Norman McLaren [11/10/2005] (Director)

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Norman McLaren [11/10/2005] (Director)

Mensaje por lapsus » Sab 05 Jun, 2004 20:45

Por Vivienne Barry, desde Chile.
Quisiera comenzar esta nueva serie de "La Magia en movimiento 2000" con un especial homenaje al gran animador y realizador, Norman McLaren, quien dedicó toda su vida a la experimentación en el Arte del Cine de Animación y a quien hasta ahora no nos hemos referido. Muchos trucos, efectos y estilos de animación que hoy estamos habituados a ver, tanto en el cine como en la televisión, fueron el resultado de los experimentos que realizó este gran artista a lo largo de toda su vida.
Podríamos definirlo como el gran poeta del cine animado, no solo por la calidad de su filmografía de cincuenta y nueve películas , sino también por la manera en que él se relacionó con la imagen, el color, y el sonido, los cuales exploró en todo su rango y magnitud.
Norman McLaren nació en 11 de abril de 1914 en Stirling, Escocia, y dejó de existir en Montreal, Canadá, el 26 de enero de 1987. Desde muy joven quiso dedicarse al diseño, para lo cual terminó sus estudios de arte en la Universidad de Glasgow en 1932. Fue entonces que se incorporó a la Glasgow Film Society, donde descubrió el cine a través de las obras maestras de Einsenstein, Pudovkin y Fischinger. Rápidamente se dio cuenta de la importancia del séptimo arte como medio de expresión y comenzó a innovar y a animar sin cámara pintando directamente sobre negativos, o raspando la emulsión de la película. Su carrera cinematográfica comenzó en 1934 y ya, al año siguiente, dos de sus films ganaron premios en el Scottisch Amateur Film Festival. Uno de los miembros del jurado llamado John Grierson quedó muy impresionado con su talento y le ofreció un trabajo en la general Post Office Film Unit en Londres. McLaren trabajó como camarógrafo en 1936 durante la guerra civil española lo cual le ocasionó una impresión tan nefasta que, cuando se dio cuenta que la Segunda Guerra Mundial era inminente, decidió emigrar a los Estados Unidos y desde 1941 se incorporó al National Film Board de Canadá.
Sus primeros films realizados en Montreal, "V for Victory", "Five for five", "Dollar Dance" y "Keep your mouth shut", tocan el tema de la guerra. Sin embargo, estas producciones no lo alejaron de su constante experimentación del tiempo y de las formas en el cine de animación a la cual ocupaba gran parte de sus días . Esta gran motivación lo llevó a fundar el Departamento de Animación del National Film Board, el que existe hasta el día de hoy y el cual ha generado una gran cantidad de excelentes animadores y premios a nivel mundial (Oscar y otros).
Norman McLaren nunca cesó de explorar nuevas técnicas, en las que la música jugó un importante papel. Logró crear bandas sonoras raspando el celuloide en el lugar del sonido óptico. Sus colegas del departamento técnico del Film Board of Canada le construyeron un sistema especial de cámara y proyector para que él pudiera experimentar sin limitaciones. En 1951, realizó los primeros films tridimensionales: " Around is around" y "Now is the time". Su sentido del movimiento lo hizo aplicar la animación a todo lo que le fuera posible, utilizó como personaje a una silla en "A chairy tale" y a seres humanos animados, en su célebre técnica que llamó Pixillation, en "Neighbours" (ganadora del Oscar en animación) y en "Canon", así como realizo películas completas raspando y pintando sobre el celuloide como "Blinkity Blank", y "Caprice en couleurs".
La danza fue otro elemento importante en su búsqueda constante, y en sus últimos años de vida realizó tres cortometrajes, con la participación de destacados bailarines, que resultaron ser verdaderos poemas: "Adagio", "Pas de deux" y "Narciso" (su ultimo film, en 1983). En ellos realentó el tiempo dando como resultado imágenes de increíble belleza y una dimensión desconocida del ballet. . Adagio es una bella demostración de la técnica del Pas de deux que resalta la maestría de ambos bailarines, David y Anna Marie Holmes, la precisión de sus gestos, el equilibrio de cada giro, arabesque o jeté al ritmo del precioso Adagio de Albinoni.
Junto con Grant Munro, su mas estrecho colaborador, McLaren produjo una serie de cinco películas llamada "Animated Motion" que constituye una verdadera introducción o curso de cine de animación en el que se analizan los conceptos de tiempo y espacio en las filmaciones cuadro a cuadro, documento altamente valioso para todos aquellos que se interesan en este arte.
Norman MacLaren recibió más de doscientos premios internacionales. En 1952 ganó el Oscar con "Neighbours" y "Blinkity Blank" recibió la Palme d´Or en Cannes 1955, fue honorado en cientos de países, participó como jurado en una variedad de eventos y festivales de cine. Se han hecho muchas retrospectivas de sus películas, se han escrito artículos y se han publicado numerosos textos sobre su obra, porque aunque han pasado años desde su muerte, McLaren sigue y seguirá vigente, porque fue el maestro y fuente de inspiración de varias generaciones de artistas y animadores de todo el mundo: A través de Unesco, participó también en China y en la India en proyectos de educación audiovisual. Miles de personas de diversas nacionalidades consideran su nombre como sinónimo del National Film Board of Canada y de hecho, dos años después de su muerte el edificio central del NFB fue honorado con el nombre de Edificio Norman McLaren.

