Oliver Twist (David Lean, 1948) DVDRip VOSE

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Oliver Twist (David Lean, 1948) DVDRip VOSE

Mensaje por marlowe62 » Mar 02 Mar, 2010 16:22


Oliver Twist
(GB, 1948) [B/N, 116 m.].

Ficha técnica.
Dirección: David Lean.
Argumento: Charles Dickens (novela).
Guión: David Lean, Stanley Haynes / Eric Ambler, Kay Walsh (no acreditados).
Fotografía: Guy Green.
Música: Arnold Bax.
Producción: Ronald Neame.
Productora: Cineguild.
Reparto: Robert Newton ( Bill Sikes), Alec Guinness (Fagin), Kay Walsh (Nancy), Francis L. Sullivan (Mr. Bumble), John Howard Davies (Oliver Twist), Henry Stephenson (Mr. Brownlow), Mary Clare (Mrs. Corney), Anthony Newley (Artful Dodger), Josephine Stuart (Oliver's Mother), Ralph Truman (Monks), Kathleen Harrison (Mrs. Sowerberry), Gibb McLaughlin (Mr. Sowerberry), Amy Veness (Mrs. Bedwin), Diana Dors (Charlotte), Frederick Lloyd (Dr. Grimwig), Ivor Barnard (Chairman of the Board), Maurice Denham (Chief of Police).

Sinopsis: Oliver es un niño huérfano que cuando era un bebé fue abandonado a las puertas del orfanato por una madre soltera. Resultando ser una carga para el malvado director de la institución, decide venderlo a un empresario como aprendiz para su taller. Cansado de los malos tratos, huye y se convierte en un raterillo que se acaba uniendo a un grupo de pequeños delincuentes que roban para su jefe. (FILMAFFINITY)
AMG SYNOPSIS: The second of director David Lean's adaptations of a Charles Dickens novel (Great Expectations (1946) was the first), Oliver Twist expertly boils down an enormous novel to a little less than two hours' screen time. The film begins with baby Oliver left on the doorstep of an orphanage/workhouse by his unwed mother. Proving a difficult charge to the wicked orphanage official, Oliver (John Howard Davies) is sold into a job as an undertaker's apprentice. He runs away and joins a gang of larcenous street urchins, led by master pickpocket Fagin (Alec Guinness). Oliver is rescued from this life by the kindly Mr. Brownlow (Henry Stephenson); but, with the complicity of evil Bill Sikes (Robert Newton), Fagin abducts Oliver. Sikes' girl friend Nancy (Kay Walsh) restores Oliver to Brownlow, leading to tragic consequences before an ultimately happy ending. Oliver Twist was filmed in England in 1948, but its American release was held up for three years due to the allegedly anti-Semitic portrayal of the duplicitous Fagin. Even in its currently censored form, Oliver Twist is one the best-ever film versions of a Dickens novel. It served as a blueprint for Oliver! (1968), the Oscar-winning musical version.

AMG REVIEW: David Lean's ambitious interpretation of this Charles Dickens classic is a powerful but flawed film. Guy Green's hyaline cinematography dominates the picture from its opening shots of a terrified young woman stumbling around in a stormy heath to its closing scenes of mob violence. His camera is perched above the characters, implying moral superiority to the many flawed characters, while making the ever-vulnerable Oliver look cowed and beaten. The turbulent world of mid-19th century London, with its incessant hustle and bustle of human industry, is recreated so carefully that the vibrant set designs almost overshadow the memorable characters that roam these streets. A smorgasbord of urban decay, social disorder, and class conflict imbues the film with a potent sensuality, as both natural elements and human architecture conspire to consume the disadvantaged. An unrecognisable Alec Guinness, endowed with pounds of prosthetics to mask his youthful vigour, creates a sympathetic Fagin out of a potentially racist caricature. Robert Newton's Mephistophelean Bill Sikes is exemplary, particularly in the scene in which he brutally murders Nancy then sits in tortured and hysterical contemplation of the deed. Dickens' faith in the human spirit is well-depicted in Oliver's ability to survive despite the cruelty of this unjust world. Both Dickens when he wrote the novel and Lean when he filmed it were men near the beginning of their careers whose optimism shone through the darkness of the material. However, the film closes with scenes of mob vigilantism and sentimentality that carry messages betraying the social commentary that precedes them.

Versión DVDRip VO+SE 1cd. Edición Criterion.
Publicada por Flat|Erik en Fileheaven.
ed2k linkOliver.Twist.1948.DVDRip.XviD-VCDVaULT.avi ed2k link stats

Subtítulos (descarga directa): castellano / inglés.

Datos técnicos:

Código: Seleccionar todo

  �۲      VIDEO.CODEC...:     XviD                                     �۲
  �۲      VIDEO.BITRATE.:     737                                      �۲
  �۲      RESOLUTION....:     480x352                                  �۲
  �۲      ASPECT.RATIO..:     4:3                                      �۲
  �۲      AUDIO.CODEC...:     Mono MP3                                 �۲
  �۲      AUDIO.BITRATE.:     96                                       �۲
  �۲      FPS:..........:     23.976                                   �۲
  �۲      LANGUAGE......:     English                                  �۲
  �۲      SUBTITLES.....:     None                                     �۲
Capturas: no figuran.
Otras versiones en DXC:
Oliver Twist (David Lean, 1948) DVDRip Dual


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Re: Oliver Twist (David Lean, 1948) DVDRip VOSE

Mensaje por Sarmale » Mar 02 Mar, 2010 17:20

Marlowe, muchas gracias. Soy "la tonta del Dickens". Me sé párrafos suyos de memoria, palmeo como una tonta cuando le leo, me admiro, me enamoré de Sidney Carton (también de Athos, a pesar de Tuppence)...

Así que escribo para acordarme de bajarla cuando pueda... Gracias, gracias, gracias... :plas: :plas: :plas:
Elige en amistad
a esas personas,
que sabes que no te van a dar disgustos
hasta el día de su muerte.

Gloria Fuertes

Mensajes: 1035
Registrado: Sab 06 Nov, 2004 01:00

Re: Oliver Twist (David Lean, 1948) DVDRip VOSE

Mensaje por Tuppence » Lun 16 Ago, 2010 19:05

:) Gracias, Marlowe. La pincho ahora. No me funciona el enlace a subs en inglés. ¿Se pueden bajar de otro sitio?

Y, por cierto, que hasta ahora no había visto el comentario de Sarmale, donde declara su amor Athos (again!).

¡¡Desligitimación social para los maltratadores!! El maltratador es un cobarde, un delincuente y puede llegar a ser un ASESINO.
No seas complice.