Sacco e Vanzetti (Giuliano Montaldo, 1971) DVDRip Dual SE

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Sacco e Vanzetti (Giuliano Montaldo, 1971) DVDRip Dual SE

Mensaje por marlowe62 » Vie 16 Jul, 2010 21:49

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Sacco e Vanzetti
(Sacco y Vanzetti / Sacco & Vanzetti )
(Italia-Francia, 1971) [Color, 120 m.].
Género: Drama político, drama judicial.

Ficha técnica.
Dirección: Giuliano Montaldo.
Argumento: Fabrizio Onofri, Giuliano Montaldo, Mino Roli.
Guión: Ottavio Jemma, Giuliano Montaldo, Fabricio Onofri.
Fotografía: Silvano Ippoliti.
Música: Ennio Morricone.
Producción: Arrigo Colombo, Giorgio Papi.
Productora: Jolly Film / Unidis Largo Messina / Ital-Noleggio Cinematografico / Theatre Le Rex S.A.
Reparto: Gian Maria Volonté (Bartolomeo Vanzetti), Riccardo Cucciolla (Nicola Sacco), Cyril Cusack (Procuratore Katzmann), Rosanna Fratello (Moglie Di Sacco), Milo O'Shea (Avvocato Moore), William Prince (Avvocato Thompson), Claude Mann (Giornalista), Armenia Balducci (Virginia, Sorella Di Vanzetti), Geoffrey Keen, Franco Odoardi, Raffaele Triglia, Paul Sheriff, Carlo Sabatini, Maria Grazia Marescalchi, Edward Jewesbury, Marisa Fabbri.

Sinopsis: En los años veinte, un atraco en Massachussetts se salda con un par de muertos. Buscando un chivo expiatorio, la policía acusa del crimen a dos inmigrantes italianos anarquistas. A pesar de las protestas, ambos fueron ejecutados poco después.
In 1920, the anarchist Italian immigrants Niccola Sacco (Riccardo Cucciolla) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (Gian Maria Volonté) are sentenced to death, falsely accused of a robbery and murder. Indeed they are condemned due to their political beliefs, in one of the most shameful and hypocrite judgments of the human history (IMDb).