• Norman McLaren on the Creative Process, NFB –1991
• The Drawings of Norman McLaren, 1975, McLaren
• Norman McLaren: Manipulator of Movement, Valliere Richard, 1982
• Art in Motion: Animation Aesthetics, Maureen Furniss, 1998
• Experimental Cinema, David Curtis, 1971
• The Art of Making Dances, Doris Humphrey, 1959
Esta Filmografía es para ayudar a divulgar la obra de este gran artista, es una recopilación de los enlaces posteados en este foro por: Inner, DavidM, Auess..... y alguien más que quizás se me escape :wink: . El artículo está extraído integramente de esta web: (Espero que no se molesten).
A continuación os dejo (me atrevería decir) que toda la obra de Norman Mclaren, con algún comentario y los enlaces disponibles (que desgraciadamente aún son pocos). Aunque quizás poniéndolo al alcance de todo el mundo de una manera ordenada podremos ir rellenando los huecos.

Un Saludo!!

Ah! y si creéis que debe ir en el apartado de Filmografías, o lo queréis dejar como post fijo o algo adelante... Cap problema.


:arrow: ... an+McLaren

Un libro imprescindible:
(Contiene ensayos del propio Mclaren, Apuntes sobre la realización de sus películas, Repaso exhaustivo de toda su obra, .... )
Última edición por lapsus el Mar 11 Oct, 2005 15:23, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: Vie 14 Nov, 2003 01:00

Mensaje por lapsus » Sab 05 Jun, 2004 20:48

No he añadido algunos videos que bajo otros nombres recopilan diversos cortos, para no alargar la cosa. Ya sé que es una lista muy larga pero creía que podía ser interesante tambien a modo informativo... Los comentarios de las películas son en inglés debido a la poca información en español que hay disponible (A parte del libro antes mencionado). Cuando pueda ya iré añadiendo algunas reseñas, y podéis colaborar comentando los cortos o lo que os de la gana. Es mi primera filmo, espero no haberla cagado. Bueno, ahí va:

Seven Till Five193310'

An impressionistic live-action study by Norman McLaren of art school activities from morning to night. This was the first film of the Glasgow School of Art Film Group. It won first prize in the Second Amateur Film Festival in Glasgow, 1934.


Polychrome Phantasy19353'

In this early film Norman McLaren shot crystal formations through a low-power microscope, using polarized light with the lower part of the picture masked off. The film was then rewound and a scene of dancers was filmed.


Camera Makes Whoopee193519'

Montage and animation in two Acts: the preparation for the Glasgow Arts School Ball; and the ball itself.
Cinematic variations on the subject of the Glasgow School of Art Christmas Ball, 1934, using mixed techniques, including animated objects, optical effects, and live action. Made while Norman McLaren was a student there.


Defence of Madrid193634'

Shortly after joining the General Post Office Film Unit in London, and before making a film there, McLaren went to Madrid with Ivor Montagu to film the siege of the city by Franco's army. The resulting film was used in the campaign to raise funds for the Republican cause.


Hell Unlimited193615'

In this film Norman McLaren uses puppets, diagrams, animation and live-action to present an anti-war message for use by peace organizations.


News for the Navy193710'

Norman McLaren's documentary-style account of how a letter from home reaches a sailor on duty in foreign waters.


Book Bargain19379'

Shows the production of the London telephone directory.
A documentary on the production of the London telephone directory. A novel attempt to inject some interest into a basically dull subject. Made by Norman McLaren while he was working for Britain's General Post Office in the 1930s.


Mony a Pickle193811'

A short film publicizing the G.P.O. (General Post Office) Savings Bank. Several film directors contributed short sequences. Norman McLaren's two-minute sequence made use of live photography and the animation of furniture and other household objects. The title is one half of a Scottish proverb whose approximate English equivalent is "Many little bits make a lot."


Spook Sport19398'

An expressionistic interpretation of "Danse macabre" by Camille Saint-Saëns. Conventional cel animation and pen drawings were done by Norman McLaren directly on 35 mm film stock.


Obedient Flame, The193918'

This documentary, using both live-action photography and animation, shows the advantages of cooking with gas. Produced in 1939 by John Grierson for the British Gas Corporation, it was the last film Norman McLaren made in the United Kingdom.



Norman McLaren made Scherzo early after his arrival in North America in 1939, but the film was subsequently lost. In 1984 the original materials were found and the hand-drawn images and sound were reconstituted. Picture and sound dance triple-quick in this animated version of a musical scherzo. A film without words.


Love on the Wing19395'

Animation featuring dancing black and white shadows.
Continually metamorphosing symbols, drawn directly on 35 mm film stock, move against photographed multi-plane backgrounds. The film publicized the U.K. air-mail service and was Norman McLaren's last film for the General Post Office Film Unit of Great Britain


Stars and StripesÉtoiles et Bandes19393'

An experiment in film animation in which "stars" and "stripes" perform acrobatics to a sprightly march tune. The film was made without a camera, by Norman McLaren drawing and coloring directly on film. The title is in eight languages. Rereleased with multilingual titles in 1949.


NBC Greeting19401'

Norman McLaren drew directly on 35 mm film stock. Set to a piece of "stock" music, this clip was a greeting message for broadcast by NBC television on Valentine's Day, 1940.



An experimental film in which both sound and visuals were created entirely by McLaren drawing directly upon the film with ordinary pen and ink. The titles are in eight languages. Rereleased with multilingual titles in 1949.



An experimental film of dots animated by being drawn directly on filmstock.
An experimental film in which both sound and visuals were created entirely by Norman McLaren drawing directly upon the film with ordinary pen and ink. The main title is in eight languages. Rereleased with multilingual titles in 1949.

ed2k linkNorman McLaren [1940] Dots.mpg ed2k link stats

Mail Early19412'

Norman McLaren's first film for the NFB was this publicity clip for Canada Post. Non-abstract symbols drawn with pen on clear 35 mm stock were superimposed on a photographed painted background. Benny Goodman's rendition of Jingle Bells provided the sound.


V for Victory19412'

In this film, a publicity message for a war bond campaign, Norman McLaren draws symbols, a stick man, and lettering directly on clear 35 mm film stock to synchronize with a brass band rendition of Sousa's march The Thunderer. Color printed in laboratory by Warnercolor process.


Hen Hop19424'

A cartoon film hand-drawn with pen and ink by Norman McLaren, with color added optically, in which a hen--sometimes as an egg with feet--dances to barn dance music.

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ed2k linkNorman_MCLAREN-Hen.Hop.(1942).avi ed2k link stats

Five for Four19423'

Wartime savings campaign publicity by artist Norman McLaren. Symbolic figures, drawn directly on 35 mm film stock, move and dance against a simple painted background. The music is from a recording of Pinetop Boogie played by Albert Ammons. The technique of Vitacolor was used, a three-color process now obsolete.


Tic Tac Toe19431'

An animated film promoting war saving stamps to Canadians during World War II.


Dollar Dance19435'

Wartime inflation and the role of price control are the subjects of this Norman McLaren publicity trailer, which employs single-frame animation of direct pen-drawing on 35 mm film stock. The sound track consists of spoken rhymed verses accompanied by an orchestra. Film without words.


Chants populaires nº 41944'


C'est l'aviron19444'

An illustration of a traditional French Canadian song in the form of progressing cutouts and still pictures.
One of a series of French-Canadian folk songs, this film was illustrated by Norman McLaren for the Chants populaires series. White gouache drawings on black cards were photographed with overlapping "zooms" to suggest the forward movement of a canoe along rivers and lakes. This film appears in Chants populaires no. 5 and in Chants populaires no. 6.

ed2k linkNorman McLaren - C'est l'aviron (1943).mpg ed2k link statsFrench

Let's All Sing Together: No. 219448'

Four popular songs with animated backgrounds, sung by the Four Gentlemen Quartet: Oh Susanna, with a short cartoon sequence of two couples in a square dance, Carry On, Short'nin Bread, and Pack Up Your Troubles.


Chants populaires nº 11944'


Chants populaires nº 21944'


Rainy Day, A19441'

An animated victory bond message with the advice, "Don't cash in your bonds."


Let's All Sing Together: No. 119449'

Daisy Daisy, Old McDonald Had a Farm, Home on the Range, and Alouette are sung by the Four Gentlemen Quartet. Animated cartoons illustrate these songs.


Keep Your Mouth Shut19443'

A Nazi death's head "congratulates" Canadians for all the helpful military intelligence he overheard from loose talk and gossip.
As part of a wartime anti-gossip campaign, Norman McLaren animates a human skull to relay an ironic message.



Norman McLaren, as first producer of the NFB's newly formed Animation Unit (1943), co-animated with René Jodoin this item for inclusion in a sing-along series, Let's All Sing Together (No.1). Single-frame animation of paper cutouts was the technique used.


Chants populaires nº 31944'


Let's All Sing Together: No. 3194510'

A group of old-time favorite sing-along songs is presented. Included are Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet and The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze.


Let's All Sing Together: No. 419459'

Four popular songs, with animated backgrounds, sung by the Four Gentlemen Quartet. The songs include: My Wild Irish Rose, En roulant ma boule, Clementine and I've Got Sixpence.


Let's All Sing Together: No. 519459'

Three popular songs, with animated backgrounds, sung by the Four Gentlemen Quartet: All Through the Night, Row, Row, Row Your Boat and Waltzing Matilda.


Let's All Sing Together: No. 619458'

Five popular songs with animated backgrounds, sung by the Four Gentlemen Quartet: I Got a Robe, Men of the Soil, Frère Jacques, Oh, No John, No and Give Yourself a Pat on the Back.


Là-haut sur ces montagnes19468'

For this folk song, monochrome pastel drawings were metamorphosed under an animation camera. Originally released as part of Chants populaires no 6.


Hoppity Pop19463'

An animated film in which colored shapes dance to calliope music. The visuals were drawn by Norman McLaren directly upon the film with pen and ink. Simple forms dance about the screen to the discordant strains of an old-time circus calliope.


Little Phantasy on a 19th-century Painting, A19464'

Isle of the Dead, by the nineteenth-century painter Arnold Boecklin, is the subject of this McLaren film experiment. The spectral island wakes to mysterious life, flickers in an ethereal light and fades again into the dark--the whole effect heightened by an interpretive musical score by composer Louis Applebaum. (Award: Salerno.)


Story of a Violin194722'

This film shows how a violin is made. When Bill's violin gets broken in a tussle, it is the beginning of a fascinating experience for him and his friends. They discover how a violin-maker cuts and fits, sandpapers and polishes, until, three months after he began the work, a new, glossy violin is ready for Bill to apply his bow and draw out a tune.



A film made without a camera, made by painting directly on the film.
A film fantasy of dancing music and dancing color. To Listen to the Mocking Bird played by an oldtime fiddler, brilliant patterns ripple, flow, flicker and blend. Norman McLaren, painting on film, translates sound into sight.

ed2k linkNorman McLaren - Fiddle-De-Dee (1947).mpg ed2k link stats

ed2k linkNorman McLaren - 1947 - Fiddle-De-Dee.mpg ed2k link stats

Poulette grise, La19476'

A Norman McLaren lullaby on film about the little grey hen who nests in the church, the little brown hen who nests in the moon, and others. Photographed from pastel drawings, the transient images express the dreamy mood of this old French song.



An animation film, made without the use of a camera, in which "boogie" played by Albert Ammons and "doodle" drawn by Norman McLaren combine to make a rhythmic, brightly colored film experiment. The main title is in eight languages.

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ed2k linkNorman Mclaren - Boogie-Doodle 1940.avi ed2k link stats

Dirigida por: Robert Anderson
Reparto: John Drainie (Narrator)

The case history of a man whose life is crippled by behavior patterns carried over from a too-dependent childhood. Through therapy he comes to understand the causes of his illness and fear.


Begone Dull Care19498'

Abstract images drawn directly onto the film are accompanied by three pieces of jazz performed by the Oscar Peterson trio.
A lively interpretation, in fluid lines and color, of jazz music played by the Oscar Peterson Trio. Painting directly on film, two National Film Board artists, Evelyn Lambart and Norman McLaren, have created a gay visual expression of the music. Film without words

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ed2k linkNorman McLaren - 1949 - Begone Dull Care.mpg ed2k link stats

Now Is the Time19513'

Along with Around Is Around, one of two 3-D films commissioned by the British Film Institute for the Festival of Britain. Photographed paper cutouts and images drawn directly on film stock were given single-frame animation. Stereoscopy was achieved by photographing and drawing two visuals (one for the left eye, one for the right eye) with controlled displacement of the elements in relationship to each other. The hand-drawn sound was also composed and recorded on two separate bands for stereoscopic playing.


Pen Point Percussion19516'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Norman McLaren (Himself)

Norman McLaren explains how he makes synthetic sound on film. With an oscilloscope he first demonstrates what familiar sounds look like on the screen; next, how sound shapes up on a film's sound track; and then what synthetic sounds sound like when drawn directly on film. This technique is also demonstrated in Dots and Loops.


Around Is Around195110'

The second of the two 3-D films--the first is Now Is the Time--commissioned by the British Film Institute to Norman McLaren for the Festival of Britain. It photographs moving oscilloscope patterns given stereoscopic form through the control of different left-eye and right-eye image positions.



A stereoscopic animated film based on the techniques used by McLaren in Now Is the Time. Both the sound and the visuals were hand-drawn directly upon the film.

Última edición por lapsus el Sab 09 Oct, 2004 18:45, editado 4 veces en total.

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Registrado: Vie 14 Nov, 2003 01:00

Mensaje por lapsus » Sab 05 Jun, 2004 20:56

Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Grant Munro (Neighbour on the right), Jean Paul Ladouceur (Neighbour on the left)

A surreal story of two neighbours' destructive feud over a flower.
Norman McLaren here employs the principles normally used to put drawings or puppets into motion to animate live actors. The story is a parable about two people who come to blows over the possession of a flower. Film without words.

ed2k linkNorman Mclaren 05 - Neighbours (1952).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkNorman Mclaren - Neighbours (Fboc 1952).mpg ed2k link stats

Phantasy, A19528'

An animated film drawn entirely in pastels. Various fantastical plant-like things "grow" from the ground...
Cut-out animation by Norman McLaren, and music for saxophones and synthetic sound by Maurice Blackburn. In a dream-like landscape drawn in pastel, inanimate objects come to life to disport themselves in grave dances and playful ritual.

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ed2k linkNorman McLaren - A Phantasy.1952.avi ed2k link stats

Two Bagatelles19533'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren, Grant Munro
Reparto: Grant Munro

Two short Norman McLaren films in which animation technique is employed with live actors. In the first, entitled On the Lawn, a male dancer waltzes to synthetic music. The second is a fast march, In the Backyard, accompanied by an old-fashioned calliope.


McLaren: Films About Norman McLaren and His Work195435'

This compilation includes: Pen Point Percussion, in which Norman McLaren explains how he makes synthetic sound on film (5 min. 58 sec.); and Window on Canada No. 29, featuring an interview with Norman McLaren as well as a demonstration of his techniques (29 min. 24 sec.).

Blinkity Blank19555'

The surreal story of a bird and its cage with both their conflict and union.
A Norman McLaren film experiment in the use of intermittent animation and spasmodic imagery. McLaren plays with the laws relating to persistence of vision and after-image on the retina of the eye. He engraves pictures on blank film, with percussive effects added in the same way. Film without words.

ed2k linkNorman.McLaren.-.Blinkity.blank.(1955).mpg ed2k link stats


An animated film by Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart that endows arithmetic with lively humor. The screen becomes a numerical free-for-all as digits meet in playful encounter, add and subtract, jostle, attack, and elude one another.


Chairy Tale, A195712'
Dirigida por: Claude Jutra, Norman McLaren
Reparto: Claude Jutra (Young Man)

An ordinary looking chair refuses to be sat upon.
A fairy tale in the modern manner, told without words by film artist Norman McLaren. In the film, a chair (animated by Evelyn Lambart) that declines to be sat upon and a young man perform a sort of pas de deux. The musical accompaniment is by India's Ravi Shankar and Chatur Lal.

ed2k linkNorman.McLaren.03.-.A.chairy.tale.(1957).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkNorman Mclaren - A Chairy Tale 1957.avi ed2k link stats

Merle, Le19584'

In this film, Norman McLaren imparts unusual activity to an old French-Canadian nonsense song. Simple white cut-outs on pastel backgrounds, many by Evelyn Lambart, provide lively illustrations. The folksong, Mon Merle, is sung in French by the Trio Lyrique of Montréal.

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Mail Early for Christmas19591'

In this pre-Christmas reminder to mail early, filmmaker Norman McLaren used an electric vibra-drill to engrave the images on black film, and included the occasional "subliminal" burst of lettering, which he hand-scratched on a few frames.


Short and Suite19595'

A color cocktail by Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart, translating into moving patterns of color and light the moods of music written for a jazz ensemble by Eldon Rathburn. Inscribed and colored directly on film.


Jack Paar Credit Titles19594'

Norman McLaren was commissioned to design and shoot the main and end credit-titles for the television program The Wonderful World of Jack Paar, a special anniversary item in the long-running interview show hosted by Paar. The sound was also "animated" by McLaren.



A gay fantasia of patterned sound in which Norman McLaren salutes the West Indies, painting the spirit of fiesta on film to the lively beat of an island tune by Trinidad's Grand Curacaya Orchestra.


Lines: Vertical19606'

An experiment in abstract film-making, this short film (as it name implies) consists only of vertical lines...

An experiment in pure design by film artists Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart. Lines, ruled directly on film, move with precision and grace against a background of changing colors, in response to music specially composed for the films. Lines - Vertical is accompanied by composer Maurice Blackburn on the electronic piano.


Opening Speech: McLarenDiscours de bienvenue de Norman McLaren19607'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Norman McLaren (Himself)

Norman McLaren attempts to give the opening speech for the first Montreal International Film Festival, but his microphone won't cooperate.
A film in which Norman McLaren is caught by his own film tricks. He attempts to welcome an audience, but is frustrated by an animated microphone that has a will of its own.


New York Lightboard19619'

Paper cutouts were used for Norman McLaren's single-frame animation of linear symbols in this Canadian tourism publicity clip. Projected in Times Square, New York, the large signboard was made up of thousands of light bulbs activated by the film images.


New York Lightboard Record19619'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Norman McLaren (Himself, seen with man in hat)

New Yorkers watch as Norman McLaren's animated promotional film for Canadian tourism plays on the giant pixelboard overlooking Times Square...

ed2k linkNorman.McLaren.08.-.New.York.lightboard.record.(1961).avi ed2k link stats

Christmas Cracker19629'
Dirigida por: Jeff Hale, Norman McLaren
Reparto: Grant Munro

A seasonal pleasantry consisting of three animation segments, employing tricks in movie magic by NFB artists and animators, and with specially arranged music. Three scenarios are presented: a rendition of Jingle Bells in which paper cut-out figures dance; a dime-store rodeo of tin toys; and a story of decorating the perfect Christmas tree. Film without words.


Lines: Horizontal19626'

An experiment in pure design by film artists Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart. Lines, ruled directly on film, move with precision and grace against a background of changing colors, in response to music specially composed for the films. Lines - Horizontal is accompanied by American folk musician Pete Seeger on wind and string instruments.

ed2k linkNorman McLaren 06 - Lines Horizontal (1962).avi ed2k link stats

ed2k linkNorman McLaren - Lines Horizontal.mpg ed2k link stats


Perhaps the only film whose content is totally based on the musical form known as canon. The first sequence...

In its simplest form the canon is a musical "round," in which each singer picks up the words and tune a beat or so after the preceding singer. In this film Norman McLaren and Grant Munro demonstrate, by animation and live action, how a canon works.

ed2k linkNorman_MCLAREN-canon1964svcd.mpg ed2k link statsEnglish


Mosaic, by Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart, is a picture of unusual movement, color and sound, created in an unusual way. It is an example of "op" art in film, a play on the retina of the eye. The basis of the film is a single tiny square that divides, eventually forming a colorful mosaic to the animators' musical orchestration.

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ed2k linkNorman McLaren - 1965 - Mosaic.mpg ed2k link stats

Korean Alphabet19677'

An animated film by young Korean filmmaker Kim In Tae, in training in the NFB's animation division, with synthetic sound by Norman McLaren. The film was made to teach the alphabet to Korean children, but its colorful images, style of animation, and tunes produced without instruments give it a much wider appeal.


Pas de deux196813'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Margaret Mercier (Ballerina), Vincent Warren (Ballet Dancer)

Two ballet dancers perform a dance enhanced with surreal multi and after-image effect visuals.
Norman McLaren takes a look at the choreography of ballet, with cinema effects that are all that you would expect from this master of improvisation in music and illustration. By exposing the same frames as many as ten times, the artist creates a multiple image of the ballerina and her partner (Margaret Mercier and Vincent Warren). A bare, black stage and back-lit figures, plus the remote, airy music of panpipes, produce a quiet and detachment similar to that of Lines.

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This is a play on motion, against a background of multi-hued sky, by animation artists Norman McLaren and René Jodoin. Spheres of translucent pearl seem to float weightlessly in the unlimited panorama of the sky, grouping, regrouping, at times colliding like some stylized burst of an atomic chain reaction. This airy dance is set to the musical cadences of Bach, played by pianist Glenn Gould.



The film's soundtrack is an original musical composition produced with synthetic sound - through photographing...
Here are pyrotechnics of the keyboard, but with only a camera to "play the tune." To make this film, Norman McLaren employed novel optical techniques to compose the piano rhythms of the sound track. These he then moved, in multicolor, onto the picture area of the screen so that, in effect, you see what you hear. It is synchronization of image and sound in the truest sense of the word.

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Ballet Adagio197210'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: David Holmes (Dancer), Anna Marie Holmes (Dancer)

Two ballet dancers perform a dance in ghostly slow motion.
A slow-motion study by Norman McLaren of the pas-de-deux adagio, one of the most exacting and difficult dances of classical ballet. A ballet originally choreographed by the Russian ballet master Asaf Messerer is performed for this film by the internationally known Canadian pair, David and Anna Marie Holmes, to the music of Albinoni's Adagio. A film to heighten the aesthetic appreciation of classical ballet and to afford observation of the technique and mechanics of the adagio movements.


Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Alexander Alexeieff (Himself), Norman McLaren (Himself), Claire Parker (Herself)

In this film by Norman McLaren, Alexandre Alexeieff demonstrates the pinboard technique of film animation that he and his wife, Claire Parker, invented. The principle, which he explains to a group of NFB film artists and animators, is simply the filming of shadows created when pins (240 000 of them) are pushed out from a perforated white rectangular board to varying heights, so creating gradations of light and dark. The amazing visual effects that can be achieved by this method will fascinate anyone interested in the craft of film animation.


Animated Motion #1197610'

The first part of this series by Norman McLaren deals only with tempo. It starts by showing the disc travelling in one move (1/24 of a second) from A to B, and progressively demonstrates slower and slower tempos.


Animated Motion #219779'

In this second film, Norman McLaren presents the first three of the five categories of motion: constant, accelerated, and decelerated. Various types of acceleration and deceleration are demonstrated, and examples are shown of how these types of motion may be applied in regard to gesture, gravity, and perspective.


Animated Motion #3197710'

Zero motion and irregular motion (the other two of the five categories of motion) are examined by Norman McLaren in this part of the series. Immobility (or "zero motion") and its duration, when occurring within a context of motion, plays a vital role in animation. The student sees how irregular motion, though seldom found in nature, can be used freely by the animator.


Animated Motion #419777'

In this fourth film, Norman McLaren explains and illustrates composite motion, where two of the categories of motion occur simultaneously in one action, such as the motions of jointed or pivoted parts (as occur in animal and human movements). Also shown is a human gesture with increasing amounts of emotion; and finally, the phenomenon of "strobing" in animation is examined.


Animated Motion #519788'
Dirigida por: Norman McLaren, Grant Munro
Reparto: Norman McLaren (Narrator (voice))

In this fifth part, Norman McLaren deals not with motion (if motion is defined as a change of location in two- or three-dimensional space) but with change--change in the amount and color of light within an otherwise static screen. Normally, the animator combines such change with motion, but here it is studied in isolation.


Dirigida por: Norman McLaren
Reparto: Jean-Louis Morin (Narcissus), Sylvie Kinal (Nymph), Sylvain Lafortune (A friend)

A balletic interpretation of the Greek myth in which dancers enact the tragedy of the beautiful youth who condemns himself to a trapped existence through excessive self-love.
In Narcissus, Norman McLaren's balletic interpretation of the Greek myth, dancers enact the tragedy of the beautiful youth who condemns himself to a trapped existence through excessive self-love. Visually stunning, the film is a compendium of McLaren techniques developed over a lifetime of experimentation. Film, dance and music are skillfully merged to celebrate the ancient myth and its timeless significance. Of interest to lovers of McLaren, dance fans, animators, psychologists and the general public.


Pas de deux and the Dance of Time198514'

Ludmilla Chiriaeff, founder of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, choreographed Norman McLaren's animated masterpiece Pas de deux in 1967. In this video the image of Madame Chiriaeff is superimposed on Pas de deux as she speaks with intensity of herself and her approach to life, the effects illness and aging have had on her body, her spiritual growth, and the joy of giving.

La Danse vue par Norman McLaren198645'

An internationally renowned creator of animated films, Norman McLaren won his audience through innovative techniques that are also in evidence in his experimental films on ballet. Included here are: Pas de deux: By exposing the same frames as many as ten times, McLaren creates a multiple image of the ballerina, Margaret Mercier, and her partner, Vincent Warren (13 min. 22 sec.); Ballet Adagio: A slow-motion study of the pas-de-deux adagio, one of the most exacting and difficult dances of classical ballet (9 min. 59 sec.); and Narcissus/Narcisse: Dancers enact the tragic Greek myth of the beautiful youth who condemns himself to a trapped existence through excessive self-love (21 min. 47 sec.). A film without words.

Creative Process: Norman McLaren1990117'
Dirigida por: Claude Dionne, Donald McWilliams
Reparto: John Grierson (Himself (voice)), Susan Huycke ( (voice)), Norman McLaren (Himself (archive footage)), Gavin Millar (Interviewer (archive footage)), Grant Munro (Himself)

Norman McLaren, visual poet, master of technique and film pioneer, was one of the world's great animators. This compilation of seven of his best-loved works includes: Pas de deux (13 min. 22 sec.); Neighbours (8 min. 10 sec.); A Chairy Tale; (10 min. 5 sec.); Ballet Adagio (9 min. 59 sec.); Begone Dull Care (7 min. 48 sec.); C'est l'aviron (3 min. 18 sec.); and Pen Point Percussion (5 min. 58 sec.).

ed2k linkNorman.Mclaren.-.Creative.Process.avi ed2k link statsEnglish

Hilo con los ripeos definitivos de Faeton: Norman McLaren: The collector's edition
Última edición por lapsus el Sab 09 Oct, 2004 18:57, editado 1 vez en total.

Mensajes: 111
Registrado: Lun 10 May, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Santiago de Chile

Mensaje por LAUTARO » Sab 05 Jun, 2004 23:10

:plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: bravo lapsus, un trabajo extraordinario.

En fin , solo quería aportar con algo de información sobre la autora del artículo sobre Mc Laren, mi compatriota Vivienne Barry:

Homenaje a las arpilleras y a la memoria


La cineasta chilena Vivienne Barry ganó el primer premio Coral de animación del 24º Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana, con un corto en la categoría de animación. La obra se centra en las arpilleras que fabricaban las pobladoras en dictadura para describir el horror de la época.

Por: Marco Fajardo
Fuente: PrimeraLínea

El 12 de diciembre pasado, la cineasta Vivienne Barry recibió la llamada de una amiga que quería felicitarla luego de haber leido que se había ganado el primer premio Coral de animación en el Festival de Cine de La Habana con el corto “Como alitas de chincol”. Fue un verdadero regalo de Navidad anticipado para esta creadora, con una larga trayectoria en el cine de animación (fue autora de la premiada serie “Tata a colores” de principios de los 90 en TVN), aunque hasta esa llamada no se había enterado del premio.

Vivienne Barry animando “Como alitas de chincol"

Es que en su momento la cineasta ni siquiera pudo viajar a la isla a participar en el certamen, ya que el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores decidió costear los pasajes de otros cuatro cineastas nacionales que concursaron en el Festival. Anteriormente la obra fue presentada en la última versión del Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia y en el 10. Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Santiago.

Barry fue premiada por un jurado compuesto por el escritor William Ospina (Colombia), el productor Walter Achúgar (Uruguay), la documentalista Chiara Varese Scotto (Perú) y la cineasta Belkis Vega Belmonte (Cuba). En 1990, la realizadora había presentado en la misma categoría la obra “Nostalgias de Dresden”.

Además de Barry, en el certamen obtuvieron premios los realizadores chilenos Erwin Gómez Vinales, quien obtuvo un Premio Especial de Jurado por su corto de animación “Rokunga, el último hombre pájaro”, y los documentalistas Bettina Perut e Ivan Osnovikoff, quienes obtuvieron el Premio al Documental Experimental con su obra “Un hombre aparte”. En el evento además se realizó una retrospectiva de los cien años del cine chileno, donde se mostraron quince largometrajes nacionales.

Otras obras participantes por Chile fueron “A diestra y siniestra”, de Marcelo Gaete, “Estación de invierno”, de Pamela Espinoza, “Ogú y Mampato en Rapanui”, de Alejandro Rojas, “Paraíso B”, de Nicolás Acuña, “Un hombre aparte”, de Bettina Perut, “El fotógrafo”, de Sebastián Alarcón y “El Leyton”, de Gonzalo Justiniano. Por los Premios Coral compitieron más de 110 films de más de 10 países.


En el corto premiado cobran vida las historias que en los años 70 tejieron las mujeres pobladoras de Santiago en centenares de arpilleras, relatando lo que ocurría en aquella época y no podía ser mencionado en los medios de comunicación. Según la autora, la obra “es un homenaje a las mujeres que bordaron la historia durante la dictadura”, quienes creaban con trapos que recogían de la basura para hacer una crónica de los hechos en un momento “de mucha censura, donde no se podía hablar”.

Barry cuenta que en su momento las tejedoras fueron amparadas por la Vicaría de la Solidaridad y muchas de sus obras eran enviadas a Europa. “A veces ellas les ponían papelitos, cartas con mensajes”, señala, aunque “muchas arpilleras fueron requisadas y en algunos diarios se dijo que era propaganda antichilena”.

La idea original del corto “Como alitas de chincol” nació hace más de veinte años en el exilio en Dresden (entonces Alemania Oriental, donde residió Barry hasta 1981) y el financiamiento provino del Fondart.

"Como alitas de chincol" es una frase de la canción "Angelita Huenumán" del cantautor Víctor Jara.


Para realizar el corto de 10 minutos, filmado en 35 milímetros y luego trasladado al video, Barry usó animación de géneros, bordados y patchwork. “Los temas que ellas bordaron fueron los allanamientos, los desaparecidos, los comedores populares. En el bombardeo de La Moneda, por ejemplo, muestro los aviones volando, el fuego. Estoy moviendo lo que ellas plasmaron en algo que estaba detenido”.

Primero se debió preparar los géneros y copiar las arpilleras auténticas. “Volvimos a hacerlas para poderlas mover, porque en las originales está todo cosido. Por ejemplo, las arpilleras tienen unos muñecos de trapo chicos, y hubo que hacerles esqueletos para que se movieran”, señala. “Los trabajos originales se consiguieron con las mismas señoras, en la Vicaría, o se reconstruyeron gracias a fotografías de la época”.

Además de la autora, en la preparación del corto participaron siete tejedoras, dos asistentes de animación, un camarógrafo, un iluminador, un fotógrafo y una periodista que recopiló distintos antecedentes. La producción comenzó en septiembre del 2001 y concluyó en marzo del año pasado.

Aunque el corto no ha sido exhibido públicamente, Barry realizará una muestra en dos semanas más en una sala del Consejo de Calificación Cinematográfica.

Lunes 6 de Enero de 2003
"El arte revolucionario debe ser una magia capaz de hechizar al hombre hasta tal punto que éste ya no soporte vivir en esta realidad absurda" Glauber Rocha

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Registrado: Lun 08 Sep, 2003 02:00

Mensaje por marcambit » Dom 06 Jun, 2004 14:03

Joder, Lapsus, vaya crack estás hech@! :-) :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas:

Menuda currada!

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Mensaje por cramer » Dom 06 Jun, 2004 14:57

Vaya tela lapsus!
esto se podría poner en filmografias, no?
a ver si alguien se anima y pone los links que faltan.

muchas gracias

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Mensaje por kenobi » Dom 06 Jun, 2004 15:21

Muchísimas gracias Lapsus. Me encanta lo bien que ha quedado. Todo muy bien clarificado y estructurado. Así no hay que recorrerse todos los hilos.

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Registrado: Jue 13 Nov, 2003 01:00

Mensaje por peperolo2003 » Lun 07 Jun, 2004 14:15

:plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas: :plas:

Estas que te sales.
¿Te vas a currar tu solo las filmos de ZXZ?

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Mensaje por LauRíSTiCa » Lun 07 Jun, 2004 16:13

Joer...te felicito por el pedazo curro de este post y por la filmo de Svankmajer.
Con gente así no me extraña que este foro esté últimamente desbordado.
Muchísimas gracias, lapsus. :plas: :plas: :plas:

Por cierto, yo pondría estas dos filmos como hilos fijos en esta sección. ¿Qué opinais? Aunque son filmografías en toda regla no creo q deban estar junto con el resto de filmografías clásicas.
Me espero a los comentarios antes de toquitear nada. :mrgreen:

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Registrado: Jue 13 Nov, 2003 01:00

Mensaje por peperolo2003 » Lun 07 Jun, 2004 17:01

Of course Lauristica.
Peazo curro, ha de estar en sitio preferente.

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Mensaje por Nalekh » Lun 07 Jun, 2004 21:31

Vaya curro Lapsus! Gracias por inaugurar las filmografias ZXZ con estas dos tan profesionales

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Mensaje por marvin2kk » Mar 08 Jun, 2004 09:26

me apunto a las felicitaciones :**

:D :D :D

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Mensaje por etayo » Mar 08 Jun, 2004 09:55

Idem idem, impresionante, a ver si podemos ir rellenando :mrgreen:

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Mensaje por retroinvasor » Mar 08 Jun, 2004 11:02

LauRíSTiCa escribió: Por cierto, yo pondría estas dos filmos como hilos fijos en esta sección. ¿Qué opinais? Aunque son filmografías en toda regla no creo q deban estar junto con el resto de filmografías clásicas.
Me espero a los comentarios antes de toquitear nada. :mrgreen:
Totalmente de acuerdo, lauri.
Este post junto al de Svankmajer, debe estar en un sitio preferente.
Gracias Lapsus, por acercarnos a estas dos figuras. Gran trabajo.

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Mensaje por Faeton » Mar 08 Jun, 2004 11:39

Me uno a las felicitaciones. ¡Qué gran trabajo! Ojalá las localicemos todas :mrgreen:

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Mensaje por lapsus » Mié 09 Jun, 2004 12:00

Muchas Gracias por vuestros comentarios!! :D

Veo que os ha gustado la clasificación, Ahora lo que faltaría como algun@ dice es ir rellenando con enlaces (que espero algún dia aparezcan).
Ah! Y me parece perfecto lo de dejarlos como hilos fijos, espero que así la gente se anime a bajarse estas cositas tan buenas.

Este hilo queda abierto a cualquier comentario, duda, o ofrecimiento.

Saludos!! Y Gracias otra vez. :wink:

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Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por TSensei » Lun 28 Jun, 2004 17:06

Cielos, que maravilla!

Muchas muchas gracias, os lo digo de verdad...

De todo todo todo lo que ha hecho este buen hombre "Seven Till Five" me ha dejado sin aliento. Es el corto mas bonito que he visto en mi vida.
INCREIBLE. (mmm bueno, reconozco cierta debilidad por Mackintosh... y puede que por eso no sea del todo imparcial... :D)

No me paso mucho por aqui pero cada vez que miro el foro me sorprendo mas... y es que como voy a mirarlo todos los días! me muero!

Gracias :D

Mensajes: 102
Registrado: Mié 09 Jun, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Plaza O" Higging, Valparaíso.

Mensaje por ipomeo » Dom 11 Jul, 2004 10:11

soy nuevo en esto y no sé agregar los links, pero echen un vistazo en el emule, hay varios hilos más para ir llenando los huecos.

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Mensaje por Jacob » Lun 26 Jul, 2004 15:17

No sé a quién agradecérselo más:
lapsus, ZXZ, DXC, la mula, internet, Norman McLaren, mi prima la de Coria..... :mrgreen:

¡¡Gracias y mil veces gracias!! :D :D :D :wink:

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Registrado: Sab 01 Mar, 2003 01:00
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Mensaje por Faeton » Mar 17 Ago, 2004 12:51

Fijaos lo que se está preparando. Me parece que voy a ir ahorrando... :mrgreen: