Mohsen Makhmalbaf [08/02/2006] (Director)

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mohsen Makhmalbaf [08/02/2006] (Director)

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:29

Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Desde hace algunos años el cine iraní aparece en carteleras de cine comerciales, cine clubes, festivales y videotiendas. De la mano de directores como Majid Majidi (Los niños del cielo), Abbas Kiarostami (Dónde está la casa de mi amigo, Close-up) y Jafar Panahi (El globo blanco) esta nueva cinematografía ha mostrado al mundo una faceta diferente de una sociedad poco conocida y a la que los medios de comunicación dedican cada cierto tiempo un espacio visto desde los aviones que la bombardean ocasionalmente. Sin embargo a través de este cine hemos visto como asuntos de complejidad vital se pueden expresar por medio de relaciones infantiles, no por ello poco valiosas o fáciles de resolver. Los niños del cine iraní hablan más del ser humano, sus contradicciones, impotencias y búsquedas que cientos de sofisticadas, costosas y débiles películas de corte mercantilista que vemos a diario en los teatros y televisores. Y es posible que todo el cine iraní de los últimos años se haya hecho con lo que cuesta una sóla superproducción norteamericana. Es decir que confirmamos el hecho de que, hacer buen cine no es un asunto de abultados presupuestos y refinamientos técnicos sino una cuestión de búsquedas vitales, de una necesidad de comunicación, de usar la imagen como el último lenguaje posible.

Pero entre este reconocimiento que se hada dado al nuevo cine de Irán hay un nombre que permanece oculto y que es sin embargo uno de los estandartes más valiosos de este joven movimiento cinematográfico. Se trata de Mohsen Makhmalbaf. Un hombre de esos que uno se podría encontrar en la calle tomando un helado o comprando flores si uno viviera en un barrio popular de Teherán. Este polifacético espécimen de nuestra especie ha sido: militante político-religioso radical, escritor, director de teatro y también director de cine. En este último campo ha producido cerca de 15 largometrajes en los que ha quedado plasmada la multiplicidad de su ser. Su cine es artesanal, una obra hecha a mano. Sus películas son de bajísimo presupuesto, con pocas personas en la producción, con los mínimos recursos técnicos que el cine permite; es decir, es un independiente. Pero esta palabra, desgastada por algunos jóvenes norteamericanos que juegan fuera de pulpo Hollywood, tiene una significación definitiva para Makhmalbaf.

Ser independiente en Irán es tener a todo el mundo en contra: al gobierno y su minuciosa censura religiosa, a la oportunista oposición política, al pentágono y la cia que constantemente buscan enemigos para justificar su inútil existencia. Llevadas las cosas a este punto, una película Iraní no puede hablar directamente de cualquier tema so pena de ser vetada por el gobierno, rechazada por la gente o prohibida en los EEUU. Es por esto que la obra de Makhmalbaf, Kiarostami y sus coterráneos resulta en extremo valiente y creativa. Porque han usado al cine como una manera de comunicarnos asuntos vitales sobre nuestra estancia como humanos independientemente de nuestra filiación religiosa o posición geográfica. En Makhmalbaf el cine es un acto de desesperación comunicativa, la única manera de salir del autismo. Usa al cine como el puente posible para comunicarse con el otro, su única para manera para llegara hasta él, hasta nosotros.

Por eso no necesita sino una cámara y un grupo de amigos para contar su historias: como militante político en Boycott, para hablar de las huellas profundas de la guerra en Marriage of the blessed, para reflejar el dolor de la impotencia y el valor de la dignidad en The cyclist, para mostrar las contradicciones de la fama en The actor y para contar una historia de amor por medio de tapetes persas en Gabbeh. Brevísimo y quizá inútil resumen de su filmografía que lo único que quiere es mostrar la diversidad de una obra, fundida con su propia vida y con la de su país, en lo que podríamos denominar el realismo de lo subjetivo. El mundo de lo real pasado por el filtro del imaginario de una persona sencilla que ve la vida de un forma simple y radicalmente digna. El cine como una reivindicación de lo humano a partir de la vida cotidiana, de lo excepcional de los seres cotidianos; el cine como un acto de sinceridad con la realidad, como la devastación de la mentira por medio de imágenes de ficción que delatan lo real.
Además de las películas dirigidas es imprescindible mencionar la participación de Makhmalbaf en Close-up (Abbas Kiarostami) y The apple (Samira Makhmalbaf). La primera es, para nosotros, una de las películas más importantes del cine de los últimos años. Allí Kiarostami (director, observador y personaje) y el propio Makhmalbaf (actuando como si mismo a través de su cuerpo y del de otro que quiere ser él) tiran del cine hasta llevarlo, más allá del documental y el argumental, a la intervención cinematográfica de la realidad. Cine que se hace con los hechos que quiere contar, la narración del tiempo real, del tiempo de lo real; el cine como una provocación, como una guerrilla del lenguaje. Esta idea ya se expresaba en Marriage y demuestra la preocupación del director por integrar la vida real dentro del cine, sin imitar la propuesta neorealista centrada en el dolor y la carencia y sin llegar a la distancia típica del documental. Practicando incluso lo contrario, haciendo una obra de ficción como si fuera un documental, tal como sucede en Gabbeh. La segunda, The apple (guión y producción de Makhmalbaf), es la ópera prima de su primogénita Samira, quien a los 17 años nos sorprendió con un obra que somete al espectador a tensiones humanas de largo alcance: un trance afectivo y una dislocación de los sentimientos en busca de unas nuevas coordenadas vitales que quizá sólo las dos niñas protagonistas, en su aprendizaje del mundo, nos pueden indicar, como un camino partida hacia otro sitio, otra vida, para nosotros desconocida.

Significa más el cine iraní por lo que oculta que por lo que muestra. En medio de la marea de imágenes del cine y la televisión comerciales, al máximo elaboradas, procesadas para que ignoremos lo real, para crearnos una realidad ajena a nuestra propia vida; el cine iraní, Makhmalbaf, Kiarostami, Samira y los otros que no conocemos, quitan, recortan, eliminan, en una búsqueda intensa por despojar al cine de lo accesorio, en busca de que pueda contar lo real, lo real de cada uno y de los otros, masturbar en el cine esa parte de la intimidad de cada ser humano que nos enlaza a lo otro, usar al cine como una señal primaria, como una clave morse, como el primer dibujo de un niño, usarlo para hacer silencio, para dejar de ver. De otras cosas habla Close-up, The actor, Marriage of the blessed, cosas que no se muestran, cosas que algunos espectadores ignoran, las cosas que las justifican como cine. Diálogo secreto que escapa de la censura oficial y que penetra nuestra sensibilidad violándola, escurriéndola, alterando nuestra realidad para demostrarnos que es falsa, ilusoria, prescindible y que podemos llegar, si queremos, si sabemos dejar de ver, a esa realidad verdadera, a nuestra propia realidad. Sin embargo aparecen Kiarostami al final de Taste of cherry y Makhmalbaf en Close-up, demostrándonos que todo era ficción, actuación, cámaras, cine. Como si eso nos devolviera la tranquilidad, como si eso nos retornara a la realidad. Como si una película de cine sólo fuera una película de cine.