AMG SYNOPSIS: One of the most notorious American judicial cases of the 20th Century is paced and photographed like a "spaghetti western" in the Italian Sacco and Vanzetti. There is no denying that Nicola Sacco (Riccardo Cucciolla) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (Gian Maria Volonte) were anarchists. But it is highly doubtful that Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty of murder. However, their trial took place at the height of the 1920s "Red Scare," so there was little opportunity for the two men to receive fair treatment. Despite worldwide protests from politicians, intellectuals, and "average Joes," Sacco and Vanzetti were executed on August 23, 1927, after spending nearly seven years on Death Row. Like most TV and film accounts of this story, Sacco & Vanzetti is clearly sympathetic to the main characters. The film would have been twice as effective with half of the script's dogmatic speechifying. -- Hal Erickson
AMG REVIEW: Giuliano Montaldo's Sacco and Vanzetti can be included not only on any list of fine political films of the early '70s, but also on a tally of unintended consequences stemming from the Vietnam War and its attendant social upheavals. The movie presents a one-sided view of the American justice system that is almost certainly accurate for the era depicted, and there was, indeed, a great deal of activism and speechifying associated with the two men's trial and its aftermath, leading up to their execution. The prosecution and execution was enough of a political and intellectual flash point to yield one great American play during the '30s, Maxwell Anderson's Winterset (which, in turn, became a fine movie), and the whole event became a lingering sore point among Europeans (especially Italians) for decades. The strident and didactic tone of Montaldo's film, therefore, is to be expected. Under ordinary circumstances, the movie would have gotten only modest distribution in the United States and no publicity. (Americans tend to know the less-than-brutal "truths" about their history, concentrating on the safest, rosiest, most one-sided outlook on most of it, and the Sacco and Vanzetti trial wasn't in the history curriculum of too many high schools.) The film should have passed barely noticed; instead, it became a hit, with extended runs in major cities and a lot of press behind it, and was even widely shown on television later in the decade. This was mostly a result of its having been released during the Vietnam War amid the Nixon administration's active campaign against anti-war immigrants and visitors (as well as citizens). Montaldo's movie ended up touching a raw nerve in the U.S. and providing a history lesson to many Americans who knew nothing of the original facts behind the case, and added to the radicalization of millions of them. As it happens, the film, for all of its stridency, is also well made, which helps. Established actors from the American and British stages, including Milo O'Shea, William Prince, and Cyril Cusack, provided just enough familiarity amid the largely Italian cast to make the movie work dramatically, and the message and story did the rest. In addition, the presence of Joan Baez, then a leader of the anti-war movement, on the soundtrack -- which yielded a charting single for RCA -- helped pull in thousands of politically sympathetic filmgoers. That said, Sacco and Vanzetti is ultimately a somewhat heavy-handed film, more message than drama, but the story it tells, coupled with the sincerity of its participants, overcomes that flaw, and its own history makes it as much a history lesson about the early '70s as the script was a history lesson about the '20s. -- Bruce Eder
A Boston, nel 1920, due immigrati italiani, Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti, vengono accusati di rapina a mano armata e omicidio ai danni di due cassieri di un calzaturificio. Nonostante le prove presentate dalla difesa, il processo contro i due italiani si conclude con la loro condanna a morte: un verdetto che suscita scalpore in tutto il mondo, poiché la sua formulazione appare legata più a motivi politici - la dichiarata fede anarchica degli imputati - che a reali prove di colpevolezza. Tra l'emissione della sentenza e la sua applicazione trascorrono sette lunghi anni, durante i quali vengono ostinatamente respinte tutte le richieste di riapertura del processo avanzate dai difensori di Sacco e Vanzetti, sulla base di nuovi elementi venuti alla luce. I due italiani vengono giustiziati alla mezzanotte del 23 agosto 1927; fino all'ultimo istante essi protestano inutilmente la loro innocenza. (Cinematografo)
Deux Italiens, Nicolas Sacco, cordonnier et Bartoloméo Vanzetti, marchand de poissons, sont arrêtés le 5 mai 1920 et accusés du meurtre de deux hommes commis au cours d'un hold-up, non loin de New York. Les charges retenues contre les prévenus sont, au cours du procès, aisément mises en pièces par Fred Moore, leur avocat : ils ont de solides alibis qui les disculpent. Mais, curieusement, devant des preuves pourtant irréfutables, le juge et le district attorney développent une argumentation toute imprégnée de xénophobie et de racisme qui séduit le jury, Les deux accusés sont étrangers et Vanzetti, de surcroît, est un anarchiste ! Ils sont condamnés à mort.
Ce déni de justice soulève des tempêtes d'indignation aux Etats-Unis mais aussi un peu partout dans le monde. Un nouvel avocat, Thompson, reprend alors l'affaire. Tandis que les deux condamnés attendent de longues années leur exécution, Thompson établit encore une fois leur innocence et rassemble assez d'éléments pour inculper les vrais coupables. Mais le juge refuse de rouvrir le dossier; le recours en grâce est rejeté. Le 23 août 1927, Sacco et Vanzetti meurent sur la chaise électrique. (Monsieur Cinema)

Versión DVDRip Dual SE 1,31 Gb.
Ripeo de Malu, publicado por ahunda en FH.
Subtítulos (descarga directa): castellano
Varias versiones; la primera (están en orden cronológico inverso) para este dual, en SubDivX.

Subtítulos (no comprobados para esta versión): castellano.
Dos archivos de subs, ripeados de DVD y localizados en la mula, que subí hace tiempo a Titles.

ed2k linkSacco e Vanzetti_DVD-RIP_Dual(Spanish-Italian) by Malu.avi ed2k link stats

Datos técnicos:

Código: Seleccionar todo

640x352 XviD, 1322 kbps, 25.000 fps
2 x 122 kbps MP3 (Spanish & Italian)

The original Italian audio is the 2nd stream.
Otras versiones en DXC:
Sacco e Vanzetti (Giuliano Montaldo, 1971) DVDRip VO + AE
Sacco y Vanzetti (Montaldo, 1971) DVDRip VE

Enlaces relacionados:
Documental Sacco And Vanzetti (Peter Miller, 2006) DVDRip VO

Última edición por marlowe62 el Jue 19 Ago, 2010 06:26, editado 3 veces en total.

Mensajes: 229
Registrado: Sab 18 Dic, 2004 01:00

Re: Sacco e Vanzetti (Giuliano Montaldo, 1971) DVDRip Dual SE

Mensaje por elchanguito » Sab 17 Jul, 2010 16:06

A bajar.
Gracias a todos.