La Circostanza (Ermanno Olmi, 1973) TVrip VO

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La Circostanza (Ermanno Olmi, 1973) TVrip VO

Mensaje por Fredersen » Mar 13 Jun, 2006 19:44

Al igual que con con I Recuperanti (viewtopic.php?t=46689), una versión de esta rara peli de Olmi sacada de la RAI, sin subtítulos de ninguna clase:

ed2k link[cine) La Circostanza - 1974 - Ermanno Olmi (byjAcHi)_L001.avi ed2k link stats
This family drama is a highly personal vision by Italian writer/director/cameraman Ermanno Olmi. It details a summer in the life of the family of a prosperous businessman and his wife. However, there are ominous signs in his life: his company may let him go, his wife finds the family uninvolving, and his son and daughter are now old enough to be independent and somewhat self-centered. His wife finds solace in caring for a young accident victim, his son finds solace in his inventions and in his wife and new child, and the young daughter (who dislikes her mother) in her newfound sense of romance. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
La circostanza/The Circumstance (1973; August 10 at noon) pushes to an extreme the fragmentation of I fidanzati and Un certo giorno. The film examines several members of a well-to-do family during a summer of crisis for each: teenage Silvia is tempted to lose her virginity; her brother is in rebellion against his parents; their older brother’s wife is about to give birth; the head of the family takes part in a business simulation that, though presented as an educational game, reminds him and his fellow office workers that their futures are uncertain; and his wife, after arriving at the scene of an accident in which a teenage boy has been badly burned, finds a new, private purpose in life as she makes repeated visits to the boy’s hospital room. The film has extraordinary fluidity: as Olmi’s short flashbacks overlap, it becomes difficult to tell whose subjectivity, if anyone’s, is organizing the narrative. Toward the end, it becomes almost too explicit in its willful inconclusiveness and its mysticism, but it’s exciting to watch.

In La circostanza especially, but also in his other films, Olmi’s jagged editing patterns create the sense that the characters are living not in the present moment but in a whirl of pasts, futures, and fantasies. His characters, mirroring us, hope and expect to emerge intact at the other end of this everyday chaos. But in I fidanzati, who knows what will happen after Giovanni’s one and a half years in Sicily? And will the father in La circostanza come to work tomorrow to find his desk cleared? ~ CHRIS FUJIWARA
IMDb link:

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Registrado: Jue 16 Sep, 2004 02:00
Ubicación: Frente al mar

Mensaje por manuela » Mar 13 Jun, 2006 21:58

Por qué no la habrá pinchado nadie?Tal vez porque no tiene subtítulos y es una peli rara?
Yo si la pongo a descargar. Ya veremos que tal está...
"La armonía interior es mejor que la evidente" Heráclito

Mensajes: 53
Registrado: Jue 25 Mar, 2004 01:00

Mensaje por Fredersen » Mié 14 Jun, 2006 19:04

manuela escribió:Por qué no la habrá pinchado nadie?Tal vez porque no tiene subtítulos y es una peli rara?
Yo si la pongo a descargar. Ya veremos que tal está...
Supongo que lo del italiano a pelo echa mucho para atrás... Yo tampoco la pincharía si no fuese porque dudo que pueda encontrarla con subtítulos. Y lo mismo ocurre para I recuperanti. Son películas hechas para televisión que difícilmente se debieron editar en vídeo o se editarán en DVD, así que esto es lo que hay. Claro que Camina, camina yo la he visto en televisión en castellano (y ni el atroz doblaje consiguió destrozar tan sensacional película), así que nunca se sabe... :roll:

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Nueve Maletas
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Registrado: Dom 11 Jun, 2006 09:49

Mensaje por Nueve Maletas » Lun 29 Ene, 2007 21:39

Pues yo también la pincho, aunque sea con medio año de retraso, pero es que todas las pelis de Olmi que he visto me encantan.