"De este modo, puede que no leamos nada preciso, nada identificable, nada definido, como si cada uno de los meandros se nos revelara de repente tras una mirada, un encogimiento de hombros, sin réplica posible, sin palabras para fabricarlas, pero experimentando a la vez la sensación de lo verdadero." Jean Claude Carriere. La película que no se ve
Artículo de Mauricio Alvarez
Última edición por Sarmale el Vie 19 Mar, 2010 17:54, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:30

Filmografía como director

Tobeh Nosuh1983100'
Intérpretes: Behzad Behzadpour, Mohammad Kasebi, Esmat Makhmalbaf

Lotf-ali Khan whom is a retired bank employee and attached to his family has a heart-failure one night at home. His family take him to the cemetery as they think that he is dead but he gains consciousness before they bury him and his family run away of fright. No matter how much Lotf-ali Khan shouts for help so that his family help him and take him out of the cemetery, it is useless. Eventually when Lotf-ali Khan returns home he does not feel the same attachment to his family anymore. He tries to compensate for his past, a past that he was ignorant towards people. But this is very difficult. He has displeased a thousand of people in his life.


Este'azeFleeing from Evil to God 198465'
Intérpretes: Ali Darakshi, Mohammad Kasebi, Majid Majidi, Morteza Masa'eli

Five men run away from Evil. Evil comes there to welcome them and once again causes them to get into a fight. Eventually 4 of them either destroy themselves or another person by the Evil’s temptation and only one of them leaves the island on a boat.


Do Cheshman BeesuTwo Blind Eyes 1984101'
Intérpretes: Behzad Behzadpour, Mohammad Kasebi, Majid Majidi, Esmat Makhmalbaf

Iman whom likes to go to the front has some problems that he has to solve first. The problems consist of her daughter’s wedding and treating his blind son. He is busy trying to solve these two problems when his other son returns from the front with wounded legs. Iman forgets about going to the front and goes to several hospitals with his two sons for treating them. Eventually the hospitals could not solve his problem and therefore he goes to a holy place for his sons to get cured.


BaykotBoycott (International: English title)198585'
Intérpretes: Mohammad Kasebi, Majid Majidi (as Valeh), Esmat Makhmalbaf, Zohreh Sarmadi, Esmail Soltanian

Valeh is an irregular troop communist. His wife seeks a life and she is against the dangerous activities of her husband. When Vale takes his wife to the hospital for childbirth, he gets arrested in a Team-house and after being tortured and interrogated in the courthouse he is sentenced to execution and is sent to the public jail. In the public jail his friends ask him to die like a hero and make effort for the continuance of the combat but he loses his combat motives despite his friends’ advises because when he dies he will no longer be, so he tries to stay alive or atleast find a better motive for dying.

ed2k linkBoycott-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (VHS RIP HQ ENG SUB).avi ed2k link stats

DastforoushThe Peddler (USA) / The Pedlar (UK)198795'
Intérpretes: Behzad Behzadpour, Zohreh Sarmadi, Esmail Soltanian, Morteza Zarrabi, Moharram Zaynalzadeh

Episode one - The Happy child:
The fourth child of a poor couple, whom live in Halabiabad (a dispossessed place in Tehran), is born. In the maternity they tell them that if the child does not have good nutrition he would become paralyzed as well. The couple, who have 3 retarded and handicapped children- as a result of family marriage-know that because of poverty they cannot take care of their newborn child and they are worried that he would encounter the same fate as the other three children. They decide to make their child prosperous and they take him to a sanitarium for handicapped and retarded children but very soon the bitter future of the child comes into the mother’s mind. Then they decide to put the child in the way so that a good person takes the child with him and makes him prosperous but no one would take the child, but poor people and for making money. Eventually they leave the child by the swimming pool of an aristocratic house and leave, unaware of the fact that the child ends up in the sanitarium of handicapped and retarded children once again.

Episode two - Birth of an old woman:

A young boy, who has psychic signs in his behavior and words, nurses his old and handicapped mother, who does not even have the ability to talk, with patience and comprehension in an humble house. One day when he leaves the house towards the bank to get his monthly pension, he has an accident with a vehicle and the passersby steal his money. The young boy, who is worried about his mother’s conditions escapes from the hospital with a bandaged head, while the old woman has died in his absence. But in the house he still treats her mother as if she is alive.

Episode three - The peddler:

A group of smugglers who have unlawful activities under the cover of selling second hand clothes, take a peddler, who was their accomplice and witness of their crime, with themselves by force to kill him. The young peddler, who has arguments with the leader of the group over his life all the time, is thinking of escaping from this predicament, but all these escapes are only in his mind…

ed2k linkDastforoush (The Peddler)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (VHS RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

BicycleranDocharkheh Savar / The Cyclist 198795'
Intérpretes: Firouz Kiani, Samira Makhmalbaf, Mohammad Reza Maleki, Esmail Soltanian, Moharram Zaynalzadeh (as Nasim)

Noghre, Nasim’s husband-an Afghani emigrant- is suffering from a bad disease, which the treatment needs a lot of money. Nasim hospitalizes him after a lot of begging and insisting so that she could go after the money they need. When a middleman finds out that Nasim was once a cycling champion and that she has the reputation of non-stop cycling during few days in a row, he proposes to her to cycle in one of the squares in the city for one week so that people gather there and he could make money and Nasim could get a wage to be able to pay the hospital expenses for his wife. Nasim accepts it and soon the cycling square turns into a gathering place for all middlemans, wagers and badgers and a total circus is held to fill the pocket of those who are holding the string of others’ fates in their hands. A lot of incidents take place and this emotional story changes into a social crisis. Eventually the one-week cycling of Nasim is over but the middleman takes the money and runs away with a gypsy woman. Great wagers are looking for new plans for betting right now and the reporters are waiting for Nasim’s cycling to come to an end. But he is still cycling and he is not willing to get out of the circle that he has been trapped in and end the game; in a way that it is not obvious if he has accepted the circle of his compulsory fate or if he has turned into a myth.

ed2k linkThe Cyclist (Mohsen Makhmalbaf, VHS RIP HQ ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

Arousi-ye KhoubanMarriage of the Blessed 198975'
Intérpretes: Ebrahim Abadi, Mahmud Bigham (as Haji), Roya Nonahali, Mohsen Zaehtab

After Partial recovery from the impact of explosion waves, Haji a young combatant leaves hospital and advised by doctors to get married for perfect recuperation. His fiancée’s father is a businessman who is planning to marry his daughter to a rich man. While resolving the problem of marriage, Haji gains a new understanding of social problems. He relapses during the wedding and is taken back to hospital. Going over recent events he comes to the conclusion that battle front is the only place for him, and leaves the hospital before complete recovery.

ed2k link[Mohsen Makhmalbaf) Aroosiyeh khooban (Marriage Of The Blessed) (Wedding Of The Blessed) (VHS RIP HQ ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

Nobat e AsheghiTime of Love 199075'
Intérpretes: Shiva Gered, Abdurrahman Palay, Menderes Samancilar, Aken Tunj

First Narrative:
Young Gozal whose husband is a taxi driver has an affair with a young blond shoeshine boy. One day an old man who can’t hear well is recording the bird’s songs when he hears what they say to each other. So he finds out about their affair and tells everything to Gozal’s black-haired husband. The black–haired kills the young blond boy and injures Gozal and then surrenders himself to the court. He is sentenced to death and is thrown into the sea as he chooses. Gozal commits suicide in her regular meeting place.

Second Narrative:
This time the blond–haired man and Gozal are husband and wife, and Gozal is in love with the black – haired. The blond – haired is the taxi driver and the black–haired is a hawker. The old man gets to know about the affair between Gozal and the black – haired and informs the blond–haired. He intends to kill the black – haired but is killed himself. The black–haired is sentenced to death and as he asks, he is hanged on the tree under which he saw Gozal for the first time. Gozal commits suicide in the hospital.

Third Narrative:
Like the first narrative, once again the black–haired and Gozal are husband and wife and Gozal has an affair with the blond- haired. The old man tells Gozal’s husband about this affair. The two rivals start fighting, but the black-haired refuses to kill the blond- haired when he is in the situation to do so. This way he gives his rival the chance to tell him but the black–haired holds the wedding party of Gozal and the blond–haired. In the wedding ceremony, the court judge who has resigned from his job due to its difficulties is present.
The black–haired give the bird and groom a lift to their house and gives his taxi to them as the wedding present. The blond–haired who has decided to give Gozal back to the black–haired, runs after him but instead he finds the old man who confesses that he has been in love with Gozal for many years.

Subtítulos en Francés, aunque en el enlace ponga English: ed2k linkNobat.e.Asheghi.(Time.of.Love)-Mohsen.Makhmalbaf.(VHS.RIP.Turkish.ENG.SUB).avi ed2k link stats
Turkish / Persian

Shabhaye Zayendeh-RoodThe Nights of Zayandeh-Rood 199175'
Intérpretes: Manuchehr Esmaili, Mehrdad Farid, Parvaneh Goharani, Mojgan Naderi, Zaynab Rahdari

A few years before the revolution: A man, whom is a university professor in Sociology, has an accident while crossing the street with his wife. The passerby’s pass near them inattentively and therefore the man’s wife dies. When the professor recovers and returns home he throws all the papers related to his research on Sociology out of the window over the people’s heads because of the anger he has towards the inattention of people and promises himself not to work for them anymore…

During the revolution: A few years later, when the revolution in Iran is at its height, the professor witnesses the crowds’ uprise from the same window. Some people are wounded and the others get killed to save the wounded. The people are no longer inattention…

A few years after the revolution: The professor is sitting at home. He hears an accident sound and looks out from the window. A young biker whom has had an accident with a vehicle is dying and people are passing him inattention…


Nassereddin Shah, Actor-e CinemaOnce Upon a Time, Cinema / Once Upon a Time, the Movies... / Ruzi, Ruzagari, Cinema 199290'
Intérpretes: Akbar Abdi, Dariush Arjmand, Ezzatolah Entezami (as Nassereddin Shah), Jahangir Forouhar, Mehdi Hashemi, Mohamad Ali Keshavarz, Parvaneh Massoumi, Fatemah Motamed-Aria, Mahaya Petrossian, Moharram Zaynalzadeh

Alegato a favor de la libertad de expresión en el cine. La película hace un repaso a la historia del cine iraní y cómo ha sido influenciado por otros estilos.

ed2k linkNassereddin Shah, Actoreh Cinema (Once Upon A Time, Cinema)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (VHS RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

Images From the Ghajar Dynasty199318'
A documentary report on paintings, photographs and the first cinematography images in Iran, which belongs to 90 years ago.

ed2k linkTasvir Dar Doraneh Qajar (Images From The Ghajar Dynasty)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Short Film VHS RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

HonarpishehThe Actor 199388'
Intérpretes: Akbar Abdi (as Akbar), Fatemah Motamed-Aria (as Simin), Mahaya Petrossian (as Gypsy Girl)

Akbar Abdi, the popular film actor has always wanted to act only in serious, art films, but a number of circumstances including financial problems force him to appear in commercial productions. Once again Abdi makes up his mind never to act in commercial movies, but then he finds out that his wife has decided to have a child and …

ed2k linkHonarpishe (The Actor)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf CD1 (VCD RIP NO SUB).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkHonarpishe (The Actor)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf CD2 (VCD RIP NO SUB).avi ed2k link stats

Salaam Cinema199575'
Intérpretes: Shaghayeh Djodat (as Herself), Feizola Gashghai (as Himself), Maryam Keyhan (as Herself), Mohsen Makhmalbaf (as Himself), M.H. Mokhtarian (as Himself), Mirhadi Tayebi (as Himself), Azadeh Zanganeh (as Herself), Moharram Zaynalzadeh (as Himself)

Una manera de describir este film es definirlo como un “docudrama” en el que el director Mohsen Makhmalbaf describe los sobresaltos del casting de una de sus películas. Una larga cola de aspirantes a actrices aguarda frente al cineasta, despliega sus habilidades e intenta por todos los medios conseguir un papel en el proyectado film. El resultado es, por supuesto y en primer lugar, un documento sobre la “cocina” del cine, realizado por el afamado director iraní como un aporte personal a la celebración de los cien años de la invención del aparato de los hermanos Lumiére.

ed2k link[Iran-Persian) Mohsen Makhmalbaf. Salaam Cinema. (DVD RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en español

Intérpretes: Abbas Sayah (as Uncle), Shaghayeh Djodat (as Gabbeh), Hossein Moharami (as Old Man), Rogheih Moharami (as Old Woman), Parvaneh Ghalandari

Un anciano matrimonio se dispone a lavar su gabbeh en un cercano riachuelo. Mientras lavan la alfombra y hablan de las bellas ilustraciones que posee, la joven muchacha dibujada en el gabbeh parece tomar vida y comienza a confesarles su triste historia de amor.

ed2k link[Mohsen Makhmalbaf) Dywan (Gabbeh) ( ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en español

Nun va GoldoonA Moment of Innocence / Bread and Flower / Pane e Fiore199678'
Intérpretes: Mirhadi Tayebi (as The Policeman), Mohsen Makhmalbaf (as The Director), Ali Bakhsi (as The Young Director), Ammar Tafti (as The Young Policeman), Maryam Mohamadamini (as The Young Woman), Moharram Zaynalzadeh

During Shah’s regime when Mohsen Makhmalbaf is a 17-year old guerrilla, along with a girl, who is a guerrilla as well they attack a policeman to disarm him. The police and Makhmalbaf wound each other and the girl disappears.

20 years later, when Makhmalbaf is a 37 year old director and gives an add in the newspaper for choosing the cast of “Salam Cinema”, the ex-policeman goes to Makhmalbaf’s house and sends a message to Makhmalbaf through his youngest daughter “Hana” and asks for a role in the cinema. Makhmalbaf decides to make a movie of the disarmament that happened 20 years ago from today’s view. He chooses a 17-year old young man to play his role when he was young. Then each of them follows their own youth with a separate camera to track the truth in the method that the incident had taken place 20 years ago. Both of them reach the disarmament location from two different directions but the 17- year old young, whom plays the role of Makhmalbaf’s youth, is not willing to act violently and wound the policeman, even for justice. On the other hand it becomes obvious that the policeman, who didn’t know about the attack incident, had fallen in love slow by slow with the guerrilla girl that has come along with Makhmalbaf for disarming him. And even when he gets wounded and becomes unconscious he does not discover the girl’s secret and he had carried the sorrow of that love in his heart for 20 years and he was looking for his lost love all these years. And now that he has realized the truth, he reacts towards the 20 years that he has lost.

ed2k linkNun.Va.Goldoon.(A.Moment.Of.Innocence)-Mohsen.Makhmalbaf.(VHS.RIP.ENG.SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

SokoutSilence, Le (France) , The Silence199876'
Intérpretes: Tahmineh Normatova (as Khorshid), Nadereh Abdelahyeva (as Nadareh), Goibibi Ziadolahyeva (as Khorshid's Mother), Araz M. Shirmohamadi

Historia de un niño ciego que crea su propio mundo a partir de lo que escucha.

ed2k linkSokout-The Silence-Le Silence (Mohsen Makhmalbaf-Farsi-Iran),Divx.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkSokout (The Silence)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (DVD RIP ENG SUB).srt ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en español

Ghessé hayé kishKish Tales (Europe: English title) , Tales of Kish (Europe: English title)199972'
Intérpretes: Hossein Panahi (as Shanbeh (segment "The Greek Boat")), Atefeh Razavi (as Wife (segment "The Greek Boat")), Hafez Pakdel (as (segment "The Ring")), Mohamad A. Babhan (as Man (segment "The Door")), Norieh Mahigiran (as Daughter (segment "The Door"))

Directed by Abolfazl Jalili (segment "The Ring") ; Mohsen Makhmalbaf (segment "The Door") and Naser Taghvai (segment "The Greek Boat")
Nassim, un refugiado afgano, necesita dinero para pagar las facturas del médico de su mujer. Un agente de negocios de mala fama propone astutamente que Nassim compita en un maratón en bicicleta. La esperanza depende de la habilidad de Nassim para recorrer en círculo una zona poco extensa en las afueras de la ciudad 24 horas al día durante una semana. Jugadores, músicos callejeros y corredores de apuestas utilizan el sufrimiento de Nassim para su propio beneficio, mientras que algunos venden comida por la calle.


Tales of an Island200076'
Intérpretes: Khosro Shakibai (as (segment "Dear Cousin Is Lost")), Ali Mosaffa (as (segment "Dear Cousin Is Lost")), Negar Forozandeh (as (segment "Dear Cousin Is Lost")), Mohsen Makhmalbaf (as (segment "Testing Democracy")), Mohamad Reza Sharifinia (as (segment "Dear Cousin Is Lost")), Shahabodin Faroukh Yar (as (segment "Testing Democracy"))

Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf (segment "Testing Democracy") and Dariush Mehrjui (segment "Dear Cousin Is Lost")


Safar e GhandeharKandahar (International: English title) / The Sun Behind the Moon (International: English title)200185'
Intérpretes: Nelofer Pazira (as Nafas), Hassan Tantai (as Tabib Sahid), Sadou Teymouri (as Khak), Hoyatala Hakimi (as Hayat), Monica Hankievich, Noam Morgensztern (as Three children (voice)), Zahra Shafahi, Safdar Shodjai, Mollazaher Teymouri

Nafas es una joven periodista afgana refugiada en Canadá. Su hermana pequeña vive en Afganistán y le manda una carta desesperada diciéndole que ha decidido quitarse la vida antes del eclipse de sol que se acerca.
Nafas huyó de su país durante la guerra civil talibán pero, ante la noticia, decide volver a Kandahar para ayudar a su hermana e intenta cruzar la frontera entre Irán y Afganistán...

ed2k linkKandahar ( DVDRip )( DivX PRO 5.0 )( xSafitox )(xxGRouPxx )( spanish divx).avi ed2k link stats

Kandahar [Subtítulos Español]
Persian / English / Pashtu / Polish

Alefbay-e afghanThe Afghan Alphabet (UK) / El Alfabeto Afgano200245'
Intérpretes: Ghafour Barahouyi (as Himself), Maryam Ozbak (as Herself)

Documentary showing the life of children of the Afghan villages bordering Iran, and how their life and culture were affected by Taliban regime.

Persian / Dari / Pashtu

Sex O Phalsapheh Sex & Philosophy 2005105'
Intérpretes: Daler Nazarov

A 40 year old man who has celebrated his birthday alone by himself invites his four lovers to a dance class that he teaches in order to search for the roots of his own loneliness and by reminiscing the memories of how each of his love affairs were evolved and diminished, he realizes that the more the contemporary world has become sexually oriented the farther it has moved away from love..


Última edición por Sarmale el Mié 08 Feb, 2006 18:40, editado 3 veces en total.

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Mensajes: 2840
Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:35

Filmografía como guionista


No hay enlaces disponiblesPersian

Hesar dar Hesar1982

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Marg Deegari198274'

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Tobeh Nosuh1983
Intérpretes: Behzad Behzadpour, Mohammad Kasebi, Esmat Makhmalbaf

Lotf-ali Khan whom is a retired bank employee and attached to his family has a heart-failure one night at home. His family take him to the cemetery as they think that he is dead but he gains consciousness before they bury him and his family run away of fright. No matter how much Lotf-ali Khan shouts for help so that his family help him and take him out of the cemetery, it is useless. Eventually when Lotf-ali Khan returns home he does not feel the same attachment to his family anymore. He tries to compensate for his past, a past that he was ignorant towards people. But this is very difficult. He has displeased a thousand of people in his life.

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Do Cheshman BeesuTwo Blind Eyes 1984101'
Intérpretes: Behzad Behzadpour, Mohammad Kasebi, Majid Majidi, Esmat Makhmalbaf

Iman whom likes to go to the front has some problems that he has to solve first. The problems consist of her daughter’s wedding and treating his blind son. He is busy trying to solve these two problems when his other son returns from the front with wounded legs. Iman forgets about going to the front and goes to several hospitals with his two sons for treating them. Eventually the hospitals could not solve his problem and therefore he goes to a holy place for his sons to get cured.

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Este'azeFleeing from Evil to God 198465'
Intérpretes: Ali Darakshi, Mohammad Kasebi, Majid Majidi, Morteza Masa'eli

Five men escape to a remote island in order to fight the Devil. Four of them give into the temptations provided by the Devil, and die. However the last man is able to defeat the Devil by accepting God.

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BaykotBoycott 198585'
Intérpretes: Mohammad Kasebi, Majid Majidi (as Valeh), Esmat Makhmalbaf, Zohreh Sarmadi, Esmail Soltanian

Valeh is an irregular troop communist. His wife seeks a life and she is against the dangerous activities of her husband. When Vale takes his wife to the hospital for childbirth, he gets arrested in a Team-house and after being tortured and interrogated in the courthouse he is sentenced to execution and is sent to the public jail. In the public jail his friends ask him to die like a hero and make effort for the continuance of the combat but he loses his combat motives despite his friends’ advises because when he dies he will no longer be, so he tries to stay alive or atleast find a better motive for dying.

ed2k linkBoycott-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (VHS RIP HQ ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

Intérpretes: Reza Cheraghi, Mohammad Kasebi, Esmail Soltanian

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BicycleranDocharkheh Savar, The Cyclist 198795'
Intérpretes: Firouz Kiani, Samira Makhmalbaf, Mohammad Reza Maleki, Esmail Soltanian, Moharram Zaynalzadeh (as Nasim)

The wife of Nasim, an Afghan immigrant in Iran, is gravely ill. He needs money to pay for her care, but his day labor digging wells does not pay enough. A friend connects Nasim to a two-bit promoter who sells tickets to watch Nasim ride a bicycle continuously for a week. The promoter brings in sick and aged spectators, haranguing them to find hope in Nasim's strength. Aided by his son, who feeds him as he rides, Nasim grinds out the days and shivering nights. Local officials believe this may be a plot and Nasim may be a spy; they try to sabotage him as do those who bet he won't finish the week. Will desperation alone get Nasim the money? Is any triumph an illusion?

ed2k linkThe Cyclist (Mohsen Makhmalbaf, VHS RIP HQ ENG SUB).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkthe.cyclist.1987.dvdrip.xvid-thewretched.avi ed2k link stats

DastforoushThe Peddler (USA) / The Pedlar (UK)198795'
Intérpretes: Behzad Behzadpour, Zohreh Sarmadi, Esmail Soltanian, Morteza Zarrabi, Moharram Zaynalzadeh

Consisting of three separate stories, the director explores "Man" as a theme: birth, life and death, to present a sometimes comic, sometimes tragic portrait of life at the bottom of the socio-economic pile.

ed2k linkDastforoush (The Peddler)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (VHS RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

Arousi-ye KhoubanMarriage of the Blessed 198975'
Intérpretes: Ebrahim Abadi, Mahmud Bigham (as Haji), Roya Nonahali, Mohsen Zaehtab

Haji is severely traumatized by the war with Iraq. Back from the front, he's unable to adapt to civilian life. Despite family opposition, his fiancée stands by him as together they challenge both the authority of family and state to lead their own lives.

ed2k linkMohsen Makhmalbaf - Aroosiyeh khooban (Marriage Of The Blessed) (Wedding Of The Blessed) VHS RIP HQ ENG SUB.avi ed2k link statsPersian

Nobat e AsheghiTime of Love 199075'
Intérpretes: Shiva Gered, Abdurrahman Palay, Menderes Samancilar, Aken Tunj

First Narrative:
Young Gozal whose husband is a taxi driver has an affair with a young blond shoeshine boy. One day an old man who can’t hear well is recording the bird’s songs when he hears what they say to each other. So he finds out about their affair and tells everything to Gozal’s black-haired husband. The black–haired kills the young blond boy and injures Gozal and then surrenders himself to the court. He is sentenced to death and is thrown into the sea as he chooses. Gozal commits suicide in her regular meeting place.

Second Narrative:
This time the blond–haired man and Gozal are husband and wife, and Gozal is in love with the black – haired. The blond – haired is the taxi driver and the black–haired is a hawker. The old man gets to know about the affair between Gozal and the black – haired and informs the blond–haired. He intends to kill the black – haired but is killed himself. The black–haired is sentenced to death and as he asks, he is hanged on the tree under which he saw Gozal for the first time. Gozal commits suicide in the hospital.

Third Narrative:
Like the first narrative, once again the black–haired and Gozal are husband and wife and Gozal has an affair with the blond- haired. The old man tells Gozal’s husband about this affair. The two rivals start fighting, but the black-haired refuses to kill the blond- haired when he is in the situation to do so. This way he gives his rival the chance to tell him but the black–haired holds the wedding party of Gozal and the blond–haired. In the wedding ceremony, the court judge who has resigned from his job due to its difficulties is present.
The black–haired give the bird and groom a lift to their house and gives his taxi to them as the wedding present. The blond–haired who has decided to give Gozal back to the black–haired, runs after him but instead he finds the old man who confesses that he has been in love with Gozal for many years.

ed2k linkNobat.e.Asheghi.(Time.of.Love)-Mohsen.Makhmalbaf.(VHS.RIP.Turkish.ENG.SUB).avi ed2k link statsTurkish

Shabhaye Zayendeh-RoodThe Nights of Zayandeh-Rood 1991
Intérpretes: Manuchehr Esmaili, Mehrdad Farid, Parvaneh Goharani, Mojgan Naderi, Zaynab Rahdari

A few years before the revolution: A man, whom is a university professor in Sociology, has an accident while crossing the street with his wife. The passerby’s pass near them inattentively and therefore the man’s wife dies. When the professor recovers and returns home he throws all the papers related to his research on Sociology out of the window over the people’s heads because of the anger he has towards the inattention of people and promises himself not to work for them anymore…

During the revolution: A few years later, when the revolution in Iran is at its height, the professor witnesses the crowds’ uprise from the same window. Some people are wounded and the others get killed to save the wounded. The people are no longer inattention…

A few years after the revolution: The professor is sitting at home. He hears an accident sound and looks out from the window. A young biker whom has had an accident with a vehicle is dying and people are passing him inattention…

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Arousi-ye KhoubanOnce Upon a Time, Cinema / Once Upon a Time, the Movies... / Ruzi, Ruzagari, Cinema199290'
Intérpretes: Akbar Abdi, Dariush Arjmand, Ezzatolah Entezami (as Nassereddin Shah), Jahangir Forouhar, Mehdi Hashemi, Mohamad Ali Keshavarz, Parvaneh Massoumi, Fatemah Motamed-Aria, Mahaya Petrossian, Moharram Zaynalzadeh

Alegato a favor de la libertad de expresión en el cine. La película hace un repaso a la historia del cine iraní y cómo ha sido influenciado por otros estilos.

ed2k linkNassereddin Shah, Actoreh Cinema (Once Upon A Time, Cinema)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (VHS RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

HonarpishehThe Actor 199388'
Intérpretes: Akbar Abdi (as Akbar), Fatemah Motamed-Aria (as Simin), Mahaya Petrossian (as Gypsy Girl)

Akbar Abdi, the popular film actor has always wanted to act only in serious, art films, but a number of circumstances including financial problems force him to appear in commercial productions. Once again Abdi makes up his mind never to act in commercial movies, but then he finds out that his wife has decided to have a child and …

CD 1: ed2k linkHonarpishe (The Actor)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf CD1 (VCD RIP NO SUB).avi ed2k link stats

CD 2: ed2k linkHonarpishe (The Actor)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf CD2 (VCD RIP NO SUB).avi ed2k link stats

Images From the Ghajar Dynasty199318'

ed2k linkTasvir Dar Doraneh Qajar (Images From The Ghajar Dynasty) Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Short Film VHS RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

Salaam Cinema199575'
Intérpretes: Shaghayeh Djodat (as Herself), Feizola Gashghai (as Himself), Maryam Keyhan (as Herself), Mohsen Makhmalbaf (as Himself), M.H. Mokhtarian (as Himself), Mirhadi Tayebi (as Himself), Azadeh Zanganeh (as Herself), Moharram Zaynalzadeh (as Himself)

Una manera de describir este film es definirlo como un “docudrama” en el que el director Mohsen Makhmalbaf describe los sobresaltos del casting de una de sus películas. Una larga cola de aspirantes a actrices aguarda frente al cineasta, despliega sus habilidades e intenta por todos los medios conseguir un papel en el proyectado film. El resultado es, por supuesto y en primer lugar, un documento sobre la “cocina” del cine, realizado por el afamado director iraní como un aporte personal a la celebración de los cien años de la invención del aparato de los hermanos Lumiére.

ed2k link[Iran-Persian] Mohsen Makhmalbaf. Salaam Cinema. (DVD RIP ENG SUB).avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en Español:
ed2k linkSalaam Cinema (Español).srt ed2k link stats
Subtítulos Español de Astoria

Intérpretes: Abbas Sayah (as Uncle), Shaghayeh Djodat (as Gabbeh), Hossein Moharami (as Old Man), Rogheih Moharami (as Old Woman), Parvaneh Ghalandari

Un anciano matrimonio se dispone a lavar su gabbeh en un cercano riachuelo. Mientras lavan la alfombra y hablan de las bellas ilustraciones que posee, la joven muchacha dibujada en el gabbeh parece tomar vida y comienza a confesarles su triste historia de amor.

ed2k link[Mohsen Makhmalbaf] Dywan (Gabbeh) [].avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos enEspañol:
ed2k linkGabbeh De Mohsen Makhmalbaf 1996 ed2k link stats
Subtítulos en Extratitles de BlueGardenia


Nun va GoldoonA Moment of Innocence / Bread and Flower 199678'
Intérpretes: Mirhadi Tayebi (as The Policeman), Mohsen Makhmalbaf (as The Director), Ali Bakhsi (as The Young Director), Ammar Tafti (as The Young Policeman), Maryam Mohamadamini (as The Young Woman), Moharram Zaynalzadeh

During Shah’s regime when Mohsen Makhmalbaf is a 17-year old guerrilla, along with a girl, who is a guerrilla as well they attack a policeman to disarm him. The police and Makhmalbaf wound each other and the girl disappears.

20 years later, when Makhmalbaf is a 37 year old director and gives an add in the newspaper for choosing the cast of “Salam Cinema”, the ex-policeman goes to Makhmalbaf’s house and sends a message to Makhmalbaf through his youngest daughter “Hana” and asks for a role in the cinema. Makhmalbaf decides to make a movie of the disarmament that happened 20 years ago from today’s view. He chooses a 17-year old young man to play his role when he was young. Then each of them follows their own youth with a separate camera to track the truth in the method that the incident had taken place 20 years ago. Both of them reach the disarmament location from two different directions but the 17- year old young, whom plays the role of Makhmalbaf’s youth, is not willing to act violently and wound the policeman, even for justice. On the other hand it becomes obvious that the policeman, who didn’t know about the attack incident, had fallen in love slow by slow with the guerrilla girl that has come along with Makhmalbaf for disarming him. And even when he gets wounded and becomes unconscious he does not discover the girl’s secret and he had carried the sorrow of that love in his heart for 20 years and he was looking for his lost love all these years. And now that he has realized the truth, he reacts towards the 20 years that he has lost.

ed2k linkNun Va Goldoon (A Moment Of Innocence)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf.(VHS.RIP.ENG.SUB).avi ed2k link statsPersian

SokoutSilence, Le (France) / The Silence 199876'
Intérpretes: Tahmineh Normatova (as Khorshid), Nadereh Abdelahyeva (as Nadareh), Goibibi Ziadolahyeva (as Khorshid's Mother), Araz M. Shirmohamadi

Because of his special gift in identifying objects by the sounds they make, a blind young boy is employed as a string instrument tuner in a small village in Tajikistan. He may be blind but that does not mean he cannot see. On his way to work, he could tell the quality of the bread the young girls along the streets are peddling by simply touching their ware. His world is made more colorful and quaint because of his sensitivity to his surroundings. The only problem is that he is easily "tempted" by street musicians' performances and arrives late at work.

Es la historia de un niño ciego que crea su propio mundo a partir de lo que escucha.

ed2k linkSokout-The Silence-Le Silence (Mohsen Makhmalbaf-Farsi-Iran),Divx.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkSokout (The Silence)-Mohsen Makhmalbaf (DVD RIP ENG SUB).srt ed2k link stats
Subtítulos Español de Jorgito24


SibThe Apple (Canada: English title) (USA) / Pomme, La (France)199886'
Intérpretes: Massoumeh Naderi (as Massoumeh), Zahra Naderi (as Zahra), Ghorban Ali Naderi (as Father), Azizeh Mohamadi (as Azizeh), Zahra Saghrisaz

After twelve years of imprisonment by their own parents, two sisters are finally released by social workers to face the outside world for the first time.

ed2k linkSamira Makhmalbaf The Apple 1998 Dvdrip.Xvid-Imbt.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkDivFix Samira Makhmalbaf The Apple (IARN).avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos en inglés:
ed2k link[Samira Makhmalbaf] (Sib) (The Apple) 1998 [Dvdrip.Xvid-Imbt.eng].srt ed2k link stats
ed2k linkSib (The Apple)-Samira Makhmalbaf (DVD RIP ENG SUB).srt ed2k link stats

Ghessé hayé kishKish Tales (Europe: English title) / Tales of Kish (Europe: English title)199972'
Intérpretes: Hossein Panahi, Atefeh Razavi, Hafez Pakdel, Mohamad A. Babhan, Norieh Mahigiran

Directed by Abolfazl Jalili (segment "The Ring") ; Mohsen Makhmalbaf (segment "The Door") and Naser Taghvai (segment "The Greek Boat")
Nassim, un refugiado afgano, necesita dinero para pagar las facturas del médico de su mujer. Un agente de negocios de mala fama propone astutamente que Nassim compita en un maratón en bicicleta. La esperanza depende de la habilidad de Nassim para recorrer en círculo una zona poco extensa en las afueras de la ciudad 24 horas al día durante una semana. Jugadores, músicos callejeros y corredores de apuestas utilizan el sufrimiento de Nassim para su propio beneficio, mientras que algunos venden comida por la calle.

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Tales of an Island200076'
Intérpretes: Khosro Shakibai, Ali Mosaffa, Negar Forozandeh, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Mohamad Reza Sharifinia, Shahabodin Faroukh Yar

Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf (segment "Testing Democracy") and Dariush Mehrjui (segment "Dear Cousin Is Lost")

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Takhté siahBlackboards (International: English title) / Lavagne (Italy) / La Pizarra (Spain)200085'
Intérpretes: Said Mohamadi (as Said), Behnaz Jafari (as Halaleh), Bahman Ghobadi (as Reeboir), Mohamad Karim Rahmati (as Father), Rafat Moradi (as Ribvar), Mayas Rostami (as Young boy storyteller), Saman Akbari (as Group leader), Ahmad Bahrami (as Marriage registrar), Mohamad Moradi (as Match maker), Karim Moradi (as Old man), Hassan Mohamadi (as Child), Rasool Mohamadi (as The boy porter), Somaye Veisee (as Little girl)

Un grupo de profesores viajan por el Kurdistan cargando con sus pizarras a la espalda en busca de estudiantes a los que enseñar. En el camino encuentran a mucha gente de edad y formas de vida variadas, tratando de ayudar y compartir el conocimiento con cualquier persona que esté dispuesta a aprender.

ed2k link(Iran).Samira Makhmalbaf Blackboards.2000.dvdrip.xvid.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkMakhmalbaf Samira (2000) La pizarra.avi ed2k link stats

ed2k ed2k link stats

Subtítulos Extratiles Inglés

Roozi ke zan shodamThe Day I Became a Woman (International: English title)200078'
Intérpretes: Fatemeh Cherag Akhar (as Hava), Hassan Nebhan (as Hassan), Shahr Banou Sisizadeh (as Mother), Ameneh Passand (as Grandmother), Shabnam Toloui (as Ahoo), Sirous Kahvarinegad (as Husband), Mahram Zeinal Zadeh (as Osmann), Norieh Mahigiran (as Rival Cyclist), Azizeh Sedighi (as Hoora), Badr Iravani (as Young Boy)

This is the story of women at three stages of life in Iran. The first part centers on a young girl on her ninth birthday who is told that she can no longer play with the boys she had been playing with only the day before because she is now a "woman". Told from the perspective of a nine year old "woman" who does not feel like or know what that label refers to, we see how devastatingly this affects both the girl and the boy with whom she had been friends. The second part is about a young woman who decides to enter a bicycle race against her husband's wishes. As first the husband and then increasing numbers of men from the village ride beside her to convince her to return home, the race begins to symbolize a freedom she desperately wants from the limitations which have been placed on her. Finally, the third part shows us an old woman who has come into some money and is now free to do what she wants. The way she chooses to use this freedom, however, makes one wonder just how free she is.

ed2k linkRozi Ke Zan Shodam (The Day I Became A Woman)-Marzieh Meshkini , Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Dvd Rip Eng Sub).avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos inglés:
ed2k link[Marzieh Meshkini] Dzien, gdy stalam sie kobieta (Roozi khe zan shodam) (The Day I Became A Woman) 2000 [DVD RIP ENG SUB].srt ed2k link stats

ed2k linkRozi Ke Zan Shodam (The Day I Became A Woman)-Marzieh Meshkini , Mohsen Makhmalbaf (DVD RIP ENG SUB).srt ed2k link stats


Safar E GhandeharKandahar200185'
Intérpretes: Niloufar Pazira, Hassan Tantai, Sadou Teymouri

Una refugiada afgana regresa a su país tras recibir una carta de su hermana que le comunica su intención de suicidarse ante la grave situación que vive.

ed2k linkKandahar [ DVDRip ][ DivX PRO 5.0 ][ xSafitox ][xxGRouPxx ][ spanish divx].avi ed2k link stats

Extratitles Subtítulos Español
Extratitles Subtítulos Inglés


Alefbay-e afghanThe Afghan Alphabet (UK)200245'
Intérpretes: Ghafour Barahouyi (as Himself), Maryam Ozbak (as Herself)

Documentary showing the life of children of the Afghan villages bordering Iran, and how their life and culture were affected by Taliban regime.

No hay enlaces disponiblesDari

Panj é asrÀ cinq heures de l'après-midi (France) / At Five in the Afternoon (International: English title) / A las cinco de la tarde (Spain)2003105'
Intérpretes: Agheleh Rezaie (as Noqreh), Abdolgani Yousefrazi (as Father), Razi Mohebi (as Poet), Marzieh Amiri (as Leylomah)

Tras la caída del régimen talibán en Afganistán, se reabrieron las escuelas para las mujeres. Una de ellas quiere llegar a ser Presidente de la República....

ed2k linkAt Five in the Afternoon.2003.LiMiTED-PROMiSE (DivXForever Com) (found via ed2k link stats

ed2k linkA Las Cinco De La Tarde Spanish.mpg ed2k link stats

ed2k linkAt Five in the Afternoon 2003.LiMiTED.DVDRip.XviD-PROMiSE ( ed2k link stats
ed2k linkA las cinco de la ed2k link stats
Extratitles Subtítulos Español


Sex O PhalsaphehSex & Philosophy2005105'
Intérpretes: Daler Nazarov

A 40 year old man who has celebrated his birthday alone by himself invites his four lovers to a dance class that he teaches in order to search for the roots of his own loneliness and by reminiscing the memories of how each of his love affairs were evolved and diminished, he realizes that the more the contemporary world has become sexually oriented the farther it has moved away from love..

No hay enlaces disponiblesTajik

Última edición por Sarmale el Lun 24 Oct, 2005 00:49, editado 2 veces en total.
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:36

Tenía reservado este espacio para ampliarla, pero las películas en las que este señor ha hecho de director de fotografía, actor y demás son películas suyas que ya están puestas en las dos filmografías, como guionista y como director. Así que he pensado que para qué repetir...

Bresson, te haré caso (como este mensaje es editado, no aparece como respuesta, pero te haré caso de todos modos).
Última edición por Sarmale el Lun 24 Oct, 2005 20:00, editado 1 vez en total.
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes

Mensajes: 2176
Registrado: Vie 23 May, 2003 02:00

Mensaje por jorgito24 » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:41

:roll: Muchas gracias Sarmale :plas: Ves cómo al final te ha quedado bien? :wink:

Buena profe te has buscado :mrgreen:

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Registrado: Sab 11 Oct, 2003 02:00
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Mensaje por bluegardenia » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:58

Muchas gracias por la filmografía y por el esfuerzo :plas:
Me encantan las películas de este señor.

Te editado el código. Como te comenté en el "laboratorio de pruebas" si se meten espacios entre etiquetas html las tablas se vuelven medio locas o salen campos extraños como las barras azules que había. Simplemente es eliminar los espacios, puedes ver el código que es exacto salvo eso.
Bueno, también los dos enlaces que alargaban dos tablas a la derecha porque no saltaban la línea al no tener ningún espacio dentro del nombre del archivo.

Lo dicho, muchas gracias :)

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Registrado: Sab 16 Jul, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por David_Holm » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:58

:plas: :plas: :plas: Enhorabuena por la filmo que me consta que llevó su trabajo y dolores de cabeza asociados. Decir que poco conozco del cine iraní en general y nada de Makhmalbaf en particular. Para algo está la filmo...

Me iré poniendo al día. :oops:

Gracias, saludos y congratulaciones por tu debut filmográfico.
Última edición por David_Holm el Dom 23 Oct, 2005 12:07, editado 2 veces en total.

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 02:59

Gracias, jorgito... No sé qué hubiera hecho sin ti, sin doodle, sin David_Holm, hattusil, miles y bluegardenia...

Gracias a todos.

Sarmale, agradecida y emocionada (cual Lina Morgan)
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 03:03

Bluegardenia... ¿Qué listas azules? :oops: Muchas gracias por editar el código y por pulir los fallos. :D
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes

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Registrado: Sab 01 Oct, 2005 02:00
Ubicación: Córdoba de la Nueva Andalucía

Mensaje por el_cazador_oculto » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 03:59

Que linda filmo.
Gracias Sarmale. :plas:

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Mensaje por miles » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 11:15

Enhorabuena Sarmale, te ha quedado muy bien. Las actualizaciones y la siguiente que hagas te serán mas sencillas.

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Mensaje por Coursodon » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 11:35

Pssssss... Tan bien no le ha quedado, ¿eh?. Ya se podía haber esforzado más. :twisted:

Pinchada queda Sokout con esos pedazos de subtítulos del amigo Jorgito.

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Registrado: Sab 16 Abr, 2005 02:00
Ubicación: Apagado o fuera de cobertura

Mensaje por Matus » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 11:59

Muy interesante filmografía, Sarmale. Felicidades. :D

He pinchado Sokout, de momento. Por cierto, creo que el enlace de los subs. no está bien direccionado. :(

Saludos y gracias. :D

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 12:13

Lo sé: los subtítulos son de Jorgito, hay que registrarse en la página y no fui capaz de coger la dirección del Download bien... :oops:

(Y creo que ahora mismo, filmo hecha, no sabría reestructurarla para poner bien el enlace, en caso de que lo consiguiera: menos mal que anda por aquí el editador-de-códigos bluegardenia...) :D

Creo que la solución es registrarse... O pedirle a Jorgito que os los mande por e mail... O que los cuelgue en extratitles directos...

Sarmale, llamando a Jorgito...
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes

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Registrado: Sab 11 Oct, 2003 02:00
Ubicación: El Páramo del Espanto

Mensaje por bluegardenia » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 13:09

Dejo por aquí los de Gabbeh, traducción o algo parecido mia, en descarga directa:
Los de Sokout, traducidos por jorgito, subidos a Extratitles:
Y los de Salaam Cinema, traducción de Astoria:

Gracias de nuevo :D

Bueno, vale, los coloco en las fichas. Sin que sirva de precedente :)

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Registrado: Sab 16 Abr, 2005 02:00
Ubicación: Apagado o fuera de cobertura

Mensaje por Matus » Dom 23 Oct, 2005 21:57

Me bajo los subs. de Sokout.

Gracias, blue. :D

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Registrado: Vie 17 Sep, 2004 02:00

Mensaje por Bresson » Lun 24 Oct, 2005 19:34

muchas gracias!!

una pequena recomendacion.. cuando no haya enalce mejor dejar el espacio vacio en vez de poner "no hay enlcace disponible"

cuadno uno navega rapdio buscando cuales tienes o no enlace es el espacio vacio una buena ayuda para el ojo de modo que uno solo para el scroll cuando ve algo dentro del espacio.

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Registrado: Sab 18 Dic, 2004 01:00
Ubicación: Buenos Aires

Mensaje por maxgentino » Jue 22 Dic, 2005 04:40

Muchas gracias Sarmale por la filmo...
Pongo a bajar:
Gabbeh y Sokout....

Saludos :wink:

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Registrado: Lun 24 May, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Con el nombre escrito en el Ostricom

Mensaje por NitteZtalker » Jue 22 Dic, 2005 16:22

De "El ciclista" hay un DVDrip de muy buena calidad aunque sin subtítulos. Me lo bajé hace un tiempo y esta en mi colección de "películas en idiomas extraños a la espera de subtítulos"

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Registrado: Dom 02 Oct, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por Sarmale » Jue 22 Dic, 2005 16:24

¿Tienes el enlace, para que actualice? Gracias...
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes