell, Fay Lemport, Mahlon Hamilton, Lillian Langdon, Betty Bouton, Audrey Chapman, Marshall Neilan, Carrie Clark Ward
A police officer finds a baby in a trash can, and Mrs. Lippett, the cruel matron at an orphanage where children are made to work, names her "Jerusha Abbott" (she picks "Abbot" out of a phone book and gets "Jerusha" from a tombstone). The orphan, who comes to be called Judy, does what she can to stand up for the younger children, frequently clashing with both Mrs. Lippett and the cold hearted trustees. At one point she leads a rebellion against being served prunes with every meal and at another, steals a doll from a selfish rich girl to lend to a dying orphan.

Years later, wealthy Jervis Pendleton, a mysterious benefactor, pays to send Judy, now the oldest and most talented child in the orphanage, to college. He insists, however, that Judy must never try to contact him in person. Judy calls him "Daddy-Long-Legs," and writes to him, however. Judy proves popular with her wealthier and more "aristocratic" classmates, and writes a successful book to repay "Daddy-Long-Legs" the money he spent on her. She is generally happy but misses not having any real family members to take pride in her accomplishments. Judy also finds herself caught up in a romantic triangle with the older brother of a classmate and an older man (who is, unknown to her, her mysterious benefactor). She eventually chooses the older suitor and is delighted to learn that he is her "Daddy-Long-Legs."
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[/size]Captain Kidd, Jr.
Captain Kidd, Jr.
Año 1919
Director William Desmond Taylor
País USA
Género Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Frances Marion (writer), Rida Johnson Young (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Douglas MacLean, Spottiswoode Aitken, Robert Gordon, Winter Hall, Marcia Manon, Victor Potel, Vin Moore, William Hutchinson, Clarence Geldart
This comic tale of buried treasure should have been a winner, but it turned out to be one on Mary Pickford's misses. The credits were solid -- the prestigious William Desmond Taylor directed, and Frances Marion wrote the scenario from a Rida Johnson Young play. The other leading players (Douglas MacLean and Spottiswood Aitken) were impressive, too. Perhaps Taylor was too serious to direct this story, which borderlined on slapstick. Neither of the other films he and Mary made together (How Could You, Jean? and Johanna Enlists) were any good, either. After this film, Pickford began a new contract at a new studio and worked once again with her then-favorite director Marshall Neilan on the far more appealing Daddy Long Legs.
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[/size]One Hundred Percent American
"100% Canadian" - Canada (English title)
Año 1918
Director Arthur Rosson
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Loretta Blake, Theodore Reed, Henry Bergman, Monte Blue
A girl wants to go to a ball, admission one Liberty Bond, but rather than go herself, she loans the bond to a girlfriend. A soldier and a sailor find out and take her to the ball with them.
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[/size]Johanna Enlists
Johanna Enlists
Año 1918
Director William Desmond Taylor
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance
Duración minutos
Guión Rupert Hughes (story), Frances Marion (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Anne Schaefer, Fred Huntley, Monte Blue, Douglas MacLean, Emory Johnson, John Steppling, Wallace Beery, Wesley Barry, June Prentis, Jean Prentis
A young girl, stifling on her father's backwoods farm, is reinvigorated by the arrival of an army regiment, come to train in the area.
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[/size]How Could You, Jean?
How Could You, Jean?
Año 1918
Director William Desmond Taylor
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd (novel), Frances Marion (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Casson Ferguson, Spottiswoode Aitken, Herbert Standing, Fanny Midgley, Lawrence Peyton, Zasu Pitts, Maie B. Havey, Lucille Ward, Emma Gordes, Wesley Barry, Burwell Hamrick, Althea Worthley, Joan Marsh, Jack Herbert
How Could You, Jean? (1918) is a silent film, starring Mary Pickford, directed by William Desmond Taylor, and based on a novel by Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd. Casson Ferguson was the male lead; Spottiswoode Aitken and a young ZaSu Pitts had supporting roles.

The plot involves a young socialite pretending to be a cook, who falls in love with a man she thinks is a hired hand, but he is actually a millionaire. The film was not well received by critics, who generally found it pleasant but dull.

This was one of Taylor’s last picture with Pickford—he was killed in 1922 in a famously unsolved murder.
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Año 1918
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Duración 73 minutos
Guión Bret Harte (story), Frances Marion (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Theodore Roberts, Thomas Meighan, Tully Marshall, Charles Ogle, Monte Blue, Winifred Greenwood, Helen Kelly, Val Paul, William H. Brown, John Burton, Charles A. Post, Guy Oliver
"The School Master begins to like M'Liss."

M'liss, a feisty young girl in a mining camp, falls for Charles Gray, the school teacher. Charles is implicated in a murder of which he is innocent...

The film takes place in the mining town of Red Gulch in the High Sierras. M'Liss (Mary Pickford) is one of the habitants whose father 'Bummer' (Theodore Roberts) lost his fortune in the gold mines. Now his only investment, which pays a dividend, is his chicken Hildegarde. M'Liss regards herself as a crook and robs Yuba Bill's stage coach. Yuba, however, is fascinated by the young lady and doesn't mind.

M'Liss is the only person in 'Bummer's life, since his brother Jonathan, a wealthy pioneer, lives in San Francisco. One day, Jonathan turns his face toward the Sunset Trail. Clara Peterson (Winifred Goodwin) has been his nurse for over three years and her brother Jim (Val Paul) finds out they will receive $500 each for their services after his death. He is outraged they will get only that small amount of money.

Charles Gray (Thomas Meighan) is the school teacher who wants M'Liss to go to school as well. M'Liss isn't interested in an education. Charles keeps on pursuing her and she finally decides to go. He demands her to mind her manners when she's at school. She talks back to the boards members and is expelled. Charles, however, is charmed by the brave young girl. That same day, 'Bummer' gets stabbed in the back by an unknown person. The sheriff suspects Charles, since he was the last person to visit 'Bummer'.

When M'Liss is informed, she is crushed. She is invited to visit the murderer in jail and is shocked to find out it's Charles. Three weeks later, a murder trial starts. M'Liss is the only one believing in Charles' innocence. His wife Clara reaches town to visit him, only to find out he died. M'Liss refuses to believe she is her mother. Finally, Charles is sent to jail for 60 years. M'Liss helps him escape, but the police follow him. M'Liss witnesses them shooting Charles, but doesn't know they went after the wrong guy and actually shot Jim. Jim and Mexican Joe, the help of the sheriff, admit they killed 'Bummer' for his will. The fortune is now send to M'Liss and a hidden Charles is set free and reunites with M'Liss.
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[/size]Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley
Año 1918
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance
Duración 67 minutos
Guión Belle K. Maniates (novel), Frances Marion (written by)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, William Scott, Kate Price, Ida Waterman, Norman Kerry, Fred Goodwins, Margaret Landis, Tom Wilson
Amarilly comes from a large family in a working-class neighborhood. She is happy with her family and her boyfriend Terry... Coming as it did on the heels of what many consider to be Mary Pickford's greatest triumph, Stella Maris (1918), this film seemed almost too lightweight in comparison. The situation -- a poor girl's introduction to High Society -- was already old hat in 1918, but luckily, the star and her director, Marshall Neilan, made what could have been a poor imitation of Pygmalion into one of the best social satires of the era. Amarilly Jenkins is a beloved Lower East Side urchin by day and no-nonsense cigarette girl at the tough Cyclone Café -- an establishment complete with prostitutes and leering "Johns" -- by night. She is in love with bartender Terry (William Scott), but when society sculptor Gordon Phillips (the grandly mustachioed Norman Kerry) is beaten up in a brawl, Amarilly brings the young man home to her mother, an Irish laundrywoman (Kate Price). Gordon's own mother, Mrs. Stuyvesant Phillips (Ida Waterman) of the Park Avenue Stuyvesant Phillipses, looks upon Amarilly as an interesting social experiment, inviting the girl to stay at their palatial home. The dowager, however, is alarmed when Gordon falls in love with Amarilly. To prove a point, Gordon's mother invites Mrs. Jenkins to tea with the Phillips family, and Amarilly's Irish immigrant mother doesn't disappoint, entertaining the assembly by dancing an impromptu jig with the family butler. The haughty Mrs. Phillips might have avoided this spectacle had she only known that both Amarilly and Gordon had long ago realized that they were wrong for each other. Having wryly observed how the other half lived, Amarilly returns happily to her bartender in Clothes-Line Alley.
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Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:01

[/size]Stella Maris
Stella Maris
Año 1918
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 84 minutos
Guión William J. Locke (novel), Frances Marion (photoplay)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Ida Waterman, Herbert Standing, Conway Tearle, Marcia Manon, Josephine Crowell, Teddy the Dog
Stella Maris (Mary Pickford) was born paralyzed and is unable to walk. Her wealthy parents try to prevent her from being exposed to all the bad that is happening in the world. She is not allowed to leave her room in a London mansion and is bound to her bed. Her door even has a sign on it which says: "All unhappiness and world wisdom leave outside. Those without smiles need not enter." [2] Stella has no idea a war is going on in the world and that there are poor and hungry people.

John Risca (Conway Tearle) is a well-known journalist and a friend of the family. He has been unhappily married to Louise for six years now and frequently visits Stella. John wants Stella to think he is perfect and lies about being married. Louise, meanwhile, wants a servant in her house and hires orphan Unity Blake (also Mary Pickford). Unity is uneducated and has been deprived and mistreated for her entire life. This resulted in her being afraid of everyone.

One night, a drunk Louise gives Unity the order to get some groceries from the supermarket. Unity does as told and on her way back, the food is stolen by kids. She returns to the home only to get beaten up by an outraged Louise. Unity is severely hurt and Louise gets arrested. It is announced she will have to serve three years in prison. John is kinder to Unity and adopts her. Unity is very grateful and falls in love with him. John himself is only interested in Stella. John wishes Unity to be raised at the Blount's residence, but they don't want her. They prevent her from meeting Stella, fearing Stella will notice there are suffering people in the world. They finally convince John to raise Unity at Aunt Gladys' house.

In order to make John fall in love with her, Unity starts to educate herself. Meanwhile, Stella gets an operation and is able to walk after three years. She meets John and they fall in love. One day she decides to give John a surprise visit. Louise, who has just been released from jail, opens the door and tells Stella the truth about her marriage. Stella is heartbroken.

Meanwhile, Unity wants to do John a favor by killing Louise. She realizes she and John never can be a couple and writes him a note which says he should get together with Stella. She next kills herself, making the police think it was a revenge murder. John is reunited with Stella and they marry.
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Subtítulos Español
[/size]The Little Princess
The Little Princess
Año 1917
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 62 minutos
Guión Frances Hodgson Burnett (novel), Frances Marion (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Norman Kerry, Katherine Griffith, Anne Schaefer, Zasu Pitts, W.E. Lawrence, Theodore Roberts, Gertrude Short, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Loretta Blake, George A. McDaniel
Little Sara Crewe is placed in a boarding school by her father when he goes off to war, but he does not understand that the headmistress is a cruel...

