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Georges Méliès [31/01/2006] (Director)

Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 14:57
por Sarmale
Georges Méliès
Por Natalia Vivas (http://www.miradas.net)

Tengo en mis manos una fotografía de París. No es una bonita perspectiva de la torre Eiffel ni tampoco uno de esos idílicos rincones junto al Sena que tantas veces han sido fotografiados en el cine. La instantánea ha sido tomada en la estación de Montparnasse en los años veinte y en ella un anciano de barba blanca y porte elegante posa delante de un modesto puesto de juguetes en el que se lee "Confiserie et jouets". Lo rodean tambores, barcos varados y colgados por cuerdas, pelotas, raquetas de tenis para niños, pequeños trenes y muñecas. El anciano del puesto de juguetes viste de forma impecable y su mirada es directa, inteligente y nostálgica. Trabaja sin descanso ajeno al paso de los días y los cambios de estación para poder apenas subsistir. Nadie adivinaría que este humilde vendedor fue tiempo atrás el creador del arte cinematográfico, "un incorregible mago" como lo denominaría el cineasta René Clair (2), un prestidigitador que realizó más de 500 películas, un ilusionista que convertía lo imposible en magia y al que nadie, en los últimos años de su vida parecía recordar...
Mélies, el prestidigitador
En 1884, Méliès, de veintitrés años, es enviado a Londres por su padre para que estudie inglés. El joven asiste con frecuencia a los espectáculos teatrales. Allí tiene ocasión de ver el espectáculo de Maskelyne and Cooke, dos ilusionistas del teatro Egyptian Hall en Piccadilly. Y en una de aquellas veladas dedicadas al ilusionismo asiste a un espectáculo de los hermanos Davenports, dos reputados magos que realizaban un espectáculo de ilusión óptica y por el que Méliès se apasiona inmediatamente. Tanto es así que seguirá asistiendo con gran fidelidad al viejo teatro durante muchos años hasta su demolición en 1904. Méliès no sólo queda atrapado desde ese momento por el mundo del ilusionismo sino que todas estas representaciones inspirarán gran parte de su posterior trabajo cinematográfico (3).
A su regreso a París y con la determinación de no continuar con el oficio familiar (su padre fabricaba calzado), Méliès frecuenta el Theatre of Illusions, famoso por las llamadas "veladas fantásticas" y creado por el gran ilusionista Robert Houdin (4). Es en este teatro en el que Méliès presenta su primera ilusión La stroubaika persane en la que mezclaba efectos ópticos con escenas cómicas. No sólo produce y diseña sus espectáculos sino que fabrica toda clase de mecanismos para los trucos, inventa máquinas y engranajes y crea autómatas para su espectáculo. Hay que entender que el público del siglo XIX aún conservaba intacta la capacidad de asombro y maravilla, algo que nosotros tenemos agotada o en el mejor de los casos tristemente mermada. En los teatros se creaban atmósferas muy especiales, en penumbra, la magia envolvía todo el espacio y el público estaba preparado para dejarse sorprender por lo inesperado, por la ilusión, por lo imposible.
Las famosas veladas del Teatro Robert-Houdin finalizaban con la proyección de imágenes mediante una linterna mágica (5) con la que se realizaban trucos de luz y se proyectaban vistas de paisajes y escenas cómicas.

En 1888 Méliès es nombrado director del teatro Robert-Houdin y en 1891 funda "L´Academie de Prestidigitation" de Francia.
Méliès, el artista cinematográfico
Yo digo que el cine es un arte porque es el compendio de todas las artes. Méliès. (6)

Un día frío del invierno de 1895 en el Boulevard des Capucines en París tendría lugar la primera proyección pública del cinematógrafo Lumière. (7). Entre los invitados a la exhibición se encontraban, Gabriel Thomas, director del museo Grèvin, Lallemand, director del Folies-Bergére y Méliès, por entonces director del Teatro Robert-Houdin. Méliès fue invitado personalmente por el padre de los inventores del cinematógrafo, Antoine Lumière, quien se encargaba de la parte comercial del invento. Al finalizar la proyección un fascinado Méliès se dirige a Lumière decidido a hacerle una propuesta para comprar aquel mágico invento que hace que las imágenes cobren vida. Lumière rehúsa su petición, convencido de las nulas posibilidades de su futura comercialización. Podrá ser explotado por un tiempo como curiosidad científica pero más allá de ello no tiene futuro comercial- le dirá Lumière. Sin embargo, Méliès está decidido a llevar aquel invento a su teatro e intuye ya las enormes posibilidades artísticas que ofrece el cinematógrafo. Esta es quizás la mayor diferencia que separa a ambos pioneros del cine, los Lumière eran por encima de todo comerciantes con su nuevo invento y Méliès, por el contrario, era un artista.

A partir de este momento Méliès introduce la magia en el cine. Desde1896 fabrica y comercializa su propio aparato de proyección, al que llamó "kinetógrafo" y comienza a rodar películas que luego proyecta para el público del Teatro Robert-Houdin, éstas irán poco a poco sustituyendo a las sesiones de magia y prestidigitación. Su primera película la rueda en 1896 Une partie de cartes, que sería muy similar a la película que presentaron los hermanos Lumière un año antes, aunque Méliès ya dirige a los actores y da instrucciones muy precisas de donde colocar la cámara.

Pero la importancia de este gran hombre va más allá, construye en los exteriores de su propiedad de Montreuil el primer estudio de cine, en él hace instalar una red de iluminación eléctrica y un laboratorio, abre la primera agencia cinematográfica en Nueva York, la "star-film agency" y en Chicago funda la "American Star-Film Company" para producir películas. Pero no sólo eso, Méliès rueda a lo largo de su vida más de quinientas películas de las que por desgracia sólo nos han llegado alrededor de ciento cincuenta. En ellas podemos encontrar todo lo que fue Méliès, el mago, el explorador de mundos desconocidos, el cómico, el ilusionista. Sus películas son la esencia de sus espectáculos como mago, son visualmente únicas, originales e influyeron de forma decisiva en las películas que se harían en el futuro. Mi carrera cinematográfica está tan entrelazada con la del teatro Robert-Houdin que casi no se las puede separar ya que en suma es mi hábito por los trucos y mi gusto apasionado por lo fantástico lo que han determinado mi vocación, explicará Méliès . ( 8 )

Los decorados de sus películas estaban bellamente dibujados, son abigarrados y algo excesivos, recuerdan a las postales antiguas. Su estética hace recordar inmediatamente el imaginario del escritor francés Julio Verne (1828-1905). Su equipo coloreaba a mano fotograma a fotograma las películas, su Mansión del diablo fue la primera película en color de la historia del cine. Además, Méliès descubre por casualidad con su cámara el truco de la sustitución de imágenes (9), el cual abre esa puerta definitiva que le faltaba para adentrarse en el mundo de la fantasía. Desde este momento todo será posible en el cine de Méliès.
Durante la década de los años diez y como consecuencia de la 1ª Guerra Mundial los teatros de París cerraron sus puertas y muchos de ellos fueron posteriormente demolidos. La voraz industria del cine, en manos ya de los grandes hombres de negocios, a partir de los años veinte y la velocidad con la que el arte cinematográfico avanza en aquellas primeras décadas hicieron que Méliès, prácticamente arruinado, fuera poco a poco dejando la producción de películas. Su vínculo con el cine se iría apagando y su nombre olvidado por el gran público.

La propiedad de Montreuil fue vendida aunque el estudio, o más bien lo que quedaba de sus ruinas, se mantuvo en pié hasta 1945. Así, ese delgado y distinguido anciano que había sido el creador del arte cinematográfico, al que amó y dignificó durante toda su vida, se veía obligado a regentar un pequeño puesto de chucherías en una estación de París, sin que durante años sus compañeros de profesión ni el público supiesen qué había sido de él. En 1926 el crítico del "Ciné-Journal" Leon Druhot, lo descubrió por casualidad detrás de su pequeño puesto de juguetes. Tres años más tarde es invitado a una gala en París en la Salle Pleyel, donde proyectan sus películas y en 1931 es condecorado con la Cruz de la Legión de Honor, que le fue entregada por Louis Lumière. A partir de ese momento, historiadores, críticos y un joven Henri Langlois, futuro fundador de la Cinemathéque Francaise, se acercan a entrevistarle. Méliès, pese a todo este reconocimiento, sigue acudiendo a trabajar cada día a su puesto de la estación de Montparnasse.
El 21 de enero de 1938 el mago muere, humilde y en silencio, como se había mantenido estos años, en el hospital Leopold-Bellan de París. A su entierro acuden sólo una docena de personas, entre ellas los directores René Clair, Alberto Cavalcanti y Henri Chomette. René Clair comentaría después; A su leyenda le sienta bien que muera pobre como la mayoría de los grandes inventores. (10)

El cine de Méliès fue profundamente admirado por los surrealistas que lo aclamaban como a un poeta y reivindicado con los mayores honores por, entre otros, Henry Langlois, a quién, a través de su Cinemathéque Francaise, debemos la recuperación de parte de su obra cinematográfica.

Méliès fue un técnico excepcional, inventó los rudimentos del lenguaje y la técnica cinematográfica, adelantó el color, el género fantástico y fue el precursor de los dibujos animados, filmó ficción y documental, fue el primer artista que dignificó el cine y abrió la puerta que separa la realidad de los sueños para todos los futuros creadores.
Su trabajo es un maravilloso viaje a través de lo imposible, se adentró en el mundo de las hadas y de los brujos, del encantamiento, de lo asombroso y mágico, de las mil y una noches, de la aventura y los viajes, desde las profundidades del mar hasta su siempre incondicional luna. Entre sus sugestivos títulos recordamos; La partida de naipes, La mansión del diablo, La posada misteriosa, La condenación de Fausto, La cueva maldita, El hombre de las mil cabezas, El espejo de Cagliostro, El libro mágico, Viaje a la luna, La viajes de Gulliver, Robinson Crusoe, El reino de las hadas, Fausto, Rip van Winkle, El sueño del fumador de opio, Las alucinaciones del Barón de Munchausen, La conquista del Polo, El viaje de la familla Bourrichon, entre otros.

Para soñar, hay que volver a Méliès, siempre habría que volver a Méliès...


(1) Malthéte-Méliès. Méliès, el mago. Págs. 11y 13.

(2) AAVV. Méliès, Un homme d´illusions. Pág. 7.

(3) Las veladas nocturnas se caracterizaban por la utilización del ilusionismo. Los juegos de magia, la levitación, las apariciones, trucos ópticos, autómatas o mediums y adivinos eran las actuaciones más frecuentes en este tipo de teatros donde se daban cita los más reputados prestidigitadores y magos del siglo XIX.

(4) Jean Eugéne Robert Houdin (1805-1871) es considerado el padre de la moderna prestidigitación. En 1845 abre su teatro en el Palais-Royal de París, famoso por sus "veladas fantásticas" y que más tarde traslada al número 8 del Boulevard des Italiens, donde estará ubicado hasta su desaparición en 1923.

(5) La linterna mágica es la predecesora del cinematógrafo. Proyectaba imágenes fijas mediante un haz de luz que incidía en un cristal. Los temas eran muy variados desde paisajes hasta escenas de cuentos infantiles.

(6) Robinson, David. Méliès. Father of fim fantasy. Pág. 46.

(7) La primera proyección de la historia del cine fue organizada por Antoine Lumiére padre de los inventores del cinematógrafo Louis y Auguste Lumiére. La entrada al Salón Indien, situado en el sótano del Grand Café, costaba un franco. El programa se componía de diez piezas cortas.

( 8 ) Op, cit. Malthéte-Méliès. Pág. 183.

(9) A Méliès se le atascó la cámara mientras rodaba en la Plaza de la Opera de París. Durante un minuto la cámara se paró y al ponerla nuevamente en marcha, la película dio un salto de imagen y un coche se transformó como por arte de magia en una carroza fúnebre y los hombres que paseaban se convirtieron en mujeres. Fue el primer trucaje cinematográfico con una cámara.

(10) Ibíd. Pág. 11.


AAVV. Méliès. Un homme d´illusions. Centre Nacional de la photographie et la Cinemathéque Français. Francia, 1986.

Fernández Cuenca, Carlos. El mundo de George Méliès. San Sebastián. IX Festival Internacional de cine, 1961.

Jeanne, René; Charles, Ford. Historia ilustrada del cine. Alianza Editorial, vol. 1. Madrid, 1981.

Malthête-Méliès, Madeleine. Méliès, el mago. Ediciones La flor. Argentina, 1980.

Robinson, David. World cinema. A short history. Eyre Methuen Ltd, London, 1981.

Robinson, David. George Méliès. Father of film fantasy. British Film Institute. Museum of the moving image, London, 1993.

Universidad Nacional autónoma de México. George Méliès. Colección Filmoteca nº 4. Filmoteca de la UNAM, México, 1982.

Villegas López, Manuel. Los grandes nombres del cine. Triunfo, 1962.

Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:06
por Sarmale
Méliés, 15 films'

El archivo recoge quince cortos de Méliès

ed2k linkMelies 15 films Bivx. Fr - Eng.Avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkMelies 15 films Bivx. Fr - Eng Subs English.srt ed2k link stats

Landmarks of Early Films'

Recoge cortos de Méliès, Griffith, los hermanos Lumière...

ed2k linkLandmarks of early film Vol 1 Cd1.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLandmarks of early film Vol 2 Cd2.avi ed2k link stats

Sortie des ateliers Vibert1896'


Une altercation au café1896'


Les tribulations d'un concierge1896'


Jour de marché à Trouville1896'


Une bonne farce1896'


Tempête sur la jetée du treport1896'


Libération des territoriaux1896'


Une partie des cartesPlaying Cards1896'
Georges Méliès


Une nuit terrible18961'

A man tries to get a good night's sleep, but is disturbed by a giant spider that leaps onto his bed, and a battle ensues in hilarious comic fashion.


Place de l'Opéra, 2e aspect1896'


Tom Old Boot1896'


La voiture du potier1896'


Le Régiment1896'


Un lycée de jeunes filles1896'


Un petit diable1896'


Miss de Vere1896'


Les ivrognes1896'


Place Saint-Augustin1896'


Place du théâtre français1896'


Dessinateur: Chamberlain1896'


Jetée et plage de Trouville 1er partie1896'


Les blanchisseusesLes Blanchisseuses1896'

IMDb Culturalia

Défense d'afficher1896'


Les indiscrets1896'


Marée montante sur Brise-Larmes1896'


Le papier protéeThe Mysterious Paper (USA)1896'


Les haleurs de bateaux1896'


Jetée et plage de Trouville 2e partie1896'


Le bivouac1896'

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Retour au cantonnement1896'


Arrivée d'un train - Gare de Joinville1896'


Le manoir du diableManor of the Devil , The Devil's Castle (Europe: English title) , The Devil's Manor , The Haunted Castle , The Manor of the Devil18962'
Jeanne d'Alcy, Georges Méliès (as Mephistopheles)

A bat flies into an ancient castle and transforms itself into Mephistopheles himself. Producing a cauldron, Mephistopheles conjures up a young girl and various supernatural creatures, one of which brandishes a crucifix in an effort to force the devil-vampire to vanish.


Place de l'Opéra, 1er aspect1896'


Place de la Concorde1896'


Campement de bohémiens1896'


Boulevard des Italiens1896'

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Place de la Bastille1896'


Jardinier brûlant des herbes1896'


Bébé Et Fillettes1896'

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Départ des officiers1896'


Déchargement de bateaux1896'


Dix chapeaux en 60 secondesConjurer Making Ten Hats in Sixty Seconds (USA)1896'


Danse serpentine1896'


Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:07
por Sarmale
Sauvetage en rivière, 1er1896'


Dessinateur: Von Bismark1896'


Bois de Boulogne1896'

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Revue navale à Cherbourg1896'


Sauvetage en rivière, 2e1896'


Départ des automobiles1896'


Réunion d'officiers1896'


Plage de Villiers par gros temps1896'


Panorama du havre (pris d'un bateau)1896'


Les quais à Marseille1896'


Batteuse à vapeur1896'

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Arrivée D’un Train Gare De VincennesArrivée D’un Train Gare De Vincennes1896'


Séance de prestidigitationConjuring (USA)1896'


Baignade En Mer1896'

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Plus fort que le maître1896'


L'arroseurL’ Arroseur1896'

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Salut malencontreux d'un déserteur1896'


Sac au dos1896'


Bateau-mouche Sur La Seine1896'

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Barque Sortant Du Port De Trouville1896'

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Cortège de tzar allant à Versailles1896'


La gare Saint-Lazare1896'


Le Fakir, mystère indien1896'


Effets de mer sur les rochers1896'


Dessinateur: Reine Victoria1896'


Enfants jouant sur la plage1896'


Grandes manoeuvres1896'


Les chevaux de bois1896'


Couronnement de la rosière1896'


Le chiffonnier1896'


Chicot, dentiste américain1896'


Dessinateur express1896'


Escamotage d'une dame au théâtre Robert HoudinThe Conjuring of a Woman at the House of Robert Houdin (USA) , The Vanishing Lady1896'
Jeanne d'Alcy (as Woman), Georges Méliès (as Magician)

A woman disappears on stage.


Cortège de tzar au Bois de Boulogne1896'


Auguste et Bibb1897'


Danse au sérailDancing in a Harem (International: English title)1897'


Cortège du boeuf gras boulevard des Italiens1897'


Combat dans une rue aux Indes1897'


Défilé des pompiers1897'


Cortège de la mi-carême1897'


Tourneur en poterie1897'


Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:09
por Sarmale
Vente d'esclaves au harem1897'


La prise de Tournavos1897'


Paulus chantant 'Derrière l'omnibus'1897'


Une cour de ferme1897'


Sur les toits1897'


Paulus chantant 'Duellist marsellais'1897'


Paulus chantant 'Coquin de printemps'1897'


Le malade imaginaire1897'


L'hallucination de l'alchimisteThe Hallucinated Alchemist (USA)1897'


Match de boxe (école de Joinville)1897'


Le musulman rigolo1897'


Passage dangereux au Mont-Blanc1897'


L'indiscret aux bains de mer1897'


Danseuses au jardin de Paris1897'


La cigale et la fourmiThe Grasshopper and the Ant (USA)1897'


Cortège du boeuf gras passant Place de la Concorde1897'


Attaque d'un poste anglais1897'


En cabinet particulier1897'


Massacres en Crète1897'


Épisodes de guerre1897'


Les Apprentis militaires1897'


Gugusse et l'automatonGugusse and the Automaton (USA)1897'


Faust et MargueriteFaust and Marguerite1897'
Jeanne d'Alcy


Un modèle irascible1897'


Entre Calais et Douvres1897'


Après le balAfter the Ball, the Bath (USA)1897'
Jane Brady (as Servant), Jeanne d'Alcy (as Woman)

This movie, from 1897, was the first ever "adult" film. It is very tame by today's standards. You could show it on tv with no problems. It involved two women, wearing skin colored suits. One of them is in a bath, and the other has a pitcher full of ashes - the ash is supposed to be water, but the water wouldn't show up on the 19th century film. So she pours the ashes over her and washes her. It's about a minute long. Melies advertised this in his film catalogue as ideal for bachelor parties.


Combat naval en Grèce1897'


Arlequin et charbonnier1897'


L'école des gendres1897'


L'ascension d'un ballon1897'


Figaro et l'auvergnat1897'


Les dernières cartouchesThe Last Cartridges (USA)1897'

An incident of the Franco-Prussian War. It shows the bombardment of a house at Bazeille. It is the animated reproduction of de Neuville's celebrated painting.


Le magnétiseurThe Hypnotist at Work (USA) , While Under a Hypnotist's Influence (UK)1897'


L'auberge ensorceléeThe Bewitched Inn (USA)18973'


Bataille de confettis1897'


Vision d'ivrogneA Drunkard's Dream (USA)1897'


Le prestidigitateur D. Devant1897'


Le cabinet de MéphistophélèsThe Devil's Laboratory (USA) , The Laboratory of Mephistopheles (USA)1897'

"The picture shows the Devil working at a fire. Two cavaliers appear, and the Devil takes the form of a seer, old, bent and wrinkled. Then he disappears in a cloud of smoke, to reappear shortly as a ghost, whose head comes off and floats around the room. Suddenly the table gets up of itself, and flies up the chimney. All sorts of wonderful things happen. A cannon takes the place occupied by the table, and belches forth flame and smoke. A large cage appears mysteriously in the center of the room, through the bars of which the Devil passes as if it were an open door. By his magic, he makes the cavalier pass through the bars in the same wonderful fashion. Everything is so weird and fantastic, that such a small trifle as a man turning into a donkey excites but passing notice."


L'hôtel empoisonné1897'


Le cauchemarA Nightmare (USA)18971'


Dans les coulissesBehind the Scenes1897'

In which is seen all that usually transpires on the stage. Property men are setting scenery and continually collide with an old sport who is there to pay court to his favorite ballet dancer. The sport resents the treatment he receives, and they play a hose on him, drenching him to the skin.


Exécution d'un espion1897'


Paulus chantant 'En revenant d'la revue'1897'


Paulus chantant 'Père la victoire'1897'


Chirurgien américainA Twentieth Century Surgeon (USA)1897'


Combat naval devant Manille1898'


Le cuirassé maine1898'



Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:11
por Sarmale
Salle à manger fantastiqueA Dinner Under Difficulties (USA)1898'

Showing the interior of a dining room of a modest cottage, whereto enter a young couple to partake in their meal, which is being served up by the maid. Suddenly the legs of the table are extended to three times their height; the dinner being elevated to this extent; in order to reach same they climb into the chairs. The table suddenly vanishes, but makes its appearance in another section of the room. It is practically a chase between them and the table, this finally disappearing altogether, and in its place is seen a gigantic bottle of "Scotch." Further surprising tricks are introduced, making this subject one of unusual interest.


Un homme de têtesFour Heads Better Than One (USA) , L'Homme aux quatres têtes embarrassantes (France) , Quatres têtes embarrassantes, Les (France) , The Four Troublesome Heads (USA)18982'
Georges Méliès

One of the greatest of black art pictures. The conjurer appears before the audience, with his head in its proper place. He then removes his head, and throwing it in the air, it appears on the table opposite another head, and both detached heads sing in unison. The conjurer then removes it a third time. You then see all three of his heads, which are exact duplicates, upon the table at one time, while the conjurer again stands before the audience with his head perfectly intact, singing in unison with the three heads upon the table. He closes the picture by bowing himself from the stage.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies-(1898)-Un Homme De Tetes By Sydmic.avi ed2k link stats

Pygmalion et GalathéePygmalion and Galatea (USA)1898'
Jeanne d'Alcy

Showing Pygmalion at work in his studio on the statue of Galatea, who, on being completed, comes to life. He attempts to clasp her to his arms, when the bust leaves the body and crossing the room mocks at him standing with the lower portion of her body in his hands. Further startling illusions are seen in this most beautiful picture.


La dégradation1898'


Visite de l'épave du Maine1898'


Panorama pris d'un train en marche1898'


Illusions fantasmagoriquesBoîte mystérieuse, La (France) , The Famous Box Trick (USA)1898'
Georges Méliès

This is one of the most surprising and clever subjects of the entire series. The conjurer causes to appear suddenly on the table a box, from which a boy emerges. He is immediately cut into two pieces at a blow from the axe of the conjurer. Instead of falling to the floor, the pieces assume the shape of two lively youngsters, who commence to fight with each other. The conjurer, not approving of such conduct, causes one suddenly to disappear. The other boy, whom he takes up in his arms, he dissolves into an English and an American flag, which are vigorously waved by the magician. A most interesting film, sharp and clear.


Collision et naufrage en mer1898'


Le magicienBlack Magic (USA) , The Magician (USA)18981'

In this scene is shown a magician behind an ordinary table, upon which he suddenly and mysteriously causes to appear a large box, into which he leaps. The sides of the box fall to the ground, but instead of containing the magician a lively clown steps forth who further mystifies the audience by causing the box to disappear, and in its place is seen a fully laid table with a smoking dinner, to which the clown applies himself. The table, however, suddenly disappears much to the astonishment of the clown, who is confronted by the magician in the garb of Mephistopheles. This he suddenly changes to that of a sculptor, and in the background is seen a pedestal with the bust of a young lady, which comes to life as the sculptor applies the mallet and chisel.


Le grotte du diable1898'


Dédoublement cabalistiqueThe Triple Lady (USA)1898'


Le Maçon maladroit1898'


Guerre de Cuba et l'explosion du Maine à La Havane1898'


Le rêve d'un astronomeLa Lune à un mètre , La Lune à un mètre. L'observatoire, la lune, Phoebé (France) , The Astronomer's Dream (UK) , The Astronomer's Dream; or, The Man in the Moon (USA)18983'

"In the opening of this film is seen the astronomer intently poring over his books. Suddenly, in a cloud of smoke, Satan appears and surprises the astronomer. At the command of the Fairy Queen, who suddenly appears, Satan vanishes; she awakens the astronomer and as he goes forward to meet her she disappears. The astronomer is very much excited, and, rushing over to the large telescope he tries to discover by what means she had vanished. The moon now appears, and begins her repast by eating the immense telescope used by the astronomer. The astronomer flies around apparently wild at the loss of his wonderful telescope. Suddenly the moon opens wide her mouth and there comes forth a tot of about five summers. She is immediately followed by two others, and they proceed to dance around the astronomer, and vanish one at a time until but one is left. The astronomer, picking her up, thinking he could keep her, hugs her tightly in his arms, but she also vanishes. Tired and heart-broken the astronomer grasps a broom and attempts to strike the moon, when she suddenly vanishes and in the distance laughs at him, rolling his eyes forward and backward, apparently convulsed with laughter. The moon suddenly changes to a crescent, and a fairy appears sitting on it. The veiled figure which stands before him throws back its veil and becomes animated; he rushes forward and grasps it, when, to his utter amazement, it disappears in the air. The Fairy Queen appears in the crescent. She first seats herself, and the astronomer puts his arms out for her, thinking perhaps he can reach her, when she disappears and in her place there stands a marble statue of a man. The astronomer, in his efforts to reach her falls to the ground. Rising and seeing the statue he is so incensed that he grabs a club, and as he is about to crush the statue it suddenly becomes alive. The large moon again appearing to his view he throws himself into it, and the moon, winking one eye, proceeds to chew him up. The moon's large teeth are seen to sink into the astronomer again and again until he is reduced to small pieces, when piece by piece he is ejected from the moon's mouth and lies there, one piled on the other. Suddenly in a cloud of smoke, Satan appears, but the Fairy Queen drives him off again. She proceeds to pick up different parts of the astronomer and hurls them across the room, and piece by piece they take their proper position in the chair, until the astronomer is again seated as he was before. Suddenly he comes to life again. He moves forward to grasp the Fairy Queen, when suddenly she disappears. The scene is again laid in the astronomer's observatory, the astronomer sitting at the table, asleep over his volume, which he has been studying."


Sortie sans permission1898'


Créations spontanéesFantastical Illusions (USA) , Illusions fantastiques (France)1898'


Attention à la peinture1898'


Masque diabolique G. Méliès1898'


La caverne mauditeThe Cave of the Demons (USA)1898'


La damnation de FaustDamnation of Faust (USA)1898'


Assaut d'escrime1898'


Atelier d'artiste, farce de modèles1898'


Les aventures de Guillaume TellAdventures of William Tell (USA) , The Statue of William Tell (USA)1898'

The scene opens in an artist's studio where the unfinished statue of William Tell stands upon a pedestal. A clown appears and sticks a clay arm and clay head on the statue, thus completing it. He places a large brick on top of the head to make it stick. When he turns his back the statue turns into a living representation of William Tell, and seizing the brick from the top of his head, hits the clown a heavy blow upon the back. After some very strange happenings, the mysterious William Tell finally vanishes in a cloud of smoke, and the clown jumps up from the floor and makes his exit in a very ludicrous manner.


Corvée de quartier accidentée1898'


Prenez garde à la peinture1898'


Magie diaboliqueBlack Art (USA)1898'


Les rayons RöntgenA Novice at X-rays (USA)1898'


Montagnes russes nautiques1898'


Carrefour de l'opéra1898'


Visite sous-marine du Maine1898'

The battleship Maine is blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War.


Le déjeuner impossible1898'


Rêve d'artisteThe Artist's Dream (USA)1898'

An Artist is seen at work on his masterpiece and he falls in love with it, the subject being a beautiful woman. As it does not respond to his endearing words and becoming weary he lies down and falls asleep. He dreams the following which is shown in the picture. A young man enters and views the picture which becomes suddenly animated and coming down from the easel she dances with him finally returning to the frame and assuming her former shape. The artist awakens and walking up to the picture he expects to find life in it. Disappointed he takes the picture from the easel and examines it closely but with no better result and replacing the picture he gives up and despair.


La tentation de Saint-AntoineThe Temptation of St. Anthony (USA)1898'
Georges Méliès


Rêve du pauvreThe Beggar's Dream (USA)1898'

A poor ragged beggar is seen stretched upon his straw in a dilapidated attic. The scene which follows illustrates the dream of a poor hungry man. A fairy suddenly makes her appearance and with her magic wand causes the attic to change into the interior of a palatial drawing room, in the cneter of which she introduces a table laden with a sumptuous dinner. The beggar, still in his rags, is transformed into a club swell. He is visited by a charming young lady, attired in the height of fashion, who he greets and invites to partake of the dinner before him. As they seat themselves the chairs disappear from under them and the entire scene changes to that of the original scene -- the attic -- with the poor beggar kicking and rolling on the straw.


La statue de neigeThe Snow Man (USA)1899'


Panorama du port de Saint-Helier1899'


Funérailles de Félix Faure1899'


Le coucher de la mariéeThe Bridegroom's Dilemma (USA)1899'

An excellent film, full of surprise and illusions, the exhibition of which will certainly be welcomed at any smoking concert or stag party.


Duel politique1899'


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L'homme protéeLightning Change Artist (USA)1899'

A man makes twenty complete changes in two minutes, combining with them dances. The changes are made in full sight of the audience. Biondi, Fregoli and Mons change behind the scenes.


Jeanne d'ArcJoan of Arc (USA)189910'
Bleuette Bernon, Georges Méliès, Jeanne d'Alcy (as Jeanne d'Arc)


La pyramide de Triboulet1899'


Mise aux fers de Dreyfus1899'


L'ours et la sentinelle1899'


La crémation1899'


Le conférencier distraitThe Absent-minded Lecturer (USA)1899'


La colonne de feuHaggard's She: The Pillar of Fire (USA)1899'
Jeanne d'Alcy (as Ayesha)


Combat de coqs1899'

The interior of a room, showing two Bantam cocks fighting. Of the many cock fights heretofore exhibited, this is without doubt the liveliest and best, being full of action. From a photographic standpoint it is certainly perfect.


La dictée du bordereau1899'


Évocation spiriteSummoning the Spirits (USA)1899'


Débarquement à Quiberon1899'


Le diable au conventThe Sign of the Cross (USA)1899'
Georges Méliès (as The Devil)


Conseil de guerre en séance à Rennes1899'


CléopâtreCleopatra's Tomb (USA) , Robbing Cleopatra's Tomb (USA)1899'


Entrée d'un pacquebot, port de Jersey1899'


Le spectreMurder Will Out (USA)1899'

A lady is seated at her desk writing when a burglar enters and strangles her. He stabs her and after wrapping her in a sheet throws her in a trunk and then proceeds to steal her jewelry. He is disturbed by a noise and looking around he sees the ghost of the woman he murdered. Three or four more spectres appear and becoming bewildered he tries to escape, but is captured by the officers, who enter at this time.


Un bon litA Midnight Episode (USA)1899'

A sleeping apartment of a friend who retires for the night. The rays of the moon are shining upon the bed through the window. He is suddenly awakened by a bug of gigantic proportions crawling over him. This he attacks and destroys, but before again retiring he notices three more climbing up the wall. He lights the candle and applies the flame to each, causing them to explode with fine smoke effect. After this slaughter he retires in contentment and soon sleeps the sleep of the just. A very funny subject.


Charmant voyages de noces1899'


Suicide du Colonel Henry1899'


L'impressionniste fin de siècleA Turn of the Century Illusionist (USA) , An Up-to-Date Conjuror (USA)1899'
Georges Méliès (as Magician)


Attentat contre me Labore1899'


Bagarre entre journalistes1899'


Le chevalier mystèreThe Mysterious Blackboard (USA) , The Mysterious Knight (USA)1899'

The conjurer appears at a blackboard and shows the head of a knight on it. He seizes the picture of the head, removes it from the blackboard, and it turns into life and bows and smiles apparently with a body being attached to it. The conjurer then seizes a sword and runs it completely through the head, entering at the neck and going right through the top of the skull. He then takes the head and places it upon a camera, which is mounted upon a tripod; then throwing a cloak around the legs of the tripod, the young lady to whom the head belongs appears instantly the cloak is removed, with head properly attached to her body. The conjurer then runs toward a door which stands in the middle of the wall, and making a jump in the air, vanishes into space.


L'affaire DreyfusThe Dreyfus Affair1899'

This is the first movie ever censored for political reasons. The title refers to a historical event in France decades earlier in which a Jewish military officer was discharged for bribery, and it was alleged that he was framed due to anti-semitism. The status the event held in France at this time in history was probably about similar to the way Vietnam is viewed in the US today. Anyway, Melies made clear in the film that the officer (Dreyfus) was framed. There were riots at the theaters, and the film was shut down. Also interesting is that this is the first (ever) multi-scene film. Before this, they set up the camera, ran it until the film ran out (about 50 seconds), and showed it exactly as it came out of the camera. "The Dreyfus Affair" was shot on I believe 11 reels (hence 11 different scenes) and shown in sequence.


Le Christ marchant sur les flotsChrist Walking on Water (USA)1899'

Showing the rolling sea, upon which gradually appears a cloud of mist. From this evolves the figure of Christ, who proceeds to walk on the waves. The rolling movement of the water and the sudden apparition certainly give a most startling effect, illustrating the biblical miracle of Christ walking on the water.


Automobilisme et autoritéThe Clown and the Automobile (USA)1899'

The clown and his automobile enters with great puffs of smoke


Barral, Bleuette Bernon, Carmely, Jeanne d'Alcy, Depeyrou


Le portrait mystérieuxA Mysterious Portrait (USA)1899'


La pierre philosophaleMiser's Dream (USA) , The Philosopher's Stone (USA)1899'

Showing interior of a laboratory of a metallurgist conducting experiments and he is endeavoring to produce gold from baser metals. In a huge fireplace is seen a cauldron, into which he puts various chemicals. Great clouds of smoke ascend up the chimney, after this disappears is seen a counterpart of a gold coin gradually evolving into shape. This coin dissolves into a beautiful woman offering to the alchemist a huge bag of gold. As he reaches forth to grasp the same, the apparition vanishes completely.


Entretien de Dreyfus et de sa femme à Rennes1899'


Pick-pocket et policeman1899'


Luttes extravagantesAn Extraordinary Wrestling Match (USA)1899'

In a square room, two men and two women, in white body-hugging clothes, try on wrestling holds, each with a partner of the same sex.


Richesse et misère1899'


Dreyfus alliant du lycée de Rennes à la prison1899'


L'Île du diable1899'


Force doit rester à la loi1899'


Le miroir de CagliostroCagliostro's Mirror (USA)1899'

Another magical trick well worth having. A large frame is seen hanging on the wall. Suddenly a basket of flowers appears therein, followed by a picture of a beautiful lady. This picture becomes animated and pleads to be taken out. The visitor approaches to comply with her request, she fades into a skeleton and from that to a huge satan's head. Wonderfully startling.


Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:14
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Débarquement de voyageurs, port de Granville1899'


Neptune et AmphitriteNeptune and Amphitrite (USA)1899'


Les trois bacchantesThe Three Bacchantes (USA)1900'

A conjurer causes three handsome maidens to appear on pedestals, one at a time, although there was nothing to indicate that they were near before he practiced his art. They are made to disappear in the same mysterious manner.


Les visiteurs sur le trottoir roulant1900'


Vue panoramique prise de la Seine1900'


Les miracles de BrahmaneThe Miracles of Brahmin (USA)1900'


Vieux Paris1900'


La vengeance du gâte-sauceThe Cook's Revenge (USA)1900'

Showing the interior of a kitchen, with the cook trying to embrance and kiss the maid, who drops the dishes and runs away as she hears the proprietor approaching. The cook hides in a cupboard, discovered by the manager, who squeezes the door of the cupboard, thereby cutting off the head which is projecting. At this he is horrified and places the head on a table, where it starts grinning at him. He takes the head and throws it into the cupboard, and out walks the cook, who proceeds to literally wipe the floor with his tormentor. A wonderful and humorous subject


Un intrus dans la loge des figurantes1900'


Le livre magiqueThe Magic Book (USA)1900'

When this picture opens, you see a large book mounted on an easel. An old student is seen poring over old manuscripts when he advances toward the book, and by the aid of some mysterious power he causes an old man, a clown and a pretty girl to emerge therefrom, turning the page each time and taking a different person from the page in view. Each tries to make love to the maiden, when they are immediately returned to the place from whence they came. Marvelously mystical.


Vue de remerciements au public1900'


Le déshabillage impossibleGoing to Bed Under Difficulties (USA)1900'
Georges Méliès (as The Man)

A traveler puts up at an inn. He hangs his overcoat and hat upon a peg in his room, but he finds, instantly, that his clothes are on his back again. He takes off his coat a second time, but it instantly returns. He becomes enraged. The more rapidly he undresses, the more rapidly his clothes go back to his body. He rolls on the floor, then on the bed, and finally has an epileptic fit.


Le malade hydrophobeThe Man with Wheels in His Head (USA)1900'


Le fou assassinThe Dangerous Lunatic (USA)1900'


Les infortunes d'un explorateur19001'


Fatale mépriseThe Railroad Pickpocket (USA)1900'


Farce de marmitonScullion's Joke on the Chef (USA)1900'


Panorama circulaire1900'


Palais étrangers1900'


Nouvelles luttes extravagantesThe Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match (USA)19002'
Jeanne d'Alcy

This film is a winner, it being one of the most laughable of mysterious picture ever made. An extremely lean man and an extremely fat man are engaged in a wrestling match. The lean man attacks the fat one viciously but cannot budge him from the floor. After wrestling furiously for awhile, the fat man falls upon the lean one and crushes him as flat as a pancake. The fat man then rolls him up in a package about the size of a carpet bag and lays him on the floor, and winds up by tossing him high in the air. The lean man in coming down falls on the fat man's head, knocking him to the floor and causing hiim to explode in a great cloud of smoke, his body being distributed all over the stage. The portions of the fat man's body then begin slowly to come to life, the fat man jumping to his feet and making a hasty exit, seeming glad to get out of the way of his terrible opponent.


Ne bougeons plusDon't Move (USA)1900'


L'artiste et le mannequinArtist and the Dummy (USA) , The Artist and the Mannikin (USA)1900'


Le tonneau des danaïdesThe Dainaid's Barrel (USA)1900'


L'exposition de 19001900'

A sweet and imaginative portrayal of what young and old people think of art.


Le repas fantastiqueA Fantastical Meal (USA)1900'


L'homme orchestreThe One-Man Band (USA)19003'
Georges Méliès (as All the members of the orchestra)

A band-leader has arranged seven chairs for the members of his band. When he sits down in the first chair, a cymbal player appears in the same chair, then rises and sits in the next chair. As the cymbal player sits down, a drummer appears in the second chair, and then likewise moves on to the third chair. In this way, an entire band is soon formed, and is then ready to perform.

ed2k linkL'Homme Orchestre (1900) - Georges Melies.avi ed2k link stats

Les deux aveuglesThe Two Blind Men (USA)1900'


Tom Whisky ou L'illusioniste toquéAddition and Subtraction (USA)1900'


Le songe d'or de l'avareThe Miser (USA) , The Miser's Dream of Gold (USA)1900'


La porte monumentale1900'


L'illusioniste double et la tête vivanteThe Triple Conjurer and the Living Head (USA)1900'


Spiritisme abracadabrantUp-to-Date Spiritualism (USA)1900'

In this subject a "comique eccentric" enters the drawing room inhabited by spirits. He tries to take off his coat and hat, but these garments return to his head and shoulders as soon as he takes them off. The chairs, his umbrella, his hat, etc., fly away in different directions and by various methods.


Le sorcier, le prince et le bon génieThe Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy (USA)1900'


Gens qui pleurent et gens qui rientCrying and Laughing (USA)1900'


Le prisonnier recalcitrantThe Tricky Prisoner (USA)1900'


Panorama pris du trottoir roulant Champ de Mars1900'


Le rêve de NoëlThe Christmas Dream (USA)1900'

The entire story of Christmastide is here depicted. The scene opens in a large boudoir of an apparently wealthy man's home. His children, assisted by their governess, are about to retire. Before lying down they hang up their stockings on the edge of the bed. The picture changes and night appears. We see the housetops of the town and angels are flying about depositing packages in each of the chimneys. Santa Claus is also busy and furnishes our little friends with numerous presents. Again a change in the picture and we see the corridor of the old village church. The sexton, an old grey haired man, stands by, while a number of lusty boys pull the rope attached to the great bell in the belfry. The bell tolling in the steeple bursts into view, after which the interior of the church is seen with the full choir accompanied by the organist and choir boys singing the Christmas hymn. Another change and the boudoir is again before us and the children are looking over their presents while their parents are receiving the congratulations of their friends who have come to visit them. The picture changes into that of the great dining hall with the guests sitting around the table and the beggar is brought in and given a place at the table. The conclusion of this beautiful subject is a pretty tableau. We cannot speak too highly of the dissolving effects of this film. One picture dissolves into the other and thus the story is continuous from beginning to the end. Artistically beautiful.


The Unexpected Bath1900'


Le rêve du radjah ou La forêt enchantéeOh! What a Night; or, The Sultan's Dream (USA) , The Rajah's Dream or The Bewitched Wood (USA)1900'

The picture opens with the Sultan lying down to rest on his luxurious cushioned couch. The scene changes to the grounds around the palace. An odd-looking tree appears in the foreground and turns into a hobgoblin, which shakes its arms at the Sultan. The Sultan seizes his sword and stabs at the feirce looking object, when it turns into Mephistopheles, who seizes the Sultan and places him on a scaffold, and just as they are about to dispatch him, the dream ends; and he finds himself once more on his comfortable couch. Very marvelous mystical changes from start to finish.


La rue des nations1900'


Coppelia: la poupée animéeCoppelia, the Animated Doll (USA)1900'


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Pavillon des armées de terre et de mer1900'


Les sept péchés capitauxThe Seven Capital Sins (USA)1900'

To fully describe the action as it occurs in this subject would cover several pages. Suffice it to say that, for surprising and startling incidents, black art and ghostly doings, marvelous effects and humorous, it is second to none of the many preceding subjects of a like character.


Le savant et le chimpanzeThe Doctor and the Monkey (USA)19001'


Avenue des Champs-Elysées et le Petit Palais1900'


Barbe-bleueBluebeard (USA)19019'
Georges Méliès, Jeanne d'Alcy, Bleuette Bernon

Lord Bluebeard is looking for a woman to become his eighth wife, as his first seven wives have all passed away. Many noble families bring their daughters to meet him, but none of the young women want to marry him. Bluebeard's great wealth, however, persuades one father to give his daughter's hand to him. She reluctantly marries him, and after a lavish wedding feast she begins her new life in his castle. One day as Bluebeard is going away on a journey, he warns his wife never to go into a certain room. When her curiosity finally gets the best of her, she realizes that she has placed herself in great danger.

ed2k linkBarbe-bleue (Georges Méliès, 1901).avi ed2k link stats

La tour mauditeBewitched Dungeon (USA)1901'


Les piqueurs de futsThe Burglars in the Wine Cellar (USA)1901'

A very comical picture, depicting two burglars who have entered the store room of a vineyard, apparently for the purpose of committing burglary. They discover the long line of wine barrels and go about sampling each. They are finally interrupted in their operations by two watchmen. They seize the watchmen, and knocking the heads out of two wine barrels, throw them in head first, leaving the watchmen kicking and squirming endeavoring to get away. A policeman enters and pulling the watchmen out of the barrel, mistakes them for burglars and arrests them, ending as usual, by the victims getting the worst of it.


Le petit chaperon rougeCaperucita Roja , Little Red Riding Hood (USA)1901'
Rachel Gillet (as Little Red Riding Hood)

A spectacular performance, in twelve tableaux, of the most popular and best known fairy tale in history. From this most simple tale we have produced a play that is both pleasing and amusing to young and old, introducing as we do many surprising tricks and dissolving effects. We have followed as near as possible the tale of Perrault, which is well known to all, and which has been translated into all languages. We have, on account of the peculiar effects that must be introduced in animated pictures, arranged it also with humorous features, without which it would not have been so highly interesting and pleasing as a motion picture demonstration of the fairy tale. The story itself is doubtless familiar to many of our customers, and we will, therefore, not attempt to describe it in our catalogue matter, except to state that it is composed of the finest trick and dissolving effects ever introduced, and that the action is replete from start to finish with humorous, emotional and spectacular situations.


Le réveil d'un monsieur presséHow He Missed His Train (USA)19011'

A man wishing to catch a train, and having left himself none too much time to do so, rises from his couch and proceeds to don his garments. These, however, change in a most fearful manner, trousers becoming a coat, a coat a waistcoat, etc., etc. After a manful struggle he comes to the conclusion that his clothes are one too many for him, and goes back to bed again, to think the matter over.


Une mauvaise plaisanterie1901'


Une noce au villageFun in Court (USA)1901'


Le chapeau à surprisesHat of Many Surprises (USA) , The Hat with Many Surprises (USA) , What Was Found in a High Hat (USA)1901'

The picture opens showing a gentleman in full evening dress costume. Removing his opera hat and cloak, he leaves the hat on the table and by a few passes causes it to assume immense proportions. Prior to increasing the size of the hat, he takes from it a table cloth, napkins, knives and forks, and a few dishes. Then the hat is increased in size and he takes therefrom several chairs, after which the guests are produced from the same hat, consisting of two men and two women. They seat themselves at the table and proceed to eat of the good things provided, when the conjurer jumps backward on the table, and in the excitement everything disappears, leaving him as he was before with the original high hat. The scene is so funny that the pictures on the wall assume life and appear to enjoy the situation to such an extent that they almost fall down. After everything is righted the magician bows himself out of the picture.


Bouquet d'illusionsFemme à trois têtes, La (France) , The Triple Headed Lady (USA) , Wonderful Feats of Vivisection (USA)1901'

A most astounding film, showing a lady with three heads. These are taken away one after the other, and seem to be quite as lively when separated from the body as they were when united. The conjuror who is performing the trick also removes his own head without suffering any inconvenience, and walks about without it. There are also any number of other changes in this film, which has to be seen to be fully appreciated.


Congrès des nations en Chine1901'


Chez la sorcièreThe Bachelor's Paradise (USA)1901'


Le chevalier démontable et le général boumA Good Trick (USA) , The Fierce Charger and the Knight (UK)1901'


Le charlatan1901'


Dislocations mystérieusesAn Extraordinary Dislocation (USA) , The Clown with the Portable Body (USA)1901'
André Deed

The funniest of all mystical pictures yet produced. The clown


Le temple de la magieHerrmann, the Great Conjuror (USA) , The Temple of the Sun (USA)1901'

A high nobleman finds himself in the Temple of the Sun, where he meets Mascarille, who proposes himself as a juggler. After extracting from the nobleman's nose several playing cards, Mascarille enlarges these cards and transforms them into the flags of all nations. From these flags he extricates a group of beauties. The nobleman begins to pay court to the ladies. Instantly the group disappears and the lord finds himself face to face with an animated Sun, who starts in a grotesque dance. The Sun is changed to a pumpkin. Then the devil appears, replaces the head of the lord with the pumpkin and drives him away with an enormous candlestick, which sends out flames and smoke.


Le chimiste repopulateurA Maiden's Paradise (USA)1901'

The scene opens in a wizard's cavern, showing an inanimate figure resting against a table. The wizard with some mysterious passes converts her into a living woman, and after laying her on some trestles and covering her over with a large sheet of paper, saws her in halves. Taking the two cones of paper he places them on separate tables, when, on being removed, they disclose two ladies in the place of the one who has been cut in half. From the same receptacle he then proceeds to materialize six other beautiful damsels, who, after performing a mazy dance, vanish into thin air. The two maidens that remain are then duplicated and put through the most amazing complications, being merged into one person, and again duplicated; finally, however, they walk to the front of the stage together with the wizard, and, after bowing to the spectators, withdraw.


La chrysalide et le papillon d'orBrahmane et le papillon, Le (France) (alternative title), The Brahmin and the Butterfly (USA)1901'
Georges Méliès (as Brahmin)

A Brahmin is walking in a tropical forest, playing a melody upon a flute, when a gigantic caterpillar emerges from the undergrowth. The Brahmin seizes this and places it in a cocoon, which he hangs in the air. A beautiful butterfly emerges, and after fluttering about, becomes a lovely damsel, who puts her foot on his head and changes him into a caterpillar. A most amazing succession of transformations. One of the best subjects yet produced.


La phrénologie burlesqueThe Phrenologist and the Lively Skull (UK)1901'


La chirurgie de l'avenirTwentieth Century Surgery (USA)1901'


L'école infernaleThe Trials of a Schoolmaster (USA)1901'


L'homme aux cent trucsConjurer and 100 Tricks (USA) , The Conjuror with a Hundred Tricks (USA)1901'


Excelsior!The Magician and the Human Pump (USA) , The Prince of Magicians (UK)19012'

The magician appears upon the stage with his assistant. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, he causes an empty jar to suddenly appear under it. He places the empty jar upon the table and seizing his assistant by one arm, begins pumping, when lo! a stream of water emits from the mouth of the assistant and fills the dish. One by one he takes six fishes from the mouth of his assistant and places them in the dish. The assistant is then commanded to hold the jar high above his head, and immediately it begins smoking, and a terrific explosion takes place, which, when the smoke clears away, leaves a flag in its place. The flag is unfolded, when there appears from behind it a huge lobster which suddenly turns into a man. The flag is placed over him, and when it is removed, there are two small children in his place, one seated upon the back of the other. These children are mysteriously turned into different objects until the jar of water finally re-appears with the fish in it. Now the assistant upon examining the jar, is kicked by the magician and sent flying from the stage. The magician then places the flag about himself and mysteriously disappears in the air, ending the scene.


La douche de colonel19011'


L'omnibus des toqués blancs et noirsOff to Bedlam (UK) , Off to Bloomingdale Asylum (USA)1901'


La libelluleThe Dragon Fly (USA)1901'


L'antre des espritsThe House of Mystery (USA) , The Magician's Cavern (USA)19013'


Mésaventures d'un aéronauteThe Balloonist's Mishap (USA)1901'


La fontaine sacrée ou La vengeance de BoudhaThe Sacred Fountain (USA)1901'


Guguste et BelzebuthThe Clown Vs. Satan (USA)1901'


L'homme à la tête en caoutchoucThe Man with the Rubber Head19013'
Georges Méliès

A chemist in his laboratory places upon a table his own head, alive; then fixing upon his head a rubber tube with a pair of bellows, he begins to blow with all his might. Immediately the head increases in size and continues to enlarge until it becomes truly colossal while making faces. The chemist, fearing to burst it, opens a cock in the tube. The head immediately contracts and resumes its original size. He then calls his assistant and informs him of his discovery. The assistant, wishing to experiment for himself, seizes the bellows and blows into the head with all his might. The head swells until it bursts with a crash, knocking over the two experimenters.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1901) L'homme a la tête en caoutchouc.avi ed2k link stats

La maison tranquilleTroubles in a Tenement House (USA)19012'

This picture shows the ground floor and also the first floor front of a modern lodging house. In the lower room the landlord and his lady are having dinner, while above them four young men lodgers are competing as to who can make the most noise. Tiring of this amusement, they bore through the floor and let down an enormous spider, which upsets the dinner party. One of the lodgers falls through the ceiling and upsets the place and drives the landlady into hysterics by very cleverly simulating an elephant by means of a tablecloth and two broomsticks. Finally a policeman appears on the scene, but getting under the hole in the ceiling, is completely overwhelmed with furniture.

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès - 1901 - L'homme a la tete en caoutchouc.avi ed2k link stats

Le voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les géantsGulliver's Travels (USA)1902'

Of all the beautiful stories ever told none are more interesting than Gulliver's Travels. How Gulliver set out on a journey and was shipwrecked on an island, where he found strange people, so small that a hundred of them full size could safely repose in the hollow of his hand. How he fell asleep, was discovered by the inhabitants of the island and securely bound with thousands of feet of cord and made to promise to do everything he was told under pain of instant death. He became a favorite with the people, who finally trusted him, but his roving nature would not permit him to settle there permanently. A most interesting part of this film is in which the King and Queen arrive to look on the giant from a strange land, and as the Queen arrives and sits down, Gulliver immediately lifts her upon the table, upon which he has prepared his food, and the Queen and he hold intercourse, after which he again places her and the receptacle in which she is carried, to the ground. Immediately after a fire breaks out, and while the people try to attack their fire apparatus, Gulliver seizes a seltzer bottle and extinguishes the blaze with its contents. He leaves the island at last, and after wandering about for some months he is again shipwrecked, but this time is thrown among the giants, who look upon him, a natural-sized man, as a novelty. They pick him up like a top, and one amuses himself by blowing a cloud of smoke in Gulliver's face, the while smoking a huge clay pipe. The Princess of the giants, learning of the new arrival, dismisses her followers and interviews the little man, who being too far away, climbs a ladder in order to reach the Princess, but she admonishes him for his presumption and in his confusion he falls to the ground. Here is a subject that will enthuse your audience, not alone the children, but the grown folks as well. It is a story complete in itself and takes one back to ancient times, when such doings were looked upon as natural. It is a wonderful picture, wonderfully produced.


La clownesse fantômeThe Magician and the Imp (USA) , The Shadow Girl (USA) , Twentieth Century Conjuring (USA)1902'

The magician appears upon the stage with an imp as his assistant. The imp holds a piece of cloth in his hand. At the command of the magician the cloth is suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl, clad in tights. A barrel is then introduced and the girl enters one end. As she makes her exit from the other she is transformed into a man. The man then jumps through a paper hoop, and as he lands on the other side is changed back into the girl. The girl is then placed upon a table, the table is removed, and, to the astonishment of all, she remains in her position, apparently resting in mid-air. Two benches are then introduced and chairs placed under them, a man occupying one and the girl the other. At a wave of the magician's wand the figures fade away. When they reappear the girl and the man have changed places. Wonderful magic.


Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:19
por Sarmale
L'homme moucheThe Human Fly (USA)1902'

This is a moving picture that moves. Positively the greatest magical picture ever offered. A Hindoo magician appears and dances for the entertainment of six pretty maidens. Then, to the astonishment of all, he runs up the wall, dances and turns handsprings in mid-air, introducing many tricks that are entirely new in animated photography. The most puzzling of all the mystical series.


Le bataillon élastiqueThe Elastic Batallion (USA)1902'


Les aventures de Robinson CrusoéRobinson Crusoe (USA)1902'


L'oeuf du sorcier ou L'oeuf magique prolifiqueProlific Magic Egg (USA) , The Magical Egg (USA) , The Prolific Magical Egg (USA)1902'

A human skeleton is placed upon a table by an attendant. When the attendant leaves the room the skeleton begins kicking his legs and throwing his arms about and suddenly turns into a magician. The magician produces an egg, performing several sleight-of-hand tricks, and places it upon the table with the small end downward. He then crudely draws a human face upon the shell, and the egg immediately begins growing larger and larger until it reaches the size of a normal head. The form of the egg fades away and there immediately appears the head of a very pretty girl. Then two or more of the same type appear on either side of the original. The heads of the girls are merged into one head and from this appears the hideous head of a hobgoblin. The hobgoblin fades away into the original egg. The egg is reduced to its normal size and is removed from the table by the magician, who swallows it. He then takes his place on the table, reverting back to the skeleton, which is removed by the attendant, thus closing the picture.


La femme volanteMarvelous Suspension (USA) , Marvelous Suspension and Evolution (USA) , Marvelous Suspension and Evolutions (USA)1902'

A large vase appears in the centre of the stage, and while it is being admired by a rather aged gentleman is suddenly transformed into a pretty girl. She comes down from the stand on which she appears and begins to dance for the old man. She then rises mysteriously in the air and performs graceful evolutions without any visible means of support. After a marvelous performance she slowly fades away from view. A tableau is then formed by a number of girls. The old man looks on with admiration and agreeable surprise. Any audience that sees this film projected will receive a treat similar to his.


Éruption volcanique à la Martinique1902'


The Coronation of Edward VIIReproduction, Coronation Ceremonies: King Edward VII (USA)1902'
Director: Georges Méliès, Charles Urban

This impressive ceremony is performed in the order as officially published. Their Majesties, Royalty, Clergy, and other Distinguished Personages taking part in the Coronation are impersonated by accomplished actors and actresses, every detail as to costumes, robes, regalia, coronation chairs, chair of state, Abbey arrangements, etc., being as faithfully reproduced as possible, in order to convey the scene to the millions who are not privileged to witness the actual proceedings. Only such portions of the ceremony as would admit of action have been selected for purposes of this representation, thus greatly reducing the duration of the actual performance, and blending the same into a consecutive series, enacted in the most impressive and dignified manner, and in the following order, viz: 1. His Majesty taking the oath. 2. King Edward kissing the book and signing the oath. 3. The annointing 4. The oblation of the sword. 5. The imperial mantle 6. The orb and sceptres. 7. The crowning of his Majesty in St. Edward's Chair. 8. The King and Queen ascend to the chairs of state.


Le rêve du pariaThe Dream of a Hindu Beggar (USA)1902'


La danseuse microscopiqueMarvellous Egg Production (USA) , The Dancing Midget (USA)19023'

This is an absolutely new and extraordinary subject. A juggler takes in succession about a dozen eggs out of his servant's mouth. He breaks all the eggs into a hat, and after having beaten them up after the manner of a cook, he extracts an egg as large as the hat itself. As soon as he sets this egg on the table there appears a tiny dancing girl, full of life, as big as a baby's doll, and who performs on the table some beautiful stage dances. All of a sudden she increases to the size of a ordinary woman, and jumping on the floor she delights the audience with her turns. The juggler and the dancing girl disappear in the most extraordinary way.


L'équilibre impossibleAn Impossible Balancing Feat (USA) , The Impossible Feat of Balancing (USA)1902'
Georges Méliès (as The magician)

An ancient tower, in which is seated the magician, occupies the centre of the stage. On either side of the tower is a statue. The magician waves his hands and the tower and both statues disappear. He then removes his coat and seats himself upon a chair. On one side of the chair, two figures, each an exact counterpart of himself, appear. On the other side a third figure, also an exact counterpart of himself, appears. The figures then run up the wall, one of them balancing itself upon the head of the magician, and the others stand on their heads in the palms of his hands. The figures are then turned into flags, which the magician waves and throws aside as he makes his exit.


Le voyage dans la luneViaje a la luna, A Trip to Mars (USA) (copyright title), A Trip to the Moon , Voyage to the Moon190214'
Victor André, Bleuette Bernon (as Lady in the moon), Brunnet (as Astronomer), Jeanne d'Alcy, Henri Delannoy, Depierre, Farjaut (as Astronomer), Kelm (as Astronomer), Georges Méliès (as Prof. Barbenfouillis)

This early silent film by master artist and film pioneer Georges Melies is considered a classic by many film buffs. Although it runs for only 14 minutes this whimsical fantasy really focuses on an astronomers dream.

IMDb Culturalia
ed2k link[Divx - SILENT] Georges Melies - Le Voyage Dans La Lune.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1902) Le voyage dans la lune.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkViaje A La Luna (George Melies 1902).mpg ed2k link stats

ed2k linkTrip to the Moon Méliès (1902).asf ed2k link stats

L'armoire des frères DavenportCabinet Trick of the Davenport Brothers (USA)1902'

A prestidigitator orders his assistant to bring a cabinet, which is displayed piece by piece to the audience. Two gentlemen are then introduced; they enter the cabinet and are securely bound with ropes to the chairs. The doors are closed and immediately the heads of the two men appear through apertures in the doors. The doors are immediately thrown wide open and the men are disclosed bound to the chairs as securely as at first. From this moment the most amusing scenes are enacted without interruption. The poor prestidigitator even loses his head, which is found upon a stool, while his body has been struggling in the most amusing way.


Le couronnement du roi Édouard VII1902'

A re-enactment using actors of the recent coronation of Britain's King Edward VII.


Nain et géantThe Dwarf and the Giant (USA) , The Long and Short of It (USA)19021'


Le pochard et l'inventeurDrunkard and Inventor (USA) , What Befell the Inventor's Visitor (UK)1902'


Une indigestionChirurgie fin de siècle (France) (alternative title), Dr. Lorenz Outdone (USA) (reissue title), Sure Cure for Indigestion (USA) , Up-to-Date Surgery (USA)1902'

In this film, we show the interior of a doctor's office. A patient enters, and judging from the expression on his face, he is in great pain. The doctor tells him that he is troubled with acute indigestion, and immediately places him upon the operating table. He begins his treatment by cutting off the patient's arms and legs with a huge saw. After removing these members, he takes a large knife and makes an incision in the unfortunate's stomach large enough to put his arm in. He then removes such things as bottles, knives and forks, lamps and other articles of furniture from the patient's body. The patient evidently complains of the great pain he is suffering, and to relieve this the doctor cuts off his head and places it upon a near-by chair. Next a large water pump is brought into play, and after pumping about two gallons of water from the stomach of the patient the doctor sews up the wound, which heals immediately, then places the head back in its place. He next attempts to adjust the man's legs and arms in their proper places, but in his hurry a leg is placed where an arm should be, and vice versa. After discovering his mistake he corrects it, and the man, entirely cured of his trouble, rises from the table and after paying the doctor his fee departs from the office in great glee.


Catastrophe du ballon 'Le pax'1902'


Les trésors de satanMephistopheles' School of Magic (USA) , The Devil's Money Bags (USA) , The Treasures of Satan (USA)1902'
Georges Méliès

The setting of this fantastic scene represents the hall of an old chateau in which a miser has locked up seven large bags containing his wealth. Satan, who has made his way into the chateau, puts the seven bags in a strong box, and makes with his hands some cabalistic motions. The miser comes into the hall and is greatly astonished to find his fortune missing. He opens the coffer and immediately the bags leap out. He gathers them up and puts them back into the coffer. When he opens it again he finds that they have been transformed into seven young girls, who rush out and chase after him, beating him unmercifully. They shut him up in the coffer from which his gold has vanished. The miser pushes open the lid of the coffer, and to his profound despair finds that both young girls and money have disappeared. (This view is most sensational in its mysterious scenes.)


Le diable géant ou Le miracle de la madonneGigantic Devil (USA) , The Devil and the Statue (USA)19022'
Georges Méliès

A magnificent Venetian oratory. On the left a large bay window through which may be seen the Grand Canal of the city of Venice. In the centre a colonnade and a hemicycle; to the right is a statue of the Madonna. At the beginning of the scene Romeo in his gondola sings to Juliet a sentimental song, then goes away. Hardly has he departed when the colonnade falls to pieces, disclosing the devil. Juliet, frightened, runs to the window and calls Romeo. The latter attempts to enter and protect his fiancée, but at a gesture from the devil the window is instantly covered with a grating and Romeo makes frantic efforts to break it. The devil begins to dance a wild dance before Juliet, who is beside herself from terror. The devil gradually becomes the size of a giant (a novel effect). Juliet implores the statue of Madonna, which becomes animated, descends from its pedestal, and stretching out its arms orders the devil to disappear. The devil grows smaller and smaller and finally becomes a tiny dwarf, then he is lost in space. The window resumes its first form and Romeo embraces his beloved, with the benediction of the Virgin.


Le tonnerre de Jupiter1903'

Brief "trick film" in which Zeus and two other gods romp with dancing girls on Olympian clouds.


La parapluie fantastiqueTen Ladies in One Umbrella (USA)1903'


Faust aux enfersFaust in Hell (USA)1903'


La lanterne magiqueThe Magic Lantern (USA)19033'

Two impish clowns construct a magic lantern. They prop it up at an angle, and use it to project pictures onto a wall. When the picture show ends, they open up the lantern to reveal a group of dancing girls inside - and this is only the first of the indications that this lantern really is magical.


Jacques et JimJack and Jim (USA)1903'


Le chaudron infernalThe Infernal Boiling Pot (USA)19031'

The demon, Belphegor, the executioner of Hell, awaits the arrival of three unfortunates while watching the fire which burns under an enormous caldron prepared for mortals condemned to the flames of the infernal regions. A subaltern prods the three unfortunates with the teeth of his fork. Belphegor seizes them one by one and throws them into the furnace. Each one of the bodies flames up in its turn, sending into the air long tongues of fire. His assistant arrives and with a long iron rod stirs up the remains of the victims in the caldron. Suddenly three long streaks of smoke come out of it, each one of which, leaping about in the air, assumes a vague form resembling that of a human being but with a transparent, phantasmal appearance. These are the three souls of the mortals which have been separated from the body, and which seek to escape from the demons. (These living personages move about in the air crossing one another. It is easy to see that these transparent, mysteriously ghostly figures are really alive, but their weird shapes create a sensational curiosity. A very fascinating and absolutely new trick.) But Belphegor does not permit his prey to escape. At a sigh from him, the three phantoms fade away and are transformed into three leaping flames--they have become will-o'-the-wisps who must forever remain with the vast concourse of Satan's victims. Belphegor, having finished his duties, disappears mysteriously into the caldron, which bursts into pieces and is dissolved into smoke.

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès - 1903 - Le chaudron infernal (post-colored).avi ed2k link stats

Le rêve du maître de balletThe Ballet Master's Dream (USA) , The Dream of the Ballet Master (UK)19032'

It's late in the evening, and the ballet master's bed has been prepared for him. But he cannot take his mind off of his work, and instead of going to sleep he paces the floor and tries out dance steps. Finally, he goes to bed and falls asleep, but ballet dominates even his dreams. He sees two dancers who seem to come right into his room as they perform, and that's just the beginning.


Bob Kick, l'enfant terribleBob Kick, the Mischievous Kid (USA)1903'


L'enchanteur Alcofrisbas1903'


Tom Tight et Dum DumJack Haggs and Dum Dum (USA)1903'


Un malheur n'arrive jamais seulMisfortune Never Comes Alone (USA)1903'

The scene takes place in front of a barrack, where a young soldier is on duty --most laughable and comical.


Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:23
por Sarmale
Le cake-walk infernalThe Cake-Walk Infernal (USA)19035'

Pluto, having seen the earth, comes back home amazed at the success of that well-known dance, the "cake-walk." He has brought back with him two noted well-known dancers, who start their favorite dance amidst the flames. A queer and ugly being wishes also to join in the dance, but his limbs break away and dance far from him. All the subjects of His Majesty are seized with the irresistible mania for dancing, and start an unbridled provincial dance. At this sight Satan starts out of the earth a large blaze, which annihilates everything around him, disappearing himself through the flames. This view has beautiful new effects and much improves with colors. For the first time in a cinematograph view one can see some of the will-o'-the-wisp wandering among human beings. The effect is magical.

ed2k linkLe cake-walk infernal (Méliès 1903 - 720x540).avi ed2k link stats

Illusions funambulesquesExtraordinary Illusions (USA) , The 20th Century Illustrationist (UK)1903'
Georges Méliès (as Magician)

As the film begins, Georges Melies himself is sitting on a table before a painted stage backdrop, wearing an Asian outfit, fanning himself. He rises, and in a blink the Asian outfit is replaced by his magician's tux. He makes a stool flip itself in the air, then change into a box labeled [in English] "Magical Box." From it Melies produces a woman's limbs and separate torso, all of which he drapes onto a clothes rack. At his command a woman's head flies out of the box and into his hand; he places it atop the other parts, and instantly it becomes a live woman. They dance together, then he yanks off her clothes in one sweeping gesture to reveal another outfit underneath. He flings a wig and hat onto her, and they dance once more. When the woman turns herself into a male chef in white uniform, complete with hat, Melies is displeased; he strikes the chef who explodes in white feathers. He reconstitutes the feathers into the woman, but as they take a bow together she turns herself back into the chef. Enraged, Melies strikes the chef, dismembering him. The stage is littered with body parts, which then vanish. Melies returns to his original position on the table and dances merrily as he fades to nothingness, and the film ends.


Extraordinary Adventures1903'


Le royaume des féesAu royaume des fées (France) , Fairyland: A Kingdom of Fairies (USA) , Kingdom of the Fairies , The Fairyland (USA)190311'
Bleuette Bernon, Georges Méliès

At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry, when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.


La flamme merveilleuseThe Mystical Flame (USA)1903'
Georges Méliès

A juggler enters upon the scene, picks up a skull, throws it into the air, catches it in his hands, where it is transformed into a handkerchief. The handkerchief, after being twirled about a wand, is changed to a napkin, and afterward to a tablecloth. Out of the table cloth comes a servant. The servant brings a low table upon which the juggler throws some magic powder. The powder takes fire and blazes up into a large flame, in the midst of which appears a beautiful female. The flame dies away, the lady descends to show that she is alive. She mounts the table again. The juggler leaves the room. The servant falls in love with the lady and proposes marriage, but she fades from view. The juggler reenters and head over heals disappears from the top of the chair. The servant rushes toward the chair, juggler reappears coming out from under the table, seizes the servant and, throwing him to the floor, reduces him to smoke. He disposes of the chair in like manner and dances off.


Le sorcierRevenge Is Sweet (USA) , The Sorcerer's Revenge (UK) , The Witch's Revenge (USA) , Vengeance du sorcier, La (France)1903'

Two guards bring a sorcerer into the hall of a palace of the time of the Middle Ages. The king who follows them orders the sorcerer to be chained and to be condemned to death for his practice of witchcraft. He begs the king to permit him just one hour of liberty, assuring the king that he will create, thanks to his power, a charming woman, worthy of becoming the king's consort. The king, after a moment of hesitation, agrees. The sorcerer asks the king to remove the guards. The king commands them to retire, but not to go far away so as to be within easy call. The sorcerer evokes a spirit. A demon emerges from the floor, and at the command of the sorcerer goes and finds a palanquin, which is brought in by beautiful pages. In this palanquin which the sorcerer shows, at first, to be empty, three lovely Greek goddesses slowly appear. The king is charmed, but he remarks to the sorcerer that the Greek costumes do not please him. But they are quickly transformed, under the spell of the magician, into rich court dresses. The lady in the middle becomes a haughty queen, the two others are changed to ladies in waiting. The king takes the hand of the queen and escorts her, followed by her two attendants, to a seat beside his throne. The pages remove the palanquin. The king asks the magician to amuse the company by some of his wonderful tricks. So the magician takes a chair which he makes waltz about the hall. Then he throws it into the air, where the chair is transformed into a royal clown who performs some feats of dislocation. He ends his performance by a perilous leap and falls back to the floor in the original form of the chair, makes a saucy face at the king and disappears turning somersaults. The king rushes down to the chair in astonishment. The chair disappears and at the same time the magician reappears upon the royal throne. The king in a rage summons the guards and orders them to arrest the magician. The latter throws down the guards, transforms them to demons, whom he orders to arrest and chain the king. Then, putting on the royal crown, the sorcerer goes out dancing with the queen and her attendants, who are no other than diabolical personages, while the king, because he was too credulous, remains chained to the spot -- a condition in which he wished to place the sorcerer at the beginning.


La corbeille enchantéeThe Enchanted Basket (USA)1903'

A farmer calls on a juggler to see a few of his best tricks. The juggler has brought a bouquet of flowers, from which he takes out a charming and beautiful girl. The farmer, enraptured, attempts to kiss the beauty, and in trying to do so he only catches a devil, who beats him unmercifully and finally bursts into a thousand pieces. The juggler asks the farmer if his cares for any more exhibitions, but the poor fellow runs away in great terror.


Le portrait spirituelThe Spiritualist Photographer (USA)19032'
Georges Méliès

A sign proclaims a demonstration of a new kind of "spiritualistic" photography. A man then enters, constructs a platform, and places a large picture frame on the platform. He then brings in a young girl, who stands in front of the frame, and he proceeds to demonstrate what his device can do.


L'auberge du bon reposThe Inn Where No Man Rests (USA)19035'

A traveler is shown to a room in an inn. After a brief dispute with the hostess and a porter, he is left to himself. But strange things begin to happen in his room, and before long he has created a disturbance that has everyone running to his room to find out what is going on.


L'oracle de DelphesThe Oracle of Delphi (USA)1903'
Georges Méliès


Le puits fantastiqueThe Enchanted Well (USA)1903'

Townspeople are seen walking past the village well. A man and a mule [the latter obviously a person in a mule costume] stop nearby as the man prepares to get water. An old crone accosts the man and begs a hand-out, but the man indignantly refuses. As he turns back to deal with his mule, the crone reveals herself a witch and curses the well, then exits, shaking her fist. The man returns and fetches water, but when he pours it from the well bucket into his own bucket, the water turns to flame. Simultaneously, a demon appears over the well, laughing at the man. As the man rushes at the well, the demon disappears, and the well suddenly surges out of the ground into the sky like Jack's beanstalk. Two snakes [hand puppets] spring out of the side of the well and taunt the man, then vanish. Three demons appear, jeer at the man, and disappear. The base of the well opens up and a dragon emerges, roars, grabs the man by the foot, and attempts to pull him in. Then four human-sized frogs crawl out of the well, encircle the man, seize him, fling him in, and dance away. The man climbs out. The well slides away, then vanishes, replaced by the laughing demon. The villagers arrive and join the man in attempting to capture the demon, but he turns into a bat and flies away.


Le monstreThe Monster (USA)19032'
Georges Méliès

An Egyptian prince has lost his beloved wife and he has sought a dervish who dwells at the base of the sphinx. The prince promises him a vast fortune if the dervish will only give him the opportunity of gazing once more upon the features of his wife. The dervish accepts the offer. He brings in from a neighboring tomb the receptacle containing the remains of the princess. He opens it and removes the skeleton, which he places upon the ground close beside him. Then, turning to the moon and raising his arms outstretched toward it, he invokes the moon to give back life to her who is no more. The skeleton begins to move about, becomes animated, and arises. The dervish puts it upon a bench and covers it with a white linen; a masque conceals its ghostly face. At a second invocation the skeleton begins again to move, arises, and performs a weird dance. In performing its contortions it partly disappears in the ground. While performing its feats it increases gradually in size, its neck assuming enormous proportions, much to the horror of the prince, who fails to see in this grotesque character the wife whom he has lost. The dance ceases. The dervish throws a veil over the hideous creature. Then appear the real princess as she was when her husband possessed her. The prince darts forward to take her into his arms to give her a last kiss, but the dervish stops him, wraps the young lady in the veil and throws her into the arms of the prince. When he removes the veil he finds only the skeleton of his former wife. The vision has disappeared, and the princess has returned to dust. The dervish withdraws, and the prince pursues him with his threats and curses.

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès - 1903 - Le Monstre.mpg ed2k link stats

La guirlande merveilleuseMarvellous Wreath19031'

A musketeer bows to the audience and proceeds to hang his hat, coat and vest on the wall in a most amazing manner. Being in need of two pages, he brings them out of his coat, and with rope he makes a hoop. The two pages stretch out a large sheet of white paper. The musketeer puts the hoop through the paper, and instantly the hoop is all covered with paper like those used by performers in the circus. The pages hold up the hoop; the paper bursts, only to let out a hideous clown, who goes and sits in the corner to see what is going to happen. Then the musketeer breaks the hoop, takes out of his hat a lot of flowers, which he throws on the pieces of the hoop, and by his act he makes a lovely wreath, from which appears a beautiful woman. This woman is then substituted by an immense and grinning face, into which the clown jumps. Then an explosion is heard and nothing is left of the clown nor the head. The musketeer takes the pages on his soldiers, one after the other, and they are changed as his coat and hat. Finally he disappears in a most mysterious way.


Le mélomaneThe Melomaniac , The Music Lover (USA)19033'
Georges Méliès

A singing teacher, followed by his pupils, meet in the fields some telegraph wires strung on poles. These wires, the professor thinks, would form a very effective musical staff. He carries an enormous key of G which he throws upon the wires to give the proper pitch to his pupils. He forms a measure by fixing his cane in a perpendicular position among the wires which run in parallel direction, thus forming the lines of a staff of music. In order to have notes, he tears off his own head and fixes it among the wires. Thus he obtained the first note of his air. Then he fixes upon this staff several heads corresponding in position to the first part of the tune, "God Save the King." One hears the beating of drums, the heads rearrange themselves and one sees the second line of the air. Another beating of drums, and the heads shift about until they form the third line of music. Satisfied, the professor departs, followed by his pupils. The heads, abandoned among the wires, cast a look at the crowd as it disappears. Immediately they are changed to birds and fly away. This subject, accompanied by the proper music, produces great laughter.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1903) Le mélomane.avi ed2k link statsFrench

Le revenantThe Apparition (USA)1903'

Two servants at an inn, a steward and a pretty maid, prepare a room for an old man. As they leave, the old man attempts to grab the maid, but she rebuffs him and quickly exits. Alone, the old man sits at a table to read his newspaper, lighting a candle to do so. Seemingly enchanted, the candle glides away to the opposite end of the table. The old man moves closer to the light, but the candle avoids him. When he turns his attention away briefly the candle grows enormous, then shrinks again. The old man moves too close to the candle and his newspaper catches fire. He throws the paper down and sprays it with seltzer, but it turns into a beautiful woman, who smiles seductively. When he rushes towards her, she turns into a horrible old woman wrapped in a shroud, who laughs at the man and dances mockingly. He attempts to strike her, but passes through her. As he flings himself at her in one last spectacular dive, the maid re-enters with his supper. The Apparition disappears, and the old man collides with the maid, causing the dishes to crash to the floor.


Fantaisie Égyptienne1903'


Les filles du diableBeelzebub's Daughters (USA)1903'

Beelzebub, making fire on the tips of his fingers, develops a large blaze, from which three girls emerge, who commence a dance in the heart of the flames, while two devils shake burning torches; all disappear. This scene is the first of its kind and is quite magical in its effect.


La boîte à maliceMysterious Box19031'

As scene as pleasing as incomprehensible. A juggler summons two chairs, which come to the stage jumping and twirling around. Across the back of these chairs the operator places a sheet of glass on which he lays a box about four inches high. He then takes a table cover, with his servant's help, rolls it up and from the centre emerges a lady, beautifully dressed. At the juggler's order she jumps in the box, in which she completely disappears. The operator, in taking the box, notices an incredulous smile among the audience; he then affirms that the lady is still inside, and to prove it he puts the box on his knees and the girl appears again in full figure. He makes her go in again, and opening the box he shows that the girl has vanished and that her dresses only remain at the bottom. Then he jumps into the box himself, and his servant afterward; the box rolls off the stage without any help.


La statue animéeThe Drawing Lesson (USA)1903'

In a corner of the garden we see an ornamental fountain. An old professor comes along, looking for a nice spot where he can teach his pupils. Finding the fountain to his liking he goes after his scholars. A mysterious person who has noticed the old man, by means of a balloon, a handkerchief and a coat, constructs a peculiar figure, doing a lot of tricks at the same time. The professor returns with his class and all prepare for work, when, at the sign of the juggler, the statue comes to life, makes fun of the professor and finally is transformed into a fountain surmounted by a dolphin, throwing up streams of water. The unlucky professor loses his balance, tumbles into the water and gets a shower bath while the pupils sketch the scene. A most laughable subject.


Les mousquetaires de la reineThe Queen's Musketeers (USA)1903'

Before going to war with his neighbors, the King reviews his men. The Queen's Musketeer's, who number only young men, are proclaimed the best drilled and most skillful of his soldiers. These young men manoeuvre in front of the King, Queen and the Court, and perform the most difficult tactics. This subject will be much enjoyed and appreciated by any audience.


La planche du diableThe Devilish Plank (USA)1904'


Les mésaventures de Monsieur Boit-sans-soif1904'


La providence de notre-dame des flotsThe Providence of the Waves or The Dream of a Poor Fisherman (USA)1904'


Les cartes vivantesThe Living Playing Cards (USA)19043'
Georges Méliès

A bearded magician holds up a large playing card and makes it larger. He tears up a card of a queen, burns the torn bits, and a life-size Queen of Hearts card appears; then, it becomes alive. The magician puts her back into the card. The same thing happens with the King of Clubs: the card becomes alive. The king removes his costume, and there's something very familiar about him.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1904) Les cartes vivantes.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLes cartes vivantes (melies 1904 dx50 720x540).avi ed2k link stats

Le cadre aux surprisesThe Astonishing Frame (USA)1904'


Au clair de la lune ou Pierrot malheureux1904'


Les apparitions fugitives1904'


Le roi du maquillageUntamable Whiskers (USA)19043'
Georges Méliès (as Man with whiskers)

A man stands at a chalk board and draws himself. Then, as the chalk drawing changes, the man himself goes through a series of transformations: he's bald, then he's an old bearded man, then he's mustachioed with pork-chop sideburns. The hair keeps changing as does the man's affect: aged with white hair, comic, Napoleonic, and, finally, devilish.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1904) Le roi du maquillage.avi ed2k link stats

La dame fantômeThe Shadow Lady (USA)1904'


Mariage par correspondance1904'


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Le merveilleux éventail vivantThe Marvellous Living Fan (International: English title) (informal literal title), The Wonderful Living Fan (USA)19042'
Georges Méliès

As a conjurer awaits an audience, a procession announces the arrival of a royal representative, carried in a sedan chair, to see him. The conjurer then has a large box brought in. It is opened, revealing a very large folding fan. When the fan is spread out, the designs on it begin to change and move. And this is far from the last of the surprises that the conjurer has in store.

ed2k linkLe Merveilleux Eventail Vivant (Melies 1904 Us 544x416).avi ed2k link stats

Le dîner impossibleThe Impossible Dinner (USA)1904'


Le joyeux prophète russeThe Fake Russian Prophet (USA)1904'


Le rêve de l'horlogerThe Clock Maker's Dream (USA)19042'

A weary clock-maker dozes off in a chair. While he is asleep, three women suddenly appear in the midst of his shop. They proceed to show the sleeping clock-maker some new kinds of clocks that they know how to make.


Le rosier miraculeuxThe Wonderful Rose Tree (USA)1904'


Le thaumaturge chinoisTchin-Chao: The Chinese Conjurer (USA)19043'
Georges Méliès

A Chinese conjurer stands next to a table, it becomes two tables. A fan becomes a parasol, lanterns appear and disappear. The conjurer spins the open parasol in front of himself, and a dog leaps out from behind it. The dog becomes a woman, then a second woman appears. The conjurer sits them each on a box a few feet apart: suddenly the women have changed places. The disappearing and the transfers continue in front of a simple backdrop.


La fête au père MathieuUncle Rube's Birthday (USA)1904'


Les affiches en goguetteThe Hilarious Posters (USA)19043'
Georges Méliès

A workman glues an advertisement in the center of other adverts on an outside wall along a city walk. It's an ad for "love on credit," featuring a comely lass. The posters come to life, interacting with the characters in the surrounding adverts: a publican's wife is jealous of his talking to the midnight cutie; a cook dumps food on a character beneath him. Then, two flics walk by, and the characters become inanimate. After the cops walk on, life returns. The poster people attack a swell beneath the wall, and he runs for the cops. They return, and the wall falls on them, revealing a gate behind which the poster folks laugh. Chaos ensues.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1905) Les affiches en goguettes.avi ed2k link stats

Les apaches1904'


Le barbier de SévilleThe Barber of Seville (USA)1904'


Le voyage à travers l'impossibleThe Impossible Voyage , The Voyage Through the Impossible (International: English title) (informal literal title)190424'
Georges Méliès

Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.

ed2k link91-1904 - Georges Melies - Le Voyage A Travers L'impossible.avi ed2k link statsFrench

Sorcellerie culinaireCulinary Sorcery (International: English title) (informal literal title), The Cook in Trouble (USA)19044'
Georges Méliès

Nothing seems to be going right for the busy cook. He has several helpers, but they are mostly talking and laughing and doing little, so, when an old beggar asks for a hand out, the harried cook boots him out. The beggar returns in his true aspect, he's a wizard, and all Hell breaks loose. An imp ruins the soup with too much spice, and the cook blames his helpers. The wizard conjures more imps, and various chases and tricks ensue as the imps pop in and out of the cook's large oven. Havoc reigns.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1904) Sorcellerie culinaire.avi ed2k link stats

Le coffre enchantéThe Bewitched Trunk190440'


La sirèneThe Mermaid (USA)19044'
Georges Méliès

A man in a silk top hat stands in front of an empty aquarium. He pours water into his hat and goes fishing, hooking a small one. He becomes a hobo and catches more and more fish from the hat. Then he starts pulling out rabbits. The backdrop becomes the sea, and a mermaid appears. She flirts and beguiles us. The mermaid becomes a woman who leaves the sea and joins the magician, who becomes Neptune.

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès-(1904)-La Sirene.avi ed2k link stats

La cascade de feuThe Firefall (USA)1904'


Le bourreau turcThe Terrible Turkish Executioner (USA)1904'


Le juif errantThe Wandering Jew (USA)1904'


Une bonne surpriseSimple Simon's Surprise Party (USA)1904'


Siva l'invisibleThe Invisible Siva (USA)1904'


Les transmutations imperceptiblesImperceptible Transmutations (USA)1904'


Les costumes animésThe Animated Costumes (USA)1904'


Un peu de feu s.v.p.Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter (USA)1904'


Une bonne farce avec ma têteTit for Tat (USA)1904'


Benvenuto Cellini ou Une curieuse évasion1904'


Match de prestidigitationA Wager Between Two Magicians, or, Jealous of Myself (USA)1904'


Un miracle sous l'inquisitionA Miracle Under the Inquisition (USA)1904'


Le cauchemar du pêcheurThe Angler's Nightmare (USA)1905'


Les chevaliers du chloroformeThe Chloroform Fiends (USA)1905'


Le chevalier démontable1905'


La chaise à porteur enchantéeThe Enchanted Sedan Chair (USA)19053'
Georges Méliès

A man stands in front of a backdrop painted with a nature scene. From a fan, he conjures a costume, then a woman appears inside it. An assistant carries in a mannequin; they dress her and she suddenly comes alive. The magic continues: footmen bring in a sedan chair. He covers two seated women with scarves; when he removes the scarves, the women have traded places. The women, the magician, his assistant, and the footmen continue to appear and disappear, changing places and costumes. Then they all disappear, one into another. It's time for a curtain call.


Le baquet de MesmerA Mesmerian Experiment (USA)1905'


La légende de Rip Van WinkleRip's Dream (International: English title) , The Legend of Rip Van Winkle (USA)190510'

Based loosely on the Washington Irving story and older legends: Easygoing Rip Van Winkle enjoys nothing better than relaxing at the inn with his friends. But finding himself one day in difficulties with the authorities, he flees to the nearby mountains, pursued by soldiers and townspeople. Later, exhausted by the chase, he falls into a deep sleep and has a dream. In the dream, he is met by a mountain spirit, who transforms himself into a huge snake, and then into three more spirits. After that, Rip is confronted by a gathering of apparitions, who tell him that he must sleep for 20 years.


Le raid Paris-Monte Carlo en deux heuresParis to Monte Carlo (USA) , The Automobile Chase (USA)1905'


Le diable noirThe Black Devil (International: English title) (informal literal title), The Black Imp (USA)19054'
Georges Méliès

An imp cavorts in the empty bedroom of an inn. It hides in the bureau as the innkeeper and his family escort an important guest into the room. As the guest places his coat in the bureau, the imp pops out and begins to chase the man around the room. Bedlam ensues, with the room soon in disarray. By the time the innkeeper comes to investigate, the imp is again hidden, and the blame falls on the guest. Soon, the imp has the room to itself again.

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès - 1905 - Le Diable Noir (544x416).avi ed2k link stats

Le compositeur toquéA Crazy Composer (USA)1905'


Un feu d'artifice improviséUnexpected Fireworks (USA)1905'


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L'Île de Calypso: Ulysse et le géant PolyphèmeUlysses and the Giant Polyphemus (USA)1905'


Le phénixThe Crystal Casket (USA)1905'


L'ange de NoëlThe Christmas Angel (USA)1905'


Le palais des mille et une nuitsThe Palace of Arabian Knights (USA)190514'

A poor but honest young man wins the hand of a beautiful Princess after facing a series of exciting adventures involving apparitions, cartwheeling skeletons, a dragon, and plump dancing girls from the Folies Bergere.


Le peintre Barbouillard et le tableau diaboliqueMr. Dauber and the Mystifying Pictures (USA)1905'


Une mésaventure de ShylockThe Venetian Looking-glass (USA)1905'


Les derniers moments d'Anne de BoleynThe Tower of London (USA)1905'


Le roi des tireursThe King of the Sharpshooters (USA)1905'


Le système du docteur SouflamortLife Saving Up-to-date (USA)1905'


Le menuet lilliputienThe Lilliputian Minuet (USA)1905'


Le tripot clandestinThe Scheming Gambler's Paradise (USA)19053'

A combination gambling den and bawdy house is set up so that croupiers, patrons, prostitutes, and the owner can quickly change it all into a mercantile establishment when the cops stage a raid. The women become shop girls and customers, the men become clerks and shoppers. The craps table becomes a long counter. The police do raid the joint, and the nearly-instantaneous conversion into a dry goods store covers all the evidence. The police leave in dismay and disgust. But will they be back? What is their real motive?

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1905) Le Tripot Clandestin.avi ed2k link stats

À president-elect Roosevelt1905'


La grotte aux surprisesThe Grotto of Surprises (USA)1905'


Les bulles de savon animéesSoap Bubbles (USA)1906'


La magie à travers les âgesOlden and New Style Conjuring (USA)1906'


La fée Carabosse ou le poignard fatalThe Witch (USA)1906'
Georges Méliès

A penniless troubador consults the Fairy Carabosse about his future, but offends her by paying with a bag of sand. He evades the Fairy's revenge, and saves the beautiful princess.


Les quatre cents farces du diableThe Merry Frolics of Satan190616'

Two travellers are tormented by Satan from inn to inn and eventuly experience a buggy ride through the heavens courtesy of the Devil before he takes one of them down to hell and roasts him on a spit.


La galerie sens dessus-dessous1906'


Le maestro Do-mi-sol-do1906'


Le fantôme d'AlgerA Spiritualistic Meeting (USA)1906'


Le dirigeable fantastiqueInventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Airship (USA)1906'


L'hôtel des voyageurs de commerce1906'


Une chute de cinq étages1906'


Histoire d'un crime1906'

A man is murdered and the killer bought to justice by the guillotine.


L'honneur est satisfaitWho Looks, Pays (USA)1906'


Le rastaquouère Rodriguez y Papanagaz1906'


Alchimiste Parafaragamus ou La cornue infernaleThe Mysterious Retort (USA)19063'
Georges Méliès

A wizard sleeps at a table in his well-appointed sitting room. From a drawer in the table, a snake appears. The snake begins a series of transformations: he becomes a jester, a spider, and a woman. Each approaches the wizard as he sleeps. Each also works its magic on a glass vial on the wizard's table. Soon the vial has grown in size and is full of a bubbling liquid. The wizard wakes, the vial explodes. Who emerges victorious from the spells and dreams?

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès - 1906 - La Cornue Infernale.avi ed2k link stats

Jack le ramoneurChimney Sweep (USA)1906'


L'anarchie chez guignol1906'


La cardeuse de matelasThe Tramp and the Mattress Makers (USA)1906'


Tunnel sous la manche ou Le cauchemar franco-anglaisTunneling the Channel (USA)1907'


Satan en prisonSatan in Prison (USA)1907'


Bernard le bucheronA Forester Made King (USA)1907'


Pauvre John ou Les aventures d'un buveur de whiskeySightseeing Through Whisky (USA)1907'


Le placard infernalThe Bewildering Cabinet (USA)1907'


La perle des servantesAn Angelic Servant (USA)1907'


La colle universelleGood Glue Sticks (USA)19075'
Georges Méliès

A peddler of "the best glue" sets up his outdoor stall. A crowd gathers for a demonstration. As he gives his pitch, two observant cops decide drive off his customers and close him down, much to his fury. He seeks revenge as they sit on a park bench. Incensed, they give chase to administer frontier justice. The crowd, with a mob's psyche, cheers on whomever is on top. It's a pity because this glue really does work.

ed2k linkGeorges Melies (1907) La Colle Universelle.avi ed2k link stats

Ali Barbouyou et Ali Bouf à l'huileDelirium in a Studio (USA)1907'


La boulangerie modèleBakers in Trouble (USA)1907'


Le délirium tremens1907'


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20000 lieues sous les mers20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (USA) , Amid the Workings of the Deep (UK) , Cauchemar d'un pêcheur, Le (France) , Deux cent mille lieues sous les mers (France) , Under the Seas (UK)1907'


François Ier et TribouletThe King and the Jester (USA)1907'
Georges Méliès


L'éclipse du soleil en pleine luneThe Eclipse (USA) , The Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon (USA)19079'
Georges Méliès (as Professor of Astronomy)

An astronomer of age, wealth, and erudition conducts classes in his home. His students are not always respectful, and he suffers their pranks and high jinks. Then, at noon, everything darkens and the astronomer hurries upstairs to his telescope. It is an eclipse of the sun, and through his glass, he sees a female moon coming toward a masculine sun, flirting as they move closer to what becomes a consummation. The heavens erupt with showers of stars that become women. In his excitement, the astronomer loses what little dignity he has left.

ed2k linkMéliès,G. - Eclipse de soleil en pleine lune (1907).avi ed2k link stats

La prophétesse de ThèbesThe Prophetess of Thebes (USA)1907'


La marche funèbre de ChopinChopin's Funeral March Burlesqued (USA)1907'




Le mariage de VictorineHow Bridget's Lover Escaped (USA)1907'


La nouvelle peine de mortA New Death Penalty (USA)1907'


La mort de Jules César1907'


Le carton fantastiqueA Mischievous Sketch (USA)1907'


La douche d'eau bouillanteRogues' Tricks (USA)1907'


Le nouveau seigneur du village1907'


Nuit de carnavalA Night with Masqueraders in Paris (USA)1907'


Seek and Thou Shalt Find1907'


Robert Macaire et Bertrand1907'


Torches humainesJustinian's Human Torches (USA)1907'


The Story of Eggs1907'


Les fromages automobiles1907'


La cuisine de l'ogreIn the Bogie Man's Cave (USA)1907'

As with many of Melies films this is a brilliant trick film. The ogre of the title eats various characters by putting them inside a cook-pot and taking out various parts of their bodies which the ogre swallows. A fairy appears and all the body-parts reappear and reassemble to take their revenge on the ogre. It is done with a great sense of style and fun.


The Woes of Roller Skates1908'


Wonderful Charm1908'


Voyage de noces en ballon1908'


Two Talented Vagabonds1908'


Trop vieux!1908'


Two Crazy Bugs1908'


Buncoed Stage Johnnie1908'


Le conseil de pipelet1908'


Le fabricant de diamants1908'


Le fakir de SingapoureThe Indian Sorcerer (USA)1908'


Au pays des jouetsGrandmother's Story (USA)1908'


La civilisation à travers les âgesHumanity Through the Ages (USA)1908'


L'agent gelé1908'


Le crime de la rue du Cherche-Midi à quatorze heures1908'


The Mischances of a Photographer1908'


L'avareThe Miser (USA)1908'


Moitié de polka1908'


Mariage de raison et mariage d'amour1908'


Not Guilty1908'


Mystery of the Garrison1908'


La poupée vivanteThe Living Doll (USA)1908'




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Le mariage de Thomas Poirot1908'


Rivalité d'amour1908'


French Cops Learning English1908'


A Tricky Painter's Fate1908'


Hallucinations pharmaceutiques1908'


La main secourable1908'


Le génie du feuThe Genii of Fire (USA)1908'


Rude Awakening1908'


Pour les p'tiots1908'


Salon de coiffureIn the Barber Shop (USA)1908'


Photographie électrique à distanceLong Distance Wireless Photography (USA) , Remote Electric Photography (International: English title) (informal literal title)19086'
Georges Méliès

Into a photography studio full of large fantastic machines steps an elderly couple. The bearded proprietor explains the equipment and gives them a demonstration: he starts machines whirring, and projects a painting of three women onto a large screen; suddenly the women begin to move. The customers are impressed. First the women sits in the special seat: she's projected onto the screen, and her good nature comes out in the laughing image. Then it's the man's turn, but the machine discloses a vastly different nature in him. Will his reaction threaten our proprietor's inventions?


The Duke's Good Joke1908'


L'acteur en retard1908'


On ne badine pas avec l'amour1908'


QuiproquoA Mistaken Identity (USA)1908'


Le serpent de la rue de la lune1908'


Le tambourin fantastiqueKnight of Black Art19086'


Le trait d'union1908'


Sideshow Wrestlers1908'


Le rêve d'un fumeur d'opiumThe Dream of an Opium Fiend (USA)1908'


Le raid Paris-New York en automobileMishaps of the New York-Paris Race (USA)1908'


La toile d'araignée merveilleuse1908'


At the Hotel Mix-Up1908'


La fée libellule1908'


Tartarin de Tarascon1908'


Love and Molasses1908'


Le jugement du garde-champêtre1908'


His First Job1908'


Pour l'étoile S.V.P.1908'


Magic of Catchy Songs1908'


Oriental Black Art1908'


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L'ascension de la rosière1908'


Anaïc ou Le balafré1908'


Bonne bergère et la méchante princesse1908'


Lulli ou Le vidon brisé1908'


Il y a un dieu pour les ivrognes1908'


La fontaine merveilleuse1908'


La fête du sonneur1908'


The Hypnotist's Revenge1909'


Le locataire diaboliqueThe Devilish Tenant (USA)19096'
André Méliès (as Le Concierge), Georges Méliès (as Le Locataire diabolique)

A man carrying a carpetbag comes to see the concierge of an apartment building, and is shown an unfurnished room that is available. He agrees to rent it, and opens up his bag so that he can begin to move in. The bag contains an astonishing variety of furnishings and decorations, and soon he and his family have settled in. All is well until the day comes when the rent is due.

ed2k linkGeorges Méliès - 1909 - Le Locataire Diabolique (post-colored).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLe Locataire Diabolique (1909).avi ed2k link stats

For the Cause of Suffrage190910'
Francis Ford


Mrs. and Mr. Duff1909'


Don Quichotte1909'


Le papillon fantastique1909'


Fortune Favors the BraveFortune Favours the Brave (UK)1909'
Francis Ford


Cinderella Up-to-Date190910'
Francis Ford


A Tumultuous Elopement1909'


For Sale: a Baby190910'
Francis Ford


Le mousquetaire de la reine1909'


The Stolen Wireless190910'
Francis Ford


The Count's Wooing1909'
Francis Ford


La gigue merveilleuse1909'


Seein' Things1909'


Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, William Clifford

IMDb Culturalia

Love's C. Q. D.191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, Edith Storey


Baseball, That's All191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


In the Tall Grass Country191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


Hydrothérapie fantastiqueThe Doctor's Secret (USA)191013'
Georges Méliès

Doctors blow to pieces a patient in a hydrotherapy machine and re-assemble him.


Guérison de l'obésité en 5 minutes1910'


The Seal of the Church191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


A Rough Night on the Bridge1910'
Directores: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


Apparitions fantômatiques1910'


Les illusions fantaisistes1910'

ed2k linkIllusions Fantaisistes - silent.mpg ed2k link stats

Salt on the Bird's Tail191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


Fin de réveillon1910'


Un homme comme il faut1910'


In the Mission Shadows191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


L'homme aux mille inventions1910'


The Padre's Secret191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


Le vitrail diabolique1910'


Si j'étais le roi1910'


Under the Stars and Bars191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


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por Sarmale
Out for Mischief191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford (as The Father), Richard Storey (as The Boy)


Cyclone Pete's Matrimony191010'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, C.E. Anderson (as(as C. Anderson))




Les sept barres d'or1910'


Le conte du vieux talute1910'


In the Hot Lands191110'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, Edith Storey, Anne Nichols


An Unwilling Cowboy191110'
Francis Ford


Les aventures de baron de MunchhausenBaron Munchausen's Dream (USA) , Baron Munchhausen , Hallucinations de baron de Munchhausen, Les , Munchhausen , The Hallucinations of Baron Munchausen (USA)1911'

After an evening of excessive wining and dining Baron Munchausen must be helped to bed by his servants. Once asleep, he has bizarre and frightening dreams.


Mexican as It Is Spoken1911'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, Henry Stanley


Right or Wrong1911'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, William Clifford


The Ranchman's Debt of Honor1911'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Henry Stanley (as Dan), Mildred Bracken


Sir Percy and the Punchers191110'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


Tommy's Rocking Horse1911'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Tommy Young (as Tommy)


The Crimson Scars191110'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford


The Mission Waif1911'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: William Clifford, Mildred Bracken


The Stolen Grey1911'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: William Clifford (as Donald Maynard), Mildred Bracken


Bessie's Ride191110'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, Edith Storey (as Bessie)


The Prisoner's Story1912'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Ray Gallagher (as Ross Cameron), Mildred Bracken (as Grace Haywood), Evelyn Selbie (as Nell Cameron), William Stanton (as Allan Webb)


The Ghost of Sulpher Mountain191210'
Director: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérprete: Francis Ford (as Joe)

IMDb Culturalia

À la conquête du pôleConquest of the Pole191218'
Georges Méliès (as Engineer Mabouloff), Fernande Albany

Scientists from all over the world are meeting to discuss the best way to reach the North Pole. Professor Maboul demonstrates for them the innovative equipment that he has designed for the purpose. When everything is ready, Maboul and several other scientists depart for the pole. Their trip will prove to be even more eventful than expected.


Cendrillon ou La pantoufle mystérieuseCinderella or The Glass Slipper (USA)1912'
Louise Lagrange, Jacques Feyder


A Spanish Love Song191210'
Directores: Gaston Méliès, Georges Méliès

Intérpretes: Francis Ford, Edith Storey, William Clifford


Le chevalier des neigesThe Knight of the Snows (USA)1912'


Le voyage de la famille Bourrichon1913'


Cabby's Nightmare1914'


A Trip to the Moon191414'
Directores: Georges Méliès, Vincent Whitman


La magie MélièsThe Magic of Méliès1997130'
Director: Jacques Meny

Intérpretes: Daniel Ceccaldi (as Méliès (voice)), Marina Moncade (as La Narratrice (voice)), Charles-Antoine Decroix (as Le Bonimenteur (voice)), Abdul Alafrez (as Le Magicien), Claire Mosser (as Partenaire du Magicien), Didier Cremer (as Méliès jeune), Alain Kanto (as Le Lanterniste), Philippe Duval (as L'aboyeur), François Riou (as La main qui dessine), Clara Mény (as Madeleine enfant), Madeleine Malthête-Méliès (as Herself), Christian Fechner (as Himself), Laurent Mannoni (as Himself), Jacques Malthête (as Himself), Anne-Marie Malthête-Quévrain (as Herself)

This excellent documentary encompasses the life and films of Georges Méliès.

ed2k linkLa Magie Méliès (Jacques Mény, 1997) DVDrip (French-English-Spanish) DivXClasico.com.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkLa Magie Melies - Dual.esp.srt ed2k link stats

Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:38
por Sarmale

Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:38
por Sarmale

Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:39
por Sarmale
Ea, pos nada, que aquí la tenéis.
Disfrutad de lo que haya.

Y si os encontráis un enlace para actualizar... NO me lo digáis.. :P

jemenfous... ¿Cuándo nos vamos?

Publicado: Mar 31 Ene, 2006 15:41
por Vincent-Vega
Gracias maja, muy buena filmo y pedazo de curro :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas:

Ahora y después de esta, que retos te quedan? :lol: , tal vez cortos de Chaplin ode Buster Keaton :wink:

Saludos :D