The Little Princess is a 1917 American silent film directed by Marshall Neilan based upon the novel A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This version is notable for having been adapted by famed female screenwriter Frances Marion.
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[/size]Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Rebeca la de la Granja del Sol
Año 1917
Director Marshall Neilan
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama
Duración 78 minutos
Guión Frances Marion (writer), Charlotte Thompson (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Eugene O'Brien, Helen Jerome Eddy, Charles Ogle, Marjorie Daw, Mayme Kelso, Jane Wolfe, Josephine Crowell, Jack McDonald, Violet Wilkey, F.A. Turner, Kate Toncray, Emma Gordes
Al encontrarse su familia en graves dificultades económicas, Rebeca es enviada a vivir a la casa de sus estrictos tíos...

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917) is a silent film directed by Marshall Neilan based upon the novel Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin. This version is notable for having been adapted by famed female screenwriter Frances Marion. The film was made by the "Mary Pickford Company" and was an acclaimed box office smash.

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm was filmed in Pleasanton, California.
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[/size]The Little American
The Little American
Año 1917
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Action, Drama, History, Romance, War
Duración 80 minutos
Guión Jeanie Macpherson (screenplay), Jeanie Macpherson (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Jack Holt, Raymond Hatton, Hobart Bosworth, Walter Long, James Neill, Ben Alexander, Guy Oliver, Edythe Chapman, Lillian Leighton, DeWitt Jennings
Karl Von Austreim (Jack Holt) lives in America with his German father and American mother. He notices a young lady, Angela Moore (Mary Pickford). As she is celebrating her birthday on the Fourth of July of 1914, she receives flowers from the French Count Jules De Destin (Raymond Hatton). They are interrupted by Karl, who also gives her a present. They soon battle for Angela's attention. To lose his competition, Count Jules arranges for Karl to be sent to Hamburg, where he will have to join his regiment. Angela is crushed when he announces he has to leave. The next day, Angela reads in the paper the Germans and French are at war and 10,000 Germans have been killed already.

Three months pass by without a word from Karl. Karl is wounded in the fighting. Word spreads that Germany will sink any ship which is thought to be carrying munitions to the Allies. Angela is aboard one of those ships when it is hit. Angela saves herself by climbing on a floating table and begging the attackers not to fire on the passengers. Angela is eventually rescued.

After weeks of ceaseless hammering from the German guns, the French fall back on Vangy. Angela arrives in Vangy as well to visit her aunt, only to discover she has died. The Old Prussians are bombing the city and Angela is requested to flee. However, she is determined to stay to nurse the wounded soldiers. Meanwhile, the Germans enter the chateau with the intention of getting drunk and enjoying themselves with the young women. A French soldier tries to help Angela escape, but she is unwilling to. He next asks her to let a French soldier spy on the Germans and inform the French via a secret hidden telephone. Angela is afraid, but gives them permission.

The Germans are intent on raping Angela, who is the only person in the mansion not to be hidden. She reveals herself to be an American to save herself, but they do not believe her. Angela attempts to run away and hide, but is discovered by a German soldier who turns out to be Karl. Angela orders him to save the other women in the house, but Karl responds he cannot give orders to his fellow Germans. She realizes there is nothing she can do. With permission to leave the mansion, she witnesses the execution of the French soldiers. She is heartbroken and decides to go back in for revenge.

Angela secretly calls the French with the hidden telephone and informs them that there are three gun holders[clarification needed] near the chateau. The French prepare themselves and attack the Germans. The Germans realize someone is giving the French information and Karl catches Angela. He tries to help her escape, but they are caught. The commander orders that Angela be shot. When Karl tries to save her, he is to sentenced to be executed as well for treason. As the couple face death, the French bomb the mansion, enabling Angela and Karl to escape. They are too weak to run and collapse near a statue of Jesus. The next day, they are found by French soldiers. They initially want to shoot Karl, but Angela begs them to set him free. They eventually allow her to fly back to America with Karl by her side as a German prisoner.
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[/size]A Romance of the Redwoods
A Romance of the Redwoods
Año 1917
Director Cecil B. DeMille
País USA
Género Adventure, Drama, History, Romance, Western
Duración 70 minutos
Guión Cecil B. DeMille (play), Jeanie Macpherson (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Elliott Dexter, Tully Marshall, Raymond Hatton, Charles Ogle, Walter Long, Winter Hall
A young girl travels west to live with her uncle during the California Gold Rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.

A Romance of the Redwoods is a 1917 drama film directed by Cecil B. DeMille. A print of the film survives in the film archive at George Eastman House.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico

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[/size]The Poor Little Rich Girl
Una pobre rica
Año 1917
Director Maurice Tourneur
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama
Duración 65 minutos
Guión Eleanor Gates (play), Frances Marion (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Madlaine Traverse, Charles Wellesley, Gladys Fairbanks, Frank McGlynn Sr., Emile La Croix, Marcia Harris, Charles Craig, Frank Andrews, Herbert Prior, George Gernon, Maxine Elliott Hicks
Gwendolyne pertenece a una familia muy rica, pero sus padres ignoran su existencia y la dejan en manos de los sirvientes, por lo que se siente sola y desdichada.

Gwen's family is rich, but her parents ignore her and most of the servants push her around, so she is lonely and unhappy. Her father is concerned only with making money, and her mother cares only about her social position. But one day a servant's irresponsibility creates a crisis that causes everyone to rethink what is important to them.
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ed2k linkUna Pobre Rica (Maurice Tourneur, 1917) VHSRip VE ed2k link stats
[/size]The Pride of the Clan
The Pride of the Clan
Año 1917
Director Maurice Tourneur
País USA
Género Drama, Romance
Duración 84 minutos
Guión Elaine S. Carrington (scenario), Charles E. Whittaker (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Matt Moore, Warren Cook, Kathryn Browne-Decker, Edward Roseman, Joel Day
Donald MacTavish, the last chieftain of his clan on an island off the coast of Scotland, dies at sea...
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[/size]All-Star Production of Patriotic Episodes for the Second Liberty Loan
All-Star Production of Patriotic Episodes for the Second Liberty Loan
Año 1917
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Julian Eltinge, Douglas Fairbanks, William S. Hart, Mary Pickford, Theodore Roberts
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[/size]Less Than the Dust
Less Than the Dust
Año 1916
Director John Emerson
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Hector Turnbull (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, David Powell, Frank Losee, Mary Alden, Mario Majeroni, Cesare Gravina, Francis Joyner, Russell Bassett, Walter Morgan, Merceita Esmond, Nathaniel Sack, Frank Lackteen
A little English girl, abandoned in India and raised by an Indian swordmaker, learns of her true origin...
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[/size]Hulda from Holland
Hulda from Holland
Año 1916
Director John B. O'Brien
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Edith Barnard Delano (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Frank Losee, John Bowers, Russell Bassett, Harold Hollacher, Charles E. Vernon
Hulda, a plucky Dutch girl, brings her three little brothers from Holland to America to live with their rich Uncle Peter...
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[/size]The Eternal Grind
The Eternal Grind
Año 1916
Director John B. O'Brien
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión William H. Clifford (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Loretta Blake, Dorothy West, John Bowers, Robert Cain, J. Albert Hall
Louise works in a New York sweatshop as a sewing-machine girl, alongside her sister Amy and Gertrude... Louise (Mary Pickford) is a sewing-machine girl in a sweatshop in New York City. She lives together with her sisters Amy (Loretta Blake) and Jane (Dorothy West) and are all deprived by bad conditions at work and sickness. Louise tries for the three of them to survive and regards herself as the keeper of her sisters.

Meanwhile, she stands up to her bosses and complains about the dreadful circumstances they work in. When Amy is seduced by the son of the shop-owner, Louise butts in and stops the romance. He eventually abandons Amy and becomes seriously injured in a cave-in. Louise has a secret crush on the son herself and tries to rescue him, hoping he will admit he loves her.
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[/size]Poor Little Peppina
"Little Peppina" - USA (alternative title)
Año 1916
Director Sidney Olcott
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Kate Jordan (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Eugene O'Brien, Antonio Maiori, Ernest Torti, Edwin Mordant, Jack Pickford, Edith Shayne, Cesare Gravina, William T. Carleton, N. Cervi, Mrs. A. Maiori, Francesca Guerra
A little girl is kidnapped by the Mafia in revenge for her father's help in capturing one of the mobsters... Robert Torrens (Edwin Mordant) is a wealthy American, residing in Italy with his wife (Edith Shayne) and only daughter, Lois (Eileen Stewart).[2] Franzoli Soldo (Antonio Maiori) is a mafia chief who pretends to be a butler and is in Torrens' employ. One day, he drinks too freely of his masters' wine. Fellow employee Pietro (Ernest Torti) informs Mr. Torrens, who next dischargs Soldo.

Soldo wants revenge and kills Pietro. He is caught, however, and is being put on trial for the murder. He is found guilty and sentenced to a life in jail. One month later, a mafia member helps him escape. He is determined to take revenge on the Torrens family and kidnappes Lois. When the parents find out, they call the police. Soldo is soon thought of to be the kidnapper, but he ordered some of Torrens' staff member to convince the parents Lois drowned in an accident.

Meanwhile, Soldo flees to his relatives, including his wife Bianca (Mrs. A. Maiori) - who is ordered to raise Lois as her own - and his son Beppo (Jack Pickford). Lois grows up to be Peppina (Mary Pickford), Beppo's sister. Soldo decided to meanwhile take refuge in America. Fifteen years later. The Duchess, an American heiress, takes an interest in Peppina and teaches her English.

A man named Bernando wants to marry Peppina and convinces her parents to let him take her hand. Peppina, however, has no desire to be with him and asks the Duchess what to do. She helps her escape overseas and promises her a friend of hers will provide her a home in America. Peppina runs away from home in disguise and dresses up as a boy so nobody will recognize her.

Hugh Carroll (Eugene O'Brien) is on the boat as well and meets Amy, a socialite from New York. Peppina takes refuge in his cabin, but is soon caught by him. He provides her comfort and food and offers her to stay at his cabin for the night. However, he doesn't know Peppina is actually a girl.

In New York Soldo finds out the Torrens family will move to New York as well. He thinks he will be rewarded if he brings their daughter back to him and is determined to make some money. He sends his relatives in Italy a letter they should bring Peppina to him. Bianca responds she doesn't know where Peppina is. Meanwhile, Peppina spots Hugh together with Amy and decides to leave him. In New York, she applies for a job in Soldo's café.

After a bad experience with Soldo, Peppina becomes a messenger boy. When she is taken under arrest, she confesses she is actually a girl. Hugh happens to be a chief at the police station and releases Peppina and orders for Soldo to be taken under arrest. After Soldo arrives at the police station, Peppina realises he was the one who abducted her as a child. Peppina is now recognized as the Torrens' kid. Mr. and Mrs. Torrens are soon informed and reunited with their child.

Three years have passed. Peppina, now living in wealth, and Hugh are in love with each other.
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[/size]The Foundling
The Foundling
Año 1915
Director John B. O'Brien, Allan Dwan
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Frances Marion (screenplay), Frances Marion (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Edward Martindel, Maggie Weston, Mildred Morris, Harry Ham, Marcia Harris, Donald Crisp, Tammany Young, Robert Cain, Edythe Chapman, Frank Mills, Gertrude Norman
Molly O (Mary Pickford) is a poor little girl whose mother died in childbirth and whose father David King (Edward Martindel) rejects her. When David departs to Italy to paint his late wife as the Madonna, Molly O is left behind in a cruel orphanage. She is beloved by the other pupils, but becomes enemies with the matron's niece Jennie (Mildred Morris). As a result, she is shipped off to live with a boardinghouse proprietress (Maggie Weston). She is treated more like a slave than as an adopted daughter and decides to run away.

Meanwhile, King returned from Italy and is now a wealthy and successful painter. He regrets having left behind his daughter and now longs for her presence. Jennie pretends to be Molly O to make profit of his wealth and is adopted by him. However, Molly O returns as well. Afraid to tell the truth, she serves as his maid.
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[/size]Madame Butterfly
Madame Butterfly
Año 1915
Director Sidney Olcott
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión John Luther Long (novel)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Marshall Neilan, Olive West, Jane Hall, Lawrence Wood, Caroline Harris, M.W. Rale, William T. Carleton, David Burton, Cesare Gravina, Frank Dekum
The story of a Japanese woman and the tragedy that ensues when she loves an American naval officer. The film takes place in Japan in 1904. Lieutenant Pinkerton (Marshall Neilan) marries Cho-Cho-San 'Butterfly' (Mary Pickford), a 15-year-old Japanese geisha. Cho-Cho-San is lucky with her new husband and takes the marriage very seriously. Pinkterton, however, regards it as entertainment. He is not in love with her and plans to break off the wedding in a month. The American Consul (William T. Carleton) begs him to break off the wedding as soon as possible, to avoid hurting her feelings. The lieutenant laughs him off.

Pinkerton soon discovers Cho-Cho-San broke contact with her disapproving family in order to be married with him. He also finds out her father was a samurai who killed himself and that was the reason why Cho-Cho-San was taught to be a geisha. When Pinkerton is ordered to return to America, he promises Cho-Cho-San he will return before he leaves. Three years go by. Cho-Cho-San, now a mother, still believes Pinkerton will return someday, while he is engaged to an American woman. He sends her a letter to announce he will marry another woman, but Cho-Cho-San can't read.

Meanwhile, The Prince of Japan (David Burton) takes interest in Cho-Cho-San, but she refuses his company and claims she is still waiting for her husband. Sometime later, Pinkerton returns to Japan and announces to Cho-Cho San's maid, Suzuki (Olive West), that he will marry an American woman. The American woman asks Cho-Cho-San to give them her child, as he will be given better opportunities and prosperity under their parenting. Cho-Cho-San is crushed but complies and hands over her child. She kills herself in the final scene by walking into a river and drowning.
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[/size]A Girl of Yesterday
A Girl of Yesterday
Año 1915
Director Allan Dwan
País USA
Género Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Wesley C. MacDermott (story), Mary Pickford (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Jack Pickford, Gertrude Norman, Donald Crisp, Marshall Neilan, Frances Marion, Lillian Langdon, Claire Alexander, Glenn L. Martin, Kenneth Douglas, Douglas Gerrard, Al Kaufman
"A Novel Romance of the Past and Present"

A girl with old-fashioned values becomes a modern sophisticate.
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Fichas 31-45
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Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:02

Año 1915
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 40 minutos
Guión Frances Hodgson Burnett (story) (play), William Gillette (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Ida Waterman, Fuller Mellish, Arthur Hoops, William Buckley, Charles Waldron
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Año 1915
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Edith Barnard Delano (novel), Frances Marion (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Marshall Neilan, Joseph Manning, J. Farrell MacDonald
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[/size]Little Pal
Little Pal
Año 1915
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Marshall Neilan (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Russell Bassett, George Anderson, William Lloyd, Constance Johnson, Joseph Manning, Bert Hadley
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[/size]The Dawn of a Tomorrow
The Dawn of a Tomorrow
Año 1915
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 50 minutos
Guión Frances Hodgson Burnett (novel) (play), Eve Unsell (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, David Powell, Forrest Robinson, Robert Cain, Margaret Seddon, Blanche Craig, Ogden Childe
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[/size]Fanchon, the Cricket
Fanchon, the Cricket
Año 1915
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión James Kirkwood (writer), George Sand (novel)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Jack Standing, Lottie Pickford, Gertrude Norman, Russell Bassett, Dick Lee, Jack Pickford
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[/size]Love's Reflection
Love's Reflection
Año 1915
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford
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[/size]Mistress Nell
Mistress Nell
Año 1915
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama, History
Duración minutos
Guión George Cochran Hazelton (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Arthur Hoops, Ruby Hoffman, Amelia Rose, Mr. Henry, Mr. Rouse, Mr. Bosch, Henry S. Koser, J. Albert Hall, Nathaniel Sack
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[/size]Broken Hearts
Broken Hearts
Año 1915
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Mary Pickford
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[/size]The Foundling
The Foundling
Año 1915
Director John B. O'Brien
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Frances Marion (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Edward Martindel, Maggie Weston, Mildred Morris, Marcia Harris, Tammany Young, James Kirkwood
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"The Stepsister" - USA (alternative title), Cenicienta
Año 1914
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Fantasy, Drama
Duración 52 minutos
Guión Charles Perrault (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Isabel Vernon, Georgia Wilson, Lucille Carney, W.N. Cone, Inez Marcel, Hayward Mack
Based on the fairy tale: Cinderella is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but is able to go to the royal ball through the help of the Fairy Godmother.
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ed2k linkCinderella (James Kirkwood, 1914) VOSE CD 2 ed2k link stats

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[/size]Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Año 1914
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 75 minutos
Guión Margaret Mayo (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Lowell Sherman, Ida Waterman, Russell Bassett
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[/size]Such a Little Queen
Such a Little Queen
Año 1914
Director Hugh Ford, Edwin S. Porter
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama, Romance
Duración minutos
Guión Hugh Ford (writer), Channing Pollock (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Carlyle Blackwell, Harold Lockwood, Russell Bassett, Arthur Hoops
Robert Trainor, an American, aids in the romance of the Queen of Herzegovina and the King of Bosnia.
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[/size]The Eagle's Mate
The Eagle's Mate
Año 1914
Director James Kirkwood
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Anna Alice Chapin (novel), Eve Unsell (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Ida Waterman, Robert Broderick, Harry C. Browne, Helen Gilmore, J. Albert Hall, R.J. Henry, Jack Pickford
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[/size]Tess of the Storm Country
Tess en el país de las tempestades
Año 1914
Director Edwin S. Porter
País USA
Género Drama
Duración 80 minutos
Guión Grace Miller White (novel), B.P. Schulberg (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Harold Lockwood, Olive Carey, David Hartford, Louise Dunlap, William Walters, Richard Garrick, Eugene Walter, Jack Henry, H.R. Macy, H.L. Griffith
Tess of the Storm Country is a 1914 drama, based on the novel of the same name by Grace Miller White. It starred Mary Pickford, in a role she would reprise eight years later for the 1922 adaptation by John S. Robertson.

In 2006 the film was named to the National Film Registry by the Librarian of Congress, for its "cultural, aesthetic, or historical significance".
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[/size]A Good Little Devil
A Good Little Devil
Año 1914
Director Edwin S. Porter
País USA
Género Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Rosemonde Gerard (play), Maurice Rostand (play)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Ernest Truex, William Norris, Iva Merlin, Wilda Bennett, Arthur Hill, Edward Connelly, David Belasco
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Fichas 46-60
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:51, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:03

[/size]Hearts Adrift
Hearts Adrift
Año 1914
Director Edwin S. Porter
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Cyrus Townsend Brady (story), Mary Pickford (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Harold Lockwood
Nina (Mary Pickford) and Jack Graham (Harold Lockwood) are both marooned on a deserted island. They fall in love and eventually Nina gives birth to a child. Despite being stranded, they are very happy together. One day, Jack's wife comes to rescue him. Nina is crushed and throws herself in a volcano.

The film bears a great resemblance to the story As the Sparks Fly Upward by Cyrus Townsend Brady. The film didn't credit the writer, who as a result sued the studio.[1] The film's story however also bears strong resemblence to the 1908 novel The Blue Lagoon by Henry De Vere Stacpoole which was filmed several decades later with Jean Simmons in 1948 and Brooke Shields in 1980 respectively.

The film proved to be a huge success. Leading actress Mary Pickford eventually demanded a higher salary, since her rising popularity because of this film.
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Año 1913
Director J. Searle Dawley
País USA
Género Comedy, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Howard P. Taylor (play)
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Ernest Truex, Ogden Crane, James Gordon, Boots Wall, Louise Huff, Howard Missimer, John Steppling
A wealthy young man's marriage to a mountain girl he meets while hunting is disastrous until she abandons him and later reappears incognito as a tutored and sophisticated woman.
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[/size]In the Bishop's Carriage
In the Bishop's Carriage
Año 1913
Director J. Searle Dawley, Edwin S. Porter
País USA
Género Crime, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Miriam Michelson (novel), B.P. Schulberg (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, David Wall, House Peters, Grace Henderson, George Moss, Howard Missimer, Camille Dalberg, John Steppling
A successful stage actress with a hidden past as a criminal is kept on the path of righteousness by a benefactor.
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Año 1913
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Mrs. William G. Henkels (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles Hill Mailes, Robert Harron, John T. Dillon, Lionel Barrymore, Mae Marsh, William J. Butler, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Charles Gorman, Adolph Lestina, Walter P. Lewis, Joseph McDermott, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Mary Pickford, W.C. Robinson, J. Waltham, Charles West
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[/size]The Unwelcome Guest
"An Unwelcome Guest" - USA (alternative title)
Año 1913
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, W. Chrystie Miller, Charles Hill Mailes, Claire McDowell, Jack Pickford, Elmer Booth, Kate Bruce, Harry Carey, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Lionel Barrymore, Frank Evans, Lillian Gish, Adolph Lestina, George Nichols, W.C. Robinson, Henry B. Walthall
Just before she dies, an elderly married woman stashes the horde of money she's secretly accumulated beneath the false bottom of an old shipping trunk...
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[/size]The New York Hat
The New York Hat
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Anita Loos (writer), Frances Marion (contributing writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Bruce, Lionel Barrymore, Alfred Paget, Claire McDowell, Mae Marsh, Clara T. Bracy, Madge Kirby, Lillian Gish, Jack Pickford, Robert Harron
When Mrs. Harding dies, she leaves a mysterious letter to her pastor. The note tells how her cold, miserly husband worked her to death... Mollie Goodhue leads a cheerless, impoverished life, largely because of her stern, miserly father. Mrs. Goodhue is mortally ill, but before dying, she gives the minister, Preacher Bolton, some money with which to buy her daughter the "finery" her father has always forbade her. Mollie is delighted when the minister presents her with a fashionable New York hat she has been longing for, but village gossips misinterpret the minister's intentions and spread malicious rumors. Mollie becomes a social pariah, and her father tears up the beloved hat in a rage. All ends well, however, after the minister produces a letter from Mollie's mother about the money she left the minister to spend on Mollie. Soon afterwards, he proposes to Mollie, who accepts his offer of marriage.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en DxC. Cortesía de Kakala en KG

ed2k link30 movies (1909-1913) D.W. Griffith.rar [3.93 Gb] ed2k link stats
[/size]The Informer
The Informer
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 18 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Walter Miller, Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Kate Bruce, Harry Carey, Lionel Barrymore, Elmer Booth, Clara T. Bracy, Christy Cabanne, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Dorothy Gish, Lillian Gish, Joseph Graybill, Robert Harron, W. Chrystie Miller, Gertrude Norman, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, W.C. Robinson
The Informer is a 1912 drama film directed by D. W. Griffith. Prints of the film survive at the film archive of the Library of Congress.
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[/size]My Baby
My Baby
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Anita Loos (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Eldean Steuart, W. Chrystie Miller, Alfred Paget, Madge Kirby, Lionel Barrymore, Elmer Booth, Clara T. Bracy, John T. Dillon, Dorothy Gish, Lillian Gish, Adolph Lestina, Walter P. Lewis, Joseph McDermott, Walter Miller, Jack Pickford, W.C. Robinson
My Baby is a 1912 short comedy film directed by D. W. Griffith and Frank Powell.
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[/size]The One She Loved
The One She Loved
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Henry B. Walthall, Mary Pickford, Lionel Barrymore, Kate Bruce, Gertrude Bambrick, Madge Kirby, Harry Carey, Lillian Gish, Eldean Steuart
The One She Loved is a 1912 silent drama film directed by D.W. Griffith.
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[/size]A Feud in the Kentucky Hills
A Feud in the Kentucky Hills
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Bruce, Walter Miller, Robert Harron, Jack Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Elmer Booth, William J. Butler, Harry Carey, Frank Evans, Harry Hyde, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Adolph Lestina, Frank Opperman, W.C. Robinson
A Feud in the Kentucky Hills is a 1912 silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith.
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[/size]So Near, Yet So Far
So Near, Yet So Far
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Walter Miller, Mary Pickford, Robert Harron, Lionel Barrymore, Elmer Booth, Christy Cabanne, Harry Carey, Courtenay Foote, Florence Geneva, Dorothy Gish, Lillian Gish, Adolph Lestina, Charles Hill Mailes, Claire McDowell, Antonio Moreno, Gus Pixley, W.C. Robinson, Henry B. Walthall, J. Waltham, L.M. Wells
So Near, Yet So Far is a 1912 drama film directed by D. W. Griffith. Prints of the film survive in the Museum of Modern Art film archive.
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Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Western, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Lionel Barrymore, Harry Carey, Charles Hill Mailes, Elmer Booth, Frank Evans, Robert Harron, Adolph Lestina, Walter Miller, W.C. Robinson
The orphan Dora is courted by two different gold miners. Friends is a 1912 film written and directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Lionel Barrymore, and Harry Carey. Walthall and Barrymore portray two old friends who each wind up involved with a beautiful girl (Pickford) who lives above a mining camp saloon.

A print of the film was run at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in July 2007 as part of a Biograph studio retrospective.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en DxC. Cortesía de Kakala en KG

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[/size]A Pueblo Legend
A Pueblo Legend
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración 13 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Wilfred Lucas, Robert Harron, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Charles Hill Mailes, Jack Pickford, Christy Cabanne, Edmund Cobb, Harry Hyde, Alfred Paget, W.C. Robinson
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]A Pueblo Romance
A Pueblo Romance
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Blanche Sweet
There is no documentation that any film bearing this title was produced or distributed by Biograph at this time...
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[/size]With the Enemy's Help
With the Enemy's Help
Año 1912
Director Wilfred Lucas
País USA
Género Short, Western
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles West, Blanche Sweet, Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Edna Foster, Charles Gorman, J. Jiquel Lanoe
With the Enemy's Help is a 1912 short silent Western film directed by Wilfred Lucas, starring Blanche Sweet and Mary Pickford.
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Fichas 61-75
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:52, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:04

[/size]The Inner Circle
The Inner Circle
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Adolph Lestina, Jack Pickford, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Joseph McDermott, Alfred Paget, Christy Cabanne, Donald Crisp, Gladys Egan, Charles Gorman, Robert Harron, Mae Marsh, Baden Powell, Blanche Sweet, Kate Toncray, Henry B. Walthall, Charles West
The Inner Circle is a 1912 short silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith, starring Mary Pickford and Blanche Sweet. A print of the film survives in the film archive of the Library of Congress.
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[/size]A Child's Remorse
A Child's Remorse
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Gladys Egan, Claire McDowell, George Hennessy, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Toncray, Linda Arvidson, Edwin August, Kate Bruce, Christy Cabanne, Edith Haldeman, Robert Harron, Grace Henderson, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford
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[/size]The Narrow Road
The Narrow Road
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Elmer Booth, Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Jack Pickford, Christy Cabanne, Max Davidson, Frank Evans, Charles Gorman, Grace Henderson, Harry Hyde, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Adolph Lestina, Alfred Paget, W.C. Robinson
Two men are released from prison after having served their sentences. One is determined to go straight and stay out of trouble, but his fellow ex-con has other ideas, and his plans wind up spelling trouble for both of them.
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[/size]An Indian Summer
An Indian Summer
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, Mary Pickford, Mae Marsh, Harry Hyde, Dorothy Bernard, Bert Hendler, Wilfred Lucas, Frank Opperman, Jack Pickford, Kate Toncray
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The School Teacher and the Waif
The School Teacher and the Waif
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Edwin August, Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Bert Hendler, Claire McDowell, William A. Carroll, Kate Bruce, Josephine Crowell, Ella Hall, Robert Harron, Grace Henderson, Mae Marsh, Frank Opperman, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Lena and the Geese
Lena and the Geese
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short, Fantasy
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Mary Pickford (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Kate Bruce, Mae Marsh, Edwin August, Claire McDowell, W. Chrystie Miller, Christy Cabanne, William A. Carroll, Grace Henderson, Harry Hyde, Wilfred Lucas, Charles Hill Mailes, Frank Opperman, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Charles West
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Home Folks
Home Folks
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Bruce, Robert Harron, Wilfred Lucas, Charles Avery, Lionel Barrymore, Christy Cabanne, William A. Carroll, Frank Evans, Charles Gorman, Mae Marsh, Frank Opperman, Alfred Paget, W.C. Robinson, Kate Toncray, Henry B. Walthall, Charles West
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]A Beast at Bay
A Beast at Bay
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Edwin August, Alfred Paget, Mae Marsh, Elmer Booth, Christy Cabanne, William A. Carroll, Francis J. Grandon, Robert Harron, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Henry Lehrman, Charles Hill Mailes, Marguerite Marsh, Lottie Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Charles West
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]A Lodging for the Night
A Lodging for the Night
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles West, Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Frank Opperman, Christy Cabanne, William A. Carroll, Hector Dion, Frank Evans, Robert Harron, Adolph Lestina, Mae Marsh, Alfred Paget, W.C. Robinson
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Old Actor
The Old Actor
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, Mary Pickford, Edwin August, Frank Opperman, Charles Hill Mailes, Alfred Paget, William A. Carroll, Grace Henderson, Robert Harron, Christy Cabanne, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Mae Marsh, Marguerite Marsh, Claire McDowell, Vivian Prescott, W.C. Robinson, Charles West
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Won by a Fish
Won by a Fish
Año 1912
Director Mack Sennett
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración minutos
Guión George Hennessy (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Edward Dillon, Mary Pickford, Dell Henderson, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Grace Henderson, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Toncray, Frank Evans, Florence Lee, W.C. Robinson
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Just Like a Woman
Just Like a Woman
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Grace Henderson, Harry Hyde, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Wilfred Lucas, Kate Bruce, Kathleen Butler, Christy Cabanne, Hector Dion, Robert Harron, Charles Hill Mailes, Mae Marsh, Marguerite Marsh, Frank Opperman
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Female of the Species
The Female of the Species
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles West, Claire McDowell, Mary Pickford, Dorothy Bernard
Four survivors from an abandoned mining town - a married couple, the wife's sister, and a younger woman... The Female of the Species looks at women's instincts as they fight over a man and bond over a little baby.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en DxC. Cortesía de Kakala en KG

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[/size]Fate's Interception
Fate's Interception
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Hennessy (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Wilfred Lucas, Charles Hill Mailes, Frank Opperman, Robert Harron, Edwin August, William J. Butler, William A. Carroll, Harry Hyde, Walter Miller, Charles West
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Iola's Promise
Iola's Promise
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 18 minutos
Guión Belle Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Alfred Paget, Frank Evans, Dorothy Bernard, Frank Opperman, Kate Toncray, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, William A. Carroll, Charles Gorman, Robert Harron, Harry Hyde, Arthur V. Johnson, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Henry Lehrman, Charles Hill Mailes, Claire McDowell, Antonio Moreno, George Nichols, Josef Swickard, Henry B. Walthall, Charles West
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Fichas 76-90
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:53, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:05

[/size]A Timely Repentance
A Timely Repentance
Año 1912
Director William H. Clifford
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Lucille Young, Edward LeSaint, William E. Shay, J. Farrell MacDonald, Hayward Mack
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]A Siren of Impulse
A Siren of Impulse
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Dorothy Bernard, Charles West, Mae Marsh, Mary Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Mender of Nets
The Mender of Nets
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles West, Charles Hill Mailes, Marguerite Marsh, Mabel Normand
A young woman who works mending fishermen's nets is engaged to be married. But her fiancé has an old love who refuses to let him go...
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[/size]Honor Thy Father
Honor Thy Father
Año 1912
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
Año 1912
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Mary Pickford
There is no documentation that a film bearing this title was directed by D.W. Griffith, or was produced by Biograph at this time. It may have been suspended before completion or else released under another title.
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[/size]The Caddy's Dream
The Caddy's Dream
Año 1911
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Portrait
The Portrait
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince, George Loane Tucker
País USA
Género Drama, Romance, Short
Duración minutos
Guión George Loane Tucker (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Margarita Fischer
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Little Red Riding Hood
Caperucita Roja - Little Red Riding Hood
Año 1911
Director James Kirkwood, George Loane Tucker
País USA
Género Short, Fantasy
Duración minutos
Guión Charles Perrault (story), George Terwilliger (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Lottie Pickford, James Kirkwood, Mayme Kelso
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Love Heeds Not Showers
Love Heeds Not Showers
Año 1911
Director Owen Moore
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Courting of Mary
The Courting of Mary
Año 1911
Director James Kirkwood, George Loane Tucker
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión George Terwilliger (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, William H. Brown, Lottie Pickford, James Kirkwood
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]From the Bottom of the Sea
From the Bottom of the Sea
Año 1911
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles Arling, William E. Shay, Ethel Grandin, Edward LeSaint
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]His Dress Shirt
His Dress Shirt
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
William Robert Daly, Mary Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Better Way
"Going Straight" - USA (reissue title)"Mary's Convert" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Sentinel Asleep
The Sentinel Asleep
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]'Tween Two Loves
"The Stronger Love" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Romance, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, William E. Shay, J. Farrell MacDonald
No hay sinopsis.
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Fichas 091-105
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:54, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:06

[/size]By the House That Jack Built
By the House That Jack Built
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama, Fantasy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Ethel Grandin
A wicked queen casts a spell over a prince and steals his heart.
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[/size]The Toss of a Coin
The Toss of a Coin
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Irvin Willat, Ethel Grandin, Lottie Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Call of the Song
The Call of the Song
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Romance, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Skating Bug
The Skating Bug
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]At a Quarter of Two
"A Quarter After Two" - USA (alternative title)"At a Quarter to Two" - USA (alternative title)"Mr. Burglar, M.D." - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, King Baggot
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]A Gasoline Engagement
A Gasoline Engagement
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, George Loane Tucker, William Robert Daly
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]For the Queen's Honor
For the Queen's Honor
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Thomas H. Ince (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Owen Moore, Mary Pickford, George Loane Tucker, Isabel Rea
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]In the Sultan's Garden
"The Sultan's Garden" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director William H. Clifford, Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Isabel Rea, George Loane Tucker
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]Behind the Stockade
Behind the Stockade
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince, George Loane Tucker
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión George Loane Tucker (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
This isn't a western. The setting is an African jungle plantation. The source that gave it a Western...
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[/size]Back to the Soil
Back to the Soil
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Lighthouse Keeper
The Lighthouse Keeper
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
William E. Shay, Mary Pickford, J. Farrell MacDonald
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Master and the Man
The Master and the Man
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Crime, Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, William Robert Daly
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]For Her Brother's Sake
For Her Brother's Sake
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Herbert Brenon (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Jack Pickford, Thomas H. Ince
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Fair Dentist
"Mary's Patients" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, King Baggot, Owen Moore, George Loane Tucker, Isabel Rea
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Temptress
The Temptress
Año 1911
Director Joseph W. Smiley
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Lucille Young
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
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Fichas 106-120
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:54, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:07

[/size]Second Sight
Second Sight
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince, Joseph W. Smiley
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, George Loane Tucker
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]As a Boy Dreams
As a Boy Dreams
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Lottie Pickford
No hay sinopsis.
No hay enlaces disponibles.
[/size]The Stampede
The Stampede
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Western
Duración minutos
Guión Thomas H. Ince (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
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[/size]Sweet Memories
"Sweetheart Days" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama, Romance
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Thomas H. Ince (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, King Baggot, Owen Moore, William E. Shay, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford
An elderly woman looks back on the special times in her life, thinking especially about her now-departed husband and the things they did together... Polly, a young lady, tells her grandmother Lettie about her new boyfriend. The news provokes the elderly woman to reminisce about her own sweetheart, long time before. The touching sequence gives off the truthful essence of lives going on, the woman aging as her children grow and have children of their own.
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[/size]In Old Madrid
"In Sunny Spain" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Comedy, Romance, Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
A young Spanish couple want to be together, but are hindered by the girl's parents. They try a ruse to get a chance to be alone...
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[/size]The Fisher-Maid
"The Fishermaid" - USA (alternative title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
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Año 1911
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Edwin August, Stephanie Longfellow, Joseph Graybill, William J. Butler, Donald Crisp, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, Henry Lehrman, Adolph Lestina, Wilfred Lucas, Jeanie Macpherson, Claire McDowell, George Nichols, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Kate Toncray
As they have breakfast in their hunting lodge Howard jokingly tells his wife to improve her coffee or he'll shoot her...
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[/size]The Message in the Bottle
The Message in the Bottle
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
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[/size]A Decree of Destiny
A Decree of Destiny
Año 1911
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Virginia K. Tucker (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Joseph Graybill, Marion Sunshine, Mary Pickford, Clara T. Bracy, Claire McDowell, Charles Arling, William J. Butler, Donald Crisp, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Grace Henderson, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Adolph Lestina, Wilfred Lucas, George Nichols, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Mack Sennett, Blanche Sweet, Kate Toncray
A Decree of Destiny is a 1911 short silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith, starring Mary Pickford and featuring Blanche Sweet.
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[/size]A Manly Man
"His Gratitude" - USA (reissue title)
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent, Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
William E. Shay, Mary Pickford, Isabel Rea, Charles Arling, Owen Moore
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[/size]Artful Kate
Artful Kate
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Charles Arling
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Año 1911
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración 10 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, King Baggot
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[/size]The Convert
The Convert
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Her Darkest Hour
Her Darkest Hour
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford
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[/size]The Mirror
The Mirror
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 6 minutos
Guión Thomas H. Ince (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore
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Fichas 121-135
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:55, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:08

[/size]When the Cat's Away
When the Cat's Away
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles Arling
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[/size]At the Duke's Command
At the Duke's Command
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama, Romance
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
King Baggot, David Miles, Anita Hendrie, Charles Arling, Mary Pickford
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[/size]Three Sisters
Three Sisters
Año 1911
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Marion Sunshine, Vivian Prescott, Kate Bruce, Clara T. Bracy, Edward Dillon, Guy Hedlund, Grace Henderson, Harry Hyde, Stephanie Longfellow, Wilfred Lucas, Claire McDowell, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Mack Sennett, Charles West
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[/size]Maid or Man
Maid or Man
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Charles Arling
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[/size]The Dream
The Dream
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince, George Loane Tucker
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Herbert Brenon (scenario)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, William Robert Daly, Charles Arling
A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable...
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[/size]Their First Misunderstanding
Their First Misunderstanding
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince, George Loane Tucker
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 10 minutos
Guión George Loane Tucker (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Thomas H. Ince
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[/size]The Italian Barber
The Italian Barber
Año 1911
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Joseph Graybill, Mary Pickford, Marion Sunshine, Mack Sennett, Kate Bruce, Donald Crisp, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Robert Harron, Henry Lehrman, Adolph Lestina, Jeanie Macpherson, Claire McDowell, Lottie Pickford, Vivian Prescott, W.C. Robinson, Charles West, Dorothy West
The Italian Barber is a 1911 short silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith, starring Joseph Graybill and featuring Mary Pickford.
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[/size]When a Man Loves
When a Man Loves
Año 1911
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión George Terwilliger (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Dell Henderson, Mary Pickford, Charles West, George Nichols, Verner Clarges, Edward Dillon, Robert Harron, Guy Hedlund, Grace Henderson, Wilfred Lucas
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[/size]A Dog's Tale
A Dog's Tale
Año 1911
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Mary Pickford
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[/size]How Mary Fixed It
How Mary Fixed It
Año 1911
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford
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Año 1911
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Mark Twain (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, King Baggot, Lassie, Imp the Dog
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[/size]The Daddy's Dream
The Daddy's Dream
Año 1911
Director Sin acreditar
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Mary Pickford
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[/size]Little Nell's Tobacco
Little Nell's Tobacco
Año 1910
Director Thomas H. Ince
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Thomas H. Ince (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Hayward Mack
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[/size]White Roses
White Roses
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell, D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Edward Dillon, Linda Arvidson, Edwin August, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Francis J. Grandon, Joseph Graybill, Henry Lehrman, W. Chrystie Miller, Owen Moore, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, W.C. Robinson
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[/size]A Child's Stratagem
A Child's Stratagem
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Belle Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Edwin August, Stephanie Longfellow, Gladys Egan, Claire McDowell, Linda Arvidson, Clara T. Bracy, William J. Butler, Lily Cahill, Donald Crisp, Frank Evans, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, Harry Hyde, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Charles Hill Mailes, Jack Mulhall, George Nichols, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, W.C. Robinson
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Fichas 136-150
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:56, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:09

[/size]A Plain Song
A Plain Song
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, William J. Butler, Dell Henderson, Dorothy Bernard, Elmer Booth, Lily Cahill, Donald Crisp, Edward Dillon, Robert Harron, Guy Hedlund, Harry Hyde, Arthur V. Johnson, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Jeanie Macpherson, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Charles West, Dorothy West
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[/size]The Song of the Wildwood Flute
The Song of the Wildwood Flute
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Mrs. James H. Ryan (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Dark Cloud, Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Francis J. Grandon, Dell Henderson, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Alfred Paget, Mack Sennett
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[/size]Sunshine Sue
Sunshine Sue
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Wilfred Lucas (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Marion Sunshine, W. Chrystie Miller, Clara T. Bracy, Edward Dillon, Charles West, George Nichols, Donald Crisp, William J. Butler, Francis J. Grandon, Robert Harron, Guy Hedlund, James Kirkwood, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Violet Mersereau, Jack Mulhall, Mary Pickford, Dorothy West
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[/size]Simple Charity
Simple Charity
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, Edwin August, William J. Butler, Lloyd B. Carleton, Verner Clarges, Edward Dillon, Francis J. Grandon, Dell Henderson, Grace Henderson, Claire McDowell, George Nichols, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, Charles West
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[/size]Waiter No. 5
Waiter No. 5
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Bernardine R. Leist (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
George Nichols, Claire McDowell, Jack Pickford, Charles West, Mary Pickford, Grace Henderson, Edwin August, Clara T. Bracy, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Dorothy Davenport, Edward Dillon, Gladys Egan, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Jeanie Macpherson, Alfred Paget, W.C. Robinson, Dorothy West
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[/size]A Lucky Toothache
A Lucky Toothache
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Mack Sennett (scenario), George Terwilliger (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, Linda Arvidson, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Dell Henderson, Fred Mace, Claire McDowell, Billy Quirk, Charles West
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[/size]The Masher
The Masher
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Mack Sennett (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Anthony O'Sullivan, Grace Henderson, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Lily Cahill, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Frank Evans, Dell Henderson, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Charles West
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[/size]That Chink at Golden Gulch
That Chink at Golden Gulch
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Western, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Emmett C. Hall (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Anthony O'Sullivan, Gertrude Robinson, Charles West, Dell Henderson, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Guy Hedlund, J. Jiquel Lanoe, W. Chrystie Miller, George Nichols, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, W.C. Robinson
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[/size]A Gold Necklace
A Gold Necklace
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Lottie Pickford, Mack Sennett, Charles Craig, Dorothy Davenport, Edward Dillon, Dell Henderson, Florence La Badie, Jeanie Macpherson, Violet Mersereau, Charles West
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[/size]The Iconoclast
The Iconoclast
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Bernardine R. Leist (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Henry B. Walthall, Claire McDowell, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Charles Craig, Dorothy Davenport, Adele DeGarde, John T. Dillon, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Edith Haldeman, Guy Hedlund, Grace Henderson, J. Jiquel Lanoe, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Mary Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter, Charles West
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[/size]Examination Day at School
Examination Day at School
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Charles Craig, Dorothy Davenport, Adele DeGarde, Edward Dillon, Gladys Egan, Francis J. Grandon, Edith Haldeman, Robert Harron, Charles Kent, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
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[/size]A Summer Tragedy
A Summer Tragedy
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión O. Henry (story), Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mack Sennett, Florence Barker, Gertrude Robinson, William Beaudine, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Gladys Egan, Grace Henderson, Mary Pickford, Harry Solter, Mabel Van Buren, Charles West
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[/size]Little Angels of Luck
Little Angels of Luck
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
George Nichols, Grace Henderson, Verner Clarges, Gladys Egan, Clara T. Bracy, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, Adele DeGarde, Edward Dillon, Francis J. Grandon, Edith Haldeman, Dell Henderson, Arthur V. Johnson, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Charles Hill Mailes, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, W.C. Robinson, Mack Sennett, Kate Toncray
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Muggsy Becomes a Hero
Muggsy Becomes a Hero
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, Grace Henderson, Edwin August, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Francis J. Grandon, Dell Henderson, Claire McDowell, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Mack Sennett
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]Wilful Peggy
Wilful Peggy
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short, Comedy
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Clara T. Bracy, Henry B. Walthall, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Francis J. Grandon, Robert Harron, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, Grace Henderson, Henry Lehrman, Stephanie Longfellow, Claire McDowell, W. Chrystie Miller, Alfred Paget, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, W.C. Robinson, Mack Sennett, Mabel Van Buren
Peggy is a high-spirited young woman from a poor family. One day she catches the eye of a wealthy lord...
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Fichas 151-165
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:56, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:10

[/size]The Sorrows of the Unfaithful
The Sorrows of the Unfaithful
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Edward Dillon, William J. Butler, Gladys Egan, Marion Leonard, W. Chrystie Miller, Gertrude Robinson, W.C. Robinson, John Tansey
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]When We Were in Our Teens
When We Were in Our Teens
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Joseph Graybill, Mack Sennett
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Usurer
The Usurer
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
George Nichols, Grace Henderson, Mack Sennett, Edward Dillon, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Kate Bruce, Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Claire McDowell, Gladys Egan, Dell Henderson, Guy Hedlund, Linda Arvidson, Florence Barker, Dorothy Bernard, Clara T. Bracy, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Arthur V. Johnson, Jeanie Macpherson, Gertrude Robinson, W.C. Robinson, Mabel Van Buren, Dorothy West
A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en DxC. Cortesía de Kakala en KG

ed2k link30 movies (1909-1913) D.W. Griffith.rar [3.93 Gb] ed2k link stats
[/size]An Arcadian Maid
An Arcadian Maid
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Joseph Graybill, Henry Lehrman, W. Chrystie Miller, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Vivian Prescott
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[/size]The Call to Arms
The Call to Arms
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Henry B. Walthall, Marion Leonard, Joseph Graybill, Charles Arling, Linda Arvidson, Clara T. Bracy, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Edward Dillon, Francis J. Grandon, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, Grace Henderson, James Kirkwood, W. Chrystie Miller, Owen Moore, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Vivian Prescott, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
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[/size]Serious Sixteen
Serious Sixteen
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 9 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
William J. Butler, Billy Quirk, Florence Barker, Clara T. Bracy, Francis J. Grandon, Florence La Badie, Mae Marsh, Owen Moore, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Mabel Van Buren
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[/size]A Flash of Light
A Flash of Light
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Charles West, Vivian Prescott, Stephanie Longfellow, Verner Clarges, Joseph Graybill, Dorothy Bernard, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Ruth Hart, Guy Hedlund, Grace Henderson, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Claire McDowell, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, W.C. Robinson, Mack Sennett, George Siegmann, Blanche Sweet, Kate Toncray, Dorothy West
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]What the Daisy Said
What the Daisy Said
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith (sin acreditar)
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (sin acreditar)
Música Silent
Clara T. Bracy, Kate Bruce, Verner Clarges, John T. Dillon, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Joseph Graybill, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Charles West
Two sisters want to know whether there is romance in their future. One sister pulls the petals off of a flower... What the Daisy Said is a one-reel film (about 12 minutes) made by D. W. Griffith for Biograph in 1910.[1] They story is slight. Two farm sisters (Martha, played by Mary Pickford, and Millie, played by the charming Gertrude Robinson) are feeling romantic and looking for suitors. Mary consults a gypsy who gives her a fortune that promotes his intentions to seduce her. Mary is shocked when she finds the same gypsy courting her sister next to a waterfall. The menfolk chase the two-timing gypsy out of town, and the girls – flirtatious as ever – decide to make do with two local boys. The film is interesting for taking a look at Mary Pickford before she became a star – she is pert, pretty and vivacious playing an adolescent role (in her later roles in the ‘teens she plays children’s roles). The whole film is shot in just a few setups on one rural location. The title cards do not record dialogues but summarize scenes for the viewer – e.g., ‘Martha discovers the gypsy’s perfidy’, ‘A cowardly attack’, ‘The old man unhurt but the gypsy man is warned to leave the neighborhood’. The copy sold in the Milestone Collection is in good condition with good brightness, contrast and sharpness.
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[/size]Muggsy's First Sweetheart
Muggsy's First Sweetheart
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, Clara T. Bracy, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Flora Finch, Joseph Graybill, Grace Henderson, George Nichols
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[/size]A Child's Impulse
A Child's Impulse
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Vivian Prescott, Charles West, Mary Pickford, Joseph Graybill, Edwin August, Florence Barker, Clara T. Bracy, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, John T. Dillon, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Robert Harron, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, Henry Lehrman, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
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[/size]May and December
May and December
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión Mary Pickford (writer), Frank Powell (story)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, Charles Hill Mailes
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[/size]Never Again
Never Again
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Billy Quirk, Charles Craig, James Kirkwood, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Gertrude Robinson
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[/size]The Face at the Window
The Face at the Window
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Verner Clarges, Henry B. Walthall, Joseph Graybill, Vivian Prescott, Francis J. Grandon, Dell Henderson, George Nichols, Grace Henderson, Linda Arvidson, Clara T. Bracy, David Butler, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Guy Hedlund, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Henry Lehrman, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, Charles West
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[/size]A Victim of Jealousy
A Victim of Jealousy
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
James Kirkwood, Florence Barker, Mary Pickford, Dorothy Bernard, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon, Joseph Graybill, Ruth Hart, Guy Hedlund, Grace Henderson, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, Mack Sennett, Charlotte Smith, Charles West, Dorothy West
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[/size]In the Season of Buds
In the Season of Buds
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Mary Pickford (writer), Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Charles West, W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, Robert Harron, Marion Sunshine
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Fichas 166-180
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:57, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:11

Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short, Romance
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Helen Hunt Jackson (novel), D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Francis J. Grandon, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, Dorothy Bernard, Gertrude Claire, Robert Harron, Dell Henderson, Mae Marsh, Frank Opperman, Anthony O'Sullivan, Jack Pickford, Mack Sennett, Charles West, Dorothy West
Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro...
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[/size]An Affair of Hearts
An Affair of Hearts
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, Florence Barker, Francis J. Grandon, Anthony O'Sullivan, Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Jeanie Macpherson, Jack Pickford, Mary Pickford
Two eccentric Frenchmen argue for the hand of an eligible American girl, who finally discouraged both of them by introducing her betrothed.
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[/size]Love Among the Roses
Love Among the Roses
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Marion Leonard, Arthur V. Johnson, Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Francis J. Grandon, Stephanie Longfellow, Claire McDowell, Alfred Paget, Mack Sennett, Henry B. Walthall, Charles West
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[/size]The Unchanging Sea
The Unchanging Sea
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 14 minutos
Guión Charles Kingsley (poem)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Linda Arvidson, Gladys Egan, Mary Pickford, Charles West, Dell Henderson, Kate Bruce, George Nichols, Frank Opperman, Alfred Paget, Dorothy West
In this story set at a seaside fishing village and inspired by a Charles Kingsley poem, a young couple's happy life is turned about by an accident... The Unchanging Sea is a 1910 drama film directed by D. W. Griffith. A print of the film survives in the Library of Congress film archive.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en DxC. Cortesía de Kakala en KG

ed2k link30 movies (1909-1913) D.W. Griffith.rar [3.93 Gb] ed2k link stats
[/size]The Kid
The Kid
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Henry B. Walthall, Jack Pickford, Florence Barker, Mary Pickford, Blanche Sweet
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[/size]A Romance of the Western Hills
A Romance of the Western Hills
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Alfred Paget, Arthur V. Johnson, Kate Bruce, Dell Henderson, Blanche Sweet, Charles West, Dorothy West, Kathlyn Williams
A Romance of the Western Hills is a 1910 short silent drama film directed by D. W. Griffith, starring Mary Pickford and Blanche Sweet. A print of the film survives in the film archive of the Library of Congress.
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[/size]A Rich Revenge
A Rich Revenge
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Billy Quirk, Francis J. Grandon, Mary Pickford, Anthony O'Sullivan, William J. Butler, George Nichols, Frank Opperman, Mack Sennett, Charles West
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[/size]As It Is in Life
As It Is in Life
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
George Nichols, Gladys Egan, Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Charles West, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, W. Chrystie Miller, Frank Opperman, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mack Sennett
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[/size]The Two Brothers
The Two Brothers
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short, Western
Duración 17 minutos
Guión Eleanor Hicks (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Dell Henderson, Kate Bruce, Marion Leonard, Charles West, Henry B. Walthall, W. Chrystie Miller, Art Acord, Linda Arvidson, Florence Barker, Gertrude Claire, Hoot Gibson, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
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[/size]His Last Dollar
His Last Dollar
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Duración minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles Craig, Marion Leonard, Anthony O'Sullivan, Francis J. Grandon, Arthur V. Johnson, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Henry B. Walthall, Charles West
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[/size]The Smoker
The Smoker
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short
Duración minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, John R. Cumpson, Charles Hill Mailes, Frank Opperman, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Dorothy West
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[/size]The Twisted Trail
The Twisted Trail
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Arthur V. Johnson, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, Dell Henderson, Frank Opperman, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mack Sennett, Charles West, Dorothy West
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[/size]The Thread of Destiny
The Thread of Destiny
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Romance, Short
Duración 16 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (story), Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Francis J. Grandon, Henry B. Walthall, Linda Arvidson, W. Chrystie Miller, Verner Clarges, Charles Craig, Arthur V. Johnson, George Nichols, Frank Opperman, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Mack Sennett, Charles West, Dorothy West
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[/size]The Newlyweds
The Newlyweds
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 16 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Mary Pickford, Florence Barker, Charles West, Dorothy Bernard, Kate Bruce, Charles Craig, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Robert Harron, Ruth Hart, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, Jeanie Macpherson, W. Chrystie Miller, George Nichols, Frank Opperman, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Henry B. Walthall, Dorothy West
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[/size]The Englishman and the Girl
The Englishman and the Girl
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
George Nichols, Kate Bruce, Charles Craig, Mary Pickford, Linda Arvidson, Florence Barker, Gladys Egan, Francis J. Grandon, Ruth Hart, Dell Henderson, Thomas H. Ince, W. Chrystie Miller, Anthony O'Sullivan, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
A small-town drama group's rehearsal is interrupted when one of their members receives a letter telling...
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Fichas 181-195
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:57, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:12

[/size]The Woman from Mellon's
The Woman from Mellon's
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Billy Quirk, George Nichols, Mary Pickford, Linda Arvidson, Dorothy Bernard, Kate Bruce, Charles Craig, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Ruth Hart, Guy Hedlund, Dell Henderson, James Kirkwood, Henry Lehrman, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
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[/size]The Call
The Call
Año 1910
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Florence Barker, Henry B. Walthall, James Kirkwood, Kate Bruce, Charles Craig, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Robert Harron, Ruth Hart, Florence Lawrence, Marion Leonard, Fred Mace, Jeanie Macpherson, W. Chrystie Miller, Anthony O'Sullivan, Jack Pickford, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett
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[/size]All on Account of the Milk
All on Account of the Milk
Año 1910
Director Frank Powell
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Blanche Sweet, Mack Sennett, Arthur V. Johnson, Flora Finch, Jack Pickford, Mrs. M.S. Smith
The hero, a young contractor, is mistaken by the heroine for a laborer, while he thinks she is the maid although she is the daughter of the manor...
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[/size]To Save Her Soul
To Save Her Soul
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Mary Pickford, Caroline Harris, W. Chrystie Miller, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, Linda Arvidson, William Beaudine, Charles Craig, Frank Evans, Robert Harron, Ruth Hart, James Kirkwood, Henry Lehrman, Jeanie Macpherson, Owen Moore, Jack Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Paul Scardon, Mack Sennett, Blanche Sweet, Dorothy West
Agnes, a singer in a country church, is practicing one day when a vaudeville manager hears her and offers her a job...
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[/size]The Test
The Test
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 6 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, William J. Butler, Charles Craig, John R. Cumpson, Ruth Hart, Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Charles West
Harry, preparing to leave on a business trip, tells Bessie that her photograph will always be with him...
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[/size]The Trick That Failed
The Trick That Failed
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 7 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Arthur V. Johnson, Anthony O'Sullivan, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, Frank Evans, Ruth Hart, Guy Hedlund, Jeanie Macpherson, Owen Moore, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
Nellie is a struggling artist whose paintings lie unsold. Billy, a successful painter, loves her, but...
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[/size]The Mountaineer's Honor
The Mountaineer's Honor
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer), Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, James Kirkwood, Kate Bruce, George Nichols, Arthur V. Johnson, Anthony O'Sullivan, Frank Evans, Ruth Hart, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him...
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[/size]A Midnight Adventure
A Midnight Adventure
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Dorothy West, Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Dorothy Bernard, Frank Evans, Ruth Hart, Arthur V. Johnson, Jeanie Macpherson, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mack Sennett
Mercedes orders her sweetheart to prove his love by doing something dangerously heroic. He agrees, breaking...
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[/size]A Sweet Revenge
A Sweet Revenge
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 5 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Jeanie Macpherson, Frank Powell, Robert Harron, Owen Moore, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk
After being jilted for another, a woman sends her lover's old letters to the new fiancée and looks forward to the reaction. But when she spots her old lover's glove left behind, she has a change of heart and repents.
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[/size]The Restoration
The Restoration
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 10 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
James Kirkwood, Marion Leonard, Owen Moore, Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Linda Arvidson, Kate Bruce, Frank Evans, Ruth Hart, Guy Hedlund, Gertrude Robinson, Harry Solter
A husband suspects his wife of an affair. The wife's cousin borrows a shawl to meet her lover in the garden...
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[/size]The Light That Came
The Light That Came
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Ruth Hart, Kate Bruce, Frank Evans, Francis J. Grandon, Joseph Graybill, Guy Hedlund, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Marion Leonard, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Mabel Trunnelle, J. Waltham, Dorothy West
A disfigured young woman with two beautiful sisters is courted by a blind man. Will he still love her when his sight is restored?
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[/size]The Gibson Goddess
The Gibson Goddess
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Marion Leonard, Kate Bruce, Frank Evans, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, J. Waltham, Dorothy West
A pack of admirers won't leave a beautiful woman alone at a seaside resort, so she devises a plan. She appears in a leg-revealing swimsuit...
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[/size]What's Your Hurry?
What's Your Hurry?
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 4 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, Gladys Egan, Billy Quirk, Dorothy Bernard, Adele DeGarde, Frank Evans, Bessie McCoy, Violet Mersereau, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, J. Waltham, Dorothy West
Papa is proud of his new birthday present, a shotgun. Mary's boyfriend arrives for a visit and she is anxious to introduce him to Papa...
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[/size]Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer), Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Linda Arvidson, George Nichols, James Kirkwood, Kate Bruce, Marion Leonard, Dorothy West, Frank Evans, Dell Henderson, Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, Jeanie Macpherson, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Harriet Quimby, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Charles West, Kathlyn Williams
Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her...
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[/size]In the Watches of the Night
In the Watches of the Night
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Frank Powell, George Nichols, Marion Leonard, Gladys Egan, Dorothy Bernard, Kate Bruce, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
An honest worker, John Whitney, finds himself unemployed and unable to provide for his family. Desperate...
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Fichas 196-210
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:58, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:14

[/size]His Lost Love
His Lost Love
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
James Kirkwood, Owen Moore, Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, Gladys Egan, Frank Evans, Marion Leonard, Violet Mersereau, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Dorothy West
Mary marries James, after jilting his brother Luke. Mary's sister arrives and soon James is professing his love to her...
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[/size]The Little Teacher
The Little Teacher
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Mary Pickford (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Arthur V. Johnson, Edward Dillon, Kate Bruce, Gladys Egan, Edith Haldeman, George Nichols, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett
A young female teacher is assigned to an unruly class. After a student revolt, a passing surveyor helps her restore order...
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[/size]The Awakening
The Awakening
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 8 minutos
Guión Mary Pickford (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Clara T. Bracy, Mary Pickford, Anthony O'Sullivan, Kate Bruce, Florence Lawrence, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Mack Sennett
A confirmed bachelor learns that he will inherit his late uncle's fortune only if he marries, which he does reluctantly. Shortly afterward he returns to his bachelor lifestyle but realizes he can't get his wife's face out of his thoughts.
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[/size]Wanted, a Child
Wanted, a Child
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 3 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
George Nichols, Kate Bruce, Linda Arvidson, Adele DeGarde, Gladys Egan, Edith Haldeman, Anthony O'Sullivan, Jack Pickford, Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall
A poor, elderly couple with many children is tempted when the husband's brother offers to pay to adopt one of the children himself. However, when forced to choose, the parents realize they can't part with any of their children.
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[/size]In Old Kentucky
In Old Kentucky
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama, War
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Charles T. Dazey (play), Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Verner Clarges, Kate Bruce, Henry B. Walthall, Owen Moore, Linda Arvidson, William J. Butler, John R. Cumpson, Robert Harron, James Kirkwood, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, George Siegmann
Brothers George and Robert enlist on opposite sides in the Civil War. Robert is captured as a spy for the South...
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[/size]The Broken Locket
The Broken Locket
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Frank Powell, Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Robert Harron, Dell Henderson, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Marion Leonard, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Henry B. Walthall
Before George goes out west to earn his fortune, he and Ruth each take half of a broken locket as a pledge of their love...
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[/size]Getting Even
Getting Even
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Edwin August, Florence Barker, Kate Bruce, Verner Clarges, John R. Cumpson, Arthur V. Johnson, Florence La Badie, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Henry B. Walthall
All the young men in the mining camp flirt with Lucy. Bud, the youngest of them, doesn't stand a chance...
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[/size]The Children's Friend
The Children's Friend
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 4 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Linda Arvidson, Verner Clarges, Adele DeGarde, Gladys Egan, Marion Leonard, Owen Moore, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Henry B. Walthall
Three little girls fall into a sand pit and can't get out. One of them ties a note around her pet pigeon's neck and releases it. The pigeon flies home, alerting the parents to where the girls are trapped.
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[/size]The Hessian Renegades
"1776, or The Hessian Renegades" - USA (alternative title)
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short, War
Duración 10 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer), Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Owen Moore, Linda Arvidson, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, D.W. Griffith, Robert Harron, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Florence Lawrence, Marion Leonard, Wilfred Lucas, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, George Siegmann, Henry B. Walthall
During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers...
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[/size]The Little Darling
The Little Darling
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 2 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Charles Avery, Verner Clarges, John R. Cumpson, Robert Harron, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Kate Toncray, Henry B. Walthall, Dorothy West
Lillie runs a boarding house full of young bachelors. A friend writes to say she's sending her little darling daughter for a visit. The bachelors all buy toys for a little girl, but an attractive young woman gets off the train instead.
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[/size]The Sealed Room
The Sealed Room
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Horror, Romance
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Edgar Allan Poe (novel), Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Henry B. Walthall, Linda Arvidson, William J. Butler, Verner Clarges, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, George Siegmann
Suggested by Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado", the king constructs a cozy, windowless love-nest for himself and his concubine. However, she is not faithful to her sovereign, but consorts with the court troubadour. In fact, they use the king's new play chamber for their trysts. When the king discovers this, he sends for his masons. With the faithless duo still inside, the masons use stone and mortar to quietly seal the only door to the vault. The two lovers suffocate and the film ends.
Hilo en Cine-Clásico e Hilo en DxC. Cortesía de Kakala en KG

ed2k link30 movies (1909-1913) D.W. Griffith.rar [3.93 Gb] ed2k link stats
[/size]Oh, Uncle!
Oh, Uncle!
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 3 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
James Kirkwood, Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett
Harry's rich old bachelor uncle thinks Harry is still single. When Uncle announces a visit, Harry's wife has to play the part of the housekeeper so Uncle doesn't discover the truth.
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[/size]The Seventh Day
The Seventh Day
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 8 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
James Kirkwood, Rose King, Gladys Egan, John Tansey, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Charles Avery, Arthur V. Johnson, Florence La Badie, Jeanie Macpherson, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mack Sennett
A neglectful woman wants custody of her children in her divorce. The judge rules that he will give her the children only if she can demonstrate her children's love for her within a week.
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[/size]The Indian Runner's Romance
The Indian Runner's Romance
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Western, Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Owen Moore, Frank Powell, Mary Pickford, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Marion Leonard, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Mack Sennett
An Indian comforts a dying prospector in his last moments. In exchange, the prospector tells him the location of his gold claim. A group of cowboys tries to get the information and go as far as kidnapping the Indian's wife.
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[/size]His Wife's Visitor
His Wife's Visitor
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Frank Powell, William J. Butler, James Kirkwood, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett
Harry leaves his new wife at home while he goes out to play poker. Angry, his wife fakes evidence that she has had a male caller while he was gone.
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Fichas 211-225
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:59, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:14

[/size]They Would Elope
They Would Elope
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Billy Quirk, Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, John R. Cumpson, Gladys Egan, Robert Harron, Arthur V. Johnson, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter, Henry B. Walthall
Two lovers elope and expect to be pursued by her father. But the clever father has tricked them into running off, and celebrates their wedding when they return home.
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[/size]A Strange Meeting
A Strange Meeting
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer), Stanner E.V. Taylor (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles Avery, Kate Bruce, John R. Cumpson, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Florence La Badie, Stephanie Longfellow, Wilfred Lucas, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, George Siegmann, Henry B. Walthall, Dorothy West
Mary is coerced into helping with a burglary of a minister's apartment. Later she repents and goes to the minister's storefront mission to help.
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[/size]The Slave
The Slave
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Florence Lawrence, Harry Solter, James Kirkwood, Kate Bruce, William J. Butler, Gladys Egan, Arthur V. Johnson, Owen Moore, Alfred Paget, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Mack Sennett, George Siegmann, Marion Sunshine, Henry B. Walthall
A Greek woman marries a struggling sculptor. When he can't support her and their baby, she offers to sell herself as a slave to allow them to buy food.
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[/size]Sweet and Twenty
Sweet and Twenty
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Romance
Duración 6 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Billy Quirk, Florence Lawrence
Alice misunderstands when she sees her sweetheart kissing her sister. Despondent, he tries to drown himself, but Alice wants to make up and coaxes him out of his gloom.
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[/size]The Renunciation
The Renunciation
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Anthony O'Sullivan, James Kirkwood, Harry Solter, Billy Quirk, Edwin August, Arthur V. Johnson, Wilfred Lucas, W. Chrystie Miller
Two miners are fighting over a woman, and one is about to murder the other in his sleep. At the critical moment, the woman introduces her fiancé from the city.
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[/size]Tender Hearts
Tender Hearts
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 8 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Frank Powell, Arthur V. Johnson, Lottie Pickford, Rose King, Florence Lawrence, Owen Moore
A country boy and a city boy are both courting the same girl. The girl sees the country boy's tender treatment of a wounded bird and chooses him.
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[/size]The Cardinal's Conspiracy
The Cardinal's Conspiracy
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith, Frank Powell
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Frank Powell, Florence Lawrence, Linda Arvidson, Edwin August, Charles Avery, Kate Bruce, John R. Cumpson, Thomas H. Ince, Arthur V. Johnson, Rose King, James Kirkwood, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter, Herbert Yost
A royal woman rejects her arranged marriage. The cardinal hatches a plan: the suitor will shave and change clothes...
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[/size]The Country Doctor
The Country Doctor
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith (sin acreditar)
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 14 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Kate Bruce, Adele DeGarde, Gladys Egan, Rose King, Florence Lawrence, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell
While caring for his sick daughter, a doctor is called away to the sickbed of a neighbor. He finds the neighbor gravely ill, and ignores his wife's pleas to come home and care for his own daughter, who has taken a turn for the worse. Prints of the film exist in the film archives of the Museum of Modern Art and the Library of Congress.
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[/size]The Necklace
The Necklace
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión Frank E. Woods (writer), Guy de Maupassant (novel)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Rose King, Herbert Prior, Caroline Harris, Mary Pickford, Charles Avery, Charles Inslee, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Florence Lawrence, Stephanie Longfellow, David Miles, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett
Mrs. Kendrick borrows a jeweled necklace from a friend for an important social event. Afterwards it is stolen...
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[/size]The Way of Man
The Way of Man
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, Mary Pickford, Flora Finch, James Kirkwood, Gladys Egan, Kate Bruce, Marion Leonard, Violet Mersereau, David Miles, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Frank Powell, Herbert Prior, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett, Charles West
A woman is scarred in an accident and refuses to stand in the way of her lover's marriage to another.
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[/size]The Mexican Sweethearts
The Mexican Sweethearts
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 3 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, James Kirkwood, Charles Perley, Mack Sennett
A Mexican spitfire romances an American soldier to make her Mexican lover jealous. When the lover is about to kill his rival, she convinces him it was all a joke and the two reconcile.
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[/size]The Peachbasket Hat
"The Peach-Basket Hat" - USA (alternative title)
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 7 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
John R. Cumpson, Florence Lawrence, Linda Arvidson, Charles Avery, Clara T. Bracy, Anita Hendrie, Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Jeanie Macpherson, Violet Mersereau, Mrs. Herbert Miles, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Herbert Prior, Mack Sennett, Charles West
Mrs. Jones leaves her baby with the maid and goes shopping for a new hat. Meanwhile, the maid invites...
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[/size]Her First Biscuits
Her First Biscuits
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Comedy, Short
Duración 6 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
John R. Cumpson, Florence Lawrence, Linda Arvidson, Charles Avery, Dorothy Bernard, Clara T. Bracy, Charles Craig, Flora Finch, Guy Hedlund, Anita Hendrie, Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Jeanie Macpherson, Violet Mersereau, David Miles, Mrs. Herbert Miles, Owen Moore, Harry Myers, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Herbert Prior, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter, Marion Sunshine
A new bride has made a batch of biscuits. Her husband pretends to like them, so she delivers the rest to his office...
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[/size]The Faded Lilies
The Faded Lilies
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 5 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
David Miles, James Kirkwood, Linda Arvidson, Florence Barker, Gladys Egan, Marion Leonard, Jeanie Macpherson, Charles Hill Mailes, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Herbert Prior, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, Herbert Yost
A disfigured violinist mistakes a token of appreciation for a love bouquet. When he realizes his mistake, he loses his mind.
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[/size]The Son's Return
The Son's Return
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer), Guy de Maupassant (novel)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Charles West, Herbert Prior, Anita Hendrie, Mary Pickford, Harry Solter, Edwin August, Charles Avery, Clara T. Bracy, Arthur V. Johnson, David Miles, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett
A son leaves to seek his fortune in the city. Many years later he returns and checks into his parents' inn. They don't recognize him, but noticing his fat wallet, plan to rob him.
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Fichas 226-240
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 15:59, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:15

[/size]The Lonely Villa
The Lonely Villa
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Crime, Drama
Duración 8 minutos
Guión André de Lorde (play), Mack Sennett (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
David Miles, Marion Leonard, Mary Pickford, Gladys Egan, Adele DeGarde, Charles Avery, Clara T. Bracy, John R. Cumpson, Robert Harron, Anita Hendrie, Arthur V. Johnson, James Kirkwood, Florence Lawrence, Violet Mersereau, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Frank Powell, Herbert Prior, Mack Sennett
A gang of thieves lure a man out of his home so that they can rob it and threaten his wife and children...
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[/size]The Violin Maker of Cremona
The Violin Maker of Cremona
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 10 minutos
Guión François Coppée (story), Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Herbert Prior, Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, David Miles, Harry Solter, Marion Leonard, Charles Avery, Clara T. Bracy, John R. Cumpson, Arthur V. Johnson, Violet Mersereau, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mack Sennett
A contest is being held in Cremona for the best violin, with Giannina's hand in marriage as the prize...
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[/size]What Drink Did
What Drink Did
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Drama
Duración 12 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
David Miles, Florence Lawrence, Gladys Egan, Adele DeGarde, Charles Avery, John R. Cumpson, Flora Finch, Anita Hendrie, Arthur V. Johnson, Owen Moore, George Nichols, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Herbert Prior, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter
A man leaves his wife and two daughters for work in a carpentry shop. At work, he initially refuses a beer with lunch...
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[/size]His Duty
His Duty
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Drama, Short
Duración 5 minutos
Guión O. Henry (story), Frank Powell (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Kate Bruce, Frank Powell, Owen Moore, Robert Harron, Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Violet Mersereau, David Miles, Mary Pickford
A policeman faces a difficult decision when he finds out that his brother is a thief.
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[/size]Two Memories
Two Memories
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 3 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Marion Leonard, David Miles, Mary Pickford, Charles Avery, Clara T. Bracy, John R. Cumpson, Robert Harron, Anita Hendrie, Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Lottie Pickford, Herbert Prior, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett
A dying man sends a note to his lost love, asking her to visit him. As a lark she does, but brings along some drunken party guests. They find him dead, and she repents her lightheartedness.
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[/size]The Drive for a Life
The Drive for a Life
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 10 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Florence Lawrence, Linda Arvidson, Robert Harron, Anita Hendrie, Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Dorothy West
Harry's jealous former mistress puts poison in some candy intended for his new fiancée. Harry discovers what she has done, and races to save his fiancée before she eats the candy.
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[/size]The Deception
The Deception
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 7 minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Herbert Yost, Florence Lawrence, Linda Arvidson, Adele DeGarde, Anita Hendrie, Charles Inslee, Arthur V. Johnson, Min Johnson, David Miles, Owen Moore, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter, Dorothy West
A wife offers to support her artist husband by teaching piano. She can't find work at the conservatory...
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[/size]The Fascinating Mrs. Francis
The Fascinating Mrs. Francis
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short
Duración 5 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
Marion Leonard, Herbert Yost, Anita Hendrie, Harry Solter, Gertrude Robinson, Linda Arvidson, John R. Cumpson, George Gebhardt, Guy Hedlund, Charles Inslee, Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Charles West
A young man becomes infatuated with Mrs. Francis after she sings at a party. His father convinces her to discourage the young man's attentions. Out of despair, the young man considers suicide, until he meets a woman his own age.
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[/size]Mrs. Jones Entertains
Mrs. Jones Entertains
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Comedy
Duración 11 minutos
Guión D.W. Griffith (writer), Frank E. Woods (writer)
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
John R. Cumpson, Florence Lawrence, Jeanie Macpherson, Linda Arvidson, Flora Finch, Anthony O'Sullivan, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Harry Solter
No hay sinopsis.
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[/size]The Heart of an Outlaw
The Heart of an Outlaw
Año 1909
Director D.W. Griffith
País USA
Género Short, Western
Duración minutos
Guión Sin acreditar
Música Silent
Fotografía 1.33 : 1
James Kirkwood, Marion Leonard, Gladys Egan, Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Arthur V. Johnson, Linda Arvidson, Owen Moore, Anthony O'Sullivan, Frank Powell, Billy Quirk, Gertrude Robinson, Mack Sennett
A man gets revenge on his cheating wife by killing her and her lover. He thinks he has killed his daughter as well...
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Fichas 241-250
Última edición por Sarmale el Sab 01 May, 2010 16:00, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Re: Mary Pickford (Actriz)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Vie 30 Abr, 2010 22:18

Reservado y fin de la filmografía.
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes